Maxime Ferreira Da Costa


maxime.ferreira [at]

Résumé :

  • I am an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay. I work with the Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S).
  • My research focuses on the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of data science, structured signal processing, and inverse problems. I am investigating novel problematics at the intersection of information theory, statistics, harmonic analysis, and optimization. More specifically, I am working on continuous, off-the-grid, inverse problems under sparsity constraints with applications in sensing and imaging systems, telecommunications, and physical layer security. I am particularly interested in quantifying the resolution limits of such problems and in deriving efficient algorithms guaranteeing a stable reconstruction. Additionally, I design communication protocols over the physical layer with mathematically provable privacy guarantees by exploiting the relative hardness of multilinear inverse problems.

Mots clés :

  • Harmonic Analysis; Information Theory; Signal Processing; Inverse Problems; Physical Layer Security

Publications :