Nadine Joachimowicz

nadine.joachimowicz [at]

Publications :

  • Article dans une revue - 25 documents
    • Sahar Borzooei, Pierre-Henri Tournier, Victorita Dolean, Christian Pichot, Nadine Joachimowicz, Helene Roussel, Claire Migliaccio. Numerical Modeling for Shoulder Injury Detection Using Microwave Imaging, 2024-06-19. (
    • Niko Ištuk, Emily Porter, Declan O’loughlin, Barry Mcdermott, Adam Santorelli, Soroush Abedi, Nadine Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, Martin O’halloran. Dielectric Properties of Ovine Heart at Microwave Frequencies, 2021-03-16. (
    • Soroush Abedi, Nadine Joachimowicz, Nicolas Phillips, Hélène Roussel. A Simulation-Based Methodology of Developing 3D Printed Anthropomorphic Phantoms for Microwave Imaging Systems, 2021-02. (
    • Matteo Savazzi, Soroush Abedi, Niko Ištuk, N. Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, Emily Porter, Martin O’halloran, Jorge Costa, Carlos Fernandes, João Felício, Raquel Conceição. Development of an Anthropomorphic Phantom of the Axillary Region for Microwave Imaging Assessment, 2020-09-02. (
    • Flora Zidane, Jérôme Lanteri, Julien Marot, Laurent Brochier, Nadine Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, Claire Migliaccio. Non-destructive Control of Fruit Quality via Millimeter Waves and Classification Techniques, 2020-08-20. (
    • Flora Zidane, Jérôme Lanteri, Laurent Brochier, N. Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, Claire Migliaccio. Damaged Apple Sorting with mmWave Imaging and Non-Linear Support Vector Machine, 2020-08-18. (
    • Jorge A Tobon Vasquez, Rosa Scapaticci, Giovanna Turvani, Gennaro Bellizzi, David Rodriguez-Duarte, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Enrico Tedeschi, Mario R Casu, Lorenzo Crocco, Francesca Vipiana. A Prototype Microwave System for 3D Brain Stroke Imaging, 2020-05. (
    • Jorge Tobon Vasquez, Rosa Scapaticci, Giovanna Turvani, Gennaro Bellizzi, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Enrico Tedeschi, Mario Casu, Lorenzo Crocco, Francesca Vipiana. Design and Experimental Assessment of a 2D Microwave Imaging System for Brain Stroke Monitoring, 2019-05-05. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Christophe Conessa, Olivier Meyer. Anthropomorphic Breast and Head Phantoms for Microwave Imaging, 2018-12-18. (
    • Maria Koutsoupidou, Irene S. Karanasiou, Constantine G. Kakoyiannis, Evengelos Groumpas, Christophe Conessa, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne. Evaluation of a tumor detection microwave system with a realistic breast phantom, 2017-01-02. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, I.C. Bolomey, C. Pichot, A. Franchois, I.P. Hugonint, L. Garnerot, G. Gaboriaud. Quantitative Microwave Tomography for Non-invasive Control of Hyperthermia. Preliminary Numerical Results, 2016-07-21. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Tommy Henriksson, Bernard Duchêne. Breast phantoms for microwave imaging, 2014-12. (
    • J.Ch. Bolomey, N. Joachimowicz. Dielectric Metrology VIA Microwave Tomography: Present and Future, 2011-02-15. (
    • Tommy Henriksson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Quantitative microwave imaging for breast cancer detection using a planar 2.45 GHz system, 2010-10. (
    • O. Franza, N. Joachimowicz, J.-C. Bolomey. SICS: a sensor interaction compensation scheme for microwave imaging, 2002-02. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, J.J. Mallorqui, J.-C. Bolomey, A. Broquetas. Convergence and stability assessment of Newton-Kantorovich reconstruction algorithms for microwave tomography, 1998. (
    • J.J. Mallorquí, N. Joachimowicz, A. Broquetas, J.Ch. Bolomey. Quantitative images of large biological bodies in microwave tomography by using numerical and real data, 1996. (
    • J.J. Mallorqui, N. Joachimowicz, J.Ch. Bolomey, A. Broquetas. Database of "In Vivo" Measurements for Quantitative Microwave Imaging and Reconstruction Algorithms, 1995. (
    • M. Rius, C. Pichot, L. Jofre, J.C. Bolomey, N. Joachimowicz, A. Broquetas, M. Ferrando. Planar and cylindrical active microwave temperature imaging: numerical simulations, 1992. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, C. Pichot, J.P. Hugonin. Inverse scattering: an iterative numerical method for electromagnetic imaging, 1991-12. (
    • L. Garnero, A. Franchois, J.-P. Hugonin, C. Pichot, N. Joachimowicz. Microwave imaging-complex permittivity reconstruction-by simulated annealing, 1991. (
    • L. Garnero, A. Franchois, J.-P. Hugonin, C. Pichot, N. Joachimowicz. Microwave imaging-complex permittivity reconstruction-by simulated annealing, 1991. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, C. Pichot. Comparison of three integral formulations for the 2-D TE scattering problem, 1990-02. (
    • Walid Tabbara, Bernard Duchêne, Christian Pichot, Dominique Lesselier, Luc Chommeloux, Nadine Joachimowicz. Diffraction tomography: contribution to the analysis of some applications in microwaves and ultrasonics, 1988-05. (
    • W Tabbara, B Duchene, Ch Pichot, D Lesselier, L Chommeloux, N. Joachimowicz. Diffraction tomography: contribution to the analysis of some applications in microwaves and ultrasonics, 1988-05-01. (
  • POSTER - 2 documents
    • Sahar Borzooei, Pierre-Henri Tournier, Victoria Dolean, Christian Pichot, Nadine Joachimowicz, Helene Roussel, Claire Migliaccio. Modèle numérique d’un système d’imagerie microonde pour détecter les blessures de l’épaule par apprentissage machine, 2024-06-04. (
    • Flora Zidane, Jérôme Lanteri, Laurent Brochier, Nadine Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, Claire Migliaccio, J. Marot. Tri de pommes par imagerie microonde, 2019-10-28. (
  • Communication dans un congrès - 38 documents
    • Ambroise Diès, Hélène Roussel, N. Joachimowicz. Anthropomorphic contour as a priori information in microwave breast imaging, 2023-11-15. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel. Standard Uwb Phantom ELECtromagnetic RECIPES for microwave imaging, 2023-11-15. (
    • Mengchu Wang, Rosa Scapaticci, Soroush Abedi, Hélène Roussel, Nadine Joachimowicz, Sandra Costanzo, Marta Cavagnaro, Lorenzo Crocco. A Microwave Imaging System Prototype for Liver Ablation Monitoring: Design and Initial Experimental Validation, 2022-05-16. (
    • Wang Mengchu, Marta Cavagnaro, Soroush Abedi, Nadine Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, Sandra Costanzo, Lorenzo Crocco. Initial Experimental Validation of a Microwave Imaging System to Monitor Liver Microwave Thermal Ablation, 2022-03-27. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, Soroush Abedi, Hélène Roussel. Numerical Wideband Anthropomorphic Phantom for Biomedical Microwave Imaging, 2021-11-15. (
    • J. Tobon Vasquez, D. Rodriguez-Duarte, R. Scapaticci, G. Turvani, G. Bellizzi, N. Joachimowicz, B. Duchene, M. Casu, L. Crocco, F. Vipiana. Experimental Imaging Issues of a 3-D Microwave Brain Scanner, 2021-08-09. (
    • Tushar Singh, S Abedi, B Ninkovic, M Stevanovic, N. Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel, B Kolundzija. Smart Simplification of Anthropomorphic Head Phantom Aimed for Microwave Imaging, 2021-03-22. (
    • Niko Istuk, Barry Mcdermott, Emily Porter, Adam Santorelli, Soroush Abedi, Martin O'Halloran, Nadine Joachimowicz, Helene Roussel. Detailed Dielectric Characterisation of the Heart and Great Vessels, 2020-03-15. (
    • Soroush Abedi, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Hélène Roussel, Jorge Tobon, David Rodriguez-Duarte, Rosa Scapaticci, Francesca Vipiana, Lorenzo Crocco. Benchmark Head phantoms for microwave imaging of brain strokes, 2019-12-17. (
    • Claire Migliaccio, Laurent Brochier, Jérôme Lanteri, Flora Zidane, Christian Pichot, I. Platt, I. Woodhead, N. Joachimowicz, H. Roussel. Non Destructive Control of Fruit Quality using Microwaves, 2019-10-10. (
    • J. Tobon Vasquez, R. Scapaticci, G. Turvani, G. Bellizzi, N. Joachimowicz, B. Duchene, M. Casu, L. Crocco, F. Vipiana. Experimental Validation of a Microwave Brain Scanner for Cerebrovascular Diseases Monitoring, 2019-07-07. (
    • Claire Migliaccio, Jérôme Lanteri, Christian Pichot, Laurent Brochier, Nadine Joachimowicz, Hélène Roussel. Détection de défaut dans les pommes par mesure de diffraction en gamme millimétrique, 2019-05-14. (
    • Jorge Alberto Tobón Vásquez, Rosa Scapaticci, Giovanna Turvani, Gennaro Bellizzi, N. Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, M R Casu, Lorenzo Crocco, Francesca Vipiana. 2-D Experimental Testing of a Microwave Imaging System Designed for Cerebrovascular Diseases Monitoring, 2019-03-31. (
    • Soroush Abedi, Nadine Joachimowicz, Olivier Meyer, Dominique Picard, Hélène Roussel. Phantoms for a novel generation of medical microwave imaging devices, 2019-03-31. (
    • Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Rosa Scapaticci, Giovanna Turvani, Gianluca Dassano, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Mario Roberto Casu, Lorenzo Crocco, Francesca Vipiana. First experimental assessment of a microwave imaging prototype for cerebrovascular diseases monitoring, 2018-09-10. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Rosa Scapaticci, Giovanna Turvani, Gianluca Dassano, Mario Roberto Casu, Lorenzo Crocco, Francesca Vipiana. Head phantoms for a microwave imaging system dedicated to cerebrovascular disease monitoring, 2018-09-03. (
    • Rosa Scapaticci, Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Giovanna Turvani, Gianluca Dassano, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Gennaro Bellizzi, Enrico Tedeschi, Mario Roberto Casu, Francesca Vipiana, Lorenzo Crocco. Advancements in the development of microwave technology for brain stroke monitoring, 2018-08. (
    • J. Tobon Vasquez, G. Turvani, G. Dassano, M. Casu, F. Vipiana, N. Joachimowicz, R. Scapaticci, L. Crocco, B. Duchene. Ongoing Developments Towards the Realization of a Microwave Device for Brain Stroke Monitoring, 2018-07-08. (
    • Rosa Scapaticci, Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Giovanna Turvani, Gianluca Dassano, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Mario Roberto Casu, Francesca Vipiana, Lorenzo Crocco. Optimized antenna array layout in a microwave imaging system for brain stroke monitoring, 2018-04-09. (
    • Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Rosa Scapaticci, Giovanna Turvani, Marco Vacca, Imran Sarwar, Mario Roberto Casu, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Lorenzo Crocco. A feasibility study for cerebrovascular diseases monitoring via microwave imaging, 2017-09-11. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Christophe Conessa, Olivier Meyer. Reference phantoms for microwave imaging, 2017-03-19. (
    • Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Francesca Vipiana, Mario Roberto Casu, Marco Vacca, Imran Sarwar, Rosa Scappaticci, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne. Experimental assessment of qualitative microwave imaging using a 3-D realistic breast phantom, 2017-03-19. (
    • Paul M. Meaney, Rydholm Tomas, Andreas Fhager, Mikael Persson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Bernard Duchêne. Conformal mesh and two-step tomographic imaging of the Supelec breast phantom, 2016-10-23. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Christophe Conessa, Olivier Meyer. Easy-to-produce adjustable realistic breast phantoms for microwave imaging, 2016-04-10. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Christophe Conessa, Olivier Meyer, Olivier Dubrunfaut. Easy-to-produce Stable-in-time 3D-printed Breast Phantoms for Microwave Imaging, 2015-10-01. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Olivier Meyer, Christophe Conessa, Bernard Duchêne, Olivier Dubrunfaut, Police Michel. Easy-to-produce Stable-in-time 3D-printed Breast Phantoms for Microwave Imaging, 2015-07-06. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Olivier Dubrunfaut, Kristell Quelever, Bernard Duchêne, Olivier Meyer. Microwave imaging for breast tumor detection, 2014-11-06. (
    • Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Bernard Duchêne. Imagerie micro-onde pour la détection des tumeurs du sein, 2013-10. (
    • Alvaro Diaz-Bolado, Tommy Henriksson, Paul-André Barrière, Hamidreza Memarzadeh-Tehran, Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Alain Joisel, Bernard Duchêne, Jean-Jacques Laurin, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Towards a planar microwave tomography system for breast cancer detection, 2011-08. (
    • Tommy Henriksson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Bernard Duchêne, Christophe Conessa, Jean-Charles Bolomey. A planar microwave breast imaging system based on the modulated scattering technique, 2011-04. (
    • Tommy Henriksson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Calibration issues for quantitative image reconstruction with a planar microwave camera, 2010-07. (
    • Tommy Henriksson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Contribution to quantitative microwave imaging techniques for biomedical applications, 2009-11. (
    • Nikola Petrovic, Tommy Gunnarsson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Magnus Otterskog. Robot controlled data acquisition system for microwave imaging, 2009-03. (
    • Tommy Henriksson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Alain Joisel, Christophe Conessa, Antoine Diet, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Quantitative Microwave Breast Phantom Imaging Using a Planar 2.45 GHz System, 2008-08-07. (
    • Tommy Gunnarson, Nadine Joachimowicz, Alain Joisel, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Comparison between a 2.45 GHz planar and circular scanners for biomedical applications, 2007-06-27. (
    • O. Franza, N. Joachimowicz, J. Ch. Bolomey. EV6: Experimental validation of sensor interaction compensation scheme for microwave imaging, 2003-06-22. (
    • J.M. Geffrin, J.J. Mallorqui, N. Joachimowicz, R. Redondo, M. Vall-Llossera, O. Franza, A. Joisel, J.C. Bolomey. Reduction of the model noise in non-linear reconstruction via an efficient calculation of the incident field: application to a 434 MHz scanner, 1999-07-11. (
    • N. Joachimowicz, C. Pichot. Inverse scattering solution for inhomogeneous bodies, 1992-06-18. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 2 documents
  • Autre publication - 1 document
    • Olivier Meyer, Nadine Joachimowicz, Christophe Conessa, Kristell Quelever. Caractérisation diélectrique large bande de solides et de liquides au GeePs. Application àla caractérisation diélectrique des matériaux constitutifs de fantômes pour la dosimétrie, 2015-11-05. (