Cosme Milesi-Brault


cosme.milesi-brault [at]

Publications :

  • Communication on a congress - 8 documents
    • Cosme Milesi-Brault. Antiferroélectriques : pour quoi en faire ?, 2024-12-12. (
    • Anirudh Kr, Přemysl Vaněk, Esther De Prado, Elena Buixaderas, Cosme Milesi-Brault. PLZT: Old tricks for new dogs, 2024-06-16. (
    • Geraud Delport, Gabriel Chehade, Ferdinand Ledee, Hiba Diab, Cosmes Milesi Brault, Gaëlle Allard-Trippé, Jacky Even, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Damien Garrot. Observation of an important exciton dissociation in confined multi-layered Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites, 2019-05-27. (
    • Geraud Delport, Ferdinand Lédée, Hiba Diab, Cosme Milesi Brault, Gabriel Chehade, Gaëlle Trippé-Allard, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Damien Garrot. Exciton recombination dynamics in phenylethylammonium based 2D-layered hybrid perovskite monocrystalline thin films., 2018-12-05. (
    • Géraud Delport, Ferdinand Lédée, Hiba Diab, Cosmes Milesi Brault, Gaelle Trippe-Allard, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Damien Garrot. Exciton dynamics in 2D layered Hybrid Perovskites Crystals, 2018-07-17. (
    • Géraud Delport, Ferdinand Lédée, Hiba Diab, Cosme Milesi Brault, Gaelle Trippé-Allard, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Damien Garrot. Micro-photoluminescence study of 2D-layered hybrid perovskite monocrystalline thin films. Correlation between the structural and optoelectronics properties, 2018-05-29. (
    • Géraud Delport, Ferdinand Lédée, Hiba Diab, Cosmes Milesi Brault, Gaelle Trippe-Allard, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Damien Garrot. Time-resolved microphotoluminescence study of 2D layered hybrid perovskites crystals. Correlation between the structural and optical properties., 2018-05-14. (
    • Geraud Delport, Ferdinand Lédée, Hiba Diab, Cosme Milesi Brault, Damien Garrot, Gaelle Trippé-Allard, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte. Micro-photoluminescence study of 2D-layered perovskites crystals and thin films. Correlation between the structural and optoelectronics properties., 2018-03-01. (
  • Article in a review - 3 documents
    • Petter Rosander, Erik Fransson, Cosme Milesi-Brault, Constance Toulouse, Frédéric Bourdarot, Andrea Piovano, Alexei Bossak, Mael Guennou, Göran Wahnström. Anharmonicity of the antiferrodistortive soft mode in barium zirconate BaZrO 3, 2023-07-25. (
    • Cosme Milesi-Brault, Constance Toulouse, Evan Constable, Hugo Aramberri, Virginie Simonet, Sophie de Brion, Helmuth Berger, Luigi Paolasini, Alexei Bosak, Jorge Íñiguez, Mael Guennou. Archetypal Soft-Mode-Driven Antipolar Transition in Francisite Cu 3 Bi ( SeO 3 ) 2 O 2 Cl, 2020-03. (
    • Géraud Delport, Gabriel Chehade, Ferdinand Lédée, Hiba Diab, Cosme Milesi-Brault, Gaelle Trippe-Allard, Jacky Even, Jean‐sébastien Lauret, Emmanuelle Deleporte, Damien Garrot. Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in Two-dimensional Halide Perovskites at Room Temperature, 2019-09-05. (