Renaud Seguier
renaud.seguier [at]
Publications :
- Communication dans un congrès - 68 documents
- Neil Farmer, Catherine Soladié, Gabriel Cazorla, Renaud Séguier. Le transfert de fond de teint n'est pas qu'une copie de couleur, 2024-07-01. (
- Neil Farmer, Catherine Soladié, Gabriel Cazorla, Renaud Séguier. Edition Multi-Pivots : Vers une Edition Multi-Directionnelle et Démêlée, 2024-07-01. (
- Neil Farmer, Catherine Soladié, Gabriel Cazorla, Renaud Seguier. Pivotal Tuning Editing: Towards Disentangled Wrinkle Editing with GANs, 2024-05-27. (
- Guénolé Fiche, Simon Leglaive, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Renaud Séguier. Motion-DVAE: Unsupervised learning for fast human motion denoising, 2023-11-15. (
- Matthieu Delmas, Amine Kacete, Stephane Paquelet, Simon Leglaive, Renaud Seguier. Étude sur l'inversion de StyleGAN dans un contexte de détection d'hypertrucages, 2023-08-28. (
- Samir Sadok, Simon Leglaive, Renaud Séguier. A vector quantized masked autoencoder for speech emotion recognition, 2023-06-04. (
- Sen Yan, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. Exploring Mental Prototypes by an Efficient Interdisciplinary Approach: Interactive Microbial Genetic Algorithm, 2023-01-05. (
- Yasser Mohamed Boutaleb, Catherine Soladie, Nam-Duong Duong, Amine Kacete, Jérôme Royan, Renaud Seguier. Regroupement d'Activités de la Main Non-étiquetées, 2022-09-06. (
- Yasser Mohamed Boutaleb, Catherine Soladié, Nam-Duong Duong, Amine Kacete, Jérôme Royan, Renaud Seguier. Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Skeleton Hand Activities Categorization, 2022-05-23. (
- Samir Sadok, Simon Leglaive, Laurent Girin, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Renaud Seguier. Learning and controlling the source-filter representation of speech with a variational autoencoder, 2022-04-11. (
- Yasser Mohamed Boutaleb, Catherine Soladie, Nam-Duong Duong, Jérôme Royan, Renaud Seguier. Multi-stage RGB-based Transfer Learning Pipeline for Hand Activity Recognition, 2022-02-06. (
- Yasser Mohamed Boutaleb, Catherine Soladie, Nam-Duong Duong, Amine Kacete, Jérôme Royan, Renaud Seguier. Efficient Multi-stream Temporal Learning and Post-fusion Strategy for 3D Skeleton-based Hand Activity Recognition, 2021-02-08. (
- Adrien Llave, Simon Leglaive, Renaud Seguier. Localization cues preservation in hearing aids by combining noise reduction and dynamic range compression, 2020-12. (
- Slim Ghorbal, Renaud Seguier. Computed Hrirs and Ears Database for Acoustic Research, 2020-05-25. (
- Slim Ghorbal, Renaud Seguier. On the importance of impedance for perceptual relevance of HRTF, 2020-05-25. (
- Corentin Guezenoc, Renaud Seguier. Dataset Augmentation and Dimensionality Reduction of Pinna-Related Transfer Functions, 2020-05. (
- Jingting Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier, Su-Jing Wang, Moi Hoon Yap. Spotting Micro-Expressions on Long Videos Sequences, 2019-05-14. (
- J. Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. A survey on databases for facial micro-expression analysis, 2019-02-25. (
- Adrien Llave, Renaud Seguier. Influence sur les indices de localisation du beamforming et de la compression de dynamique dans les audioprothèses, 2019. (
- Siwei Wang, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. OCAE: Organization-Controlled Autoencoder for Unsupervised Speech Emotion Analysis, 2019. (
- Corentin Guezenoc, Renaud Seguier. HRTF Individualization: A Survey, 2018-10-17. (
- R. Weber, J. Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. A survey on databases of facial macro-expression and micro-expression, 2018-01-27. (
- Raphael Weber, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. A survey on databases for facial expression analysis, 2018-01-27. (
- Jingting Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. LTP-ML: Micro-Expression Detection by Recognition of Local Temporal Pattern of Facial Movements, 2018. (
- Victor Martin, Renaud Seguier, Aurélie Porcheron, Frédérique Morizot. Towards Continuous Health Diagnosis from Faces with Deep Learning, 2018. (
- Jingting Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. Détection de Micro-expressions par Reconnaissance de Motif Local Temporel de Mouvements Faciaux, 2018. (
- Victor Martin, Renaud Seguier, Aurélie Porcheron, Frédérique Morizot. Understanding the visual effects of cosmetic products on beauty via Deep Learning, 2018. (
- Amine Kacete, Renaud Séguier, Michel Collobert, Jérôme Royan. Can Synthetic Data Handle Unconstrained Gaze Estimation ?, 2017-07-03. (
- Slim Ghorbal, Théo Auclair, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. Pinna morphological parameters influencing HRTF sets, 2017. (
- Amine Kacete, Renaud Séguier, Michel Collobert, Jérôme Royan. Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using Random Forest Regression Voting, 2016-11-20. (
- Amine Kacete, Renaud Séguier, Michel Collobert, Jérôme Royan. Head Pose Free 3D Gaze Estimation Using RGB-D Camera, 2016-10-29. (
- Raphael Weber, Vincent Barrielle, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. High-level geometry-based features of video modality for emotion prediction., 2016-10-16. (
- Amine Kacete, Renaud Séguier, Jérôme Royan, Michel Collobert, Catherine Soladie. Real-time eye pupil localization using Hough regression forest, 2016-03-07. (
- Jérôme Manceau, Renaud Séguier, Catherine Soladie. Reconstruction of face texture based on the fusion of texture patches, 2015-12-14. (
- Jérôme Manceau, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Séguier. 3D Facial Clone based on Depth Patches, 2015-12-13. (
- R Kacete, Renaud Seguier, Jérôme Royan, M Collobert. Champs aléatoires projetés sur l'espace de Hough pour une détection robuste de la pupille de l'oeil, 2015-11-25. (
- Jérôme Manceau, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. Reconstruction d'un clone de visage 3D à partir de patchs de forme, 2015-09-08. (
- Catherine Soladie, Renaud Séguier, Nicolas Stoiber. Bilinear Decomposition for Blended Expression Representation, 2013-11-17. (
- Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier. A 3D - Eyeball/Skin Decorrelated Active Appearance Model, 2013-09-26. (
- Catherine Soladie, Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Séguier. Création de l'espace des expressions faciales à partir de modèles bilinéaires asymétriques, 2013-09-03. (
- Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier, Nicolas Stoiber. Détection de l'iris dans des visages de pose quelconque: approche multi-textures et Modèles Actifs d'Apparence 2.5D, 2013-09-03. (
- Catherine Soladie, Hanan Salam, Catherine Pelachaud, Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Seguier. A Multimodal Fuzzy Inference System Using a Continuous Facial Expression Representation for Emotion Detection, 2012-10-22. (
- Catherine Soladie, Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Seguier. A New Invariant Representation of Facial Expressions : Definition and Application to Blended Expression Recognition, 2012-09-30. (
- Vincent Rapp, Thibaud Sénéchal, Lionel Prevost, Kevin Bailly, Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier. Combinaison de Descripteurs Hétérogènes pour la Reconnaissance de Micro-Mouvements Faciaux, 2012-01-24. (
- Thibaud Sénéchal, Vincent Rapp, Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier, Kevin Bailly, Lionel Prevost. Combining LGBP Histograms with AAM coefficients in the Multi-Kernel SVM framework to detect Facial Action Units, 2011-03-21. (
- Abdul Sattar, Renaud Séguier. Hybrid Multi-Objective Active Appearance Model for Gamer's Facial Features Detection, 2009-09-08. (
- Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Séguier, Gaspard Breton. Automatic design of a control interface for a synthetic face, 2009-02-08. (
- Yasser Aidarouss, Renaud Séguier. Fast Simplex Optimization for Active Appearance Model, 2009-01-13. (
- Abdul Sattar, Renaud Séguier. GGA-AAM: Novel Heuristic Method of Gradient Driven Genetic Algorithm for Active Appearance Models, 2008-11-13. (
- Abdul Sattar, Renaud Séguier. MVAAM (Multi-View Active Appearance Model) Optimized by Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, 2008-09-17. (
- Amor Nafkha, Julien Delorme, Renaud Séguier, Christophe Moy, Jacques Palicot. A heterogeneous reconfigurable platform for cognitive radio systems, 2008. (
- Yasser Aidarouss, Sylvain Le Gallou, Renaud Seguier. Simplex Optimisation Initialized by Gaussian Mixture for Active Appearance Models, 2007-12-03. (
- Sylvain Le Gallou, Gaspard Breton, Renaud Seguier, Christophe Garcia. Avatar Puppetry Using Real-Time Audio and Video Analysis, 2007-09-17. (
- Renaud Séguier, Sylvain Le Gallou. Cartes orientées et modèles actifs d'apparence, 2007-09. (
- Amor Nafkha, Renaud Séguier, Jacques Palicot, Christophe Moy, Jean-Philippe Delahaye. A Reconfigurable BaseBand Transmitter for Adaptive Image Coding, 2007-07-05. (
- Yasser Aidarouss, Sylvain Le Gallou, Abdul Sattar, Renaud Seguier. Face Alignment using active appearance model optimized by simplex, 2007-03-08. (
- Denis Giri, Maxime Rosenwald, Benjamin Villeneuve, Sylvain Le Gallou, Renaud Seguier. Scale Normalization for the Distance Maps AAM, 2006-12. (
- Sylvain Le Gallou, Gaspard Breton, Christophe Garcia, Renaud Séguier. Cartes de distances : prétraitement robuste à l'illumination pour les modèles actifs d'apparence (AAM), 2006-11. (
- Jouni Viinikka, Hervé Debar, Ludovic Mé, Renaud Seguier. Time series modeling for IDS alert management, 2006-03. (
- Sylvain Le Gallou, Gaspard Breton, Christophe Garcia, Renaud Séguier. Distance Maps: a robust illumination preprocessing for active appearence models, 2006-02. (
- N. Cladel, Renaud Seguier. MGS2 : Optimisation multicritères de contours actifs par algorithmes génétiques, 2005-09-06. (
- E. Bouan, Alain Chardon, David Martinez, N. Cladel, Renaud Seguier. LevelSet versus AGSnakes as Mouth's Shape Extraction Algorithm, 2005-08. (
- Renaud Seguier. A very fast adaptative face detection system, 2004-09-06. (
- N. Cladel, Renaud Seguier. Active contours multiobjective optimisation by hybrid algorithms, 2004-09-01. (
- Renaud Séguier. Détection de visage adaptative, 2004-05-25. (
- A. R. Baig, Renaud Seguier, Gilles Vaucher. Image Sequence Analysis using a Spatio-Temporal Coding for Automatic Lipreading, 1999-09-27. (
- Article dans une revue - 27 documents
- Samir Sadok, Simon Leglaive, Laurent Girin, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Renaud Séguier. A Multimodal Dynamical Variational Autoencoder for Audiovisual Speech Representation Learning, 2024-04. (
- Sen Yan, Catherine Soladié, Jean-Julien Aucouturier, Renaud Seguier. Combining GAN with reverse correlation to construct personalized facial expressions, 2023-08-25. (
- Yasser Mohamed Boutaleb, Catherine Soladie, Nam-Duong Duong, Amine Kacete, Jérôme Royan, Renaud Seguier. MES-loss: Mutually Equidistant Separation Metric Learning Loss Function, 2023-06. (
- Samir Sadok, Simon Leglaive, Laurent Girin, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Renaud Séguier. Learning and controlling the source-filter representation of speech with a variational autoencoder, 2023-03. (
- Florian Bernard, Anne Clavreul, Morgane Casanova, Jérémy Besnard, Jean-Michel Lemée, Gwénaëlle Soulard, Renaud Séguier, Philippe Menei. Virtual Reality-Assisted Awake Craniotomy: A Retrospective Study, 2023-02-02. (
- Jingting Li, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. Local Temporal Pattern and Data Augmentation for Micro-Expression Spotting, 2023. (
- Mouath Aouayeb, Catherine Soladie, Wassim Hamidouche, Kidiyo Kpalma, Renaud Seguier. Spatiotemporal Features Fusion From Local Facial Regions for Micro-Expressions Recognition, 2022-04-13. (
- M. Aouayeb, Wassim Hamidouche, Catherine Soladie, Kidiyo Kpalma, Renaud Seguier. Micro-expression recognition from local facial regions, 2021-11. (
- Morgane Casanova, Anne Clavreul, Gwénaëlle Soulard, Matthieu Delion, Ghislaine Aubin, Aram ter Minassian, Renaud Seguier, Philippe Menei. Immersive Virtual Reality and Ocular Tracking for Brain Mapping During Awake Surgery: Prospective Evaluation Study, 2021-03-24. (
- Pablo Arias, Catherine Soladie, Oussema Bouafif, Axel Roebel, Renaud Seguier, Jean-Julien Aucouturier. Realistic Transformation of Facial and Vocal Smiles in Real-Time Audiovisual Streams, 2020-07-01. (
- Raphael Weber, Vincent Barrielle, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier. Unsupervised adaptation of a person-specific manifold of facial expressions, 2020-07-01. (
- Corentin Guezenoc, Renaud Seguier. A wide dataset of ear shapes and pinna-telated transfer functions generated by random ear drawings, 2020-06-01. (
- Victor Martin, Renaud Seguier, Aurélie Porcheron, Frédérique Morizot. Face Aging Simulation with a new Wrinkle Oriented Active Appearance Model, 2019-03. (
- Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier. A survey on face modeling: building a bridge between face analysis and synthesis, 2018-02. (
- Jérôme Manceau, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Séguier. Patches Detection and Fusion for 3D Face Cloning, 2015-10. (
- Catherine Soladie, Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Séguier. Invariant Representation of Facial Expressions for Blended Expression Recognition on Unknown Subjects, 2013-11. (
- Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier, Nicolas Stoiber. INTEGRATING HEAD POSE TO A 3D MULTI-TEXTURE APPROACH FOR GAZE DETECTION, 2013-08. (
- Catherine Soladie, Hanan Salam, Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Séguier. Continuous Facial Expression Representation for Multimodal Emotion Detection, 2013-05. (
- Thibaud Sénéchal, Vincent Rapp, Hanan Salam, Renaud Seguier, Kevin Bailly, Lionel Prevost. Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features via Multi-Kernel Learning, 2012-05-18. (
- Abdul Sattar, Renaud Séguier. HMOAM: Hybrid Multi-Objective Genetic Optimization for Facial Analysis by Appearance Model, 2010-03-01. (
- Nicolas Stoiber, Gaspard Breton, Renaud Seguier. Modeling Short-Term Dynamics and Variability for Realistic Interactive Facial Animation, 2010. (
- Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Séguier, Gaspard Breton. Facial Animation Retargeting and Control based on a Human Appearance Space, 2010-01. (
- Renaud Séguier, Sylvain Le Gallou, Gaspard Breton, Christophe Garcia. Adapted Active Appearance Models, 2009-10. (
- Abdul Sattar, Renaud Séguier. HGOAAM: Facial Analysis by Active Appearance Model Optimized by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, 2009-08. (
- Abdul Sattar, Nicolas Stoiber, Renaud Séguier, Gaspard Breton. Gamer's Facial Cloning for Online Interactive Games, 2009. (
- Renaud Séguier, Sylvain Le Gallou, Gaspard Breton, Christophe Garcia. Modèles actifs d'apparences adaptés, 2008-02-05. (
- Gilles Vaucher, A. R. Baig, Renaud Seguier. A Set of Neural Tools for Human-Computer Interactions~: Application to the Handwritten Character Recognition, and Visual Speech Recognitions Problems, 2000. (
- PATENT - 9 documents
- Victor Martin, Renaud Séguier, Aurélie Porcheron. A method for building a computer-implemented tool for assessment of qualitative features from face images, 2018. (
- Victor Martin, Aurélie Porcheron, Renaud Séguier. Improved age modeling method, 2017. (
- Lara Younes, Corentin Guezenoc, Renaud Seguier. Procédé d'élaboration d'un nuage de points 3D représentatif d'une oreille 3D d'un individu, et système associé, 2017. (
- Olivier Dumas, Renaud Séguier, Sebastian de Gregorio. 3-D Modeling, 2008-10-30. (
- Sylvain Le Gallou, Renaud Séguier, Christophe Garcia, Gaspard Breton. Procédé de traitement d'une image source représentative d'au moins un objet, dispositif de traitement, carte de distances et produit programme d'ordinateur correspondants, 2007-05-03. (
- Sylvain Le Gallou, Christophe Garcia, Gaspard Breton, Renaud Séguier. Procédé et dispositif de modélisation d'un objet dans une image, 2007-01-01. (
- Christophe Bonnery, Jean-Yves Desbree, Christophe Flouzat, Daniel Le Guennec, Mercier David, Mickael Remingol, Renaud Séguier, Thomas David, Gilles Vaucher. Method of compression of video telephony images, 2003-07-02. (
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 1 document
- Amor Nafkha, Christophe Moy, Pierre Leray, Renaud Seguier, Jacques Palicot. Software Defined Radio Platform for Cognitive Radio: Design and Hierarchical Management, 2011-08-29. (
- Ouvrage - 2 documents
- Jacques Palicot, Christophe Moy, Sufi Tabassum Gul, Merouane Debbah, Romain Couillet, Hamidou Tembine, Renaud Seguier, Daniel Le Guennec, Wassim Jouini, Gilles Tourneur, Yves Louët, Amor Nafkha, Pierre Leray, Renaud Loison, Raphaël Gillard. Radio Engineering: From Software Radio to Cognitive Radio, 2011-08. (
- Jacques Palicot, Christophe Moy, Merouane Debbah, Romain Couillet, Hamidou Tembine, Renaud Séguier, Daniel Le Guennec, Wassim Jouini, Gilles Tourneur, Yves Louët, Amor Nafkha, Pierre Leray, Renaud Loison, Raphaël Gillard. De la radio logicielle à la radio intelligente, 2010-11. (
- Rapport - 1 document
- A. R. Baig, Renaud Seguier, Gilles Vaucher. Automatic parameters extraction for speech recognition, 1998. (