Vikass Monebhurrun
Laboratoire Génie Électrique et Électronique de PariS
vikass.monebhurrun [at]
Publications :
- Article dans une revue - 34 documents
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE standard 149-2021: IEEE recommended practice for antenna measurements, 2022-06-01. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Standard 1502: Standardization of radar cross section test procedures, 2022-04-01. (
- Runze Hu, Vikass Monebhurrun, Ryutaro Himeno, Hideo Yokota, Fumie Costen. A general framework for building surrogate models for uncertainty quantification in computational electromagnetics, 2021-09-15. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE standard 1502-2020: IEEE recommended practice for radar cross-section test procedures, 2021-04-01. (
- Runze Hu, Vikass Monebhurrun, Ryutaro Himeno, Hideo Yokota, Fumie Costen. Uncertainty analysis on FDTD computation with artificial neural network, 2021-02-01. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Revision of IEEE standard 145-2013: IEEE standard for definitions of terms for antennas, 2020-06-01. (
- Runze Hu, Vikass Monebhurrun, Ryutaro Himeno, Hideo Yokota, Fumie Costen. A Statistical Parsimony Method for Uncertainty Quantification of FDTD Computation Based on the PCA and Ridge Regression, 2019-07. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE standard 211-2018: IEEE standard definitions of terms for radio wave propagation, 2019-06. (
- Runze Hu, Vikass Monebhurrun, Ryutaro Himeno, Hideo Yokota, Fumie Costen. An Adaptive Least Angle Regression Method for Uncertainty Quantification in FDTD Computation, 2018. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Revision of the Guide for Measurements of Electromagnetic Properties of Earth Media [Stand on Standards], 2018. (
- Tapan K. Sarkar, Guido Lombardi, Vikass Monebhurrun, Monai Krairiksh. Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Radio Wave Propagation, 2018. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Base Station Antenna Height on Cellular Network Coverage, 2018. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE RADIO 2016 Held in Reunion, France (Meeting Reports), 2017-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean 2016 (IEEE RADIO 2016), 2017-03. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Application of Different Methods to Quantify Uncertainty in Specific Absorption Rate Calculation Using a CAD-Based Mobile Phone Model, 2017-02-01. (
- Mohammad Abdallah, Tapan Sarkar, Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Vikass Monebhurrun. Where does the far field of an antenna start?, 2016-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Revision of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Standards 149, 211 and 1502, 2016-06-01. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (IEEE RADIO 2015), 2016-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Revision of the standard test procedures for antennas, 2015-12. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE RADIO 2015, 2015-12. (
- Rojatkar Ashish, Vikass Monebhurrun. Application of the SAROTA concept in real life scenario, 2014-10. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Uncertainty evaluation in numerical modeling of complex devices, 2014-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Yannis Braux, Harald Devos, Mikhail Kozlov, Winfried Simon, Tilmann Wittig. A benchmark CAD mobile phone model for specific absorption rate calculations, 2014-02. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. SAROTA: application of specific absorption rate (SAR) and over-the-air (OTA) data for the characterization of the real-life exposure due to mobile phones, 2013-04. (
- Thierry Letertre, Vikass Monebhurrun. Accurate measurement of RF exposure from emerging wireless communication systems, 2013-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Influence of the hand on the specific absorption rate assessments of mobile phones, 2012-03. (
- Martin Siegbahn, Giorgi Bit-Babik, Jafar Keshvari, Andreas Christ, Benoit Derat, Vikass Monebhurrun, Christopher Penney, Martin Vogel, Tilmann Wittig. An international interlaboratory comparison of mobile phone SAR calculation with CAD-based models, 2010-11. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Conservativeness of the SAM phantom for the SAR evaluation in the child's head, 2010-08. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Effect of time-averaging of pulsed radio-frequency signals on specific absorption rate measurements, 2010-02. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Christian Dale, Jean-Charles Bolomey, Joe Wiart. A numerical approach for the determination of the tissue equivalent liquid used during SAR assessments, 2002-03. (
- Adele Ruosi, Massimo Valentino, G. Pepe, Vikass Monebhurrun, Dominique Lesselier, Bernard Duchêne. High-Tc SQUIDs and eddy-current NDE: a comprehensive investigation from real data to modeling, 2000-11. (
- Adele Ruosi, Guglielmina Pepe, G. Peluso, Massimo Valentino, Vikass Monebhurrun. Experimental and numerical results of electromagnetic nondestructive testing with HTc SQUIDS, 1999-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Dominique Lesselier, Bernard Duchêne. Evaluation of a 3-D bounded defect in the wall of a metal tube at eddy current frequencies: the direct problem, 1998-12. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Bernard Duchêne, Dominique Lesselier. 3-D inversion of eddy current data for non-destructive evaluation of steam generator tubes, 1998-06. (
- Ouvrage - 9 documents
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean 2019, 2020-03. (
- Tapan K. Sarkar, Guido Lombardi, Vikass Monebhurrun, Monai Krairiksh. Special Issue on Radio Wave Propagation - Part II, 2019-04. (
- Tapan K. Sarkar, Guido Lombardi, Vikass Monebhurrun, Monai Krairiksh. Special Issue on Radio Wave Propagation - Part I, 2018-12. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Std. 211-2018: IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Radio Wave Propagation, 2018-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEC/IEEE International Standard 62704-3: Determining the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human body from wireless communications devices: 30 MHz to 6 GHz - Part 3: Specific requirements for using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for SAR calculations of mobile phones, 2017-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean 2017, 2017-09-25. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IoP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017-05. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IoP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016-04-20. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Dominique Lesselier. Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO 2012) - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013-04. (
- ISSUE - 2 documents
- Vikass Monebhurrun. 2018 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean 2018 (IEEE RADIO 2018), 2019-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (IEEE RADIO 2017), 2018-03-01. (
- Communication dans un congrès - 65 documents
- Lars Foged, Vince Rodriguez, Jeff Fordham, Vikass Monebhurrun. Review of IEEE Std. 1720-2012 'Recommended practice for near-field antenna measurements, 2018-09-03. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Numerical and experimental investigations of radio wave propagation at 2450 MHz for optimum network coverage, 2017-12-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Use of Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation, 2017-12-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Review of the Antennas and Propagation Standards, 2017-10-30. (
- Mayank Agarwal, Vikass Monebhurrun. Numerical and experimental investigations of the specific absorption rate using reference dipoles, 2017-09-25. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Uncertainty quantification in electromagnetic simulations of complex devices, 2016-12-15. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. How do we resolve uncertainty?, 2016-12-13. (
- M.N. Abdallah, Tapan K. Sarkar, Vikass Monebhurrun, M. Salazar-Palma. Defining the starting distance for the far field of antennas operating in any environment, 2016-10-23. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Ashish Rojatkar. Evaluation of the real-life exposure due to mobile phones in an indoor environment, 2016-10-10. (
- M.N. Abdallah, Tapan K. Sarkar, Vikass Monebhurrun, M. Salazar-Palma. Predicting the starting distance of the far field, 2016-06-26. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Numerical Model Calibration Using Experimental Data, 2015-11-18. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Cheng Xi, Rojatkar Ashish. CAD Mobile Phone Model Calibration Using Experimental Specific Absorption Rate Data, 2015-09-21. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Cheng Xi, Rojatkar Ashish. Calibration of the CAD model of a commercial mobile phone for SAR compliance, 2015-06-14. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Human exposure to RF EMF: a review of the state of the art, 2014-12-17. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. RF & Health: development of harmonized EMF standards & procedures, 2014-12-17. (
- Rojatkar Ashish, Vikass Monebhurrun. Experimental validation of the numerical model of a commercial mobile phone for specific absorption rate assessment, 2014-12-17. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Uncertainty quantification in specific absorption rate calculations using realistic mobile phone models, 2014-08-16. (
- Rojatkar Ashish, Vikass Monebhurrun. Evaluation of the real life exposure due to GSM mobile phones, 2014-08-16. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Application of the non-intrusive polynomial chaos for the evaluation of the uncertainty in the SAR calculation using a CAD-based mobile phone model, 2014-06-08. (
- Rojatkar Ashish, Vikass Monebhurrun. Investigation of the effect of the hand on the real-life performance of mobile phones, 2014-06-08. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Conservativeness of the SAM phantom for the SAR evaluation of mobile phones with bottom-mounted antennas, 2014-06-08. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Louis Jérôme. Case study: measurements of the radio frequency exposure from mobile phones and base station antennas in Mauritius, 2014-04-07. (
- Rojatkar Ashish, Vikass Monebhurrun. Application of the SAROTA index in real-life scenario, 2014-04-07. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Uncertainty evaluation in numerical modeling of complex devices, 2014-04-07. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Human exposure to RF EMF: state of the art, 2014-01-02. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Application of the unscented transform for the evaluation of the uncertainty in specific absorption rate calculations, 2013-10-28. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Yannis Braux, Harald Devos, Mikhail Kozlov, Winfried Simon, Tilmann Wittig. A benchmark CAD mobile phone model for specific absorption rate calculations, 2013-06-30. (
- Cheng Xi, Vikass Monebhurrun. Fast evaluation of the uncertainty in specific absorption rate calculations by applying the unscented transform, 2013-06-10. (
- Rojatkar Ashish, Vikass Monebhurrun. Experimental validation of the SAROTA concept for the evaluation of the real-life exposure due to mobile phones, 2013-06-10. (
- Thierry Letertre, Vikass Monebhurrun. Accurate measurement of RF exposure from emerging wireless communication systems, 2012-09-24. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. SAROTA: application of specific absorption rate (SAR) and over-the-air (OTA) data for the characterization of the real-life exposure of mobile phones, 2012-09-24. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Yannis Braux, Mikhail Kozlov, Winfried Simon, Tilmann Wittig. An interlaboratory comparison of SAR calculations using a CAD phone: a new step towards standardized procedures, 2012-06-17. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE P1528.3 CAD interlaboratory comparison, 2012-04-03. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Man-Fai Wong, Azeddine Gati, Joe Wiart. Study of the influence of the hand on the Specific Absorption Rate evaluation of mobile phones, 2011-08-13. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Wong Man-Fai, Gati Azeddine, Wiart Joe. Evaluation of the error induced by an incorrect positioning of the handset against the SAM phantom for SAR calculations, 2011-08-13. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Introduction to RF dosimetry, 2011-07-27. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. The precautionary approach and its application to EMF safety in France and other European countries, 2011-07-25. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Human exposure to mobile phones and base station antennas: scientific evidence of EMF effects and research updates, 2011-07-25. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Man-Faï Wong, Azeddine Gati, Joe Wiart. Numerical and experimental investigations of the influence of the hand on the specific absorption rate evaluations of mobile phones, 2011-06-12. (
- Thierry Letertre, Vikass Monebhurrun, Zeno Toffano. Electromagnetic Field Measurements of Wimax Systems Using Isotropic Broadband Probes, 2011-06-05. (
- Thierry Letertre, Vikass Monebhurrun, Zeno Toffano. Measurements of Digitally Modulated Pulsed RF Signals Using Isotropic Broadband Probes, 2011-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Man-Faï Wong, Azeddine Gati, Joe Wiart. A current issue in numerical dosimetry: uncertainty assessment of SAR calculations using CAD-based phone models, 2011-02-21. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. A real-life exposure evaluation index for mobile phones based on SAR and TRP measurements data: the SAROTA index, 2010-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Investigation of body-worn SAR conformity assessment of mobile phones using head tissue equivalent liquid, 2010-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Thierry Letertre. A novel measurement procedure for the Specific Absorption Rate conformity assessment of WiFi devices, 2009-12. (
- David Lautru, Vikass Monebhurrun, Man-Fai Wong. Principes de l'évaluation numériques de l'exposition des personnes aux ondes radiofréquences, 2009-11-09. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Conservativeness of the SAM phantom for the SAR evaluation in the child's head, 2009-11. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Azeddine Gati, Man-Faï Wong, Joe Wiart. SAR calculations using realistic phone models: uncertainty due to the positioning, 2009-11. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Conservativeness of the head tissue equivalent liquid for body-worn SAR assessments, 2009-11. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Thierry Letertre. Evaluation of electromagnetic fields from WiFi devices: Specific Absorption Rate measurements, 2009-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. On the Specific Absorption Rate measurement of pulsed radio frequency signals, 2009-06. (
- Martin Siegbahn, Giorgi Bit-Babik, Jafar Keshvari, Andreas Christ, Benoit Derat, Vikass Monebhurrun, Christopher Penney, Tilmann Wittig. An international inter-laboratory comparison of mobile phone SAR calculation with CAD-based models, 2009-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Thierry Letertre. Evaluation of electromagnetic fields from WiFi devices: in-situ measurements, 2009-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Thierry Letertre. Total radiated power measurement of WiFi devices using a compact reverberation chamber, 2009-01. (
- Thierry Letertre, Alain Azoulay, Vikass Monebhurrun. Wifi: Mesures in-situ et DAS, 2008-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Man-Faï Wong, Joe Wiart. Numerical investigation of the influence of the handset/phantom positioning error on SAR calculations, 2008-08. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Man-Faï Wong, Joe Wiart. Numerical and experimental investigations of a commercial mobile handset for SAR calculations, 2008-05. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Fast global characterization of 2G and 3G mobile phones using a reverberation chamber, 2007-11. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Worst-case SAR estimation from radiated power measurements: uncertainty evaluation, 2007-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Optimized numerical modeling of commercial mobile phones for efficient SAR calculations, 2007-06. (
- Thierry Letertre, Alain Azoulay, A. Delrieu, Vikass Monebhurrun. Overview of EMC issues in the perspective of the future aeronautical communication system, 2007-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, F. Lacroux, M. F. Wong, J. Wiart. On the numerical modelling of mobile phones for SAR calculations, 2007-04. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Rapid SAR estimation from radiated powers measured in a compact reverberation chamber, 2006-11. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. Characterization of the liquid and the phantom used for the SAR measurements of body-mounted devices, 2006-06. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun, Jean-Charles Bolomey, L. Duchesne, M. Legoff, Philippe Garreau. Rapid SAR estimation using radiated power measurements, 2006-06. (
- PROCEEDINGS - 5 documents
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean 2016, 2016-10-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. IEEE RADIO 2015, 2015-09-21. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. 2nd Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO 2014), 2014-10. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. RADIO 2014, 2014-04-07. (
- Vikass Monebhurrun. RADIO 2012, 2012-09-24. (