Antoine Chaillet

Laboratoire Laboratoire Signaux et Systèmes
antoine.chaillet [at]
Résumé :
- Professeur en Automatique au L2S.
Publications :
- Communication dans un congrès - 46 documents
- Epiphane Loko, Antoine Chaillet, Yuan Wang, Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe. Growth conditions to ensure input-to-state stability of time-delay systems under point-wise dissipation, 2024-12-16. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Fabian Wirth, Andrii Mironchenko, Lucas Brivadis. For time-invariant delay systems, global asymptotic stability does not imply uniform global attractivity, 2024-12-16. (
- Cristina Stoica Maniu, Antoine Chaillet, Didier Dumur, Emmanuel Godoy, S. Font, Hugo Lhachemi, Sorin Olaru, Pedro Rodriguez-Ayerbe, Guillaume Sandou, Houria Siguerdidjane, Sihem Tebbani, Cristina Vlad, Romain Bourdais. Challenges for Control Engineering Curricula Motivating 800 Students via Current Trends in Industry and Research, 2023-07-09. (
- Lucas Brivadis, Antoine Chaillet, Jean Auriol. Online estimation of Hilbert-Schmidt operators and application to kernel reconstruction of neural fields, 2022-12-06. (
- Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe, Antoine Chaillet, Yuan Wang. Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability for Time-Invariant Delay Systems, 2022-12-06. (
- Gansheng Tan, Shuihui Wang, Valentin Vierge, Wei Mu, Min Wang, Luca Greco, Hugues Mounier, Antoine Chaillet. An EEG Classifier to Discriminate Between Focused Attention Meditation and Problem-solving, 2022-10-09. (
- Amer Orucevic, Jan Tommy Gravdahl, Kristin Pettersen, Antoine Chaillet. Uniform Practical Asymptotic Stability for Position Control of Underwater Snake Robots, 2022-08-23. (
- Gökhan Göksu, Antoine Chaillet. Analysis of Integral Input-to-State Stable time-delay systems in cascade, 2020-07-11. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Jakub Orłowski, Pierdomenico Pepe. A relaxed Lyapunov-Krasovskii condition for global exponential stability of Lipschitz time-delay systems, 2019-12-11. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Pierdomenico Pepe. Integral input-to-state stability of delay systems based on Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals with point-wise dissipation rate, 2018-12-17. (
- Jakub Orłowski, Antoine Chaillet, Mario Sigalotti, Alain Destexhe. Adaptive scheme for pathological oscillations disruption in a delayed neuronal population model, 2018-12-17. (
- Jakub Orlowski, Antoine Chaillet, Mario Sigalotti, Alain Destexhe. Adaptive stimulation strategy for selective brain oscillations disruption in a neuronal population model with delays, 2018. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet. Incremental stability of spatiotemporal delayed dynamics and application to neural fields, 2017-12-12. (
- B. Besselink, Antoine Chaillet, N. van de Wouw. Model reduction for linear delay systems using a delay-independent balanced truncation approach, 2017-12-12. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Pierdomenico Pepe, Paolo Mason, Yacine Chitour. Is a point-wise dissipation rate enough to show ISS for time-delay systems?, 2017-07-10. (
- Jonathan Laporte, Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour. Global stabilization of multiple integrators by a bounded feedback with constraints on its successive derivatives, 2015-12-15. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour. Strong iISS for neutrally stable systems by saturated linear state feedback, 2015-07-28. (
- Ihab Haidar, Paolo Mason, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Mario Sigalotti, Antoine Chaillet. Further remarks on Markus-Yamabe instability for time-varying delay differential equations, 2015-06-28. (
- Stanislav Aranovskiy, Alexey Bobtsov, Anton Pyrkin, Roméo Ortega, Antoine Chaillet. Flux and position observer of permanent magnet synchronous motors with relaxed persistency of excitation conditions, 2015-06-24. (
- Rémi Azouit, Antoine Chaillet, Luca Greco. Robustness under saturated feedback: Strong iISS for a class of nonlinear systems, 2014-06-24. (
- Alexander Pogromsky, A.S. Matveev, Antoine Chaillet, Björn Rüffer. Input-dependent stability analysis of systems with saturation in feedback, 2013-12-10. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Alexander Pogromsky, Björn Rüffer. A Razumikhin approach for the incremental stability of delayed nonlinear systems, 2013-12-10. (
- Stefano Falasca, Massimiliano Gamba, Luca Greco, Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Bicchi. Packet-based dynamic control for nonlinear networked systems, 2013-12-10. (
- William Pasillas-Lépine, Ihab Haidar, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley. Closed-loop Deep Brain Stimulation Based on Firing-rate Regulation, 2013-11-06. (
- Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet. Basal ganglia oscillations: the role of delays and external excitatory nuclei, 2013-07-17. (
- Antoine Chaillet, David Angeli, Hiroshi Ito. Strong iISS: combination of iISS and ISS with respect to small inputs, 2012-12-10. (
- Alessio Franci, William Pasillas-Lépine, Antoine Chaillet. Validity of the phase approximation for coupled nonlinear oscillators: a case study, 2012-12-10. (
- Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Eugénie Gonçalves. The EECI-HYCON Graduate School on Control: Back on ten years of doctoral training, 2012-06-19. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. A proportional mean-field feedback for the desynchronization and inhibition of Kuramoto oscillators, 2012-02-20. (
- Luca Greco, Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Bicchi. A model-based prediction approach for the stabilization of network controlled systems with strong communication limitations, 2012-02. (
- Alessio Franci, Luca Scardovi, Antoine Chaillet. An Input-Output approach to the robust synchronization of dynamical systems with an application to the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model, 2011-12-12. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Hiroshi Ito. Disturbance rejection in iISS feedback nonlinear systems: a sensitivity trade-off, 2011-12-12. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Hiroshi Ito. A sensitivity trade-off arising in small-gain design for nonlinear systems: an iISS framework, 2011-12-12. (
- Alessio Franci, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Desynchronization of coupled phase oscillators, with application to the Kuramoto system under mean-field feedback, 2011-12-12. (
- Luca Greco, Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Bicchi. A Packet-Switching Strategy for Uncertain Nonlinear Networked Control Systems, 2011-08-29. (
- Alessio Franci, William Pasillas-Lépine, Antoine Chaillet. Existence of phase-locking in the Kuramoto system under mean-fi eld feedback, 2011-08-29. (
- Hiroshi Ito, Randy Freeman, Antoine Chaillet. Interpreting the iISS Small-Gain Theorem as Transient Plus ISS Small-Gain Regulation, 2010-12-15. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, William Pasillas-Lépine. Phase-locking between Kuramoto oscillators : robustness to time-varying natural frequencies, 2010-12. (
- Antonio Estrada, Antonio Loria, Antoine Chaillet. Cascades stability analysis applied to a control design for unmatched perturbation rejection based on HOSM, 2010-06-28. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet. A robust limited-information feedback for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems, 2010-06-15. (
- Esten Grotli, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Jan Gravdahl. Robustness of ISS systems to inputs with limited moving average, with application to spacecraft formations, 2010-06-15. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, William Pasillas-Lépine. Le modèle de Kuramoto sous retour du champ moyen réel n'admet pas de solutions à phases verrouillées, 2010-06. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Loria. On the robustness analysis of triangular nonlinear systems: iISS and practical stability, 2009. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour, Antonio Loria, Mario Sigalotti. Towards uniform linear time-invariant stabilization of systems with persistency of excitation, 2007. (
- Antonio Loria, Antoine Chaillet, Gildas Besancon, Yacine Chitour. On the PE stabilization of time-varying systems: open questions and preliminary answers, 2005-12. (
- Jesus de Leon Morales, Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Loria, Gildas Besancon. Output Feedback Control via Adaptive Observers with Persistency of Excitation, 2005-07. (
- Pré-publication, Document de travail - 7 documents
- Zineb Hayatou, Hongkai Wang, Antoine Chaillet, Daniel E Shulz, Luc Estebanez. Embodiment of an artificial limb in the mouse model, 2024-10-16. (
- Epiphane Loko, Antoine Chaillet, Iasson Karafyllis. Building coercive Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals based on Razumikhin and Halanay approaches, 2023-07-06. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe, Yuan Wang. Growth conditions for global exponential stability and exp-ISS of time-delay systems under point-wise dissipation, 2022-05-13. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet. Incremental stability of spatiotemporal delayed dynamics and application to neural fields, 2017-09-14. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Georgios Is Detorakis, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Robust stabilization of delayed neural fields with partial measurement and actuation, 2017-05-07. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, William Pasillas-Lépine. Phase-locking between Kuramoto oscillators: robustness to time-varying natural frequencies, 2010-03-29. (
- A. Chaillet, A. Loria. Uniform semiglobal practical asymptotic stability for non-autonomous cascaded systems and applications, 2006. (
- Article dans une revue - 45 documents
- Lucas Brivadis, Antoine Chaillet, Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth. Forward completeness implies bounded reachable sets for time-delay systems on the state space of essentially bounded measurable functions, 2024-05-31. (
- Epiphane Loko, Antoine Chaillet, Iasson Karafyllis. Building coercive Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals based on Razumikhin and Halanay approaches, 2024-02. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Fabian Wirth, Andrii Mironchenko, Lucas Brivadis. For time-invariant delay systems, global asymptotic stability does not imply uniform global attractivity, 2024. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe, Yuan Wang. Growth conditions for global exponential stability and exp-ISS of time-delay systems under point-wise dissipation, 2023-08. (
- Lucas Brivadis, Antoine Chaillet, Jean Auriol. Adaptive observer and control of spatiotemporal delayed neural fields, 2023-05-25. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. De l’Automatique dans les synapses - Stratégies de stimulation cérébrale en boucle fermée pour le traitement de maladies neurologiques, 2023-05-01. (
- Lucas Brivadis, Cyprien Tamekue, Antoine Chaillet, Jean Auriol. Existence of an equilibrium for delayed neural fields under output proportional feedback, 2023-02-24. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe, Yuan Wang. The ISS framework for time-delay systems: a survey, 2023. (
- Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe, Antoine Chaillet, Yuan Wang. Is Global Asymptotic Stability Necessarily Uniform for Time-Invariant Time-Delay Systems?, 2022-12-09. (
- Gökhan Göksu, Antoine Chaillet. Integral input-to-state stable time-delay systems in cascade, 2022-05. (
- Jakub Orlowski, Antoine Chaillet, Alain Destexhe, Mario Sigalotti. Adaptive control of Lipschitz time-delay systems by sigma modification with application to neuronal population dynamics, 2022-01. (
- Matthieu Faillot, Antoine Chaillet, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Rodent models used in preclinical studies of deep brain stimulation to rescue memory deficits, 2021-11. (
- Iasson Karafyllis, Antoine Chaillet. Lyapunov conditions for uniform asymptotic output stability and a relaxation of Barbălat’s lemma, 2021-10-01. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Gokhan Goksu, Pierdomenico Pepe. Lyapunov-Krasovskii characterizations of integral input-to-state stability of delay systems with non-strict dissipation rates, 2021-07-26. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet, Nicolas P. Rougier. Stability analysis of a neural field self-organizing map, 2020-12-01. (
- Romain Postoyan, Antoine Chaillet. L'Automatique au service des neurosciences, 2020-11. (
- John E Fleming, Jakub Orłowski, Madeleine M Lowery, Antoine Chaillet. Self-Tuning Deep Brain Stimulation Controller for Suppression of Beta Oscillations: Analytical Derivation and Numerical Validation, 2020-06-30. (
- Sajad Naderi Lordejani, Bart Besselink, Antoine Chaillet, Nathan van de Wouw. Model order reduction for linear time delay systems: A delay-dependent approach based on energy functionals, 2020-02. (
- Jakub Orlowski, Antoine Chaillet, Mario Sigalotti. Counterexample to a Lyapunov Condition for Uniform Asymptotic Partial Stability, 2020. (
- Suhan Senova, Antoine Chaillet, Andres Lozano. Fornical Closed-Loop Stimulation for Alzheimer’s Disease, 2018-07. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Georgios Is. Detorakis, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Robust stabilization of delayed neural fields with partial measurement and actuation, 2017-09. (
- Suhan Senova, Ilona Sisniak, Chih-Chieh Chiang, Isabelle Doignon, Stéphane Palfi, Antoine Chaillet, Claire Martin, Frederic Pain. Experimental assessment of the safety and potential efficacy of high irradiance photostimulation of brain tissues, 2017-03-09. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Yves Frégnac. Dynamics in Neuroscience, 2017. (
- Jonathan Laporte, Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour. Global Stabilization of Linear Systems with Bounds on the Feedback and its Successive Derivatives, 2017. (
- Jonathan Laporte, Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour. Global stabilization of classes of linear control systems with bounds on the feedback and its successive derivatives, 2017. (
- Rémi Azouit, Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour, Luca Greco. Strong iISS for a class of systems under saturated feedback, 2016-09. (
- Esten Ingar Grøtli, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Jan Tommy Gravdahl. Robustness of ISS systems to inputs with limited moving average: Application to spacecraft formations, 2016-03-10. (
- Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Closed-loop firing rate regulation of two interacting excitatory and inhibitory neural populations of the basal ganglia, 2016-02-02. (
- Luca Greco, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley. Robustness of stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems with application to control with shared resources, 2015-12. (
- Ndolane Sene, Antoine Chaillet, Moussa Balde. Relaxed conditions for the stability of switched nonlinear triangular systems under arbitrary switching, 2015-10-01. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Closed-loop stimulation of a delayed neural fields model of parkinsonian STN-GPe network: a theoretical and computational study, 2015-07. (
- Daniel Harnack, Miha Pelko, Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour, Mark van Rossum. Stability of Neuronal Networks with Homeostatic Regulation, 2015-07. (
- Antoine Chaillet, David Angeli, Hiroshi Ito. Combining iISS and ISS With Respect to Small Inputs: The Strong iISS Property, 2014-09. (
- Antoine Chaillet, David Angeli, Hiroshi Ito. Strong iISS is preserved under cascade interconnection, 2014-09. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Diane da Silva, Georgios Is Detorakis, Suhan Senova. Optogenetics to Unravel the Mechanisms of Parkinsonian Symptoms and Optimize Deep Brain Stimulation, 2014-04. (
- Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Analysis of delay-induced basal ganglia oscillations: the role of external excitatory nuclei, 2014-03. (
- Romain Carron, Antoine Chaillet, Anton Filipchuk, William Pasillas-Lépine, Constance Hammond. Closing the loop of deep brain stimulation, 2013-12-20. (
- Hiroshi Ito, Randy Freeman, Antoine Chaillet. Revisiting the iISS small-gain theorem through transient plus ISS small-gain regulation, 2013-01-07. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Desynchronization and inhibition of Kuramoto oscillators by scalar mean-field feedback, 2012-04. (
- Luca Greco, Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Bicchi. Exploiting Packet Size in Uncertain Nonlinear Networked Control Systems, 2012. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, William Pasillas-Lépine. Existence and robustness of phase-locking in coupled Kuramoto oscillators under mean-field feedback, 2011-04-01. (
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet. Quantised control of nonlinear systems: analysis of robustness to parameter uncertainty, measurement errors, and exogenous disturbances, 2010-12-14. (
- Raymond Kristiansen, Antonio Loria, Antoine Chaillet, P. J. Nicklasson. Spacecraft relative rotation track- ing without angular velocity measurements, 2009. (
- Antoine Chaillet. The HYCON-EECI Graduate School on Control 2008, 2008-10. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Yacine Chitour, Antonio Loria, Mario Sigalotti. Uniform stabilization for linear systems with persistency of excitation. The neutrally stable and the double integrator cases, 2008. (
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 3 documents
- Sajad Naderi Lordejani, Bart Besselink, Antoine Chaillet, Nathan van De Wouw. On Extended Model Order Reduction for Linear Time Delay Systems, 2021-08-21. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Georgios Is. Detorakis, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. ISS-Stabilization of Delayed Neural Fields by Small-Gain Arguments, 2019-10-02. (
- Esten Grotli, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Jan Gravdahl. Optimal controller gain tuning for robust stability of spacecraft formation, 2011-09-20. (
- POSTER - 8 documents
- Antoine Chaillet, Georgios Is Detorakis. Robust stabilization of delayed neural fields by proportional feedback using input-to-state stability and small-gain theorem, 2016-06. (
- Diane da Silva, Antoine Chaillet. Entrainability and frequency-response of interconnected delayed rate models by Krasovskii and Razumikhin approaches, 2016-06. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Georgios Is Detorakis. Closed-loop regulation of the activity of delayed neural fields with only partial measurement and stimulation, 2016-01-07. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. A theoretical study of closed-loop stimulation of a delayed neural fields model of Parkinsonian STN-GPe network, 2015-11-11. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet. Closed-loop disruption of oscillations in a targeted frequency band for a delayed neural field STN-GPe model, 2015-10-01. (
- Antoine Chaillet, Georgios Is Detorakis. Incremental stability of delayed neural fields: a unifying framework for endogenous and exogenous sources of pathological oscillations, 2015-07-01. (
- Georgios Is Detorakis, Antoine Chaillet, Ihab Haidar. A Global Stability Analysis for Delayed Neural Fields, 2014-07-10. (
- Antoine Chaillet. Analytical conditions for the entrainment of basal ganglia structures by their exogenous inputs, 2013-11-11. (
- Autre publication - 1 document
- Antoine Chaillet. Mieux comprendre pour mieux soigner la maladie de Parkinson grâce à l’automatique, 2014-01-01. (
- HDR - 1 document
- Antoine Chaillet. Contributions à l'analyse de la stabilité et de la robustesse des systèmes non-linéaires interconnectés et applications, 2012-11-27. (
- Thèse - 1 document
- Antoine Chaillet. On stability and robustness of nonlinear cascaded systems - Application to mechanical systems, 2006-07-07. (