Asma Ghaffari

asma.ghaffari [at]
Publications :
- Article dans une revue - 13 documents
- Asma Ghaffari, Marine Moyon, Cédric Vanhoolandt, Christian Bégin. Peut-on activer les capacités d’adaptabilité des adultes face à des changements de carrière ? Évaluation d’une formation de type « construire sa vie », 2024-10-03. (
- Zied Jemai, Imen Safra, Aida Jebali, Hanen Bouchriha, Asma Ghaffari. Capacity planning in textile and apparel supply chains, 2018. (
- Zied Jemai, Y Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari, Tarkan Tan. Impact of coordination on costs and carbon emissions for a two-echelon serial economic order quantity problem, 2017-07. (
- Y Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari, Zied Jemai, Jan C Fransoo. Sustainable transportation and order quantity: insights from multiobjective optimization, 2016-09. (
- Romain Farel, Bernard Yannou, Asma Ghaffari, Yann Leroy. A cost and benefit analysis of future end-of-life vehicle glazing recycling in France: a systematic approach, 2013-04. (
- Zied Jemai, Adel Elomri, Asma Ghaffari, Yves Dallery. Cost allocation in a full truckload shipment consolidation game, 2013. (
- Zied Jemai, Adel Elomri, Asma Ghaffari, Yves Dallery. Coalition Formation and Cost Allocation for Joint Replenishment Systems, 2012-11. (
- Zied Jemai, Y Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari, Yves Dallery. Including sustainability criteria into inventory models, 2012-10. (
- Bernard Yannou, Gwenola Bertoluci, Yann Leroy, Asma Ghaffari, François Cluzel. La conception durable (Partie II) : Applications industrielles, 2011-06. (
- Bernard Yannou, Gwenola Bertoluci, Yann Leroy, Asma Ghaffari, François Cluzel. La conception durable (Partie I) : enjeux et outils, 2011-03. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Design of live and maximally permissive Petri net controller using theory of regions, 2003. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Feedback control logic for forbidden state problem of marked graphs: Application to a real manufacturing system, 2003. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Theory of regions based synthesis of the maximally permissive and non blocking supervisory control, 2002. (
- Communication dans un congrès - 18 documents
- Diya Moubdi, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel, Asma Ghaffari, Caroline Vène-Rautureau, Pierre Jammes. Conception et validation d'un référentiel de compétences en support au processus d'innovation radicale en mode need seeker, 2019-12-03. (
- Diya Moubdi, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel, Asma Ghaffari, Caroline Vène-Rautureau, Pierre Jammes. Competency framework to support need seeker innovation training, 2018-09-06. (
- Hakim Idjis, Danielle Attias, Asma Ghaffari, Jean-Claude Bocquet, Richet Sophie. What are the options for Li-ion batteries after automotive use?, 2015-05-03. (
- Hakim Idjis, Danielle Attias, Asma Ghaffari, Jean-Claude Bocquet, Richet Sophie. The recovery of lithium batteries analysis, 2014-12-18. (
- Hakim Idjis, Danielle Attias, Asma Ghaffari, Jean-Claude Bocquet, Richet Sophie. Recycling lithium batteries : a key issue for electro-mobility, 2013-12-19. (
- Hakim Idjis, Asma Ghaffari. Modeling sustainable recycling logistic network for batteries from electric vehicles in EU-27: A system dynamics approach, 2013-12-04. (
- Hakim Idjis, Asma Ghaffari, Richet Sophie. Towards sustainable recycling networks for batteries from electric vehicles in EU-27. A system dynamics approach modeling and analysis, 2013-07-01. (
- Zied Jemai, Imen Safra, Aida Jebali, Hanen Bouchriha, Asma Ghaffari. Planification séquentielle tactique-opérationnelle d'une chaîne logistique textile, 2011-10-12. (
- Zied Jemai, Y Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari, Yves Dallery. How to Incorporate Sustainability Criteria into Operations Management Models? The Sustainable Order Quantity Example, 2011-05-25. (
- Zied Jemai, Y Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari. Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Distribution Supply Chains: Set Building Methodology and Application, 2010-10-11. (
- Zied Jemai, Imen Safra, Aida Jebali, Hanen Bouchriha, Asma Ghaffari. Planification tactique du problème intégré production-distribution avec prise en compte des délais de transport: Cas de la chaine logistique textile, 2010-05-10. (
- Zied Jemai, Adel El Omri, Asma Ghaffari. Multiple retailer cooperation system analysis, 2008-03-31. (
- Zied Jemai, Adel El Omri, Asma Ghaffari. Multiple retailer cooperation for joint transportation and inventory decisions, 2007-07-18. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Algebraic and geometric characterization of Petri net controllers using the theory of regions, 2002-10. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Fehmi Reben Njima, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Design and coordination of partial Petri net controllers for a maximally permissive supervisory control, 2002-10. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Live and maximally permissive controller synthesis using the theory of regions, 2002-07. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Net transformation and theory of regions for optimal control of Petri nets, 2002-07. (
- Asma Ghaffari, Nidhal Rezg, Xiaolan Xie. Conception du superviseur optimal vivant à l'aide de la théorie des régions, 2001-10. (
- Rapport - 1 document
- Y Bouchery, Asma Ghaffari, Zied Jemai, Yves Dallery. Including Sustainability Criteria into Inventory Models, 2011-07-01. (