Benedetta Franzelli

Publications :

  • Article dans une revue - 30 documents
    • Aurora Maffina, Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Denis Veynante, Nasser Darabiha, Sebastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio On Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and Les Study, 2024-01-04. (
    • B. Franzelli, J. Bonnety, J. Yi, Y. Ogata, A. Cuoci, C. Betrancourt. Numerical simulations of TiO 2 production in a laminar coflow H 2 /Ar/TTIP diffusion flame: Comparison with experiments and parametric sensitivity study, 2024. (
    • Junghwa Yi, Christopher Betrancourt, Nasser Darabiha, Benedetta Franzelli. Estimation of Spectral Absorption Function Range via LII Measurements of Flame-Synthesized TiO Nanoparticles, 2023-10-24. (
    • J. Yi, Christopher Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Initial interpretation of Laser-induced Incandescence (LII) signals from flame-generated TiO2 particles: Towards a quantitative characterization of the flame synthesis processes, 2023-09. (
    • Geoffrey Guy, Christopher Betrancourt, Benedetta Franzelli. Estimation of soot absorption function via the two separated pulses laser-induced incandescence technique, 2023-07-16. (
    • Junghwa Yi, Christopher Betrancourt, Nasser Darabiha, Benedetta Franzelli. Characterization of Laser-Induced Emission of high-purity TiO2 nanoparticles: Feasibility of Laser-Induced Incandescence, 2023-06. (
    • Jean-Maxime Orlac'H, Nasser Darabiha, Sebastien Candel, Denis Veynante, Benedetta Franzelli. Accounting for hydrolysis in the modeling of titanium dioxide nanoparticle synthesis in laminar TiCl 4 flames, 2022-11-15. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Livia Pereira Tardelli, M Stöhr, K P Geigle, P Domingo. Assessment of LES of intermittent soot production in an aero-engine model combustor using high-speed measurements, 2022. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha. Using in situ measurements to experimentally characterize TiO 2 nanoparticle synthesis in a turbulent isopropyl alcohol flame, 2021-11-21. (
    • Jean-Maxime Orlac'Ch, Nasser Darabiha, Vincent Giovangigli, Benedetta Franzelli. Importance of mass and enthalpy conservation in the modeling of titania nanoparticles flame synthesis, 2021. (
    • Agnes L Bodor, Alberto Cuoci, Tiziano Faravelli, Benedetta Franzelli. A forward approach for the validation of soot size models using LII, 2020. (
    • Agnes Livia Bodor, Benedetta Franzelli, Tiziano Faravelli, Alberto Cuoci. A post processing technique to predict primary particle size of sooting flames based on a chemical discrete sectional model: Application to diluted coflow flames, 2019-10. (
    • Pedro Rodrigues, Olivier Gicquel, Benedetta Franzelli, Nasser Darabiha, Ronan Vicquelin. Analysis of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooting jet flame using a Monte Carlo method coupled to large eddy simulation, 2019-09. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, J. Bonnety, R. Jalain, T. Dormieux, S. Candel, G. Legros. Multi-diagnostic soot measurements in a laminar diffusion flame to assess the ISF database consistency, 2018-06. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, A. Vié, N. Darabiha. A three-equation model for the prediction of soot emissions in LES of gas turbines, 2018-06. (
    • Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Experimental investigation of soot production in a confined swirled flame operating under perfectly premixed rich conditions, 2018. (
    • Pedro Rodrigues, Benedetta Franzelli, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Nasser Darabiha. Coupling an LES approach and a soot sectional model for the study of sooting turbulent non-premixed flames, 2018. (
    • B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, M. Ihme, T. Faravelli, S. Candel. Numerical investigation of soot-flame-vortex interaction, 2017. (
    • Pedro Rodrigues, Benedetta Franzelli, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Nasser Darabiha. Unsteady dynamics of PAH and soot particles in laminar counterflow diffusion flames, 2017. (
    • B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Boileau, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha. Large Eddy Simulation of Swirled Spray Flame Using Detailed and Tabulated Chemical Descriptions, 2017. (
    • B. Fiorina, A. Vié, B. Franzelli, N. Darabiha, Marc Massot, G. Dayma, P. Dagaut, Vincent Moureau, L. Vervisch, A. Berlemont, V. Sabelnikov, E. Riber, B. Cuenot. Modeling Challenges in Computing Aeronautical Combustion Chambers, 2016-06-01. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Aymeric Vié, Matthias Ihme. Characterizing spray flame–vortex interaction: A spray spectral diagram for extinction, 2016-01. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Aymeric Vié, Matthias Ihme. On the generalisation of the mixture fraction to a monotonic mixing-describing variable for the flamelet formulation of spray flames, 2015-12. (
    • B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel. Time-resolved spatial patterns and interactions of soot, PAH and OH in a turbulent diffusion flame, 2015. (
    • Aymeric Vié, Benedetta Franzelli, Yang Gao, Tianfeng Lu, Hai Wang, Matthias Ihme. Analysis of segregation and bifurcation in turbulent spray flames: A 3D counterflow configuration, 2015. (
    • B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha. A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion, 2013. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Eleonore Riber, Bénédicte Cuenot. Impact of the chemical description on a Large Eddy Simulation of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, 2013. (
    • Benedetta Giulia Franzelli, Eleonore Riber, Laurent Y.M. Gicquel, Thierry Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame, 2012-02. (
    • B. Franzelli, E. Riber, M. Sanjosé, Thierry Poinsot. A two-step chemical scheme for kerosene–air premixed flames, 2010. (
    • Aldo Frezzotti, Livio Gibelli, Benedetta Franzelli. A moment method for low speed microflows, 2009-12. (
  • Communication dans un congrès - 15 documents
    • Aurora Maffina, Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha, Denis Veynante, Sebastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio on Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and LES Study, 2023-06-26. (
    • G Guy, Christopher Betrancourt, Benedetta Franzelli. Evolution of soot maturity in a laminar diffusion CH 4 /air flame using the two-separated pulses LII technique, 2023-04-26. (
    • Aurora Maffina, Sébastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Validation of State-of-the-Art LES Modelling for Soot Prediction in Rich Premixed Turbulent Flames: a Focus on Oxidation Processes, 2023-04-26. (
    • J Yi, Christopher Betrancourt, Nasser Darabiha, Benedetta Franzelli. Interpretation of the Laser-Induced Emissions for flame-synthesized TiO 2 nanoparticles, 2023-04-24. (
    • Y Ogata, R O Fox, Abouelmagd Abdelsamie, Dominique Thévenin, Benedetta Franzelli. Direct Numerical Simulations of TiO 2 nanoparticle flame synthesis subjected to a homogeneous isotropic turbulent field, 2023-04-24. (
    • Lívia Pereira Tardelli, Nasser Darabiha, Denis Veynante, Benedetta Franzelli. Validating Soot Models in LES of Turbulent Flames: The Contribution of Soot Subgrid Intermittency Model to The Prediction of Soot Production in an Aero-Engine Model Combustor, 2021-06-07. (
    • J Yi, Christopher Betrancourt, Nasser Darabiha, Benedetta Franzelli. On the feasibility of Laser-Induced Incandescence technique for TiO2 nanoparticles analysis, 2021-04-14. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha. Using in situ measurements to experimentally characterize TiO 2 nanoparticle synthesis in a turbulent isopropyl alcohol flame, 2021-04-14. (
    • J. M. Orlac'Ha, Nasser Darabiha, S Candel, Denis Veynante, Benedetta Franzelli. Numerical investigation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles synthesis in laminar flames, 2021-04-14. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, A. Vié, Denis Veynante. A validation strategy for LES subgrid scale models, 2021-04-14. (
    • Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha, Sébastien M. Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. A new experimental database for the investigation of soot in a model scale swirled combustor under perfectly premixed conditions, 2018-06-11. (
    • Pedro Rodrigues, Olivier Gicquel, Benedetta Franzelli, Nasser Darabiha, Ronan Vicquelin. Coupled Monte-Carlo simulation of a Turbulent Sooting Diffusion Jet Flame, 2018-04-11. (
    • Pedro Rodrigues, Ronan Vicquelin, Benedetta Franzelli, Nasser Darabiha, Olivier Gicquel. Impact of Radiation Modeling in Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Sooting Diffusion Ethylene-Air Flame, 2017-04-03. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Eleonore Riber, Benedicte Cuenot, Matthias Ihme. Numerical Modeling of Soot Production in Aero-Engine Combustors Using Large Eddy Simulations, 2015. (
    • Benedetta Franzelli, Aymeric Vié, Benoit Fiorina, Nasser Darabiha. Large Eddy simulation of swirling kerosene/air spray flame using tabulated chemistry, 2013. (
  • Thèse - 1 document
    • Benedetta Giulia Franzelli. Impact de la description chimique dans une simulation numérique directe et une simulation aux grandes échelles de la combustion turbulente dans des foyers aéronautiques, 2011-09-19. (