Jean-Dominique Gobin

Publications :

  • Article dans une revue - 29 documents
    • José Lage, W.J. Minkowycz, Cristina Amon, Mohamed Awad, Tanmay Basak, Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Cesare Biserni, Jocelyn Bonjour, Romano Borchiellini, Erdal Çetkin, Yanyu Chen, W.K. Chow, Jack Chun, Vitor Costa, Weizhong Dai, Ibrahim Dincer, Amir Faghri, Dominique Gobin, Louis Gosselin, Giuseppe Grazzini, Heinz Herwig, G.F. 'Jerry' Jones, F.A. Kulacki, Calvin Li, Xianguo Li, Yuguo Li, Noam Li, Sylvie Lorente, Giulio Lorenzini, Umberto Lucia, Oronzio Manca, Josua Meyer, Antonio Miguel, Luiz Fernando Milanez, Yuri Muzychka, Arunn Narasimhan, Greg Naterer, Donald Nield, G.P. Bud Peterson, Heitor Reis, John Rose, Dusan Sekulic, Deng Shi-Ming, E.M. Sparrow, Wojciech Stanek, George Tsatsaronis, C.Y. Wen, William Worek, Houlei Zhang, Yuwen Zhang. Celebration of Professor Adrian Bejan on his 70th birthday, 2018-11. (
    • N. Moussa, B. Goyeau, H. Duval, D. Gobin. Macroscopic model for solidification in porous media, 2017-10-01. (
    • Nadine Moussa, Dominique Gobin, Hervé Duval, Benoît Goyeau. Infiltration of a porous matrix by a solidifying liquid metal: A local model, 2017-10-01. (
    • Arvind Kumar, Miha Založnik, Hervé Combeau, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin. Numerical simulation of columnar solidification: influence of inertia on channel segregation, 2013-06-01. (
    • Silvia C Hirata, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin. Onset of convective instabilities in under-ice melt ponds, 2012. (
    • Dominique Gobin, Benoît Goyeau. Thermosolutal natural convection in partially porous domains., 2012. (
    • Michel Bellet, H. Combeau, Y. Fautrelle, D. Gobin, M. Rady, E. Arquis, O. Budenkova, B. Dussoubs, Y. Duterrail, Salem Mosbah, Charles-André Gandin, B. Goyeau, A. Kumar, M. Zaloznik. Corrigendum to "Call for contributions to a numerical benchmark problem for 2D columnar solidification of binary alloys" [Int. J. Thermal Sci. 48 (11) (2009) 2013-2016], 2010-07. (
    • Y. Lahmar-Mebdoua, Armelle Vardelle, Pierre Fauchais, Dominique Null Gobin. Heat diffusion in solidifying alumina splat deposited on solid substrate under plasma sprayed conditions : application to coating formation, 2010. (
    • Y. Lahmar-Mebdoua, Armelle Vardelle, Pierre Fauchais, D. Gobin. Modelling the nucleation process in alumina lamellae deposited on a steel substrate, 2010. (
    • M. Rady, Eric Arquis, Dominique Gobin, Benoit Goyeau. Numerical simulation of macrosegregation and formation of channel segregates during alloy solidification using high-order TVD and WENO schemes, 2010. (
    • Silvia da Costa Hirata, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin. Stability of Thermosolutal Natural Convection in Superposed Fluid and Porous Layers, 2009-07. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, D. Gobin. Enhancing the performance of household refrigerators with latent heat storage: An experimental investigation, 2009. (
    • Silvia da Costa Hirata, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin, Marion Chandesris, Didier Jamet. Stability of natural convection in superposed fluid and porous layers: equivalence of the one- and two-domain approaches, 2009. (
    • Y. Lahmar-Mebdoua, Armelle Vardelle, Pierre Fauchais, D. Gobin. Splat heat transfer and crystal growth under thermal spray conditions, 2009. (
    • Michel Bellet, H. Combeau, Y. Fautrelle, D. Gobin, M. Rady, E. Arquis, O. Budenkova, B. Dussoubs, Y. Duterrail, A. Kumar, Charles-André Gandin, B. Goyeau, Salem Mosbah, M. Zazloznik. Call for contributions to a numerical benchmark problem for 2D columnar solidification of binary alloys, 2009. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, D. Gobin. Enhancing the performance of household refrigerators with latent heat storage : an experimental investigation., 2009. (
    • Dominique Gobin, Benoit Goyeau. Natural convection in partially porous media: a brief overview, 2008. (
    • Daniela Bauer, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin. Large particule transport in porous media: effect of pore pluggins on the macroscopic transport properties., 2008. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, D. Gobin. Performance enhancement of a household refrigerator by addition of latent heat storage, 2008. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. Réfrigérateur domestique à haute inertie thermique, 2007. (
    • Silvia da Costa Hirata, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Null Gobin. Stability analysis of natural convection in adjacent fluid and porous layers: influence of the jump boundary condition, 2007. (
    • Silvia da Costa Hirata, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Null Gobin, Magda Carr, Renato M. Cotta. Stability analysis of natural convection in adjacent fluid and porous layers: influence of the interfacial modeling, 2007. (
    • Silvia da Costa Hirata, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Null Gobin, Renato M. Cotta. Stability of natural convection in superposed fluid and porous layers using integral transforms, 2006. (
    • Patrick Roux, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Null Gobin, Florian Fichot, Michel Quintard. Chemical non-equilibrium modelling of columnar solidification, 2006. (
    • Dominique Gobin, Benoit Goyeau, Adrian Neculae. Convective heat and solute transfer in partially porous cavity, 2005. (
    • Morvan Coarer, Marc Raynal, E. Serrano, F. Martínez, Cesare Gessler, D. Gobin, Marie-France Corio-Costet, François F. Delmotte. Mildiou. Les contaminations primaires sont-elles d'importance secondaire ?, 2005. (
    • B. Goyeau, P. Bousquet-Melou, Dominique Gobin, Michel Quintard, F. Fichot. Macroscopic modeling of columnar dendritic solidification, 2004-05-01. (
    • Dominique Gobin, Patrick Le Quéré. MELTING from an ISOTHERMAL VERTICAL WALL. Synthesis of a numerical comparison exercise, 2000. (
    • D. Gobin, D. Levesque, C. Benard. Stockage de l'énergie solaire : simulation numérique du transfert d'énergie par conduction et rayonnement dans un milieu à deux phases, 1979. (
  • Communication dans un congrès - 19 documents
    • Nadine Moussa, Hervé Duval, Dominique Gobin, Benoît Goyeau. Numerical simulation of liquid metal infiltration and solidification inside a capillary tube, 2014-07-14. (
    • Benoît Goyeau, Dominique Gobin, Nadine Moussa, Michel Quintard. Upscaling approach for macroscopic solidification problems, 2014-05-27. (
    • Hervé Combeau, Michel Bellet, Yves Fautrelle, Dominique Gobin, Eric Arquis, Olga Budenkova, Bernard Dussoubs, Yves Duterrail, Arvind Kumar, Charles-André Gandin, Benoit Goyeau, Salem Mosbah, Thibault Quatravaux, Mohamed Rady, Miha Zaloznik. Analysis of a numerical benchmark for columnar solidification of binary alloys, 2012-06-17. (
    • Arvin Kumar, Miha Zaloznik, Hervé Combeau, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin. Channel segregation during columnar solidification : influence of inertia, 2012-06-17. (
    • Arvind Kumar, Miha Založnik, Hervé Combeau, Benoit Goyeau, Dominique Gobin. Channel segregation during columnar solidification: influence of inertia, 2012. (
    • Eric Arquis, Michel Bellet, Hervé Combeau, Yves Fautrelle, Dominique Gobin, Olga Budenkova, Bernard Dussoubs, Yves Duterrail, Arvind Kumar, Salem Mosbah, Mohamed Rady, Charles-André Gandin, Benoit Goyeau, Miha Zaloznik. First analysis of a numerical benchmark for 2D columnar solidification of binary alloys, 2011-06-27. (
    • Hervé Combeau, Michel Bellet, Yves Fautrelle, Dominique Gobin, Eric Arquis, Olga Budenkova, Bernard Dussoubs, Yves Duterrail, Arvind Kumar, Salem Mosbah, Thibault Quatravaux, Mohamed Rady, Charles-André Gandin, Benoit Goyeau, Miha Zaloznik. A numerical benchmark on the prediction of macrosegregation in binary alloys, 2011-02-27. (
    • Y. Lahmar-Mebdoua, Armelle Vardelle, Pierre Fauchais, D. Gobin. Numerical study of rapid solidification of alumina plasma sprayed on metallic substrates, 2008-06-23. (
    • N. Ferguen, Armelle Vardelle, Pierre Fauchais, D. Gobin. Numerical simulation of ceramic particles impacts on rough substrate under plasma spraying conditions, 2008-01-27. (
    • Kamel Azzouz, Denis Leducq, Jacques Guilpart, Dominique Gobin. Modélisation dynamique d'un système frigorifique domestique couplé à un matériau à changement de phase, 2007-08. (
    • Pierre Fauchais, Armelle Vardelle, Y. Lahmar-Mebdoua, D. Gobin. Splat heat transfer and crystal growth under thermal spray conditions, 2007-05-14. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, D. Gobin. Système frigorifique domestique à haute inertie thermique avec matériau à changement de phase, 2007. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. Effects of a phase change material slab applied on the evaporator of a household refrigerator, 2007. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. Modélisation dynamique d'un système frigorifique domestique couplé à un matériau à changement de phase, 2007. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. Performances d'un système frigorifique domestique avec stockage par chaleur latente, 2007. (
    • F. Costard, E. Gauthier, D. Brunstein, J. Hammadi, A. Fedorov, D. Yang, L. Dupeyrat, D. Gobin. Impact du réchauffement climatique sur l'érosion thermique des berges de la Lena, Yakoutie (Sibérie), 2006. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. A new concept of an efficient household refrigerator with phase change material, 2006. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. Modélisation dynamique d'un évaporateur couplé à un matériau à changement de phase pour la réfrigération domestique, 2006. (
    • K. Azzouz, Denis Leducq, J. Guilpart, D. Gobin. Improving the energy efficiency of a vapor compression system using a phase change material, 2005. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 2 documents