Franck Richecoeur

franck.richecoeur [at]

Résumé :

  • Professor (Professeur des Universités, section 62)
  • Combustion expérimentale pour la compréhension et la modélisation de la dynamique de flamme et du bruit en interaction avec l'environnement. Microcombustion.
  • Directeur du Département Énergétique.
  • Responsable de l'option Mécanique Aéronautique Espace (Cursus Centrale).
  • Animateur de la Dominante 'Construction, Ville et Transport'
  • En charge de la professionalisation au sein du pôle Programme à la Direction des Études.

Mots clés :

  • Combustion expérimentale, dynamique de flamme, interaction avec l'environnement, mécanique des fluides, aérodynamique.

Publications :

  • Article in a review - 20 documents
    • Marie Truffot, Antoine Renaud, Laurent Zimmer, Franck Richecoeur, Alain Cayre, Yoann Méry. Intermittency of Flame Structure and Thermo-Acoustic Behavior in a Staged Multipoint Injector Using Liquid Fuel, 2024-03-01. (
    • Gaël Parant, Laurent Zimmer, Antoine Renaud, Franck Richecoeur. Adaptation of the PTV method for droplets evaporating in vicinity of a flame, 2022-06. (
    • Kevin Bioche, Amanda Pieyre, Guillaume Ribert, Franck Richecoeur, Luc Vervisch. The role of gravity in the asymmetry of flames in narrow combustion chambers, 2019-05. (
    • Wenjie Tao, Thierry Schuller, Maxime Huet, Franck Richecoeur. Coherent entropy induced and acoustic noise separation in compact nozzles, 2017-02-07. (
    • Corentin J Lapeyre, Marek Mazur, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Sébastien Ducruix, Thierry Poinsot. Acoustically Induced Flashback in a Staged Swirl-Stabilized Combustor, 2017-01. (
    • W. Tao, Marek Mazur, M. Huet, Franck Richecoeur. Indirect Combustion Noise Contributions in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor with a Choked Nozzle, 2016-05-04. (
    • Maxime Huet, François Vuillot, Nicolas Bertier, Thierry Poinsot, Marek Mazur, Nancy Kings, Wenjie Tao, P. Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, S. Ducruix, Corentin J Lapeyre. Recent Improvements in Combustion Noise Investigation: from the Combustion Chamber to Nozzle Flow, 2016. (
    • Taraneh Sayadi, Peter J. Schmid, Franck Richecoeur, Daniel Durox. Parametrized data-driven decomposition for bifurcation analysis, with application to thermo-acoustically unstable systems, 2015-03. (
    • T. Sayadi, V. Le Chenadec, P. Schmid, Franck Richecoeur, Marc Massot. Time-domain analysis of thermo-acoustic instabilities in a ducted flame, 2015. (
    • Taraneh Sayadi, Vincent Le Chenadec, Peter Schmid, Franck Richecoeur, Marc Massot. Thermoacoustic instability - a dynamical system and time domain analysis, 2014-07-24. (
    • Alexis Giauque, Maxime Huet, Franck Clero, Sébastien Ducruix, Franck Richecoeur. Thermoacoustic Shape Optimization of a Subsonic Nozzle, 2013-10. (
    • Jingxuan Li, Franck Richecoeur, Thierry Schuller. Reconstruction of heat release rate disturbances based on transmission of ultrasounds: Experiments and modeling for perturbed flames, 2013-09-02. (
    • Franck Richecoeur, Thierry Schuller, Ammar Lamraoui, Sébastien Ducruix. Analytical and experimental investigations of gas turbine model combustor acoustics operated at atmospheric pressure, 2013-01-14. (
    • Jingxuan Li, Franck Richecoeur, Thierry Schuller. Determination of Heat Release Rate Disturbances in Unconfined Flames Based on Fluctuations in the Travel Time of Ultrasonic Waves, 2012-03-13. (
    • Ammar Lamraoui, Thierry Schuller, Franck Richecoeur, Sébastien Ducruix. A methodology for on the fly acoustic characterization of the feeding line impedances in a turbulent swirled combustor, 2010-07-02. (
    • Franck Richecoeur, Sébastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Candel. Effect of temperature fluctuations on high frequency acoustic coupling, 2009-01-22. (
    • S. Candel, Franck Richecoeur. Combustion for aerospace propulsion. Forward, 2009. (
    • Franck Richecoeur, S. Ducruix, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel. Experimental investigation of high-frequency combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engine., 2008. (
    • Franck Richecoeur, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix, Sébastien M. Candel. High Frequency Transverse Acoustic Coupling in a Multiple Injector Cryogenic Combustor, 2006-07. (
    • Franck Richecoeur, Dimitrios Kyritsis. Experimental study of flame stabilization in low Reynolds and Dean number flows in curved mesoscale ducts, 2005-01. (
  • Communication on a congress - 17 documents
    • G Parant, Laurent Zimmer, F Richecoeur. Effect of fuel properties on the stabilization of a monodisperse spray flame, 2023-04-26. (
    • Gaël Parant, Laurent Zimmer, Antoine Renaud, Franck Richecoeur. Adaptation d'une méthode de PTV pour les gouttes de combustible s'évaporant à proximité d'une flamme, 2022-09-12. (
    • Marie Truffot, Laurent Zimmer, Antoine Renaud, Franck Richecoeur. Comparaison entre flot optique et corrélation croisée pour décrire la dynamique d'un système d'injection turbulent, 2022-09-12. (
    • Marie Truffot, Axel Ivaldi, Antoine Renaud, Laurent Zimmer, Franck Richecoeur. Bistability of a modulated downwards oriented laminar flame, 2021-04-14. (
    • Kévin Bioche, Amanda Pieyre, Guillaume Ribert, Franck Richecoeur, Luc Vervisch. The role of gravity in the asymmetry of flames in narrow combustion chambers, 2019. (
    • Marek Mazur, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Leo Cunha Caldeira Mesquita, Aymeric Vié, Sebastien Ducruix. Planar Velocity Measurements at 100 KHz In Gas Turbine Combustors With a Continuous Laser Source, 2017-06-26. (
    • Amanda Pieyre, Takeshi Yokomori, Franck Richecoeur. Thermal Characterization of a Narrow Channel Wall by Thermographic Phosphor Thermometry, 2017-04-18. (
    • Amanda Pieyre, Takeshi Yokomori, Franck Richecoeur. Determination of wall temperature in a narrow channel by thermographic phosphor thermometry, 2016-11-23. (
    • Nancy Kings, Wenjie Tao, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Sebastien Ducruix. Experimental and numerical investigation of direct and indirect combustion noise contributions in a lean premixed laboratory swirled combustor, 2016-06-13. (
    • Amanda Pieyre, Nasser Darabiha, Franck Richecoeur. Unsteady position control of lean premixed flames in a narrow channel, 2015-11-16. (
    • Marek Mazur, Wenjie Tao, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Sebastien Ducruix. Experimental and analytical study of the acoustic properties of a gas turbine model combustor with a choked nozzle, 2015-06-15. (
    • Wenjie Tao, Thierry Schuller, Sebastien Ducruix, Franck Richecoeur. Development of a noise generator dedicated to direct and indirect combustion noise separation, 2013-06. (
    • Alexis Giauque, Maxime Huet, Franck Clero, Sebastien Ducruix, Franck Richecoeur. Thermoacoustic shape optimization of a subsonic nozzle, 2013-06. (
    • Laurent Zimmer, Tapish Agarwal, Franck Richecoeur, Seiji Yoshida. Mesures de compositions locales par spectroscopie de plasma induit par laser, 2010-09-14. (
    • Tapish Agarwal, Franck Richecoeur, Laurent Zimmer. Application of two dimensional LASER induced plasma spectroscopy to the measurement of local composition in gaseous flow, 2010-07-05. (
    • Ammar Lamraoui, Franck Richecoeur, Thierry Schuller, Sébastien Ducruix. A methodology for on the fly acoustic characterization of the feeding lines impedances in a turbulent swirled combustor, 2010-06-14. (
  • Work - 1 document
    • Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Jane Lecomte, Sophie Laval-Szopa, Laurent Audouin, Emmanuelle Baudry, Céline Bellard, Elsa Bonnaud, Laurent Bopp, Pascale Braconnot, Francois-Marie Breon, Raphael Brett, Thierry Brunelle, Jean-Christophe Bureau, François Chiron, Franck Courchamp, Charlotte da Cunha, Marc Delmotte, Nicolas Delpierre, Nathalie de Noblet Ducoudré, Catherine Even, Aude Farinetti, Nathalie Frascaria, Jeanne Gherardi, Pierre‐henri Gouyon, Christine Hatté, Frédéric Lantz, Catherine Larrère, Paul Leadley, Yves Levi, Harold Levrel, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Christian Mougin, Jean-Eudes Petit, Gilles Ramstein, Yorghos Remvikos, Franck Richecoeur, Guillaume Roux, Marielle Saunois, Jérôme Servonnat, Rémy Slama, Cécile Tran Kiem, Jacques Treiner, Améline Vallet, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden. Enjeux de la transition écologique, 2021-11. (
  • Work chapter - 3 documents
    • Jane Lecomte, Nathalie Frascaria, Jean-Christophe Bureau, Thierry Brunelle, Franck Richecoeur, Jean-Michel Lourtioz, Laurent Audouin, Francois-Marie Breon, Catherine Even. Agir sur les causes des changements globaux, 2021-11. (
    • Pierre-Edouard Bossard, Franck Richecoeur, Sebastien Ducruix, Laurent Zimmer. Mesures de fluctuations de richesse de flammes turbulentes prémélangées, 2018-09-17. (
    • Franck Richecoeur, Layal Hakim, Antoine Renaud, Laurent Zimmer. DMD algorithms for experimental data processing in combustion, 2012-12-01. (
  • ISSUE - 1 document
  • Other submission - 2 documents
    • Ammar Lamraoui, Franck Richecoeur, Thierry Schuller, Sébastien Ducruix. Acoustic reconstruction of the fuel and air feeding line impedances in a swirled burner during combustion instabilities, 2009. (
    • Ammar Lamraoui, Franck Richecoeur, Thierry Schuller, Sébastien Ducruix. Impact of acoustic boundary conditions on confined combustion noise, 2008. (
  • Dissertation - 1 document