Frédéric Magoules

frederic.magoules [at]
Publications :
- Article dans une revue - 107 documents
- Sergei Alexandrov, Marina Rynkovskaya, Yong Li, Frédéric Magoulès. Expansion of a hole in a thin plate considering arbitrary smooth pressure-independent yield criterion and work-hardening law, 2024-12. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frédéric Magoulès. Asynchronous global–local non-invasive coupling for nonlinear monotone patches: Application to plasticity problems, 2024-10. (
- Frederic Magoules, Mathieu Menoux, Anna Rozanova-Pierrat. Frequency range non-Lipschitz parametric optimization of a noise absorption, 2024-09-06. (
- M. Chenaud, Frederic Magoules, J. Alves. Physics-Informed Graph-Mesh Networks for PDEs: A hybrid approach for complex problems, 2024-08-21. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Accurate implementation of two-level asynchronous domain decomposition solvers, 2024. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous multisplitting-based primal Schur method, 2023-06. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous global-local non-invasive coupling for linear elliptic problems, 2023-03-01. (
- Owe Axelsson, János Karátson, Frederic Magoules. Robust superlinear Krylov convergence for complex noncoercive compact-equivalent operator preconditioners, 2023. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Resilient asynchronous primal Schur method, 2022-12-01. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Marina Rynkovskaya, Frederic Magoules. Scalable asynchronous domain decomposition solvers for non-homogeneous elastic structures, 2022-12. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. Delayed gradient methods for symmetric and positive definite linear systems, 2022-08-04. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Qinmeng Zou, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous iterations of HSS method for non-Hermitian linear systems, 2022-06-03. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous multiplicative coarse-space correction, 2022-06. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous substructuring method with alternating local and global iterations, 2021-09. (
- Frederic Magoules, Qinmeng Zou. Asynchronous time-parallel method based on Laplace transform, 2021. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frederic Magoules. Fast gradient methods with alignment for symmetric linear systems without using Cauchy step, 2021-01. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Thi Phuong Kieu Nguyen, Pascal Omnes, Anna Rozanova-Pierrat. Optimal absorption of acoustical waves by a boundary, 2021. (
- Michael Hinz, Frédéric Magoulès, Anna Rozanova-Pierrat, Marina Rynkovskaya, Alexander Teplyaev. On the existence of optimal shapes in architecture, 2021. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frédéric Magoulès. Protocol-free asynchronous iterations termination, 2020-08. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. Parameter estimation in the Hermitian and skew‐Hermitian splitting method using gradient iterations, 2020-08. (
- William Farin, Florian Plaza Oñate, Jonathan Plassais, Christophe Bonny, Christoph Beglinger, Bettina Woelnerhanssen, David Nocca, Frédéric Magoulès, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Nicolas Pons, Alessandra C.L. Cervino, Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich. Impact of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy on gut microbiota: a metagenomic comparative analysis, 2020-07. (
- M. El Haddad, J.C. Garay, Frederic Magoules, D.B. Szyld. Synchronous and asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods for one-way subdivision of bounded domains, 2020. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. Reducing the effect of global synchronization in delayed gradient methods for symmetric linear systems, 2020. (
- Florian Plaza Onate, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Mathieu Almeida, Alessandra C. L. Cervino, Franck Gauthier, Frédéric Magoulès, S. Dusko Ehrlich, Matthieu Pichaud. MSPminer abundance-based reconstitution of microbial pan-genomes from shotgun metagenomic data, 2019. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan. Asynchronous Parareal time discretization for partial differential equations, 2018-11. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan. Distributed convergence detection based on global residual error under asynchronous iterations, 2018-04-01. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Qinmeng Zou. Asynchronous iterations of Parareal algorithm for option pricing models, 2018-03-21. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Hanyu Zhang. Three-dimensional dispersion analysis and stabilised finite element methods for acoustics, 2018-03. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Cédric Venet. Asynchronous iterative sub-structuring methods, 2018-03. (
- Owe Axelsson, János Karátson, Frédéric Magoulès. Superlinear convergence using block preconditioners for the real system formulation of complex Helmholtz equations, 2018-02-01. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan. JACK2: An MPI-based communication library with non-blocking synchronization for asynchronous iterations, 2018-02. (
- Ge Song, Justine Rochas, Lea El Beze, Fabrice Huet, Frédéric Magoulès. Correction to “K Nearest Neighbour joins for Big Data on MapReduce: a theoretical and experimental analysis”, 2018. (
- Vinay Kumar, Krishna Murthy Somanchi, Frédéric Magoulès, B. Kumar. Stratification effect on free convective Darcy Fochheimer boundary layer flow under multiple interacting forces, 2018. (
- William Farin, Florian Plaza Onate, Jonathan Plassais, Christophe Bonny, Christoph Beglinger, Bettina Woelnerhanssen, David Nocca, Frédéric Magoulès, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Nicolas Pons, Alessandra Cervino, Stanislas Dusko Ehrlich. Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass alters gut microbiota more than laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, 2018. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Frédéric Magoulès. Conjugate gradient method with graphics processing unit acceleration: CUDA vs OpenCL, 2017-09. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Daniel Szyld, Cédric Venet. Asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods with and without overlap, 2017-09. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Frédéric Magoulès. Efficient implementation of Jacobi iterative method for large sparse linear systems on graphic processing units, 2017-08. (
- Fei Teng, Lei Yu, Tianrui Li, Danting Deng, Frédéric Magoulès. Energy efficiency of VM consolidation in IaaS clouds, 2017-02. (
- Che-Lun Hung, Frédéric Magoulès, Meikang Qiu, Robert C. Hsu, Chun-Yuan Lin. Embedded multi-core computing and applications, 2017. (
- S.V.S.S.N.V.G. Krishna Murthy, Frédéric Magoulès, B. Kumar, Vinay Kumar. Double diffusive free convection along a vertical surface in a doubly stratified porous medium with Soret and Dufour effects under MHD forces, 2017. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Mark Parsons, Lorna Smith. Advances in High Performance Computing on the path to Exascale software, 2017. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Patrick Callet. Ray-tracing domain decomposition methods for real-time simulation on multi-core and multi-processor systems, 2016-11. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Atsushi Suzuki. Green computing on graphics processing units, 2016-11. (
- Lei Yu, Fei Teng, Frederic Magoules. Node scaling analysis for power-aware real-time tasks scheduling, 2016-08-01. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Roman Putanowicz. Optimized Schwarz method without overlap for the gravitational potential equation on cluster of graphics processing unit, 2016. (
- Ge Song, Justine Rochas, Lea El Beze, Fabrice Huet, Frederic Magoules. K Nearest Neighbour Joins for Big Data on MapReduce: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis, 2016. (
- F. Magoules, G. Gbikpi-Benissan. JACK: an asynchronous communication kernel library for iterative algorithms, 2016. (
- Akira Koide, Takao Tsuji, Tsutomu Oyama, Tadahiro Goda, Yasuhiro Kojima, Takao Shinji, Kenko Uchida, Frédéric Magoulès. A Probabilistic Estimation Method of Reactive Power Controlled by PCS using Measurement Data of Switchgears with Sensors, 2016. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Mark Parsons, Lorna Smith. Innovative Algorithms for Extreme Scale Computing, 2015. (
- F. Magoules, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, R. Putanowicz. Auto-tuned Krylov methods on cluster of graphics processing unit, 2015. (
- F. Magoules, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, R. Putanowicz. Fast iterative solvers for large compressed-sparse row linear systems on graphics processing unit, 2015. (
- F. Teng, H. Yang, T. Li, F. Magoules, X. Fan. Mus: A novel deadline-constrained scheduling algorithm for Hadoop, 2015. (
- T. Tsuji, F. Magoules, K. Uchida, T. Oyama. A partitioning technique for a waveform relaxation method using eigenvectors in the transient stability analysis of power systems, 2015. (
- F. Magoules, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed. Alinea: An advanced linear algebra library for massively parallel computations on graphics processing units, 2015. (
- Fei Teng, Frédéric Magoulès, Lei Yu, Tianrui Li. A novel real-time scheduling algorithm and performance analysis of a MapReduce-based cloud, 2014-08. (
- S. Chaabane Khelifi, N. Mechitoua, F. Hulsemann, F. Magoules. A hybrid multigrid method for convection–diffusion problems, 2014-03. (
- F. Magoules, G. Gbikpi-Benissan. Coarse space construction based on Chebyshev polynomials for graphic analysis, 2014. (
- F. Magoules, P. Laurent-Gengoux, F. Pruvost. Preconditioners for Schwarz relaxation methods applied to differential algebraic equations, 2014. (
- W. Gault, Y. Iwamoto, X.-D. Niu, F. Magoules, H. Yamaguchi. Magnetic ejection effect under uniform magnetic field, 2013. (
- J. Pan, F. Magoules, Y. Le Biannic, C. Favart. Parallelizing multiple group-by queries using MapReduce: optimization and cost estimation, 2013. (
- F. Magoules, H. X. Zhao, D. Elizondo. Development of an RDP neural network for building energy consumption fault detection diagnosis, 2013. (
- J. Pan, F. Magoules, Y. Le Biannic. MapReduce-based parallel algorithms for multidimensionnal data analysis, 2012. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. A review on the prediction of building energy consumption, 2012. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. Feature selection for predicting building energy consumption based on statistical learning method, 2012. (
- F. Magoules, C. Venet. Parallel domain decomposition methods for beam-tracing, 2012. (
- V. Roussellet, X. Niu, H. Yamaguchi, F. Magoules. Natural convection of temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid in porous media, 2011. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. Parallel Support Vector Machines Applied to the Prediction of Multiple Buildings Energy Consumption, 2010. (
- J. Pan, F. Magoules, Y. Le Biannic. Implementing and optimizing multiple group-by query in a MapReduce approach, 2010. (
- Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. Service scheduling and rescheduling in an applications integration framework, 2009. (
- B. Faucard, A. G. Sorguc, F. Magoules, I. Hagiwara. Refining Technique for Multilevel Graph k-partitioning and Its Application on Domain Decomposition Non Overlapping Schwarz Technique for Urban Acoustic Pollution, 2009. (
- F. Magoules, V. Marquevielle, P. A. Dutilleul. Artificial neural network based method for handwriting recognition to speech generation, 2009. (
- Q. Fan, Q. Wu, F. Magoules, N. Xiong, A. V. Vasilakos, Y. He. Game and balance multicast architecture algorithms for sensor grid, 2009. (
- T. M. H. Nguyen, F. Magoules. Supporting dynamic access to virtualized data resources via WSRF-based services, 2009. (
- T. M. H. Nguyen, F. Magoules. Autonomic data management system in grid environment, 2009. (
- F. Lai, F. Magoules, F. Lherminier. Vapnik's learning theory applied to energy consumption forecasts in residential buildings, 2008. (
- Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. Towards dynamic integration, scheduling and rescheduling of scientific applications, 2008. (
- Yvon Maday, F. Magoules. Optimal convergence properties of the FETI domain decomposition method, 2007. (
- J. C. Autrique, F. Magoules. Analysis of a conjugated infinite element method for acoustic scattering, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, L. Series. Algebraic approach to absorbing boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equation, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, R. Putanowicz. Visualisation of large data sets by mixing Tcl and C++ interfaces to the VTK library, 2007. (
- M. J. Gander, L. Halpern, F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Analysis of patch substructuring methods, 2007. (
- Yvon Maday, F. Magoules. Optimized Schwarz methods without overlap for highly heterogeneous media, 2007. (
- M. J. Gander, L. Halpern, F. Magoules. An optimized Schwarz method with two-sided Robin transmission conditions for the Helmholtz equation, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, L.A. Diago, I. Hagiwara. Efficient preconditioning for image reconstruction with radial basis function, 2007. (
- Frederic Magoules, Yvon Maday. A survey of various absorbing interface conditions for the Schwarz algorithm tuned to highly heterogeneous media. Domain decomposition methods: theory and applications, 2006. (
- Yvon Maday, F. Magoules. Absorbing interface conditions for domain decomposition methods: a general presentation, 2006. (
- J. C. Autrique, F. Magoules. Numerical analysis of a coupled finite-infinite element method for exterior Helmholtz problems, 2006. (
- Yvon Maday, F. Magoules. Improved ad hoc interface conditions for Schwarz solution procedure tuned to highly heterogeneous media, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, R. Putanowicz. Large-scale data visualization using multi-language programming applied to environmental problems, 2006. (
- J. C. Autrique, F. Magoules. Studies of an infinite element method for acoustical radiation, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, L. Series. Algebraic Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping for linear elasticity problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Lagrangian formulation of domain decomposition methods: a unified theory, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, L. Series. Algebraic approximation of Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps for the equations of linear elasticity, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, L. Series. Algebraic way to derive absorbing boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equation, 2005. (
- F. Magoules, L. A. Diago, I. Hagiwara. A two-level iterative method for image reconstruction with radial basis functions, 2005. (
- Yvon Maday, F. Magoules. Non-overlapping additive Schwarz methods tuned to highly heterogeneous media, 2005. (
- F. Magoules, R. Putanowicz. Optimal convergence of non-overlapping Schwarz methods for the Helmholtz equation, 2005. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, Stéphanie Salmon. Optimal discrete transmission conditions for a non-overlapping domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation, 2004. (
- F. Magoules, P. Ivanyi, B. H. V. Topping. Convergence analysis of Schwarz methods without overlap for the Helmholtz equation, 2004. (
- F. Magoules, P. Ivanyi, B. H. V. Topping. Non-overlapping Schwarz methods with optimized transmission conditions for the Helmholtz equation, 2004. (
- I. Harari, F. Magoules. Numerical investigations of stabilized finite element computations for acoustics, 2004. (
- M. J. Gander, F. Magoules, Frédéric Nataf. Optimized Schwarz methods without overlap for the Helmholtz equation, 2002. (
- F. Magoules, J. C. Autrique. Calcul parallèle et méthodes d'éléments finis et infinis pour des problèmes de radiation acoustique, 2001. (
- F. Magoules, K. Meerbergen, J. P. Coyette. Application of a domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipliers to acoustic problems arising from the automotive industry, 2000. (
- C. Farhat, A. Macedo, M. Lesoinne, F. X. Roux, F. Magoules, A. D. L. Bourdonnaye. Two-level domain decomposition methods with Lagrange multipliers for the fast iterative solution of acoustic scattering problems, 2000. (
- A. D. L. Bourdonnaye, C. Farhat, A. Macedo, F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. A non-overlapping domain decomposition method for the exterior Helmholtz problem, 1998. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, A. D. L. Bourdonnaye. Méthode de décomposition de domaine pour des problèmes hyperboliques, 1998. (
- Communication dans un congrès - 111 documents
- Shwetha Nagraj Salimath, Francesca Bugiotti, Frederic Magoules, Jose Alves. Hybrid approach for simulating finite element methods using Graph Neural Networks for metal forging process, 2023-09-05. (
- M. Chenaud, Frederic Magoules, J. Alves. Physics-Informed Graph Convolutional Networks: Towards a generalized framework for complex geometries, 2023-08-28. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frederic Magoules. Enhancing the Global/Local Coupling Method: An Asynchronous Parallel Framework, 2023-08-28. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Accurate Coarse Residual for Two-Level Asynchronous Domain Decomposition Methods, 2023-08-28. (
- H. Liu, Frederic Magoules, Q. Zou. Avoiding Communication in Two-Sided Krylov Subspace Methods, 2023. (
- Z. Qiu, Frederic Magoules, D. Pelaez. Analytical Hierarchical Tucker Representation using Binary Trees, 2023. (
- Siying Lin, Jose Alves, Francesca Bugiotti, Frederic Magoules. A Comparison Study of Graph Neural Network and Support Vector Machine, 2022-10-14. (
- Meduri Venkata Shivaditya, José Alves, Francesca Bugiotti, Frederic Magoules. Graph Neural Network-based Surrogate Models for Finite Element Analysis, 2022-10-14. (
- Meduri Venkata Shivaditya, Francesca Bugiotti, Frederic Magoules. Point-Cloud-based Deep Learning Models for Finite Element Analysis, 2022-10-14. (
- Lawson Oliveira Lima, Julien Rosenberger, Esteban Antier, Frederic Magoules. Multilayer Perceptron-based Surrogate Models for Finite Element Analysis, 2022-10-14. (
- Pierre Gosselet, Ahmed El Kerim, Frederic Magoules. Couplage global/local non-intrusif et calcul asynchrone, 2022-08-29. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous scalable version of the global-local non-invasive coupling, 2022-07. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous scalable version of the Global-Local non-invasive coupling, 2022-06-27. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frederic Magoules. Couplage Global-Local en asynchrone pour des problèmes linèaires, 2022-05-16. (
- Ahmed El Kerim, Pierre Gosselet, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous Global-Local Non-Invasive Coupling, 2022-02. (
- V. Garait, Frederic Magoules, G. Djambazov, C.-H. Lai. Passive reduction of the noise in a car, 2022. (
- Mengchen Wang, Nicolas Férey, Frédéric Magoulès, Patrick Bourdot. Interactive simulation for easy decision-making in fluid dynamics, 2021-05-03. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. Recent Developments in Iterative Methods for Reducing Synchronization, 2019-11-08. (
- Mengchen Wang, Nicolas Ferey, Patrick Bourdot, Frédéric Magoulès. Using Asynchronous Simulation Approach for Interactive Simulation, 2019-11-08. (
- Mengchen Wang, Nicolas Ferey, Patrick Bourdot, Frédéric Magoulès. Interactive 3D Fluid Simulation: Steering the Simulation in Progress Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, 2019-11-08. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. On Extensions of Limited Memory Steepest Descent Method, 2019-11-08. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. Distributed asynchronous convergence detection without detection protocol, 2019-06-04. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. A New Cyclic Gradient Method Adapted to Large-Scale Linear Systems, 2018-10-19. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Frédéric Magoulès. Convergence Detection of Asynchronous Iterations Based on Modified Recursive Doubling, 2018-10-19. (
- J.C. Garay, Frederic Magoules, D.B. Szyld. Optimized Schwarz method for Poisson's equation in rectangular domains, 2018. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frédéric Magoulès. Asynchronous Parareal Algorithm Applied to European Option Pricing, 2017-10-13. (
- Qinmeng Zou, Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Frédéric Magoulès. Asynchronous Communications Library for the Parallel-in-Time Solution of Black-Scholes Equation, 2017-10-13. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Qinmeng Zou. GPU Accelerated Contactless Human Machine Interface for Driving Car, 2017-10-13. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Qinmeng Zou. A Novel Contactless Human Machine Interface Based on Machine Learning, 2017-10-13. (
- Sarra Slimani, Tarek Hamrouni, Frédéric Magoulès, Faouzi Ben Charrada. Ddsor A dependency aware dynamic service replication strategy for efficient execution of service-oriented applications in the cloud, 2017-07-17. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Frederic Magoules. JACK2: A New High-Level Communication Library for Parallel Iterative Methods, 2017-05-30. (
- J.C. Garay, Frederic Magoules, D.B. Szyld. Convergence of asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods in the plane, 2017. (
- Takafumi Sekine, Takao Tsuji, Tsutomu Oyama, Frédéric Magoulès, Kenko Uchida. Speedup of parallel computing by parareal method in transient stability analysis of Japanese power system, 2016-11-28. (
- Hanyu Zhang, Peter Ivanyi, Frédéric Magoulès. Galerkin Gradient Least Square Method for Sound Holography in Royaumont Abbey, 2016-08-24. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Patrick Callet, Frédéric Magoulès. Spectral Domain Decomposition Method for Physically-Based Rendering of Royaumont Abbey, 2016-08-24. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Hanyu Zhang. Galerkin Least Square Method for Time-Harmonic Acoustics in Royaumont Abbey, 2016-08-24. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Frédéric Magoulès. GPU Accelerated Substructuring Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 2016-08-24. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Frédéric Magoulès. On the Stability and Performance of the Solution of Sparse Linear Systems by Partitioned Procedures, 2016-08-24. (
- Hanyu Zhang, Peter Ivanyi, Frédéric Magoulès. Automatic Matrix Partitioning Algorithm Underlying Iterative Substructuring Methods for Finite Element Analysis, 2016-08-24. (
- Lve Zhang, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Frédéric Magoulès. Multi-objective Optimization Design of Dispensing Valves in Semiconductor Packaging Systems, 2016-08-24. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Michel Piliougine, David Elizondo. Support Vector Regression for Electricity Consumption Prediction in a Building in Japan, 2016-08-24. (
- Frederic Magoules, Gs Sidharth, H.X. Zhao. Building systems energy inefficiency and fault detection using recursive deterministic perceptron neural network, 2016. (
- Ge Song, Justine Rochas, Fabrice Huet, Frédéric Magoulès. Solutions for Processing K Nearest Neighbor Joins for Massive Data on MapReduce, 2015-03-04. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Iterative krylov methods for acoustic problems on graphics processing unit, 2014-11-24. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Energy consumption analysis on graphics processing units, 2014-11-24. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Patrick Callet, F. Magoules. Spectral domain decomposition method for physically-based rendering of photochromic/electrochromic glass windows, 2014-11-24. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, F. Magoules. Beam-tracing domain decomposition method for urban acoustic pollution, 2014-11-24. (
- T. Tsuji, T. Sakamoto, T. Oyama, F. Magoules, K. Uchida. Global initialization technique in waveform relaxation method for transient stability analysis of a Japanese power system, 2014-10-12. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Parallel sub-structuring methods for solving sparse linear systems on a cluster of gpus, 2014-08-20. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Remi Cerise, Patrick Callet, F. Magoules. Spectral domain decomposition method for natural lighting and medieval glass rendering, 2014-08-20. (
- F. Teng, D. Deng, Linwen Yu, F. Magoules. An energy-efficient VM placement in cloud datacenter, 2014-08-20. (
- F. Magoules, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, A. Desmaison, J.C. Lechenet, F. Mayer, H.B. Salem, T. Zhu. Power consumption analysis of parallel algorithms on GPUs, 2014-08-20. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Accelerated solution of Helmholtz equation with iterative Krylov methods on GPU, 2014-08-20. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, A. Desmaison, F. Magoules. Fast and green computing with graphics processing units for solving sparse linear systems, 2014-08-20. (
- L.S. Lai, C.H. Lai, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Coupling and simulation of fluid-structure interaction problems for automotive sun-roof on graphics processing unit, 2014-08-20. (
- Ge Song, Zide Meng, Fabrice Huet, Frederic Magoules, Lei Yu, Xuelian Lin. A Hadoop MapReduce Performance Prediction Method, 2013-11-13. (
- A. Koide, T. Tsuji, T. Oyama, F. Magoules, K. Uchida. A state estimation method for reactive power control by DGs in distribution systems based on pseudo inverse matrix, 2013-10-06. (
- F. Magoules, R. Cerise, P. Callet. A beam-tracing domain decomposition method for sound holography in church acoustics, 2013-09-02. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, F. Magoules. Coarse space correction for graphic analysis, 2013-09-02. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Iterative Krylov methods for gravity problems on graphics processing unit, 2013-09-02. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Schwarz method with two-sided transmission conditions for the gravity equations on graphics processing unit, 2013-09-02. (
- R. Cerise, F. da Graca, F. Magoules, P. Callet. Natural lighting and medieval glass: Scientific data acquisition, methodology and physically based rendering, 2012-10-29. (
- F. Magoules. Optimized Schwarz domain decomposition methods, 2012-10-12. (
- J. Lee, F. Magoules. Detection of concept drift for learning from stream data, 2012-06-25. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. A stochastic-based optimized Schwarz method for the gravimetry equations on GPU clusters, 2012-06-25. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Fast sparse matrix-vector multiplication on graphics processing unit for finite element analysis, 2012-06-25. (
- Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, F. Magoules. Iterative methods for sparse linear systems on graphics processing unit, 2012-06-25. (
- T.-H. Dao, M. Ndjinga, F. Magoules. A Schur complement method for compressible two-phase flow models, 2012-06-25. (
- L. Rodriguez, L. Diago, I. Hagiwara, F. Magoules. Color reproduction by means of a compactly supported radial basis function space mapping, 2012-06-10. (
- F. Pruvost, P. Laurent-Gengoux, F. Magoules, F. X. Bouchez. Speed-up the computing efficiency of waveform relaxation method for power system transient stability, 2011-11-12. (
- T. Cadeau, F. Magoules. Coupling the parareal algorithm with the waveform relaxation method for the solution of differential algebraic equations, 2011-10-14. (
- C. Venet, F. Magoules. Parallel domain decomposition methods for ray-tracing on multi-cores and multi-processors, 2011-10-14. (
- F. Pruvost, P. Laurent-Gengoux, F. Magoules, B. Haut. Accelerated waveform relaxation methods for power systems, 2011-09-16. (
- T. Cadeau, F. Magoules. Coupling parareal and waveform relaxation methods for power systems, 2011-09-16. (
- F. Teng, Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. Reliability comparison of schedulability test in ubiquitous computing, 2011-09-02. (
- F. Pruvost, T. Cadeau, P. Laurent-Gengoux, F. Magoules, F. X. Bouchez, B. Haut. Numerical accelerations for power systems transient stability simulations, 2011-08-22. (
- F. Teng, Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. A reliability indication method for constant-time admission control test, 2011-08-16. (
- F. Teng, Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. Scheduling performance of real-time tasks on MapReduce cluster, 2011-08-11. (
- F. Teng, Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. SimMapReduce: a simulator for modeling MapReduce framework, 2011-06-28. (
- T. H. Dao, M. Ndjinga, F. Magoules. Comparison of upwind and centered schemes for low mach number flows, 2011-06-06. (
- S. Khelifi, N. Mechitoua, F. Hulsemann, F. Magoules. An aggregation based algebraic multigrid method applied to convection-diffusion operators, 2011-06-06. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. New parallel support vector regression for predicting building energy consumption, 2011-04-11. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. Parallel support vector machines on multi-core and multiprocessor systems, 2011-02-14. (
- T.-H. Dao, M. Ndjinga, F. Magoules. A Schur complement method for compressible Navier-Stokes equations, 2011-02-07. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. Feature selection for support vector regression in the application of building energy prediction, 2011-01-27. (
- Frederic Magoules, C. Venet. Beam-tracing algorithms based on parallel domain decomposition methods, 2011. (
- F. Teng, F. Magoules. Modeling and simulation of on-line allocation in clouds, 2010-11-02. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. A new parallel implementation of SVM on multi-core systems, 2010-11-02. (
- F. Teng, F. Magoules. Resource pricing and equilibrium allocation policy in cloud computing, 2010-06-29. (
- J. Pan, F. Magoules, Y. Le Biannic. Executing multiple group-by query in a MapReduce approach, 2010-06-29. (
- J. Pan, Y. Le Biannic, F. Magoules. Parallelizing multiple group-by query in share-nothing environment: a MapReduce study case, 2010-06-20. (
- F. Teng, F. Magoules. A new game theoretical resource allocation algorithm for cloud computing, 2010-05-10. (
- J. Pan, F. Magoules, Y. Le Biannic. Executing multiple group-by query using MapReduce approach: implementation and optimization, 2010-05-10. (
- H. X. Zhao, F. Magoules. A parallel statistical learning approach to the prediction of building energy consumption based on large datasets, 2009-10-16. (
- Q. Fan, Q. Wu, F. Magoules, Y. He. Bi-vector balance hierarchical multicast architecture algorithms for data grid, 2009-09-13. (
- Q. Fan, F. Magoules, Q. Wu, Y. He. Linear optimal hierarchical multicast tree algorithms for P2P database, 2008-12-10. (
- F. Lai, H. Sato, F. Magoules, F. Lherminier. Advanced data analysis applied to energy efficiency in district heating, 2008-06-10. (
- B. Faucard, F. Magoules, I. Hagiwara. Consideration on domain decomposition methods for noise-vibration problem, 2007-12-03. (
- B. Faucard, F. Magoules, I. Hagiwara. Three dimensional optimized Schwarz methods without overlap for the numerical simulation of urban acoustic pollution, 2007-10-02. (
- Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. Towards dynamic integration and scheduling of scientific applications, 2007-08-14. (
- T. M. H. Nguyen, F. Magoules. A framework for data management in the grid, 2007-08-14. (
- T. M. H. Nguyen, F. Magoules, C. Revillon. GRAVY: Towards virtual file system for the grid, 2007-05-02. (
- Lianbo Yu, F. Magoules. A framework for dynamic deployment of scientific applications based on WSRF, 2007-05-02. (
- L. S. Lai, G. S. Djambazov, C. H. Lai, K. A. Pericleous, F. Magoules. Experience of using a CFD code for estimating the noise generated by gusts along the sun-roof of a car, 2006-07-02. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, L. Series. Algebraic design of absorbing boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equation, 2005-08-25. (
- L. S. Lai, G. S. Djambazov, C. H. Lai, K. A. Pericleous, F. Magoules. The effect of a sun-roof on the sound distribution of the interior of a car compartment, 2005-07-11. (
- F. Magoules, R. Putanowicz. Non-overlapping Schwarz methods for the Helmholtz equation and related shape optimization problems, 2004-08-30. (
- F. X. Roux, F. Magoules, L. Series, Y. Boubendir. Approximation of optimal interface boundary conditions for two-Lagrange multiplier FETI method, 2003-07-15. (
- F. X. Roux, F. Magoules, Stéphanie Salmon, L. Series. Optimization of interface operator based on algebraic approach, 2002-01-06. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux, J. P. Coyette, C. Lecomte. Numerical treatment of internal acoustic problems by substructuring methods, 1998-09-02. (
- A. de La Bourdonnaye, C. Farhat, A. Macedo, F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. A method of finite element tearing and interconnecting for the Helmholtz problem, 1998-04-04. (
- ISSUE - 20 documents
- Che-Lun Hung, Chun-Yuan Lin, Frederic Magoules. Deep Learning in Medical Image Process, 2023. (
- Viorel-Puiu Paun, Frederic Magoules, Alina Gavriluţ. Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems, 2021. (
- Raúl Baños, Frederic Magoules, Francisco G. Montoya. Computational Methods for Modeling, Simulating, and Optimizing Complex Systems, 2020. (
- Che-Lun Hung, Frederic Magoules, Meikang Qiu, Robert C. Hsu, Chun-Yuan Lin. Special Issue on Embedded multicore computing and applications, 2017. (
- Frederic Magoules, Mark Parsons, Lorna Smith. Special Issue on Advances in High Performance Computing: on the path to Exascale software, 2017. (
- Frederic Magoules, Che-Lun Hung, Hai Jiang, Jia Hu. Special Issue on Embedded Multicore Computing and Applications, 2016. (
- Frederic Magoules, Mark Parsons, Lorna Smith. Special Issue on Innovative Algorithms for Extreme Scale Computing, 2015. (
- Frederic Magoules. Techniques of Scientific Computing in Engineering, 2009. (
- Takashi Kako, Frederic Magoules, Hiroshi Suito. Special Issue in Honor of Professor Hideo Kawarada on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, 2009. (
- Frederic Magoules, C.H. Lai. Innovative Algorithms in Science and Engineering, 2008. (
- C.H. Lai, Frederic Magoules. Distributed Algorithms in Science and Engineering, 2007. (
- Frederic Magoules, Daniel J. Rixen. Domain Decomposition Methods: Recent Advances and new Challenges in Engineering, 2007. (
- Frederic Magoules, Barry Topping. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, 2007. (
- Frederic Magoules, Barry Topping. High Performance Computing for Computational Mechanics, 2007. (
- Frederic Magoules. High Performance Computing for Wave Propagation, 2006. (
- Frederic Magoules, C.H. Lai. Parallel and Vector Processing in Science and Engineering, 2006. (
- Frederic Magoules, C.H. Lai. Parallel and Distributed Computing for Computational Mechanics, 2006. (
- Frederic Magoules, Isaac Harari. Absorbing Boundary Conditions, 2006. (
- Frederic Magoules, Riad Benelmir. Techniques of Scientific Computing for Energy and Environment, 2006. (
- Frederic Magoules. Innovative Computational Methods for Wave Propagation, 2005. (
- PROCEEDINGS - 3 documents
- Peter Ivànyi, Frederic Magoules, Barry Topping. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, GPU and Cloud Computing for Engineering. PARENG, 2023. (
- Julien Bourgeois, Frederic Magoules. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Intl Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2016, and IEEE Intl Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, EUC 2016, and 15th Intl Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business Engineering, DCABES 2016., 2016. (
- Julien Bourgeois, Frederic Magoules. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security, 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems., 2014. (
- Rapport - 20 documents
- Frédéric Magoulès, Thi Phuong Kieu Nguyen, Pascal Omnes, Anna Rozanova-Pierrat. Optimal and efficient shapes in acoustic boundary absorption, 2019. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Q. Zou, F. Magoules. Just an Asynchronous Computations Kernel: User's guide, 2018-09. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, Q. Zou, F. Magoules. Just an Asynchronous Computations Kernel: Developer's manual, 2018-09. (
- G. Gbikpi-Benissan, F. Magoules, Q. Zou. Just an Asynchronous Computations Kernel: Reference's manual, 2018-09. (
- F. Magoules, C. Venet. Acoustic Tracer: : Developer's manual, 2011-11. (
- F. Magoules, C. Venet. Acoustic Tracer: Reference manual, 2011-11. (
- F. Magoules, C. Venet. Acoustic Tracer: User's guide, 2011-11. (
- Roman Putanowicz, Frédéric Magoulès. Simple visualizations of unstructured grids with VTK, 2003. (
- Roman Putanowicz, Frédéric Magoulès. Building Applications with VTK Library Using Tcl, C++ and Fortran Components, 2003. (
- Frederic Magoules, Francois-Xavier Roux, Stephanie Salmon. Optimal discrete transmission conditions for a non-overlapping domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation, 2002-09. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Arnaud Maret, Guillaume Nieser. Une méthodologie d'encapsulation de fonctions C, C++ et FORTRAN dans TCL, 2002. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, François-Xavier Roux. Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - User's Guide, 2002. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Peter Ivànyi. Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - Audio Functions Developper's Reference Manual, 2002. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Arnaud Maret, Guillaume Nieser. Couplage de codes de calcul scientifique FORTRAN et d'outils de visualisation graphique VTK sous TCL, 2002. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, François-Xavier Roux. Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - Reference Manual, 2002. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, François-Xavier Roux. Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - Mesh Generation Reference Manual, 2002. (
- Martin J Gander, Frederic Magoules, Frédéric Nataf. Optimized Schwarz methods without overlap for the Helmholtz equation, 2001-04. (
- Frederic Magoules, Karl Meerbergen, Jean-Pierre - Coyette. Application of a domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipliers to acoustic problems arising from the automotive industry, 1999-06. (
- Charbel Farhat, Antonini Macedo, Michel Lesoinne, Francois-Xavier Roux, Frederic Magoules, Armel de La Bourdonnaye. Two-level domain decomposition methods with Lagrange multipliers for the fast iterative solution of acoustic scattering problems, 1998-08. (
- Armel de La Bourdonnaye, Charbel Farhat, Antonini Macedo, Frédéric Magoulès, François-Xavier Roux. A non Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for the Exterior Helmholtz Problem, 1997-10. (
- Ouvrage - 21 documents
- Frederic Magoules, H. Zhao, C. Yimin. Jiànzhú néng hào fēnxī zhōng de shùjù wājué yǔ jīqì xuéxí (Data Mining and Machine Learning in Building Energy Analysis), 2018. (
- Frédéric Magoulès, Eric Monacelli, Luc Noreau. Embedded Systems and Assistive Technology for Last Mile Mobility, 2018. (
- Frederic Magoules, Francois-Xavier Roux, Peter Ivànyi. Parhuzamos Szamitasi Modszerek (Parallel Scientific Computing), 2018. (
- Guillaume Gbikpi-Benissan, Qinmeng Zou, Frederic Magoules. Asynchronous Iterative Methods: Programming Models and Parallel Implementation, 2018. (
- Frederic Magoules, F.X. Roux. Calcul scientifique parallèle: Cours, exemples avec OpenMP et MPI, exercices corrigés. 2ème édition, 2017. (
- F. Magoules, H.-X. Zhao. Data Mining and Machine Learning in Building Energy Analysis, 2016-02-26. (
- F. Magoules, F.-X. Roux, G. Houzeaux. Parallel Scientific Computing, 2015-12-18. (
- F. Magoules, F.-X. Roux, T. Kuwahara. Heiretsu keisan-no suuri-to algorithm (Parallel Scientific Computing), 2015. (
- F. Magoules. Patterns for Parallel Programming on GPUs, 2014. (
- F. Magoules, F.-X. Roux, G. Houzeaux. Calculo Cientifico Paralelo (Parallel Scientific Computing), 2014. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Calcul scientifique parallèle: Cours, exemples avec OpenMP et MPI, exercices corrigés., 2013. (
- F. Magoules, J. Pan, F. Teng. Cloud-Computing: Data-Intensive Computing and Scheduling, 2012. (
- F. Magoules. Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2011. (
- F. Magoules. Substructuring Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods, 2010. (
- F. Magoules. Fundamentals of Grid Computing: Theory, Algorithms and Technologies, 2009. (
- F. Magoules, J. Pan, K. A. Tan, A. Kumar. Introduction to Grid Computing, 2009. (
- F. Magoules, T. H. M. Nguyen, Lei Yu. Grid Resource Management: Towards Virtual and Services Compliant Grid Computing, 2008. (
- F. Magoules. Computational Methods for Acoustics Problems, 2008. (
- F. Magoules. Mesh Partitioning Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, R. Benelmir. Techniques of Scientific Computing for Energy and the Environment, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, T. Kako. Domain Decomposition Methods: Theory and Applications, 2006. (
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 21 documents
- F. Magoules. From Synchronous to Asynchronous Substructuring Methods, 2015. (
- F. Magoules. Asynchronous Optimized Schwarz Methods for Acoustics, 2015. (
- F. Magoules. Asynchronous Schwarz methods for peta and exascale computing, 2013. (
- F. Magoules. Asynchronous optimized Schwarz methods, 2012. (
- C. Venet, F. Magoules. Asynchronous substructuring methods, 2010. (
- F. Magoules, D. Rixen. Substructuring and domain decomposition methods: an overview, 2010. (
- T. M. H. Nguyen, F. Magoules. Data replication in grid environment, 2009. (
- Lei Yu, F. Magoules. Fault tolerance for distributed scheduling in grids, 2009. (
- F. Teng, F. Magoules. Future of grids resources management, 2009. (
- F. Magoules, T. M. H. Nguyen, Lei Yu. Grid computing overview, 2009. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Domain decomposition methods for fluid structure coupling in vibro-acoustic problems, 2008. (
- F. Magoules. Towards 3-d optimized Schwarz methods without overlap for predicting transmission loss in mufflers and silencers, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, R. Putanowicz. Large-scale data visualization using multi-language programming applied to environmental problems, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Algorithms and theory of substructuring and domain decomposition methods, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, R. Putanowicz. Visualisation of graph partitioning and distributed finite element data with VTK, 2007. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Sub-structuring method for fluid-structure interaction problems with non-matching grids, 2006. (
- Yvon Maday, F. Magoules. A survey of various absorbing interface conditions for the Schwarz algorithm tuned to highly heterogeneous media, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, Frédéric Nataf. Optimized Schwarz methods: a general presentation, 2006. (
- F. Magoules, F. X. Roux. Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps for domain decomposition methods: a unified approach, 2006. (
- F. Magoules. Parallel algorithms for coercive elliptic problems, 2002. (
- F. Magoules. Parallel algorithms for time-harmonic hyperbolic problems, 2002. (