Philippe Scouflaire

philippe.scouflaire [at]
Publications :
- Communication dans un congrès - 55 documents
- Jean-Baptiste Perrin-Terrin, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Ducruix, Christophe O Laux. Influence of Electrode Position on Plasma-Assisted Combustion in a Model Aeronautical Combustor, 2025-01-05. (
- Victorien Blanchard, Frédéric Roqué, Philippe Scouflaire, Christophe O Laux, Sébastien Ducruix. Lean Flame Stabilization With Nanosecond Plasma Discharges in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, 2023-06-26. (
- Aurora Maffina, Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha, Denis Veynante, Sebastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio on Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and LES Study, 2023-06-26. (
- Victorien P Blanchard, Frédéric Roqué, Philippe Scouflaire, Christophe O Laux, Sebastien Ducruix. Stabilization of lean flames with nanosecond discharges in a gas turbine model combustor, 2023-01-23. (
- Dania Mellah, Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Wenjing Li, Nada Bosnjakovic-Pavlovic, Bertrand Fournier, Beatrice Nicolaï, Sladjana Novakovic, Pascale Gemeiner, Nicolas Guiblin, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic-De Bire. NPLIN (Nucléation non-photochimique induite par laser) de substances actives, 2022-10. (
- Dania Mellah, Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Wenjing Li, Nada Bosnjakovic-Pavlovic, Bertrand Fournier, Beatrice Nicolaï, Sladjana Novakovic, Pascale Gemeiner, Nicolas Guiblin, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic-De Bire. Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced nucleation (NPLIN) of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient and Pharmaceutical. Excipient, 2022-07. (
- Valentin Lechner, Christopher Betrancourt, Sebastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Nicolas Fdida, Lucien Vingert, Marie Théron, Alexandre Barata, Marie Robcis. INVESTIGATIONS OF LOX/CH4 FLAMES AT VERY LOW MIXTURE RATIO AND HIGH PRESSURE IN ROCKET ENGINE OPERATING CONDITIONS, 2022-05-09. (
- N. Bosnjaković-Pavlović, B. Clair, A. Ikni, W. Li, S. Novaković, P. Gemeiner, P. Scouflaire, A. Spasojević-De Biré. Analysis of the experimental parameters impacting Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced nucleation of glycine in water, 2021-08. (
- Benedetta Franzelli, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha. Using in situ measurements to experimentally characterize TiO 2 nanoparticle synthesis in a turbulent isopropyl alcohol flame, 2021-04-14. (
- Valentin Lechner, Christopher Betrancourt, Clément Mirat, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Instantaneous surface temperature measurements in combustion by an adapted processing of the Laser Induced Phosphorescence signal, 2021-04-14. (
- Robin Nez, Manuel Gonzalez Flesca, David Marchal, Schmitt Thomas, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Candel, Sebastien Ducruix. Experimental and numerical characterizations of acoustic damping rates in a coupled-cavity configuration, 2019-07-04. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Robert Bernard Pansu, Philippe Scouflaire, Pascale C Gemeiner, J.F. Audibert, Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, W. Li, Z Zhang, Nada Bošnjaković-Pavlović, V. Genot, V. Tran, G. Tresset, B. Pansu, S Novakovic. Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation (NPLIN)WORKSHOP Spectroscopy tools for halide perovksites, 2018-11-22. (
- Nada Bošnjaković-Pavlović, S Novakovic, Pascale C Gemeiner, Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, W. Li, Z Zhang, Robert Bernard Pansu, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non-Photochemical Laser-induced nucleation of glycine, 2018-06-21. (
- Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha, Sébastien M. Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. A new experimental database for the investigation of soot in a model scale swirled combustor under perfectly premixed conditions, 2018-06-11. (
- Marek Mazur, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Leo Cunha Caldeira Mesquita, Aymeric Vié, Sebastien Ducruix. Planar Velocity Measurements at 100 KHz In Gas Turbine Combustors With a Continuous Laser Source, 2017-06-26. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Philippe Scouflaire, Z Zhang, Wenjing Li, Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Jean-Frédéric Audibert, V. Genot, Robert Bernard Pansu, Z. Yan, Xiaoxuan Shi, Nouha El Hassan, Jean-Michel Gillet. Non Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation: past, present and future, 2017-06. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Aziza Ikni, Wenjing Li, Bertrand Clair, Z Zhang, Xiaoxuan Shi, Philippe Scouflaire, Jean-Michel Gillet, V. Genot, Robert Bernard Pansu. New insight in the Non Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation mechanism. An experimental and theoretical combined approach, 2016-10. (
- Nancy Kings, Wenjie Tao, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Sebastien Ducruix. Experimental and numerical investigation of direct and indirect combustion noise contributions in a lean premixed laboratory swirled combustor, 2016-06-13. (
- Wenjing Li, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Xiaoxuan Shi, Nouha El Hassan, Jean-Michel Gillet, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non-Photochemical LASER-Induced Nucleation in Water/Ethanol of sulfathiazole, 2015-09. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. New trends in nucleation induced by pulsed LASER : toward a new interpretation of the mechanism, 2015-07-07. (
- Wenjing Li, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Xiaoxuan Shi, Nouha El Hassan, Jean-Michel Gillet, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non-Photochemical LASER-Induced Nucleation in Water/Ethanol of sulfathiazole, 2015-07-03. (
- Marek Mazur, Wenjie Tao, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Sebastien Ducruix. Experimental and analytical study of the acoustic properties of a gas turbine model combustor with a choked nozzle, 2015-06-15. (
- Antoine Renaud, Sebastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Laurent Zimmer. Experimental Study Of The Interactions Betwen Air Flow Rate Modulations And PVC In A Swirl-Stabilised Liquid Fuel Burner, 2015-06-15. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Aziza Ikni, W. Li, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, Nouha El Hassan, Jean-Michel Gillet. Contribution to the understanding of the putative NPLIN polarization switching mechanism through crystalization of carbamazepine, sulfathiazole and glycine, 2014-09-16. (
- W. Li, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non-photochemical LASER-Induced Nucleation (NPLIN) of sulfathiazole crystals, 2014-05-26. (
- Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, Stéphane Veesler, Jean-Michel Gillet, Nouha El Hassan, Françoise Dumas, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Experimental demonstration of the carbamazepine crystallization from Non-Photochemical LASER Induced Nucleation in acetonitrile and méthanol, 2014-05-26. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Stéphane Veesler, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Understanding photophysical effects : NPLIN on glycine, L - Histidine and D, L - glutamic acid, 2014-05-26. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Aziza Ikni, Nouha El Hassan, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, Jean-Michel Gillet, Nour-Eddine Ghermani. From photochemical and non-photochemical nucleation induced by LASER to experimental and theoretical interaction energy determination: Carbamazepine III a complete study, 2013-06. (
- Antoine Renaud, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Ducruix, Laurent Zimmer. Effect of fuel staging on the flame shape in a staged liquid-fueled burner, 2013-06. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Understanding photophysical effects : NPLIN on glycine and L - glutamic acid, 2013-05. (
- Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non Photochemical Laser Induced Nucleation of Carbamazepine in Polar protic and aprotic solvents, 2013-05. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Understanding photophysical effects : NPLIN on glycine and L - glutamic acid, 2012-12-11. (
- Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. NonPhotochemical Light Induced Nucleation of Carbamazepine in Polar protic and aprotic solvents, 2012-12-11. (
- Theodore Providakis, Laurent Zimmer, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Ducruix. Characterization of the acoustic interactions in a two-staged multi-injection combustor fed with liquid fuel., 2012-06-11. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. NPLIN of glycine and carbamazepine, 2012-05-31. (
- Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, Stéphane Veesler, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation (NPLIN). Application to carbamazepine (CBZ), 2012-04-03. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Philippe Scouflaire, Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Erika Jean-Bart, Jérôme Beaunier, Francis Saiag. New automated experimental devices for Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation, 2012-04-03. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Stéphane Veesler, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. A Method to probe NPLIN on glycine and histidine : a new path to understand nucleation, 2012-04-03. (
- Theodore Providakis, Laurent Zimmer, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Characterization of the coherent structures in swirling flames stabilized in a two-staged multi-injection burner: influence of the staging factor., 2011-11-17. (
- Laurent Zimmer, Theodore Providakis, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Detailed laser-based investigation of a laboratory scale liquid fuel burner, 2011-11-13. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Françoise Dumas, Philippe Scouflaire. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation (NPLIN). A tool to crystallize polymorphs on demand ? Application to carbamazepine, 2011-11. (
- Theodore Providakis, Laurent Zimmer, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Ducruix. Effect of fuel distribution on spray dynamics in a two-staged multi-injection burner, 2011-06-06. (
- Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Hongxun Yang, Françoise Dumas, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation. A tool to crystallize polymorphs on demand ?, 2011-05-14. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Hongxun Yang, Françoise Dumas, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation. A tool to crystallize polymorphs on demand ?, 2011-03-30. (
- Theodore Providakis, Philippe Scouflaire, Laurent Zimmer, Sébastien Ducruix. Time-resolved PIV measurements applied to a non-reactive dodecane-air mixture in a two-staged multi-injection burner, 2010-07-05. (
- Josselin Prevost, Hongxun Yang, Françoise Dumas, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation. A tool to crystallize polymorphs on demand ? Application to carbamazepine, 2010-06. (
- David Miret, Janice E. Aber, Bruce A. Garetz, Philippe Scouflaire, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation. A tool to crystallize polymorphs on demand ? Application to carbamazepine, 2009-10-22. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Philippe Scouflaire, G. Geneste, Bruce A. Garetz. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation. A new crystallization method implemented at ECP, 2009-03. (
- Yoann Méry, Sébastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien M. Candel. High amplitude transverse acoustic coupling under cold flow conditions, 2009. (
- Yoann Méry, Sebastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, L. Vingert, C. Cruz, M. Théron, Sebastien Candel. Subcritical and transcritical injection under high amplitude transverse oscillations, 2009. (
- Séverine Barbosa, Guillaume Pilla, Deanna A. Lacoste, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix, C. Laux, Denis Veynante. Influence of a repetitively pulsed plasma on the flame stability domain of a lab-scale gas turbine combustor, 2009. (
- Séverine Barbosa, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Investigations of Large Coherent Structures in a Swirl Stabilized Gas-Turbine Combustor Using Time-Resolved PIV, 2008. (
- Séverine Barbosa, Tapish Agarwal, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Flow Field Characterization of a Gas Turbine Injector using PIV at 10-15 kHz, 2008. (
- Séverine Barbosa, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix, Gael Gaborel. Comparisons Between Spark Plug and Laser Ignition in a Gas Turbine Combustor, 2007. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Jelena Matić, Philippe Scouflaire, B. Fraisse, Juan Carlos Rolon, C. Laux. Non-Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation of drugs : experimental and theoretical aspects, 2006-06. (
- Article dans une revue - 41 documents
- Aurora Maffina, Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Denis Veynante, Nasser Darabiha, Sebastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio On Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and Les Study, 2024-01-04. (
- Victorien Blanchard, Frédéric Roqué, Philippe Scouflaire, Christophe O Laux, Sebastien Ducruix. Lean Flame Stabilization with Nanosecond Plasma Discharges in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, 2023-12-12. (
- Victorien P Blanchard, Philippe Scouflaire, Christophe O Laux, Sebastien Ducruix. Combustion performance of plasma-stabilized lean flames in a gas turbine model combustor, 2023-09. (
- Valentin Lechner, Christopher Betrancourt, Philippe Scouflaire, Lucien Vingert, Sebastien Ducruix. Dynamic characterization of wall temperature in LOX/CH 4 rocket engine operating conditions using phosphor thermometry, 2023. (
- Valentin Lechner, Christopher Betrancourt, Clément Mirat, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Full spectrum fitting method: a new approach for instantaneous phosphor thermometry in harsh environments, 2022-06-29. (
- Benedetta Franzelli, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha. Using in situ measurements to experimentally characterize TiO 2 nanoparticle synthesis in a turbulent isopropyl alcohol flame, 2021-11-21. (
- Letícia Carneiro Piton, Gabriela Senra Pessanha Rios Nobrega, Luís Fernando Figueira da Silva, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha. Experimental study of the influence of the swirl number on lean premixed combustion regimes, 2020-03-31. (
- M. Gonzalez-Flesca, P. Scouflaire, Schmitt Thomas, S. Ducruix, S. Candel, Y. Mery. Reduced Order Modeling Approach to Combustion Instabilities of Liquid Rocket Engines, 2018-11-02. (
- Benedetta Franzelli, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, J. Bonnety, R. Jalain, T. Dormieux, S. Candel, G. Legros. Multi-diagnostic soot measurements in a laminar diffusion flame to assess the ISF database consistency, 2018-06. (
- Mathieu Roussillo, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Candel, Benedetta Franzelli. Experimental investigation of soot production in a confined swirled flame operating under perfectly premixed rich conditions, 2018. (
- Corentin J Lapeyre, Marek Mazur, Philippe Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, Sébastien Ducruix, Thierry Poinsot. Acoustically Induced Flashback in a Staged Swirl-Stabilized Combustor, 2017-01. (
- Meng Xia, Diego Zabrodiec, Philippe Scouflaire, Benoît Fiorina, Nasser Darabiha. Experimental and numerical studies of pulverized coal devolatilization and oxidation in strained methane/air flames, 2017-01-01. (
- Wenjing Li, Aziza Ikni, Philippe Scouflaire, Xiaoxuan Shi, Nouha El Hassan, Pascale Gemeiner, Jean-Michel Gillet, Anne Spasojevic de Biré. Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation of Sulfathiazole in a Water/Ethanol Mixture, 2016. (
- Maxime Huet, François Vuillot, Nicolas Bertier, Thierry Poinsot, Marek Mazur, Nancy Kings, Wenjie Tao, P. Scouflaire, Franck Richecoeur, S. Ducruix, Corentin J Lapeyre. Recent Improvements in Combustion Noise Investigation: from the Combustion Chamber to Nozzle Flow, 2016. (
- Thibault Guiberti, C. Garnier, Philippe Scouflaire, J. Caudal, B. Labégorre, Thierry Schuller, Nasser Darabiha. Experimental and numerical analysis of non catalytic partial oxidation and steam reforming of CH4/O-2/N-2/H2O mixtures including the impact of radiative heat losses, 2016. (
- Séverine Barbosa, Guillaume Pilla, Deanna Lacoste, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Ducruix, Christophe O. Laux, Denis Veynante. Influence of nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges on the stability of a swirled propane/air burner representative of an aeronautical combustor, 2015-08-13. (
- Antoine Renaud, Sebastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Laurent Zimmer. Flame shape transition in a swirl stabilised liquid fueled burner, 2015-01-01. (
- Thibault F. Guiberti, Daniel Durox, Philippe Scouflaire, Thierry Schuller. Impact of heat loss and hydrogen enrichment on the shape of confined swirling flames., 2015. (
- B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel. Time-resolved spatial patterns and interactions of soot, PAH and OH in a turbulent diffusion flame, 2015. (
- Dario Alviso, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Philippe Scouflaire, Nasser Darabiha. Experimental and numerical studies of biodiesel combustion mechanisms using a laminar counterflow spray premixed flame, 2015. (
- Jacqueline Belloni, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Sebastien Sorgues, Mehran Mostafavi, Philippe Scouflaire, Nour-Eddine Ghermani. Cristallogenèse déclenchée par impulsion laser, 2014-07. (
- Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Philippe Scouflaire, S. Veesler, J.M. Gillet, Nouha El Hassan, Françoise Dumas, A. Spasojević-de Biré. Experimental Demonstration of the Carbamazepine Crystallization from Non-photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation in Acetonitrile and Methanol, 2014. (
- Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Wenjing Li, Philippe Scouflaire, V. Quemener, Anne Spasojevic - de Biré. A new experimental setup for high-throughput controlled non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation Application to glycine crystallization, 2014. (
- Theodore Providakis, Laurent Zimmer, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Ducruix. Characterization of the coherent structures in swirling flames stabilized in a two-staged multi-injection burner: Influence of the staging factor, 2013-01-01. (
- Yoann Méry, Layal Hakim, Philippe Scouflaire, Lucien Vingert, Sébastien Ducruix, Sebastien Candel. Experimental investigation of cryogenic flame dynamics under transverse acoustic modulations, 2013-01. (
- Theodore Providakis, Laurent Zimmer, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Characterization of the acoustic interactions in a two-staged multi-injection combustor fed with liquid fuel, 2012-11. (
- Franck Richecoeur, Sébastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Candel. Effect of temperature fluctuations on high frequency acoustic coupling, 2009-01-22. (
- Séverine Barbosa, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Time Resolved Flowfield, Flame Structure and Acoustic Characterization of a Staged Multi-Injection Burner, 2009. (
- Yoann Méry, Sebastien Ducruix, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Candel. Injection coupling with high amplitude transverse modes : experimentation and simulation, 2009. (
- Franck Richecoeur, S. Ducruix, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel. Experimental investigation of high-frequency combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engine., 2008. (
- Ghislain Singla, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Sébastien Candel, Lucien Vingert. OH planar laser-induced fluorescence and emission imaging in high-pressure LOx/methane flames, 2007. (
- Ghislain Singla, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Sébastien Candel. Flame stabilization in high pressure LOx/GH(2) and GCH(4) combustion, 2007. (
- Franck Richecoeur, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix, Sébastien M. Candel. High Frequency Transverse Acoustic Coupling in a Multiple Injector Cryogenic Combustor, 2006-07. (
- S. Candel, M. Juniper, G. Singla, P. Scouflaire, C. Rolon. Structure and dynamics of cryogenic flames at supercritical pressure, 2006. (
- Ghislain Singla, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Sébastien Candel. Planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH in high-pressure cryogenic LOx/GH(2) jet flames, 2006. (
- Ghislain Singla, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Candel, Juan-Carlos Rolon. Transcritical oxygen/transcritical or supercritical methane combustion, 2005. (
- Mathew Juniper, Amita Tripathi, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Sébastien Candel. Structure of cryogenic flames at elevated pressures, 2000-12. (
- D. Kendrick, G. Herding, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Sébastien Candel. Effects of a recess on cryogenic flame stabilization, 1999. (
- Sébastien Candel, G. Herding, R. Snyder, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Lucien Vingert, M. Habiballah, F. Grisch, M. Pealat, P. Bouchardy, D. Stepowski, A. Cessou, P. Colin. Experimental investigation of shear coaxial cryogenic jet flames, 1998-10. (
- D. Kendrick, G. Herding, Philippe Scouflaire, Juan-Carlos Rolon, Sébastien Candel. Effect of recess on cryogenic flame stabilization, 1998-02. (
- Daniel Durox, Françoise Baillot, Philippe Scouflaire, Roger Prud'Homme. Some effects of gravity on the behaviour of premixed flames, 1990. (
- POSTER - 2 documents
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Bertrand Clair, Aziza Ikni, Nicolas Guiblin, Igor Kornev, Xiaoxuan Shi, Jianyao Long, Hongxun Yang, Wenjing Li, Annais Mendre, Philippe Scouflaire, Erika Jean-Bart, Jérôme Beaunier, Francis Saiag, Philippe Espeau, Yohann Corvis, Camille Alzina, Nour-Eddine Ghermani, Nouha El Hassan, Françoise Dumas, Stéphane Veesler, Zoubida Hammadi. Non photochemical light induced nucléation, 2012-11-07. (
- Anne Spasojevic - de Biré, Aziza Ikni, Bertrand Clair, Nicolas Guiblin, Igor A. Kornev, Xiaoxuan Shi, Jianyao Long, Hongxun Yang, Wenjing Li, Annais Mendre, Philippe Scouflaire, Erika Jean-Bart, Jérôme Beaunier, Francis Saiag, Philippe Espeau, Yohann Corvis, Camille Alzina, Nour-Eddine Ghermani, Nouha El Hassan, Françoise Dumas, Stéphane Veesler, Zoubida Hammadi. Non Photochemical Light Induced Nucleation, 2011-11-07. (
- Pré-publication, Document de travail - 1 document
- Séverine Barbosa, Philippe Scouflaire, Sébastien Ducruix. Characterization of the reactive flow field dynamics in a gas turbine injector using high frequency PIV, 2008-07-10. (
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 1 document
- Daniel Durox, Roger Prud'Homme, Philippe Scouflaire. Premixed flames in microgravity, 1989-08. (
- Rapport - 1 document
- Daniel Durox, Roger Prud'Homme, Philippe Scouflaire. Premixed flames results of febr. 1989 campaign in µg”. Rapport final de contrats CNES (87/CNES/1287 et 88/CNES/1235) - RC 89-5 du Laboratoire d'Aérothermique du CNRS., 1989-06. (
- Autre publication - 1 document
- D. Durox, Roger Prud'Homme, Philippe Scouflaire. Premixed flames in microgravity, 1987. (