Thomas Schmitt

Publications :

  • Article dans une revue - 32 documents
    • David Marchal, Thomas Schmitt, Alexandre Fougnie, Sébastien Ducruix. Numerical study of the linear and non-linear damping in an acoustically forced cold-flow test rig with coupled cavities, 2024-08-28. (
    • Thomas Schmitt. Assessment of Large Eddy Simulation for the prediction of recessed inner tube coaxial flames, 2024-01. (
    • Benoît Péden, Julien Carmona, Pierre Boivin, Schmitt Thomas, Bénédicte Cuenot, Nicolas Odier. Numerical assessment of Diffuse-Interface method for air-assisted liquid sheet simulation, 2023. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Sebastien Ducruix. Evaluation of Large-Eddy Simulation Coupled with an Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for the Prediction of Coaxial Cryogenic Flames under Subcritical Conditions, 2023. (
    • Victor Boniou, Schmitt Thomas, Aymeric Vié. Consistency and accuracy in the simulation of two-phase flows with phase change using sharp interface capturing methods, 2022-09-13. (
    • Victor Boniou, Thomas Schmitt, Aymeric Vié. Comparison of interface capturing methods for the simulation of two-phase flow in a unified low-Mach framework, 2022-01-08. (
    • Davy Nayigizente, Sebastien Ducruix, Schmitt Thomas. Development of an interface thickening method for the direct numerical simulation of compressible liquid-vapor flows in the framework of the Second Gradient theory, 2021. (
    • Milan Pelletier, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. A multifluid Taylor-Galerkin methodology for the simulation of compressible multicomponent separate two-phase flows from subcritical to supercritical states, 2020-06. (
    • Schmitt Thomas. Large-Eddy Simulations of the Mascotte test cases operating at supercritical pressure, 2020-01-11. (
    • Carlo Polidori, Mareen Geyer, Thomas Schmitt. Do Sphecodes cuckoo bees use chemical insignificance to invade the nests of their social Lasioglossum bee hosts?, 2020. (
    • Philipp P Sprenger, Juliane Hartke, Barbara Feldmeyer, Jérôme Orivel, Thomas Schmitt, Florian Menzel. Influence of Mutualistic Lifestyle, Mutualistic Partner, and Climate on Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profiles in Parabiotic Ants, 2019-09. (
    • Guilhem Lacaze, Schmitt Thomas, Anthony Ruiz, Joseph C Oefelein. Comparison of energy-, pressure- and enthalpy-based approaches for modeling supercritical flows, 2019-03. (
    • C. Laurent, L. Esclapez, D. Maestro, G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot, L. Selle, Schmitt Thomas, F. Duchaine, Thierry Poinsot. Flame–wall interaction effects on the flame root stabilization mechanisms of a doubly-transcritical LO2/LCH4 cryogenic flame, 2019. (
    • Sonia Boulakirba, Anja Pfeifer, Rana Mhaidly, Sandrine Obba, Michael Goulard, Thomas Schmitt, Paul Chaintreuil, Anne Calleja, Nathan Furstoss, François Orange, Sandra Lacas-Gervais, Laurent Boyer, Sandrine Marchetti, Els Verhoeyen, Frederic Luciano, Guillaume Robert, Patrick Auberger, Arnaud Jacquel. IL-34 and CSF-1 display an equivalent macrophage differentiation ability but a different polarization potential, 2018-12. (
    • M. Gonzalez-Flesca, P. Scouflaire, Schmitt Thomas, S. Ducruix, S. Candel, Y. Mery. Reduced Order Modeling Approach to Combustion Instabilities of Liquid Rocket Engines, 2018-11-02. (
    • Pedro Volpiani, Schmitt Thomas, Denis Veynante. Large eddy simulation of a turbulent swirling premixed flame coupling the TFLES model with a dynamic wrinkling formulation, 2017-06. (
    • Annafederica Urbano, Quentin Douasbin, Laurent Selle, Gabriel Staffelbach, Bénédicte Cuenot, Thomas Schmitt, Sébastien Ducruix, Sébastien Candel. Study of flame response to transverse acoustic modes from the LES of a 42-injector rocket engine, 2017. (
    • Pedro S Volpiani, Schmitt Thomas, Olivier Vermorel, Pierre Quillatre, Denis Veynante. Large eddy simulation of explosion deflagrating flames using a dynamic wrinkling formulation, 2017. (
    • Annafederica Urbano, Laurent Selle, Gabriel Staffelbach, Bénédicte Cuenot, Thomas Schmitt, Sébastien Ducruix, Sébastien Candel. Exploration of combustion instability triggering using Large Eddy Simulation of a multiple injector Liquid Rocket Engine, 2016-07. (
    • Jan Jansen, Tamara Pokorny, Thomas Schmitt. Disentangling the effect of insemination and ovary development on the cuticular hydrocarbon profile in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae), 2016. (
    • Marius Junker, Marie Zimmermann, Ana A. Ramos, Patrick Gros, Martin Konvička, Gabriel Nève, Laszlo Rakosy, Toomas Tammaru, Rita Castilho, Thomas Schmitt. Three in One—Multiple Faunal Elements within an Endangered European Butterfly Species, 2015-11-13. (
    • Layal Hakim, Thomas Schmitt, Sebastien Ducruix, Sébastien Candel. Dynamics of a transcritical coaxial flame under a high-frequency transverse acoustic forcing: Influence of the modulation frequency on the flame response, 2015-10. (
    • Arash Hosseinzadeh, Thomas Schmitt, Amsini Sadiki, Johannes Janicka. Application of the Dynamic F-TACLES Combustion Model to a Lean Premixed Turbulent Flame, 2015-10. (
    • Schmitt Thomas, Matthieu Boileau, Denis Veynante. Flame wrinkling factor dynamic modeling for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion, 2015. (
    • Axel Coussement, Schmitt Thomas, Benoit Fiorina. Filtered Tabulated Chemistry for non-premixed flames, 2015. (
    • Renaud Mercier, Thomas Schmitt, Denis Veynante, Benoit Fiorina. The influence of combustion SGS sub-models on the resolved flame propagation. Application to the LES of the Cambridge stratified flames., 2015. (
    • Layal Hakim, Anthony Ruiz, Thomas Schmitt, Matthieu Boileau, Gabriel Staffelbach, Sebastien Ducruix, Benedicte Cuenot, Sebastien Candel. Large eddy simulations of multiple transcritical coaxial flames submitted to a high-frequency transverse acoustic modulation, 2015. (
    • Schmitt Thomas, Sadiki Amsini, Benoit Fiorina, Denis Veynante. Impact of dynamic wrinkling model on the prediction accuracy using the F-TACLES combustion model in swirling premixed turbulent flames., 2013-01-01. (
    • P. Abello, Weiming Ai, Carolin Altmann, Giacomo Bernardi, Olivier Bonato, Kathleen M. Burchhardt, Xiao Chen, Zhijian Chen, Dagmar Cizkova, Cecile Clouet, Marc A. Cubeta, Vh Garcia-Merchan, Nathalie Gauthier, Shane Gibson, Karel Halacka, Faten Hamdi, Thomas Hankeln, Axel Hochkirch, Tomas Hrbek, Alexis M. Jackson, Chongwen Lin, Si-Min Lin, E. Macpherson, Jason Macrander, Eva Maresova, Jan Mendel, Michal Nowak, Guillermo Orti, F. Palero, Ivo Papousek, M. Pascual, Thomas Schmitt, Brice X. Semmens, Jean-Claude Streito, En-Wei Tian, Shu-Ping Tseng, Michael Veith, Lukas Vetesnik, Hurng-Yi Wang, Jessica Weyer, Stuart Willis, Hui Yu, Zhiming Zhou. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2012-31 May 2012, 2012. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Yoann Méry, Matthieu Boileau, Sebastien Candel. Large eddy simulation of oxygen/methane flames under transcritical conditions, 2011. (
    • Laetitia Pons, Nasser Darabiha, Sebastien Candel, Thomas Schmitt, Benedicte Cuenot. The structure of multidimensional strained flames under transcritical conditions, 2009. (
    • Michel Perez, F. Perrard, Véronique Massardier-Jourdan, Xavier Kleber, Thomas Schmitt, A. Deschamps. Low temperature solubility limit of copper in iron, 2005. (
  • Pré-publication, Document de travail - 2 documents
    • Benoît Péden, Julien Carmona, Pierre Boivin, Schmitt Thomas, Bénédicte Cuenot, Nicolas Odier. Numerical assessment of Diffuse-Interface method for air-assisted liquid sheet simulation, 2024-01-09. (
    • Davy Nayigizente, Schmitt Thomas, Sébastien Ducruix. Development of an interface thickening method for the direct numerical simulation of compressible liquid-vapor flows in the framework of the Second Gradient theory, 2018-06-06. (
  • Communication dans un congrès - 41 documents
    • Alexandre Fougnie, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. Reduced order modeling for the prediction of combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engines: coaxial injection response and acoustic damping modeling, 2023-07-10. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Gabriel Staffelbach. REST HF-9 test case: Large-Eddy Simulation of DLR's BKD configuration, 2022-06-27. (
    • Schmitt Thomas, Roland Kaess, Roland Behr, Stefan Koeglmeier, Oliver Knab, Tim Horchler, Jan van Schyndel, Justin Hardi, David Marchal, Sebastien Ducruix, Aurélie Nicole, Luc-Henry Dorey. REST HF-10 test case: Synthesis of the Contributions for the Simulation of Excited Methane Flames under Real Gas Conditions, 2022-06-27. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, David Marchal, Sebastien Ducruix, Bénédicte Cuenot. REST HF-10 test case: Large-Eddy Simulations using the AVBP solver, 2022-06-27. (
    • Victor Boniou, Schmitt Thomas, Aymeric Vié. Numerical simulation of droplet evaporation using interface tracking methods: phase change modelling, 2021-08-29. (
    • Thomas Laroche, Nicolas Odier, Schmitt Thomas, Milan Pelletier, Benedicte Cuenot. A diffuse interface method with real-gas thermodynamic equilibrium closure applied to capillary problems, 2021-08-29. (
    • Victor Boniou, Thomas Schmitt, Aymeric Vié. A comparison of interface tracking methods in a low-Mach formulation, 2021-08-29. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Milan Pelletier, Sébastien Ducruix. Multi-fluid models for two-phase and transcritical flows Application to rocket engine configurations with the AVBP solver, 2021-04-07. (
    • David Marchal, Alexandre Fougnie, Schmitt Thomas, Sébastien Ducruix. Study of the acoustic damping in a nonreactive pressurized chamber combining experiments, simulations and modeling, 2021-04-07. (
    • Robin Nez, Manuel Gonzalez Flesca, David Marchal, Schmitt Thomas, Philippe Scouflaire, Sebastien Candel, Sebastien Ducruix. Experimental and numerical characterizations of acoustic damping rates in a coupled-cavity configuration, 2019-07-04. (
    • Davy Nayigizente, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. Unsteady simulations of liquid/gas interfaces using the second gradient theory, 2019-05-07. (
    • Robin Nez, David Marchal, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. LES for the modeling of combustion instabilities in rocket engines, 2019-05-07. (
    • Milan Pelletier, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. Implementation of a diffuse interface method in a compressible multicomponent LES solver, 2018-07. (
    • Davy Nayigizente, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. Unsteady simulations of liquid/gas interfaces using the Second Gradient theory, 2018-07. (
    • Robin Nez, Thomas Schmitt, Sébastien Ducruix. High-Frequency Combustion Instabilities in Liquid Rocket Engines Driven by Propellants Flow Rate Oscillations, 2018-05-14. (
    • Milan Pelletier, Davy Nayigizente, Schmitt Thomas, Sébastien Ducruix. Implementation of a diffuse interface method in an LES solver, 2017-10-18. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Gabriel Staffelbach, Sébastien Ducruix, Stefan Gröning, Justin Hardi, Michael Oschwald. Large-Eddy Simulations of a sub-scale liquid rocket combustor: influence of fuel injection temperature on thermo-acoustic stability, 2017-07-03. (
    • Robin Nez, Thomas Schmitt, Manuel Gonzalez-Flesca, Sebastien Candel, Sébastien Ducruix. Response of a Transcritical Coaxial Flame to Fuel Injection Rate Modulations: Analysis and Low-Order Modeling of the Generation of Unsteady Heat Release Rate, 2017-07-03. (
    • Sébastien Candel, Schmitt Thomas, Ronan Vicquelin, Sebastien Ducruix. Calculs « frontières » dans le domaine de combustion, 2017-05-15. (
    • Davy Nayigizente, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flows with Phase Change in Subcritical and Supercritical Regimes, 2017-04-03. (
    • Robin Nez, Manuel Gonzalez-Flesca, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix. Dynamics of a Transcritical Coaxial Flame Submit- ted to Fuel Injection-Rate Modulations: Analysis of the Generation of Heat-Release Rate Unsteadiness and Low-Order Modeling, 2017-04-03. (
    • Pedro Stefanin Volpiani, Schmitt Thomas, Denis Veynante. Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Swirling Premixed Flame Coupling the TFLES Model with a Dynamic Wrinkling Formulation, 2017-04-03. (
    • Pedro Stefanin Volpiani, Schmitt Thomas, Denis Veynante. Large Eddy Simulations of Explosion Deflagrating Flames Using a Dynamic Wrinkling Formulation, 2017-04-03. (
    • Guilhem Lacaze, Anthony Ruiz, Schmitt Thomas, Joseph C. Oefelein. Robust Treatment of Thermodynamic Nonlineari- ties in the Simulation of Transcritical Flows, 2017-04-03. (
    • Maxime Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Candel. Modeling of light-round in an annular combustor operating under perfectly premixed conditions, 2017-04. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Philippe Caillou, Michèle Sebag. Matching Jobs and Resumes: a Deep Collaborative Filtering Task, 2016-09-29. (
    • Schmitt Thomas, A Coussement, S. Ducruix, S. Candel. Large Eddy Simulations of high amplitude self-sustained acoustic oscillations in a rocket engine coaxial injector in the transcritical regime, 2016-06-02. (
    • Manuel Gonzalez Flesca, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix, Sebastien Candel. Simulation of Round Transcritical Jet Dynamics Under Transverse Acoustic Modulation, 2015-06. (
    • Axel Coussement, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix, Sebastien Candel, Yoshio Nunome. Large eddy simulations of a naturally unstable transcritical coaxial injector, 2015-04-20. (
    • Pedro Stefanin Volpiani, Schmitt Thomas, Denis Veynante. Analysis of a dynamic flame wrinkling factor model for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed, 2015-04-20. (
    • Annafederica Urbano, Laurent Selle, Gabriel Staffelbach, Bénédicte Cuenot, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix, Sebastien Candel. Large Eddy Simulation of transverse acoustic activity in a 42-injector rocket engine, 2015-04-20. (
    • Manuel Gonzalez-Flesca, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Ducruix, Sebastien Candel. Dynamical modeling of combustion instabilities in liquid rocket engines, 2015-04-20. (
    • Maxime Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Candel. Detailed analysis of light-round in an annular multiple-injector combustor, 2015-04-19. (
    • Matthieu Boileau, Maxime Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, Schmitt Thomas, Daniel Durox, Jean-François Bourgouin, Sebastien Candel. Simulation of the ignition process in an annular multiple-injector combustor and comparison with experiments, 2014-06-16. (
    • Ronan Vicquelin, Maxime Philip, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas, Jean-François Bourgouin, Daniel Durox, Sébastien M. Candel. Large Eddy Simulation of ignition in an annular multi-injector combustor, 2013-04-24. (
    • Maxime Philip, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas, Ronan Vicquelin, Jean-François Bourgouin, Daniel Durox, Sebastien Candel. Large Eddy Simulation of ignition in an annular multi-injector combustor, 2013-04-08. (
    • Thomas Schmitt, Matthieu Boileau, Denis Veynante, Vincent Moureau. Flame wrinkling factor dynamics modeling for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion, 2013. (
    • Anthony Ruiz, Schmitt Thomas, Laurent Selle, Bénédicte Cuenot, Thierry Poinsot. Effects of the Recess Length of a Coaxial Injector on a Transcritical LO2/H2 Jet Flame, 2011-07-24. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 2 documents
    • Benedicte Cuenot, Schmitt Thomas. Large Eddy Simulation of transcritical and supercritical flows, 2020-09. (
    • Denis Veynante, Vincent Moureau, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas. A priori analysis of dynamic models for large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed combustion, 2015. (
  • Thèse - 3 documents