Laurent Pfeiffer

Laboratoire Laboratoire Signaux et Systèmes
laurent.pfeiffer [at]
Mots clés :
- Optimisation, contrôle
Publications :
- Pre-submission / Working document - 4 documents
- João Miguel Machado, Guilherme Mazanti, Laurent Pfeiffer. From Nash to Cournot-Nash via $\Gamma$-convergence, 2025-01-06. (
- Guilherme Mazanti, Thibault Moquet, Laurent Pfeiffer. A nonsmooth Frank–Wolfe algorithm through a dual cutting-plane approach, 2024-03-30. (
- Kang Liu, Laurent Pfeiffer. Mean Field Optimization problems: stability results and Lagrangian discretization, 2023-11-03. (
- Kang Liu, Laurent Pfeiffer. A mesh-independent method for second-order potential mean field games, 2023-11-03. (
- Article in a review - 20 documents
- J. Frédéric Bonnans, Kang Liu, Nadia Oudjane, Laurent Pfeiffer, Cheng Wan. Large-scale nonconvex optimization: randomization, gap estimation, and numerical resolution, 2023-11-10. (
- Pierre Lavigne, Laurent Pfeiffer. Generalized conditional gradient and learning in potential mean field games, 2023-10-24. (
- Joseph Frédéric Bonnans, Kang Liu, Laurent Pfeiffer. Error estimates of a theta-scheme for second-order mean field games, 2023-07. (
- J. Frédéric Bonnans, Pierre Lavigne, Laurent Pfeiffer. Discrete potential mean field games: duality and numerical resolution, 2023-03-28. (
- J. Frédéric Bonnans, Justina Gianatti, Laurent Pfeiffer. A Lagrangian approach for aggregative mean field games of controls with mixed and final constraints, 2023-02-15. (
- Frédéric J Bonnans, Pierre Lavigne, Laurent Pfeiffer. Discrete-time mean field games with risk-averse agents, 2021-05-11. (
- Laurent Pfeiffer, Xiaolu Tan, Yulong Zhou. Duality and approximation of stochastic optimal control problems under expectation constraints, 2021. (
- Jameson Graber, Alan Mullenix, Laurent Pfeiffer. Weak solutions for potential mean field games of controls, 2021. (
- Laurent Pfeiffer. Optimality conditions in variational form for non-linear constrained stochastic control problems, 2020. (
- Tobias Breiten, Laurent Pfeiffer. On the Turnpike Property and the Receding-Horizon Method for Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems, 2020-01. (
- Karl Kunisch, Laurent Pfeiffer. The effect of the terminal penalty in receding horizon control for a class of stabilization problems, 2020. (
- Térence Bayen, Laurent Pfeiffer. Second-order analysis for the time crisis problem, 2020-01-01. (
- Tobias Breiten, Karl Kunisch, Laurent Pfeiffer. Feedback Stabilization of the Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations by Value Function Approximation, 2019-12. (
- Tobias Breiten, Karl Kunisch, Laurent Pfeiffer. Taylor expansions of the value function associated with a bilinear optimal control problem, 2019-08. (
- Joseph Frédéric Bonnans, Saeed Hadikhanloo, Laurent Pfeiffer. Schauder Estimates for a Class of Potential Mean Field Games of Controls, 2019-07. (
- Sébastien Court, Karl Kunisch, Laurent Pfeiffer. Optimal control problem for viscous systems of conservation laws, with geometric parameter, and application to the Shallow-Water equations, 2019. (
- Kengy Barty, J. Frederic Bonnans, Laurent Pfeiffer. Sensitivity analysis for the outages of nuclear power plants, 2014-06-01. (
- Joseph Frederic Bonnans, Xavier Dupuis, Laurent Pfeiffer. Second-order sufficient conditions for strong solutions to optimal control problems, 2014-03-14. (
- J. Frederic Bonnans, Xavier Dupuis, Laurent Pfeiffer. Second-order necessary conditions in Pontryagin form for optimal control problems, 2014. (
- Joseph Frederic Bonnans, Laurent Pfeiffer, Oana Silvia Serea. Sensitivity analysis for relaxed optimal control problems with final-state constraints, 2013-09-01. (
- Communication on a congress - 4 documents
- Kang Liu, Nadia Oudjane, Laurent Pfeiffer. Decomposed resolution of finite-state aggregative optimal control problems, 2023-07-24. (
- Laurent Pfeiffer, Térence Bayen. Second order conditions for a control problem with discontinuous cost, 2019-12-11. (
- Terence Bayen, Laurent Pfeiffer. Second order conditions for a control problem with discontinuous cost, 2019-12-11. (
- Amar Prakash Azad, Olivier Beaude, Samson Lasaulce, Laurent Pfeiffer. An Optimal Control Approach for EV Charging with Distribution Grid Ageing, 2013-07-03. (
- Dissertation - 1 document
- Laurent Pfeiffer. Sensitivity analysis for optimal control problems. Stochastic optimal control with a probability constraint, 2013-11-05. (
- Report - 1 document
- Laurent Pfeiffer, Romain Apparigliato, Sophie Auchapt. Two methods of pruning Benders' cuts and their application to the management of a gas portfolio, 2012-11-19. (