Ronan Vicquelin

ronan.vicquelin [at]
Résumé :
- Cours : Mécanique des Fluides, Transferts thermiques, Méthodes numériques
- Recherche : Combustion, Turbulence, Thermique, Simulation
Publications :
- Article in a review - 43 documents
- Boris Kruljevic, Nasser Darabiha, Daniel Durox, Nicolas Vaysse, Antoine Renaud, Ronan Vicquelin, Benoît Fiorina. Experimentation and simulation of a swirled burner featuring cross-flow hydrogen injection with a focus on the OH* chemiluminescence, 2025-03. (
- Jean-Baptiste Perrin-Terrin, Nicolas Vaysse, Daniel Durox, Ronan Vicquelin, Sébastien Candel, Christophe O Laux, Antoine Renaud. Plasma-assisted combustion of hydrogen swirling flames: Extension of lean blowout limit and NO$_x$ emissions, 2024. (
- Maxime Leroy, Clément Mirat, Antoine Renaud, Stefano Puggelli, Stephan Zurbach, Ronan Vicquelin. Structure and NOx Emissions of Stratified Hydrogen-Air Flames Stabilized on a Coaxial Injector, 2023-11-06. (
- Julie Ben Zenou, Ronan Vicquelin. Acceleration of premixed H2-Air-Steam flames when accounting for thermal radiation, 2023-09-19. (
- Maxime Leroy, Clément Mirat, Antoine Renaud, Ronan Vicquelin. Stabilization of Low-NOx Hydrogen Flames on a Dual-Swirl Coaxial Injector, 2023-02-01. (
- Karl Töpperwien, Stefano Puggelli, Ronan Vicquelin. Analysis of flame propagation mechanisms during light-round in an annular spray flame combustor: the impact of wall heat transfer and two-phase flow, 2022-07. (
- M. Gelain, O. Gicquel, A. Couilleaux, Ronan Vicquelin. Physical study of the non-equilibrium development of a turbulent thermal boundary layer, 2022. (
- Jan M Armengol, Olivier Le Maitre, Ronan Vicquelin. Bayesian calibration of a methane-air global scheme and uncertainty propagation to flame-vortex interactions, 2021-12. (
- Stefano Puggelli, Denis Veynante, Ronan Vicquelin. Impact of dynamic modelling of the flame subgrid scale wrinkling in large-Eddy simulation of light-round in an annular combustor, 2021-08. (
- Kevin Torres Monclard, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. A Quasi-Monte Carlo method to compute scattering effects in radiative heat transfer: Application to a sooted jet flame, 2021-04. (
- Guillaume Vignat, Daniel Durox, Antoine Renaud, Théa Lancien, Ronan Vicquelin, Sébastien Candel. Investigation of transient PVC dynamics in a strongly swirled spray flame using high speed planar laser imaging of SnO 2 microparticles, 2021-03-31. (
- Karl Töpperwien, Félix Collin-Bastiani, Eleonore Riber, Bénédicte Cuenot, Guillaume Vignat, Kevin Prieur, D. Durox, Sébastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame Dynamics During the Ignition of a Swirling Injector Unit and Comparison With Experiments, 2021-02-01. (
- Luc Lecointre, Ronan Vicquelin, Sergey Kudriakov, Etienne Studer, Christian Tenaud. High-order numerical scheme for compressible multi-component real gas flows using an extension of the Roe approximate Riemann solver and specific Monotonicity-Preserving constraints, 2021. (
- Arthur Degenève, Ronan Vicquelin, Clément Mirat, Jean Caudal, Thierry Schuller. Impact of co- and counter-swirl on flow recirculation and liftoff of non-premixed oxy-flames above coaxial injectors, 2021. (
- J.M. Armengol, Ronan Vicquelin, Axel Coussement, R.G. Santos, Olivier Gicquel. Study of turbulence-radiation interactions in a heated jet using direct numerical simulation coupled to a non-gray Monte-Carlo solver, 2020-12-31. (
- S. Puggelli, T. Lancien, K. Prieur, D. Durox, S. Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Impact of Wall Temperature in Large Eddy Simulation of Light-Round in an Annular Liquid Fueled Combustor and Assessment of Wall Models, 2020-01-01. (
- Théa Lancien, Kevin Prieur, Daniel Durox, Sébastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Leading point behavior during the ignition of an annular combustor with liquid n-heptane injectors, 2019-12-31. (
- Arthur Degenève, Clément Mirat, Jean Caudal, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Effects of swirl on the stabilization of non-premixed oxygen-enriched flames above coaxial injectors, 2019-12. (
- Lorella Palluotto, Nicolas Dumont, Pedro Rodrigues, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. Assessment of randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo method efficiency in radiative heat transfer simulations, 2019-10-31. (
- Pedro Rodrigues, Olivier Gicquel, Benedetta Franzelli, Nasser Darabiha, Ronan Vicquelin. Analysis of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooting jet flame using a Monte Carlo method coupled to large eddy simulation, 2019-09. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Ronan Vicquelin, Jean Caudal, Thierry Schuller. Effects of a Diverging Cup on Swirl Number, Flow Pattern, and Topology of Premixed Flames, 2019-03. (
- Pedro Rodrigues, Olivier Gicquel, Nasser Darabiha, Klaus Peter Geigle, Ronan Vicquelin. Assessment of External Heat Transfer Modeling of a Laboratory-Scale Combustor Effects of Pressure-Housing Environment and Semi-Transparent Viewing Windows, 2019. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Jean Caudal, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Analysis of wall temperature and heat flux distributions in a swirled combustor powered by a methane-air and a CO2-diluted oxyflame, 2019-01. (
- J. M. Armengol, Ronan Vicquelin, Axel Coussement, R. G. Santos, Olivier Gicquel. Scaling of heated plane jets with moderate radiative heat transfer in coupled DNS, 2019. (
- A Degeneve, Ronan Vicquelin, Clément Mirat, B. Labegorre, P. Jourdaine, J. Caudal, Thierry Schuller. Scaling relations for the length of coaxial oxy-flames with and without swirl, 2018-08. (
- Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Multiphysics Simulation Combining Large-Eddy Simulation, Wall Heat Conduction and Radiative Energy Transfer to Predict Wall Temperature Induced by a Confined Premixed Swirling Flame, 2018-07-01. (
- Y. F. Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, J. Taine. Practical indicators for assessing the magnitudes of wall radiative flux and of coupling effects between radiation and other heat transfer modes on the temperature law-of-the wall in turbulent gaseous boundary layers, 2018-05. (
- Théa Lancien, Kevin Prieur, Daniel Durox, Sébastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large Eddy Simulation of Light-Round in an Annular Combustor With Liquid Spray Injection and Comparison With Experiments, 2018-02-01. (
- Pedro Rodrigues, Benedetta Franzelli, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Nasser Darabiha. Coupling an LES approach and a soot sectional model for the study of sooting turbulent non-premixed flames, 2018. (
- Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Self-adaptive coupling frequency for unsteady coupled conjugate heat transfer simulations, 2017-08. (
- Pedro Rodrigues, Benedetta Franzelli, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Nasser Darabiha. Unsteady dynamics of PAH and soot particles in laminar counterflow diffusion flames, 2017. (
- B. Cuenot, R. Vicquelin, E. Riber, Vincent Moureau, G. Lartigue, A. Figuer, Y. Mery, J. Lamouroux, S. Richard, L. Gicquel, T. Schmitt, S. Candel. Advanced Simulation of Aeronautical Combustors, 2016-06-01. (
- Yufang Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin. Controlling bulk Reynolds number and bulk temperature in channel flow simulations, 2016. (
- Johan Larsson, Stuart Laurence, Iván Bermejo-Moreno, Julien Bodart, Sebastian Karl, Ronan Vicquelin. Incipient thermal choking and stable shock-train formation in the heat-release region of a scramjet combustor. Part II: Large eddy simulations, 2015-04-01. (
- M. Philip, M. Boileau, R. Vicquelin, T. Schmitt, D. Durox, J.F. Bourgouin, S. Candel. Simulation of the ignition process in an annular multiple-injector combustor and comparison with experiments., 2015. (
- M. Philip, M. Boileau, R. Vicquelin, E. Riber, T. Schmitt, B. Cuenot, D. Durox, S. Candel. Large Eddy Simulation of the ignition sequence of an annular multiple injector combustor., 2015. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Yufang Zhang, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine. Effects of radiation in turbulent channel flow: analysis of coupled direct numerical simulations, 2014. (
- Yufang Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, J Taine. Physical study of radiation effects on the boundary layer structure in a turbulent channel flow, 2013. (
- Yufang Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, J Taine. A wall model for LES accounting for radiation effects, 2013. (
- Pierre Auzillon, Benoit Fiorina, Ronan Vicquelin, Nasser Darabiha, Olivier Gicquel, Denis Veynante. Modeling chemical flame structure and combustion dynamics in LES, 2011-01-01. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, Sandra Payet, Nasser Darabiha, Olivier Gicquel. Coupling tabulated chemistry with compressible CFD solvers, 2011-01-01. (
- Benoit Fiorina, Ronan Vicquelin, Pierre Auzillon, Nasser Darabiha, Olivier Gicquel, Denis Veynante. A filtered tabulated chemistry model for LES of premixed combustion, 2010-03-01. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, Nasser Darabiha, Olivier Gicquel, Denis Veynante. Coupling tabulated chemistry with Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent reactive flows, 2009-06. (
- Communication on a congress - 68 documents
- Luc Lecointre, Sergey Kudriakov, Etienne Studer, Ronan Vicquelin, Christian Tenaud. Hydrogen/Air flame acceleration: advanced numerical modeling and criteria for detonation, 2023-10-19. (
- Nicolas Vaysse, Daniel Durox, Ronan Vicquelin, Sébastien Candel, Antoine Renaud. Experimental investigation of self-sustained thermoacoustic instabilities in pure hydrogen swirling flames, 2023-09-11. (
- Maxime Leroy, Clément Mirat, Antoine Renaud, Stefano Puggelli, Stephan Zurbach, Ronan Vicquelin. Structure and NOx Emissions of Stratified Hydrogen-Air Flames Stabilized on a Coaxial Injector, 2023-06-26. (
- Nicolas Vaysse, Daniel Durox, Ronan Vicquelin, Sébastien Candel, Antoine Renaud. Stabilization and Dynamics of Pure Hydrogen Swirling Flames Using Cross-Flow Injection, 2023-06-26. (
- Karl Töpperwien, Ronan Vicquelin. Numerical analysis of relight in an annular spray-flame combustor with preheated walls, 2023-06-12. (
- Nicolas Vaysse, D. Durox, Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan, Ronan Vicquelin, Sébastien Candel, Antoine Renaud. Structure and light emission of swirling flames produced by pure hydrogen injection in cross-flow, 2023-04-26. (
- Maxime Leroy, Clément Mirat, Antoine Renaud, Ronan Vicquelin. Stabilization of Low-NOx Hydrogen Flames on a Dual-Swirl Coaxial Injector, 2022-06-13. (
- Matteo Gelain, Alexandre Couilleaux, Marc Errera, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Conjugate heat transfer analysis of a surface air-cooled oil cooler (SACOC) installed in a turbofan by-pass duct, 2021-08-02. (
- Guilhem Lavabre, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Uncertainty quantification for the LES of the H 2 Cabra flame, 2021-04-14. (
- Luc Lecointre, Sergey Kudriakov, Etienne Studer, Ronan Vicquelin, Christian Tenaud. Numerical tools to study hydrogen flame acceleration, 2021-01-11. (
- Luc Lecointre, Sergey Kudriakov, Etienne Studer, Ronan Vicquelin, Christian Tenaud. High-order extension of Roe’s solver for compressible multicomponent real gas flows, 2020-11-22. (
- Guilhem Lavabre, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. Dimension reduction and surrogate modelling for auto-igniting flame simulations, 2020-06-25. (
- Kevin Torres Monclard, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. Impact of Soot Radiative Properties, Pressure and Soot Volume Fraction on Radiative Heat Transfer in Turbulent Sooty Flames, 2020-06-22. (
- Karl Töpperwien, Félix Collin-Bastiani, Eleonore Riber, Bénédicte Cuenot, Guillaume Vignat, Kevin Prieur, D. Durox, Sébastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame Dynamics During the Ignition of a Swirling Injector Unit and Comparison With Experiments, 2020-06-22. (
- Matteo Gelain, Olivier Gicquel, Alexandre Couilleaux, Ronan Vicquelin. DNS of a turbulent thermal boundary layer spatially evolving on an isothermal wall from a fully turbulent adiabatic flow, 2019-11-23. (
- S. Puggelli, T. Lancien, Kevin Prieur, D. Durox, S. Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Impact of Wall Temperature in Large Eddy Simulation of Light-Round in an Annular Liquid Fueled Combustor and Assessment of Wall Models, 2019-06-17. (
- Arthur Degenève, Clément Mirat, J. Caudal, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Effects of Swirl on the Stabilization of Non-Premixed Oxygen Enriched Flames Above Coaxial Injectors, 2019-06-17. (
- Stefano Puggelli, Denis Veynante, Ronan Vicquelin. Impact of dynamic combustion modelling in Large-Eddy Simulation of light-round in an annular combustor, 2019-05-06. (
- Arthur Degenève, Ronan Vicquelin, Clément Mirat, Paul Jourdaine, Thierry Schuller. Analysis of flame surface density and flame wrinkling from swirling CH4/air and CO2-diluted premixed flames, 2019-05-06. (
- Karl Töpperwien, Théa Lancien, Guillaume Vignat, Kevin Prieur, D. Durox, Sebastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large-eddy simulation of flame dynamics during the ignition of a swirling injector unit and comparison with experiments, 2019-05-06. (
- Kevin Torres Monclard, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. Impact of soot radiative properties in coupled simulation of a laminar sooting flame, 2019-05-06. (
- Arthur Degenève, Clément Mirat, Ronan Vicquelin, Jean Caudal, Thierry Schuller. Effects of inner swirl on flow and combustion patterns from non-premixed oxygen enriched flames above coaxial injectors, 2019-04-14. (
- Karl Töpperwien, Théa Lancien, Guillaume Vignat, Kevin Prieur, D. Durox, Sebastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame Dynamics during the Ignition of a Swirling Injector Unit and Comparison with Experiments, 2019-04-14. (
- Kevin Torres Monclard, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. Numerical modelling of detailed soot radiative properties of a laminar coflow sooting flame, 2019-04-14. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Optimisation de la mesure de température de paroi par thermographie de luminophore appliquée à la combustion, 2018-09-17. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Jean Caudal, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Utilisation de luminophores pour la mesure de transferts thermiques, 2018-09-17. (
- Guillaume Vignat, Daniel Durox, Kevin Prieur, Théa Lancien, Ronan Vicquelin, Sébastien Candel. Tomographie à très haute cadence de flammes turbulentes swirlées au moyen du dioxyde d'étain, 2018-09-17. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Jean Caudal, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Effects of a Diverging Cup on Swirl Number, Flow Pattern and Topology of Premixed Flames, 2018-06-11. (
- P Rodrigues, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, K P Geigle, Ronan Vicquelin. Assessment of External Heat Transfer Modeling of a Laboratory-Scale Combustor inside a Pressure-Housing Environment, 2018-06. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Jean Caudal, Clément Mirat, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. An Experimental Study Of The Wall Temperature Of A Co2 Diluted Oxy-Flame And A Methane/Air Flame In A Technically Premixed Swirler, 2018-05. (
- Pedro Rodrigues, Olivier Gicquel, Benedetta Franzelli, Nasser Darabiha, Ronan Vicquelin. Coupled Monte-Carlo simulation of a Turbulent Sooting Diffusion Jet Flame, 2018-04-11. (
- Lorella Palluotto, Nicolas Dumont, Pedro Rodrigues, Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Comparison Of Monte Carlo Methods Efficiency To Solve Radiative Energy Transfer In High Fidelity Unsteady 3D Simulations, 2018-04-11. (
- Arthur Degenève, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Jean Caudal, Ronan Vicquelin, Thierry Schuller. Analysis of wall temperature and heat flux distributions in a swirled combustor powered by a methane air and a CO2-diluted oxyflame, 2018-02-14. (
- Jan M. Armengol, Ronan Vicquelin, Axel Coussement, Rogerio Gonçalves dos Santos, Olivier Gicquel. Turbulence-Radiation Interactions in a Spatially Developing Heated Jet, 2017-12-03. (
- Théa Lancien, Kevin Prieur, Daniel Durox, Sebastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large-eddy simulation of light-round in an annular combustor with liquid spray injection and comparison with experiments, 2017-06-26. (
- Lorella Palluotto, Nicolas Dumont, Pedro Rodrigues, Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Comparison of Monte Carlo Methods Efficiency to Solve Radiative Energy Transfer in High Fidelity Unsteady 3D Simulations, 2017-06-26. (
- Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. High-Fidelity Multiphysics Simulation of a Confined Premixed Swirling Flame Combining Large-Eddy Simulation, Wall Heat Conduction and Radiative Energy Transfer, 2017-06-26. (
- Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. An Acceleration Method for Numerical Studies of Conjugate Heat Transfer With a Self-Adaptive Coupling Time Step Method: Application to a Wall-Impinging Flame, 2017-06-26. (
- Sébastien Candel, Schmitt Thomas, Ronan Vicquelin, Sebastien Ducruix. Calculs « frontières » dans le domaine de combustion, 2017-05-15. (
- Pedro Rodrigues, Ronan Vicquelin, Benedetta Franzelli, Nasser Darabiha, Olivier Gicquel. Impact of Radiation Modeling in Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Sooting Diffusion Ethylene-Air Flame, 2017-04-03. (
- Théa Lancien, Kevin Prieur, Daniel Durox, Sebastien Candel, Ronan Vicquelin. Large-eddy simulation of light-round in an annular combustor equipped with n-heptane spray injectors, 2017-04. (
- Maxime Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Candel. Modeling of light-round in an annular combustor operating under perfectly premixed conditions, 2017-04. (
- Lorella Palluotto, Ronan Vicquelin, Paul Jourdaine, Clément Mirat, Thierry Schuller, Olivier Gicquel. Towards Large Eddy Simulation of CO2 dilution in premixed swirling oxy-flames and assessment of radiation effects, 2017-04. (
- Théa Lancien, Nicolas Dumont, Kevin Prieur, Daniel Durox, Sébastien M. Candel, Olivier Gicquel, Ronan Vicquelin. Uncertainty quantification of injected droplet size in mono-dispersed Eulerian simulations, 2016-05-22. (
- Nicolas Dumont, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Modeling propagation of detailed chemical mechanism with tabulated chemistry, 2016. (
- Chai Koren, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Automatic determination of the coupling period in unsteady conjugate heat transfer. Application to large eddy simulation of flame-wall interaction, 2015-04-19. (
- Maxime Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas, Sebastien Candel. Detailed analysis of light-round in an annular multiple-injector combustor, 2015-04-19. (
- Nicolas Dumont, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Effect of uncertainties in detailed chemistry on combustion model parameters, 2015-04-19. (
- Nicolas Dumont, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Comparison of different approaches to determine the effect of uncertainties in detailed chemistry on auto-ignition delay for air-hydrogen mixtures, 2015-03-30. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine. Effect of radiation on enthalpy fluctuations and turbulent heat flux in turbulent boundary layers, 2014-09. (
- Matthieu Boileau, Maxime Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, Schmitt Thomas, Daniel Durox, Jean-François Bourgouin, Sebastien Candel. Simulation of the ignition process in an annular multiple-injector combustor and comparison with experiments, 2014-06-16. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Yufang Zhang, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine. A wall model for LES accounting for radiation effects, 2013-11-24. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Yufang Zhang, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine. Effects of radiation in turbulent boundary layers: Analysis of the mean temperature profile, 2013-11-24. (
- Johan Larsson, Ronan Vicquelin, Julien Bodart, Iván Bermejo-Moreno, Stuart Laurence. Quasi-dual-mode behavior in the combustor of the HyShot scramjet, 2013-11-24. (
- Yufang Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine, Yong Huang. Wall-modeled les with a new wall model accounting for radiation effects, 2013-06-02. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Maxime Philip, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas, Jean-François Bourgouin, Daniel Durox, Sébastien M. Candel. Large Eddy Simulation of ignition in an annular multi-injector combustor, 2013-04-24. (
- Maxime Philip, Matthieu Boileau, Schmitt Thomas, Ronan Vicquelin, Jean-François Bourgouin, Daniel Durox, Sebastien Candel. Large Eddy Simulation of ignition in an annular multi-injector combustor, 2013-04-08. (
- Yufang Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine. Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent channel flow coupled to radiative transfer, 2012-08. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Johan Larsson, Julien Bodart. Including compressibility effect in combustion modeling for LES of supersonic combustion, 2011-11-20. (
- Johan Larsson, Ronan Vicquelin, Iván Bermejo-Moreno, Julien Bodart. LES of supersonic combustion in a realistic scramjet combustor, 2011-11-20. (
- D. E. Tudorache, Pierre Auzillon, L. Thobois, Nasser Darabiha, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Benoit Fiorina. Development of a chemical kinetics tabulation method for the prediction of Diesel engine pollutants, 2011-07. (
- Pierre Auzillon, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Nasser Darabiha, Denis Veynante, Benoit Fiorina. A Filtered Tabulated Chemistry Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Reactive Flows, 2010-01-04. (
- Olivier Esnault, Matthieu Boileau, Ronan Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, Olivier Gicquel. A Method To Accelerate LES Explicit Solvers Using Local Time-Stepping, 2010-01-04. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, Olivier Gicquel. A Turbulent Combustion Model for Jet Flames Issuing in a Vitiated Coflow, 2009-07-27. (
- Olivier Esnault, Ronan Vicquelin, Matthieu Boileau, Benoit Fiorina, Olivier Gicquel. Optimization of DNS/LES explicit solvers for combustor simulations using local time-stepping, 2009-04-14. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, G. Lartigue, Olivier Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulation of a Methane-Air Turbulent Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-Flow, 2008-04-08. (
- R. Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, Olivier Gicquel, G. Lartigues, Thierry Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of Mild Combustion, 2007. (
- R. Vicquelin, Benoit Fiorina, Olivier Gicquel, G. Lartigues, Thierry Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of Mild Combustion, 2007. (
- Pre-submission / Working document - 2 documents
- Karl Töpperwien, Stefano Puggelli, Ronan Vicquelin. Analysis of flame propagation mechanisms during light-round in an annular spray flame combustor: the impact of wall heat transfer and two-phase flow, 2022-01-05. (
- Matteo Gelain, O. Gicquel, A Couilleaux, R. Vicquelin. Physical study of the non-equilibrium development of a turbulent thermal boundary layer, 2021-04-01. (
- POSTER - 3 documents
- Kevin Torres Monclard, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel. Effect of detailed soot radiative properties on a laminar coflow sooting flame, 2019-06-03. (
- Jan M. Armengol, Ronan Vicquelin, Axel Coussement, Goncalves dos Santos, Rogerio, Olivier Gicquel. Physical study of radiation effects in a strongly heated turbulent jet using direct numerical simulations, 2019-06-03. (
- Karl Töpperwien, T. Lancien, S. Puggelli, G Vignat, K Prieur [ ][ ], D. Durox, S. Candel, R. Vicquelin. Large-Eddy Simulation of Flame Dynamics during Ignition of a Swirling Injector Unit and Comparison with Experiments, 2019-04-14. (
- HDR - 1 document
- Ronan Vicquelin. Simulation and modelling of turbulent reactive flows and heat transfer, 2018-12-07. (
- MAP - 2 documents
- M Philip, Ronan Vicquelin, M. Boileau, T. Schmitt, S. Candel. Large-Eddy Simulations of the ignition sequence of an annular multiple-injector combustor, 2013-11. (
- Yufang Zhang, Ronan Vicquelin, Olivier Gicquel, Jean Taine. Impact of thermal radiation in turbulent boundary layers, 2013-10. (
- Work chapter - 5 documents
- I. Bermejo-Moreno, J. Larsson, J. Bodart, Ronan Vicquelin. Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of the HIFiRE-2 scramjet, 2013. (
- J. Larsson, I. Bermejo-Moreno, J. Bodart, Ronan Vicquelin. Predicting the operability limit of the HyShot II scramjet using LES, 2012. (
- I. Bermejo-Moreno, J. Larsson, L. Campo, J. Bodart, Ronan Vicquelin, D. Helmer, J. Eaton. Wall-modeled large eddy simulation of shock/turbulent boundary-layer interaction in a duct, 2011. (
- J. Larsson, Ronan Vicquelin, I. Bermejo-Moreno. Large eddy simulations of the HyShot II scramjet, 2011. (
- Ronan Vicquelin, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante, Vincent Moureau, L. Vervisch. Coupling tabulated chemistry with large-eddy simulation of turbulent reactive flows, 2008-08-31. (
- Dissertation - 1 document
- Ronan Vicquelin. Tabulated chemistry for turbulent combustion modeling and simulation, 2010-06-17. (