Camille Gandiolle

Laboratoire Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay
camille.gandiolle [at]
Publications :
- Communication on a congress - 12 documents
- Valentin Poussard, Camille Gandiolle, Damien Durville. Couplage de maillages incompatibles 1D-3D pour la simulation de câbles gommés, 2024-05-13. (
- Valentin Poussard, Camille Gandiolle, Damien Durville. Coupling 1D beam elements with 3D solid elements for the modelling of fibre-reinforced composites, 2023-09-25. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Pierre Arnaud, Youssef Younes. Conception d'un test de fretting in-situ pour la tomographie à rayons X, 2023-05-24. (
- Hugo Lannay, Siegfried Fouvry, Bruno Berthel, Camille Gandiolle, Jan Neggers. Stabilité de la méthode de la distance critique pour prédire l'amorçage de fissure en fretting : influence de la microstructure et de la taille d'amorçage, 2023-05-24. (
- Hugo Lannay, Siegfried Fouvry, Bruno Berthel, Camille Gandiolle, Jan Neggers. Infrared thermography method to estimate fretting crack initiation length with respect to grain size, 2022-09-19. (
- Hugo Lannay, Siegfried Fouvry, Bruno Berthel, Camille Gandiolle, Jan Neggers. Influence of XC38 steel microstructure on crack initiation and critical distance in fretting application, 2022-07-04. (
- Laure Larippe, Véronique Aubin, Camille Gandiolle, Jean-Yves Buffiere, J. Lachambre, Eva Héripré, Houda Attia, Aurélie Jamoneau, Apolline Lecercle. Fatigue crack propagation in highly cold drawn pearlitic wires, 2022-04-03. (
- Yipeng He, Camille Gandiolle, Véronique Aubin. Development of a crystal plasticity finite element model of a real sample for purpose of material law identification, 2018-05-27. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Stability of critical distance approach to predict fretting fatigue cracking, 2014-09-21. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Fatigue Stress Ratio Effect on Fretting-Fatigue Crack Nucleation: Comparison between Multi-Axial and Uni-Axial Predictions, 2014-03-02. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Experimental Analysis and Modeling of the Crack Arrest Condition Under Severe Plastic Fretting Fatigue Conditions, 2013-11-27. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Contact plastic accommodation influence on the fretting fatigue cracking response of steel, 2013-05-21. (
- Article in a review - 10 documents
- Hugo Lannay, Siegfried Fouvry, Bruno Berthel, Camille Gandiolle, Jan Neggers, Gabriel Paramucchio. Stability of the critical distance method for fretting cracking prediction: influence of microstructure and crack nucleation size, 2023-08. (
- Vivien Lefranc, Soha Baydoun, Camille Gandiolle, Eva Héripré, Maxime Vallet, Siegfried Fouvry, Véronique Aubin. Heterogeneity in tribologically transformed structure (TTS) of Ti–6Al–4V under fretting, 2023-06. (
- Cui Yang, Nicolas Masquellier, Camille Gandiolle, Xavier Sauvage. Multifunctional properties of composition graded Al wires, 2020-12. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Simon Garcin, Siegfried Fouvry. A non-collinear fretting-fatigue experiment to compare multiaxial fatigue criteria: critical shear plane strategy is better than invariant formulations, 2017. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry, Éric Charkaluk. Lifetime prediction methodology for variable fretting fatigue loading: Plasticity effect, 2016-11. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Stability of critical distance approach to predict fretting fatigue cracking: a “ℓ_opt – b_opt” concept, 2016. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Fretting fatigue crack propagation rate under variable loading conditions, 2016. (
- C. Gandiolle, S. Fouvry. FEM modeling of crack nucleation and crack propagation fretting fatigue maps: Plasticity effect, 2015. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Fatigue Stress Ratio Effect on Fretting-Fatigue Crack Nucleation: Comparison between Multi-Axial and Uni-Axial Predictions, 2014. (
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Experimental Analysis and Modeling of the Crack Arrest Condition Under Severe Plastic Fretting Fatigue Conditions, 2013. (
- Dissertation - 1 document
- Camille Gandiolle. Étude et modélisation de l'endurance en fretting fatigue: effet de la plasticité et des sollicitations variables, 2015-12-18. (
- POSTER - 1 document
- Camille Gandiolle, Siegfried Fouvry. Influence de l’accommodation plastique du contact sur la fissuration d’un acier soumis à des sollicitations de fretting fatigue, 2013-05-29. (