Trung-Dung Le
Laboratoire Génie Électrique et Électronique de PariS
trungdung.le [at]
Publications :
- Article in a review - 5 documents
- Alexandre Bach, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Deployability of a probabilistic earth fault location method for MV distribution feeders, 2024. (
- Alexandre Bach, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Sensitivity assessment of a novel earth fault location method with optimally placed distributed measurements for MV networks, 2023-02-01. (
- Pascal Torwelle, Alberto Bertinato, Bertrand Raison, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Fault current calculation in MTDC grids considering MMC blocking, 2022-06. (
- Pascal Torwelle, Alberto Bertinato, Wolfgang Grieshaber, Yang Yang, Bertrand Raison, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Pre-Energization Concept for Overhead Lines in MTDC Grids Using DCCB Internal Capacitor, 2022-02. (
- Marc Petit, Trung Dung Le. Directional relays without voltage sensors for distribution networks, 2014-07-24. (
- Communication on a congress - 16 documents
- Alexandre Bach, Trung Dung Le, Marie-Cécile Alvarez-Hérault, Marc Petit. A reliability-based optimal number of PMUs for profitable fault location on MV feeders, 2023-10-23. (
- A. Bach, T. Le, Marc Petit. Probabilistic analysis for a robust zero-sequence fault location method for MV distribution feeders, 2023-06-12. (
- Elio El Semaan, Dat Tien Nguyen, Alessio Iovine, Trung Dung Le, Philippe Dessante, Dominique Croteau, Keddy Kamga, Mouna Rifi. Performance evaluation of an autoencoder state estimator with realistic low voltage grids reconstructed from open data, 2023-06-12. (
- Alexandre Bach, T. -D. Le, Marc Petit. A zero-sequence impedance-based fault location method for MV distribution feeders with sparse measurements, 2022-03-07. (
- Pascal Torwelle, Alberto Bertinato, Bertrand Raison, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Compliance of a cable-based protection strategy for OHL grids: analysis and remediation, 2020-03-09. (
- Ferréol Binot, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Impact of environmental conditions on the voltage profile of LV networks, 2019-09-29. (
- Ferréol Binot, Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Modélisation de l’impédance des câbles : Étude de sensibilité et impact sur le réseau BT, 2018-07-03. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Optimisation algorithm for Earth fault location on MV distribution feeders, 2017-06-12. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. An optimization algorithm for earth fault location on MV distribution feeders, 2017-06-12. (
- Julien Denoel, Marc Petit, Trung Dung Le. Comparative Analysis of Definitions for the Harmonic Emissions Levels, 2016-05-04. (
- Julien Denoel, Luc Berthet, Marc Petit, Trung Dung Le. Analysis of harmonic active power as criterion to assess the installation harmonic emission, 2016-04-04. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Earth fault location based on a Modified Takagi Method for MV distribution networks, 2016-04-04. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Performance of directional relays using SVM classification with Double-Line-to-Ground faults, 2015-06-15. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Directional relays without voltage sensors for distribution grids: Optimal boundaries for fault direction estimation, 2013-06-16. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Performance of directional relays without voltage sensors: Impact of distributed generation technologies, 2013-06-10. (
- Trung Dung Le, Marc Petit. Directional Relays for Distribution Networks with presence of Distributed Generation, 2012-04-23. (
- PATENT - 4 documents
- Pascal Torwelle, Bertrand Raison, Alberto Bertinato, Marc Petit, Trung Dung Le. METHOD FOR INSULATING A CONDUCTOR OF A CONTINUOUS HIGH VOLTAGE POWER DRIVE LINE, 2023-04-26. (
- Pascal Torwelle, Bertrand Raison, Alberto Bertinato, Marc Petit, Trung Dung Le. METHOD FOR INSULATING A CONDUCTOR OF A CONTINUOUS HIGH VOLTAGE POWER DRIVE LINE, 2021-12-30. (
- Pascal Torwelle, Bertrand Raison, Alberto Bertinato, Marc Petit, Trung Dung Le. PROCÉDÉ D'ISOLATION D'UN CONDUCTEUR D'UNE LIGNE DE TRANSMISSION DE PUISSANCE HAUTE TENSION CONTINUE, 2021-12-24. (
- Ferréol Binot, Mathieu Caujolle, Trung Dung Le, Dominique Croteau, Marc Petit. Procédé de mise à jour d'une base de données dans laquelle sont enregistrées des valeurs de caractéristiques techniques d'équipements électriques d'un réseau de distribution électrique, 2021-06-25. (
- POSTER - 1 document
- Frédéric Reymond-Laruina, Marc Petit, Loic Queval, Trung Dung Le, Djamel Hadbi, Philippe Egrot. Prise en compte de la résilience aux défauts entre pôles lors du dimensionnement d'un convertisseur pour un réseau LVDC, 2022-06-14. (
- Dissertation - 1 document
- Trung Dung Le. Contribution des moyens de production dispersés aux courants de défaut. Modélisation des moyens de production et algorithmes de détection de défaut., 2014-02-28. (