Jean-Paul Kleider

jean-paul.kleider [at]

Publications :

  • Article in a review - 157 documents
    • Alina Maksimova, Alexander Uvarov, Demid Kirilenko, Artem Baranov, Ekaterina Vyacheslavova, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider. Trimethylboron as a precursor for boron phosphide plasma deposition at low temperature, 2024-12-05. (
    • Félix Gayot, Elise Bruhat, Muriel Bouttemy, Mathieu Frégnaux, Eric de Vito, Jean-Paul Kleider, Stéphane Cros, Matthieu Manceau. Elucidating Interfacial Limitations Induced by Tin Oxide Electron Selective Layer Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition in N−I−P Perovskite-Based Solar Cells, 2023-11-22. (
    • Vesselin Donchev, Davide Regaldo, Stefan Georgiev, Aleksandra Bojar, Mattia da Lisca, Kiril Kirilov, J Alvarez, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Surface Photovoltage Study of Metal Halide Perovskites Deposited Directly on Crystalline Silicon, 2023-03-07. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, José Alvarez, James P Connolly, Nicolas Vaissiere, Karim Mekhazni, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider. Cross-sectional Kelvin probe force microscopy on III–V epitaxial multilayer stacks: challenges and perspectives, 2023. (
    • Stefano Soresi, Mattia da Lisca, Claire Besancon, Nicolas Vaissiere, Alexandre Larrue, Cosimo Calo, J Alvarez, Christophe Longeaud, Ludovic Largeau, Pablo Garcia Linares, Eric Tournié, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean Decobert. Epitaxy and characterization of InP/InGaAs tandem solar cells grown by MOVPE on InP and Si substrates, 2023. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. How to perform admittance spectroscopy and DLTS in multijunction solar cells, 2022-03-12. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, Davide Regaldo, J Alvarez, David Alamarguy, Vesselin Donchev, Stefan Georgiev, Philip Schulz, Jean Paul Kleider. Surface photovoltage characterisation of metal halide perovskite on crystalline silicon using Kelvin probe force microscopy and metal-insulator-semiconductor configuration, 2022. (
    • Davide Regaldo, Aleksandra Bojar, Sean P. Dunfield, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Mathieu Frégnaux, Vincent Dufoulon, Shanting Zhang, J Alvarez, Joseph J. Berry, Jean Baptiste Puel, Philip Schulz, Jean Paul Kleider. On the equilibrium electrostatic potential and light-induced charge redistribution in halide perovskite structures, 2022. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, James P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Karim Mekhazni, Nicolas Vaissiere, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider. Revealing of InP multi-layer stacks from KPFM measurements in the dark and under illumination, 2022. (
    • Hiroyuki Kanda, Valentin Dan Mihailetchi, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Zakaria Djebbour, Jose Alvarez, Philippe Baranek, Olindo Isabella, Malte R Vogt, Rudi Santbergen, Philip Schulz, Fiala Peter, Mohammad K Nazeeruddin, James P Connolly. Three‐terminal perovskite/integrated back contact silicon tandem solar cells under low light intensity conditions, 2022. (
    • Koffi Ahanogbe, J Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré, J.P. Connolly, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Erwann Fourmond, Seif El-Whibi, Alain Fave, Perrine Carroy, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Electroluminescence analysis of silicon interdigitated back contact solar cells with a front surface selective band offset barrier, 2022. (
    • Alina Maksimova, Alexander Uvarov, Artem Baranov, Alexander Gudovskikh, Dmitri Kudryashov, Ekaterina Vyacheslavova, Ivan Morozov, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Investigation of Plasma Deposited Boron Phosphide and Its Contact to Silicon, 2022. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, A Baranov, A Uvarov, D Kudryashov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Space charge capacitance study of GaP/Si multilayer structures grown by plasma deposition, 2021-12-30. (
    • Nicolas Moron, Baptiste Bérenguier, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Analytical model of the modulated photoluminescence in semiconductor materials, 2021-12-01. (
    • Sean Dunfield, Aleksandra Bojar, Stefania Cacovich, Mathieu Frégnaux, Talysa Klein, Rosemary Bramante, Fei Zhang, Davide Regaldo, Vincent Dufoulon, Jean-Baptiste Puel, Glenn Teeter, Joseph Luther, Muriel Bouttemy, Dennis Nordlund, Kai Zhu, David Moore, Maikel F.A.M. van Hest, Jean-Paul Kleider, Joseph Berry, Philip Schulz. Carrier gradients and the role of charge selective contacts in lateral heterojunction all back contact perovskite solar cells, 2021-08-18. (
    • Letian Dai, Martin Foldyna, J Alvarez, Isabelle Maurin, Jean-Paul Kleider, Thierry Gacoin, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells with μc‐Si:H Absorbers for Radial Junction Devices, 2021-06-26. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Valentin Giglia, Adrien Boulineau, Eric de Vito, Amal Chabli, Sébastien Dubois, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Evolution of the surface passivation mechanism during the fabrication of ex-situ doped poly-Si(B)/SiOx passivating contacts for high-efficiency c-Si solar cells, 2021. (
    • A Uvarov, A Gudovskikh, V Nevedomskiy, Artem Baranov, D Kudryashov, I Morozov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Low temperature epitaxial growth of GaP on Si by atomic-layer deposition with plasma activation, 2020-06-09. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, Nicolas Moron, Laura Vauche, Karim Medjoubi, Elias Veinberg Vidal, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. Understanding and monitoring the capacitance‐voltage technique for the characterization of tandem solar cells, 2020-06-01. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Electrical characterization of low temperature plasma epitaxial Si grown on highly doped Si substrates, 2020-02-10. (
    • Artem Baranov, Alexander Gudovskikh, Anton Yu. Egorov, Dmitry Kudryashov, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Defect properties of solar cells with layers of GaP based dilute nitrides grown by molecular beam epitaxy, 2020. (
    • Clément Marchat, Letian Dai, José Alvarez, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider, Soumyadeep Misra, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Local VOC Measurements by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Applied on P-I-N Radial Junction Si Nanowires, 2019-12. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Bernadette Grange, Clément Marchat, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sébastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Highly passivating and blister-free hole selective poly-silicon based contact for large area crystalline silicon solar cells, 2019-09. (
    • M. Rudolph, I. Vickridge, E. Foy, J. Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, D. Stanescu, H. Magnan, N. Herlin-Boime, B. Bouchet-Fabre, T. Minea, M.-C. Hugon. Oxygen incorporated during deposition determines the crystallinity of magnetron-sputtered Ta3N5 films, 2019-09-01. (
    • Alexander S. Gudovskikh, Alexander Uvarov, Ivan A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, Dimitry Kudryashov, Kirill S. Zelentsov, Alexandre Jaffré, Sylvain Le Gall, Arouna Darga, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Jean-Paul Kleider. Interface Properties of GaP/Si Heterojunction Fabricated by PE-ALD, 2019-05-22. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Rudolf Brüggemann, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Recent Progress in Understanding the Properties of the Amorphous Silicon/Crystalline Silicon Interface, 2019-02-21. (
    • Baptiste Bérenguier, Nicolas Barreau, Alexandre Jaffré, Daniel Ory, Jean-Francois Guillemoles, Jean-Paul Kleider, Laurent Lombez. Defects characterization in thin films photovoltaics materials by correlated high-frequency modulated and time resolved photoluminescence: An application to Cu(In,Ga)Se2, 2019-01. (
    • Clément Marchat, James P Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Lejo Koduvelikulathu, Jean Baptiste Puel. KPFM surface photovoltage measurement and numerical simulation, 2019. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Rudolf Brüggemann, Jean-Paul Kleider. Determination of Defect Densities in Thin (i) a‐Si:H Used as the Passivation Layer in a‐Si:H/c‐Si Heterojunction Solar Cells from Static Planar Conductance Measurements, 2019. (
    • Zakaria Djebbour, Walid El-Huni, Anne Migan-Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Bandgap engineered smart three-terminal solar cell: New perspectives towards very high efficiencies in the silicon world, 2019. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Bernadette Grange, Clément Marchat, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sébastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Conductivity and Surface Passivation Properties of Boron‐Doped Poly‐Silicon Passivated Contacts for c‐Si Solar Cells, 2018-10-05. (
    • Letian Dai, Isabelle Maurin, Martin Foldyna, José Alvarez, Weixi Wang, Hamza Mohsin, Wanghua Chen, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-Luc Maurice, Thierry Gacoin, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Tin dioxide nanoparticles as catalyst precursors for plasma-assisted vapor–liquid–solid growth of silicon nanowires with well-controlled density, 2018-08-20. (
    • Tristan Carrere, Raphaël Lachaume, Quang Minh Thai, Marianne Coig, Jean-Paul Kleider, Delfina Munoz. Homo-heterojunction concept: From simulations to high efficiency solar cell demonstration, 2018-08. (
    • Artem Baranov, Alexander Gudovskikh, Dmitry Kudryashov, Alexandra Lazarenko, Ivan Morozov, Alexey Mozharov, Ekaterina Nikitina, Evgeny Pirogov, Maxim Sobolev, Kirill Zelentsov, Anton Yu. Egorov, Arouna Darga, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Defect properties of InGaAsN layers grown as sub-monolayer digital alloys by molecular beam epitaxy, 2018-04-28. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Raphaël Lachaume, Jérôme Michallon, Stéphane Collin, José Alvarez, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Optoelectrical modeling of solar cells based on c-Si/a-Si:H nanowire arrays: focus on the electrical transport in between the nanowires, 2018-03-19. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, A. Uvarov, A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, A. Kudryashov, E. Nikitina, A. Bukatin, S. Zelentsov, S. Mukhin, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, J.-P. Kleider. Si doped GaP layers grown on Si wafers by low temperature PE-ALD, 2018-03-16. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Ivan Morozov, Alexander Uvarov, Dmitriy Kudryashov, Ekaterina Nikitina, Anton Bukatin, Vladimir Nevedomskiy, Jean-Paul Kleider. Low temperature plasma enhanced deposition of GaP films on Si substrate, 2018-03. (
    • Tareq Abu Hamed, Nadja Adamovic, Urs Aeberhard, Diego Alonso-Alvarez, Zoe Amin-Akhlaghi, Matthias auf Der Maur, Neil Beattie, Nikola Bednar, Kristian Berland, Stefan Birner, Marco Califano, Ivana Capan, Bostjan Cerne, Irinela Chilibon, James. Connolly, Frederic Cortes Juan, Jose G F Coutinho, Christin David, Knut Deppert, Vesselin Donchev, Marija Drev, Boukje Ehlen, Nicholas Ekins-Daukes, Jacky Even, Laurentiu Fara, David Fuertes Marron, Alessio Gagliardi, Blas Garrido, Violetta Gianneta, Maria Gomes, Jean-François Guillemoles, Mircea Guina, Janne Halme, Mateja Hocevar, Lucjan Jacak, Witold Jacak, Zoran Jaksic, Lejo Joseph, Spyridon Kassavetis, Vaidotas Kazukauskas, Jean-Paul Kleider, Katarzyna Kluczyk, Radovan Kopecek, Ursa Opara Krasovec, Jean-Louis Lazzari, Efrat Lifshitz, Martin Loncaric, Søren Peder Madsen, Antonio Marti Vega, Denis Mencaraglia, Maria Messing, Felipe Murphy Armando, Androula Nassiopoulou, Ahmed Neijm, Akos Nemcsics, Victor Neto, Laurent Pedesseau, Clas Persson, Konstantinos Petridis, Lacramioara Popescu, Georg Pucker, Jelena Radovanović, Julio Rimada, Mimoza Ristova, Ivana Savic, Hele Savin, Marushka Sendova-Vassileva, Abdurrahman Sengul, José Da Silva, Ullrich Steiner, Jan Storch, Emmanuel Stratakis, Shuxia Tao, Pavel Tomanek, Stanko Tomić, Antti Tukiainen, Rasit Turan, Jose Maria Ulloa, Shengda Wang, Fatma Yuksel, Jaroslav Zadny, Javad Zarbakhsh. Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics, 2018. (
    • A Baranov, a S Gudovskikh, D A Kudryashov, a M Mozharov, K S Zelentsov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Admittance spectroscopy of InGaAsN based solar cells, 2017-11-01. (
    • Artem Baranov, Alexander S. Gudovskikh, Dmitriy A. Kudryashov, Ivan A. Morozov, Alexey M. Mozharov, Ekaterina V. Nikitina, Kirill S. Zelentsov, Arouna Darga, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of PE-ALD of GaP on the Silicon Wafers Quality, 2017-10-09. (
    • Alexander S. Gudovskikh, A.V. Uvarov, Ivan A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, D. A. Kudryashov, E.V. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider. n-GaP/p-Si heterojunction solar cells fabricated by PE-ALD, 2017-10-09. (
    • Rudolf Brüggemann, Ming Xu, José Alvarez, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Radiative recombination coefficient in crystalline silicon at low temperatures < 77 K by combined photoluminescence measurements, 2017-09. (
    • Rudolf Brüggemann, Ming Xu, José Alvarez, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Temperature dependence of the radiative recombination coefficient in crystalline silicon by spectral and modulated photoluminescence, 2017-06. (
    • Gwenaelle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Romain Cariou, Raphaël Lachaume, José Alvarez, Wanghua Chen, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean Decobert, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition epitaxy of Si on GaAs for tunnel junction applications in tandem solar cells, 2017-04-01. (
    • A. Roigé, J. Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré, T. Desrues, D. Muñoz, I. Martín, R. Alcubilla, Jean-Paul Kleider. Effects of photon reabsorption phenomena in confocal micro-photoluminescence measurements in crystalline silicon, 2017-02-14. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Raphaël Lachaume, Jérôme Michallon, Stéphane Collin, J Alvarez, Sylvain Le Gall, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Coupling Optical and Electrical Modelling for the study of a-Si:H-based nanowire Array Solar Cells, 2017. (
    • Tristan Carrere, Delfina Munoz, Coig Marianne, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. p-Type a-Si:H Doping Using Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation for Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell Application, 2017. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, K.S. Zelentsov, A.I. Baranov, D.A. Kudryashov, I.A. Morozov, E.V. Nikitina, J.-P. Kleider. Study of GaP/Si Heterojunction Solar Cells, 2016-12. (
    • R. Lachaume, M. Foldyna, G. Hamon, J. Decobert, R. Cariou, P. Roca I Cabarrocas, J. Alvarez, J.P. Kleider. Detailed analysis of III-V/epi-SiGe tandem solar cell performance including light trapping schemes, 2016-11-30. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, David Alamarguy, Ali Madouri, José Alvarez, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider, Fei Yao, Young Hee Lee. Electronic properties of embedded graphene: doped amorphous silicon/CVD graphene heterostructures, 2016-10. (
    • Martin Rudolph, Dana Stanescu, Jose Alvarez, Eddy Foy, Jean-Paul Kleider, Hélène Magnan, Tiberiu Minea, Nathalie Herlin-Boime, Brigitte Bouchet-Fabre, M.C. Hugon. The role of oxygen in magnetron-sputtered Ta$_3$N$_5$ thin films for the photoelectrolysis of water, 2016-09-04. (
    • Artem Baranov, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh, Arouna Darga, E.V. Nikitina, A. Yu Egorov. Deep-level study of Ga(In)P(NAs) alloys grown on Si substrates, 2016-09. (
    • Alexander Korovin, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of the dopant penetration depth on the solar cell performance of n-type interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells, 2016-09. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. New insight into the modulated photocurrent technique using 2D full numerical simulations, 2016-03. (
    • Paul Narchi, José Alvarez, Pascal Chrétien, Gennaro Picardi, Romain Cariou, Martin Foldyna, Patricia Prod’homme, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Cross-Sectional Investigations on Epitaxial Silicon Solar Cells by Kelvin and Conducting Probe Atomic Force Microscopy: Effect of Illumination, 2016-02. (
    • I Morozov, A Gudovskikh, D Kudryashov, E. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider, A Myasoedov, V Levitskiy. Thin film GaP for solar cell application, 2016. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, R. Cariou, J. Decobert, M. Foldyna, G. Hamon, P. Roca I Cabarrocas, J. Alvarez, J.-P. Kleider. Performance Analysis of AlxGa1-xAs/epi-Si(Ge) Tandem Solar Cells: A Simulation Study, 2015-12. (
    • Fethullah Günes, Hakim Arezki, Debora Pierucci, David Alamarguy, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Yannick J. Dappe, Abdelkarim Ouerghi, Mohamed Boutchich. Tuning the work function of monolayer graphene on 4H-SiC (0001) with nitric acid, 2015-11. (
    • O. Maslova, A. Brézard-Oudot, M.-E. Gueunier-Farret, J. Alvarez, J.-P. Kleider. Explicit analytical modeling of the low frequency a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction capacitance: Analysis and application to silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2015-09. (
    • Daniel Lincot, Stéphane Collin, Jacky Even, Jean-Paul Kleider. Silicium, couches minces, pérovskites, photonique : de nouvelles avancées de la recherche sur les cellules photovoltaïques, Un bon signe pour la COP 21, 2015-09-01. (
    • David Reaux, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Impact of defect-pool model parameters on the lifetime in c-Si/a-Si:H heterojunction solar cells, 2015-08. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Olga Maslova. Revisiting the theory and usage of junction capacitance: Application to high efficiency amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2015-04. (
    • T. Carrere, R. Varache, D. Muñoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Insertion of a thin highly doped crystalline layer in silicon heterojunction solar cells: Simulation and perspectives towards a highly efficient cell concept, 2015-01. (
    • A Roigé, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, I Martín, R Alcubilla, L.F. Vega. Microscale Spatially Resolved Characterization of Highly Doped Regions in Laser-Fired Contacts for High-Efficiency Crystalline Si Solar Cells, 2015. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Kuan-I Ho, Alexandre Jaffré, David Alamarguy, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Chao-Sung Lai, Mohamed Boutchich. Characterization of N-doped multilayer graphene grown on 4H-SiC (0001), 2015-01-01. (
    • Tristan Carrere, Renaud Varache, Jérôme Le Perchec, Christine Denis, Delfina Muñoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Silicon bulk issues during processing of homo-heterojunction solar cells, 2015. (
    • Ming Xu, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Apichat Jittrong, Thitipong Chokamnuai, Somsak Panyakeow, Mohamed Boutchich, Songphol Kanjanachuchai. Temperature dependent photoluminescence and micromapping of multiple stacks InAs quantum dots, 2015-01-01. (
    • M. Boutchich, H. Arezki, D. Alamarguy, K.-I. Ho, H. Sediri, F. Güneş, J. Alvarez, J. P. Kleider, C. S. Lai, A. Ouerghi. Atmospheric pressure route to epitaxial nitrogen-doped trilayer graphene on 4H-SiC (0001) substrate, 2014-12. (
    • José Alvarez, M. Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Teraji, Y. Koide. Direct observation of the leakage current in epitaxial diamond Schottky barrier devices by conductive-probe atomic force microscopy and Raman imaging, 2014-09. (
    • O. Maslova, A. Brézard-Oudot, M.E. Gueunier-Farret, J. Alvarez, W. Favre, D. Muñoz, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.-P. Kleider. Temperature and bias dependence of hydrogenated amorphous silicon – crystalline silicon heterojunction capacitance: the link to band bending and band offsets, 2014-07. (
    • S. Gaiaschi, R. Ruggeri, E.V. Johnson, P. Bulkin, P. Chapon, M.-E. Gueunier-Farret, G. Mannino, C. Longeaud, J.-P. Kleider. Structural properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon–carbon alloys deposited by Radio Frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition: Effect of microcrystalline silicon seed layer and methane flow rate, 2014-01. (
    • Olga Maslova, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, Wilfried Favre, D. Munoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Understanding inversion layers and band discontinuities in hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions from the temperature dependence of the capacitance, 2013-10. (
    • Pratish Mahtani, Renaud Varache, Bastien Jovet, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, Nazir Kherani. Light induced changes in the amorphous - crystalline silicon heterointerface, 2013-09. (
    • Silvia Martin de Nicolas, J. Coignus, Wilfried Favre, Jean-Paul Kleider, D. Munoz. n-type a-Si:H layers applied to the back side of heterojunction solar cells: Experimental and simulation analysis, 2013-08. (
    • Renaud Varache, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Lars Korte. Silicon heterojunction solar cells: optimization of emitter and contact properties from analytical calculation and numerical simulation, 2013-05. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, Alexandre Jaffré, David Alamarguy, José Alvarez, Alexandre Barras, Y. Tanizawa, R. Tero, H. Okada, T.V. Thu, Jean-Paul Kleider, A. Sandhu. Characterization of graphene oxide reduced through chemical and biological processes, 2013-01. (
    • Renaud Varache, Jean-Paul Kleider, Wilfried Favre, Lars Korte. Calculation and measurement of the band-bending in crystalline silicon as an optimization tool for silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2012-12. (
    • Basia Halliop, Marie-France Salaün, Wilfried Favre, Renaud Varache, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Nazir Kherani. Interface properties of amorphous-crystalline silicon heterojunctions prepared using DC saddle-field PECVD, 2012-09. (
    • Arouna Darga, Wilfried Favre, Morgane Fruzzetti, Jean-Paul Kleider, Boris Morel, Denis Mencaraglia, Peiqing Yu, H. Marko, L. Arzel, Nicolas Barreau, Sébastien Noël, J. Kessler. Study of the electronic properties of wide band gap CIGSe solar cells: Influence of copper off-stoichiometry, 2012-09. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, José Alvarez, Djicknoum Diouf, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Meiyong Liao, Imura Masataka, Yasuo Koide, Jean-Paul Kleider. Amorphous silicon diamond based heterojunctions with high rectification ratio, 2012-09. (
    • Olga Maslova, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Space charge capacitance spectroscopy in amorphous silicon Schottky diodes: Theory, modeling, and experiments, 2012-09. (
    • Renaud Varache, Wilfried Favre, Lars Korte, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of the amorphous/crystalline silicon heterostructure properties on planar conductance measurements, 2012-09. (
    • Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modelling on c-Si/a-Si:H wire solar cells: some key parameters to optimize the photovoltaic performance, 2012-07. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez. Nanowire solar cells using hydrogenated amorphous silicon: a modeling study, 2012-06. (
    • Olga Maslova, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Wilfried Favre, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modeling of capacitance spectroscopy of (p) a-Si:H/(n) c-Si interfaces, 2012-04. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Trotta, A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, F. Martelli, L. Mariucci, S. Rubini. Giant and reversible enhancement of the electrical resistance of GaAs1−xNx by hydrogen irradiation, 2011-08. (
    • Caspar Leendertz, N. Mingirulli, T.F. Schulze, Jean-Paul Kleider, Bernd Rech, Lars Korte. Discerning passivation mechanisms at a-Si:H/c-Si interfaces by means of photoconductance measurements, 2011-05. (
    • Foudil Dadouche, Olivier Bethoux, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Erik Johnson, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, C. Marchand, Jean-Paul Kleider. Geometrical optimization and electrical performance comparison of thin-film tandem structures based on pm-Si:H and µc-Si:H using computer simulation, 2011-04-01. (
    • Wilfried Favre, Jean-Paul Kleider, D Munoz, S. Martin-De-Nicolas, P.-J. Ribeyron. Spatially resolved lifetime measurements of silicon heterojunctions from the modulated photoluminescence technique, 2011-03. (
    • Foudil Dadouche, Olivier Bethoux, Jean-Paul Kleider. New silicon thin-film technology associated with original DC-DC converter: An economic alternative way to improve photovoltaic systems efficiencies, 2011-03. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Martin Labrune, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Olga Alexandrovna Maslova, Wilfried Favre, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Characterization of silicon heterojunctions for Solar Cells, 2011-02-16. (
    • Yrebegnan Soro, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Structural and electronic properties of hydrogenated polymorphous silicon films deposited at high rate, 2011-01. (
    • José Alvarez, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Linwei Yu, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Emmanuelle Rouvière, Caroline Celle, Céline Mouchet, Jean-Pierre Simonato. Conductive-probe atomic force microscopy characterization of silicon nanowires, 2011-01. (
    • Olga Alexandrovna Maslova, José Alvarez, E.V. Gushina, Wilfried Favre, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, A.S. Gudovskikh, A.V. Ankudinov, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Observation by conductive-probe atomic force microscopy of strongly inverted surface layers at the hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions, 2010-12. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, N.A. Kalyuzhnyy, V.M. Lantratov, S.A. Mintairov. Band structure at heterojunction interfaces of GaInP solar cells, 2010-11. (
    • T. Desrues, P.-J. Ribeyron, A. Vandenheynde, S. Ozanne, Florent Souche, D. Munoz, C. Denis, Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider. B-Doped a-Si:H contact improvement on silicon heterojunctions solar cells and interdigitated back contact structure, 2010-04. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Desrues, P.-J. Ribeyron. 2D simulations of interdigitated back contact heterojunctions solar cells based on n-type crystalline silicon, 2010-04. (
    • Wilfried Favre, M. Labrune, Foudil Dadouche, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Study of the interfacial properties of amorphous Silicon/n-type crystalline Silicon heterojunction through static coplanar conductance measurements, 2010-04. (
    • E.V. Johnson, Foudil Dadouche, Marie-Estelle Farret-Gueunier, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Open-circuit voltage increase dynamics in high and low deposition rate polymorphous silicon solar cells, 2010-03. (
    • A.G Kazanskii, E.I Terukov, P.A Forsh, Jean-Paul Kleider. Photoconductivity of two-phase hydrogenated silicon films, 2010. (
    • M. Suproniuk, P. Kaminski, M. Miczuga, M. Pawlowski, R. Kozlowski, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. An intelligent measurement system for diagnosing of semi-insulating materials by photoinduced transient spectroscopy, 2009. (
    • Christophe Longeaud, Julien Schmidt, R.R. Koropecki, Jean-Paul Kleider. Determination of hydrogenated amorphous silicon density of states parameters from photoconductivity measurements, 2009. (
    • Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Kaminski, R. Kozlowski, M. Miczuga. Characterization of defect levels in semi−insulating 6H−SiC by means of photoinduced transient spectroscopyand modulated photocurrent technique, 2009. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Rémy Chouffot, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, M. Labrune, P.J. Ribeyron, R. Brüggemann. Electronic and structural properties of the amorphous/crystalline silicon interface, 2009. (
    • Rémy Chouffot, Aurore Brézard, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Brüggemann, M. Labrune, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P.-J. Ribeyron. Modulated photoluminescence as an effective lifetime measurement method : application to a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells, 2009. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, Rémy Chouffot, N.A. Kalyuzhnyy, S.A. Mintairov, V.M. Lantratov. III-phosphides heterojunction solar cell interface properties from admittance spectroscopy, 2009. (
    • José Alvarez, M. Liao, Jean-Paul Kleider, Y. Koide, M. Imura. Ultraviolet Detectors Based on Ultraviolet–Ozone Modified Hydrogenated Diamond Surfaces, 2009. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Desrues, P.-J. Ribeyron. Study of interdigitated back contact silicon heterojonction solar cells by two dimensional numerical simulations, 2009. (
    • Cédric Jaouen, Erik Lacombe, Olivier Bethoux, Jean-Paul Kleider. Etude Didactique des Systèmes Photovoltaïques : Optimisation Thermique et Electrique, 2008-03. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, Rémy Chouffot, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, J. Damon-Lacoste, D. Eon, P.J. Ribeyron. High interfacial conductivity at amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions, 2008. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Determination of the conduction band offset between hydrogenated amorphous silicon and crystalline silicon from surface inversion layer conductance measurements, 2008. (
    • J.A. Schmidt, Christophe Longeaud, R.R. Koropecki, R. Arce, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modulated photoconductivity in the high and low frequency regimes, 2008. (
    • C. Godet, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh. Electric field-controlled sign of the capacitance in metal-carbon nitride-metal devices, 2008. (
    • Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, A. Abramov, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, E.V. Johnson, Christophe Longeaud, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Polymorphous silicon thin films deposited at high rate: transport properties and density of states, 2008. (
    • Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, A. Abramov, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, E.V. Johnson, Christophe Longeaud, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Device grade hydrogenated polymorphous silicon deposited at high rates, 2008. (
    • M. Liao, Y. Koide, José Alvarez, M. Imura, Jean-Paul Kleider. Persistent positive and transient absolute negative photoconductivity observed in diamond photodetectors, 2008. (
    • Rémy Chouffot, Samah Ibrahim, R. Brüggemann, A.S. Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Scherff, W.R. Fahrner, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, D. Eon, P.J. Ribeyron. Comparison of photoluminescence and capacitance spectroscopies as efficient tools for interface characterisation of heterojunction solar cells, 2008. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, Rémy Chouffot, Jean-Paul Kleider, N.A. Kaluzhniy, V. Lantratov, S.A. Mintairov, J. Damon-Lacoste, D. Eon, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P.J. Ribeyron. New method for interface characterization in heterojunction solar cells based on diffusion capacitance measurements, 2008. (
    • P. Leempoel, P. Descamps, T. Kervyn de Meerendré, J. Charliac, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Bulkin, D. Daineka, T.H. Dao, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud. Distributed Electron Cyclotron Resonance plasma: a technology for large area deposition of device quality a-Si:H at very high rate, 2008. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, Samah Ibrahim, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, P.J. Ribeyron. Determination of band offsets in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions from capacitance-voltage measurements: capabilities and limits, 2007. (
    • C. Godet, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh. Frequency scaling of ac hopping transport in amorphous carbon nitride, 2007. (
    • T.H. Dao, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, D. Daineka, P. Bulkin, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Cyril Bazin, T. Kervyn de Meerenedre, P. Descamps, P. Loempoel. Effect of thermal coupling on the electronic properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films deposited by ECR, 2007. (
    • Christian Godet, Jean-Paul Kleider, A. Gudovskikh. Scaling analysis of field-enhanced bandtail hopping transport in amorphous carbon nitride, 2007. (
    • V.L. Berkovits, A.V. Ziminov, A.G. Kazanskii, A.G. Kolos'Ko, E.I. Terukov, A.V. Fenukhin, V.P. Ulin, T.A. Yurre, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of the molecular structure of copper phtalocyanines on their ordering in thin films and, photoluminescence and absorption spectra, 2007. (
    • José Alvarez, Frédéric Houzé, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Liao, Y. Koide. Local photoconductivity on diamond metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors measured by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2007. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider. Capacitance spectroscopy of amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells at forward bias and under illumination, 2007. (
    • M.E. Gueunier-Farret, J.P. Kleider, F. Voigt, R. Brüggemann, G.H. Bauer, F. Huisken, Gilles Ledoux. Transport properties and defects in silicon nanoparticles and effect of embedding in amorphous silicon layers, 2006-06. (
    • J.A. Schmidt, Christophe Longeaud, R.R. Koropecki, Jean-Paul Kleider. Parameters of the density of states in the gap of defective semiconductors determined from photoconductivity measurements, 2006. (
    • C. Godet, Jean-Paul Kleider. Disorder and localization in bandtail hopping transport: Experiments and concepts, 2006. (
    • Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, E. Rolland, P.J. Ribeyron, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Optimisation of amorphous and polymorphous silicon thin layers for formation of front-side heterojonction solar cells on p-type crystalline silicon substrate, 2006. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, Kleider J.P., J. Damon-Lacoste, Roca I Cabarrocas P., Y. Veschetti, Muller J.C., Ribeyron P.J., E. Rolland. Interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells from admittance spectroscopy, 2006. (
    • Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Optimisation of amorphous and polymorphous thin silicon layers for formation of front-side heterojunction solar cells on p-type crystalline silicon, 2006. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Stangl. New approach to capacitance spectroscopy for interface characterization of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions, 2006. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Cyril Bazin, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, P. Bulkin, D. Daineka, T.H. Dao, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Descamps, T. Kervyn de Meerenedre, P. Loempoel, M. Meaudre, R. Meaudre. Device quality a-Si:H deposited from electron cyclotron resonance at very high deposition rates, 2006. (
    • Christophe Longeaud, J.A. Schmidt, Jean-Paul Kleider. Determination of semiconductors band gap states parameters from photoconductivity measurements: I- Theoretical developments, 2006. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells from admittance spectroscopy, 2006. (
    • José Alvarez, Frédéric Houzé, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Liao, Y. Koide. Electrical characterization of Schottky diodes based on boron doped homoepitaxial diamond films by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2006. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Chatterjee, Y. Veschetti, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron. About the efficiency limits of heterojunction solar cells, 2006. (
    • Frédéric Houzé, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Bergonzo, E. Snidero, D. Tromson. Local electrical characterization of Schottky diodes on H-terminated diamond surfaces by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2006. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Alexander Gudovskikh, C. Godet. DC and AC hopping transport in metal/amorphous carbon nitride/metal devices, 2006. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Chatterjee, Y. Veschetti, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron. About the efficiency limits of heterojunction solar cells, 2006. (
    • M. Meaudre, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, R. Meaudre, Jean-Paul Kleider, S. Vignoli, B. Canut. Deep defects and their electron capture cross sections in polymorphous silicon-germanium thin films, 2005. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, E.I. Terukov. Characterization of a-Si:H/c-Si interface by admittance spectroscopy, 2005. (
    • J.A. Schmidt, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. Light-intensity dependence of the steady state photoconductivity used to estimate the density of states in the gap of intrinsic semiconductors, 2005. (
    • José Alvarez, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, V. Afanasjev, V.V. Luchinin, A.P. Sazanov, E.I. Terukov. Polycrystalline AlN films deposited at low temperature for selective UV detectors, 2004. (
    • S. Kumar, C. Godet, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, G. Adamopoulos, V. Chu. High-field transport in amorphous carbon and carbon nitride films, 2004. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, E. Snidero, P. Bergonzo, D. Tromson, C. Mer. On the metastability of the surface conductivity in hydrogen-terminated polycrystalline CVD diamond, 2004. (
    • José Alvarez, A. Godard, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Bergonzo, D. Tromson, E. Snidero, C. Mer, E. Rzepka, H. Cheverry. Very high UV-visible selectivity in polycrystalline CVD diamond films, 2004. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Marie-Estelle Gueunier. The modulated photocurrent technique: a powerful tool to investigate band gap states in silicon based thin films, 2004. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modulated photocurrent in the recombination regime, 2004. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, A. Froitzheim, W. Fuhs, E.I. Terukov. Investigations of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells interface properties, 2004. (
    • C. Guedj, N. Moussy, W. Rabaud, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, S. Tchakarov, J.P. Kleider. Uv-visible sensors based on polymorphous silicon, 2004. (
    • R. Brüggemann, S. Brehme, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier, W. Bronner. Effects of proton irradiation on the electronic properties of microcrystalline silicon, 2004. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Marie-Estelle Gueunier. Investigation of bandgap states using the modulated photocurrent technique in both low and high frequency regimes, 2004. (
    • M.S. Bresler, O.B. Gusev, E.I. Terukov, W. Fuhs, A. Froitzheim, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, G. Weiser. Electroluminescence in amorphous-crystalline silicon heterostructures, 2004. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, V.P. Afanasjev, A.Z. Kazak-Kazakevich, A.P. Sazanov. Investigation of nc-Si inclusions behaviour in multilayer a-Si:H films obtained by layer by layer technique, 2004. (
    • Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Z. Djebbour, J. Kleider, C. Longeaud, D. Mencaraglia, J. Sib, Y. Bouizem, M. Thèye, G. Sardin, J. Stoquert. Hydrogen, microstructure and defect density in hydrogenated amorphous silicon, 1992. (
  • Communication on a congress - 263 documents
    • Davide Regaldo, Thomas W. Gries, Valerio Stacchini, Jean-Paul Kleider, Antonio Abate, Artem Musiienko. Unveiling photoluminescence quenching mysteries, 2024-12-03. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Oleksandr Bilousov, Amadeo Michaud, Stéphane Collin, Philippe Regreny, Jose Penuelas, J Alvarez. Challenges of local electrical measurements on cross-sectional devices using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (C-AFM), 2024-12-03. (
    • Hiba Haddara, Baptiste Bérenguier, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-François Guillemoles, Jean-Paul Kleider. Utilisation de la technique de photoluminescence modulée en fonction de la température pour déterminer les propriétés des défauts dans les semi-conducteurs : simulations numériques et résultats expérimentaux, 2024-12-03. (
    • Leonardo Kopprio, Sylvain Le Gall, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Koffi Ahanogbe, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Nitin Mallik, Davide Raffaele Ceratti, J Alvarez, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, Osbel Almora. Transient currents produced by mobile ions in thick Metal-Semiconductor-Metal devices, 2024-09-23. (
    • Hiba Haddara, Baptiste Bérenguier, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-François Guillemoles, Jean-Paul Kleider. Improving the investigation of defect properties through temperature dependent modulated photoluminescence, 2024-09-23. (
    • Davide Regaldo, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Mathieu Frégnaux, Nitin Mallik, Javid Hajhemati, Vincent Dufoulon, J Alvarez, Jean-Baptiste Puel, Jean-Paul Kleider, Philip Schulz. A lateral heterojunction device as a tool to study perovskite-based solar cells, 2024-09-16. (
    • James P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Sylvain Chambon, Lionel Hirsch, Laurence Vignau, Guillaume Wantz, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Ahmed Nejim, Andrew Plews. Three Terminal Organic-Silicon Tandem Models, 2024-09-02. (
    • Pilar Lopez-Varo, Mathieu Frégnaux, Davide Regaldo, Jean- Baptiste Puel, Solène Béchu, Javid Hajhemati, Jean-Paul Kleider, Philip Schulz. Characterization of the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells by Operando X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy, 2024-06-09. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sylvain Chambon, Lionel Hirsch, Laurence Vignau, Guillaume Wantz, Joan Capdevila, José Alvarez, J.P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, Pichaya Pattanasattayavong, S. Waiprasoet. Steps Towards the Development of Organic/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells in a 3-Terminal Design, 2024-05-27. (
    • Lisca Da Mattia, J Alvarez, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Oleksandr Bilousov, Amadeo Michaud. Challenges of local electrical measurements on cross-sectional devices using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (C-AFM), 2024-05-27. (
    • James P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Sylvain Chambon, Lionel Hirsch, Laurence Vignau, Guillaume Wantz, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Ahmed Nejim. Organic materials modelling in three terminal Organic/Si tandem solar cells, 2023-12-05. (
    • James P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Sylvain Chambon, Lionel Hirsch, L. Vignau, Guillaume Wantz, Marie Gueunier-Farret. A New Design : Three Terminal Band Offset Barrier Organic/Si Tandem Solar Cells, 2023-09-23. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Davide Regaldo, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Nitin Mallik, Javid Hajhemati, Vincent Dufoulon, Guillaume Vidon, Stefania Cacovich, J Alvarez, Jean Baptiste Puel, Philip Schulz. A lateral heterojunction device as a tool to study perovskite-based solar cells, 2023-05-29. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. Status and perspectives of photovoltaics, 2023-03-08. (
    • Koffi Ahanogbe, J Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré, James P Connolly, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, E Fourmond, A Fave, S El-Whibi, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Electroluminescence analysis of Silicon Interdigitated Back Contact for three-terminal tandem applications, 2022-11-30. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, J Alvarez, Aleksandra Bojar, Stéphane Collin, J.P. Connolly, Jean-François Guillemolles, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Negar Naghavi, Philip Schulz. Tandem Solar Cells: State of the Art and Recent Advances, 2022-11-29. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Franz-Josef Haug, J Alvarez, Sébastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Insights into the Recombination at the Interface of poly -Si Passivating Contacts for Application in c-Si Solar Cells, 2022-09-26. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, J Alvarez, J.P. Connolly, Karim Mekhazni, Nicolas Vaissiere, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider. Two-dimensional carrier profiling on InP:Zn MOVPE epitaxially grown layers by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy with associated modelling, 2022-08-01. (
    • James P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Mattia da Lisca, Vesselin Donchev, Ahmed Nejim. Simulating experimental techniques : Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy NanoTexnology-NN22, 2022-07-05. (
    • Alina Maksimova, Alexander Uvarov, Artem I. Baranov, Alexander Gudovskikh, Ekaterina Vyacheslavova, Demid A. Kirilenko, Jean-Paul Kleider. Plasma deposition of boron phosphide at low temperature, 2022-05-30. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, J Alvarez, David Alamarguy, Vesselin Donchev, Stefan Georgiev, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Surface photovoltage characterisation of metal halide perovskite on c-SI using kelvin probe force microscopy and metal-insulator-semiconductor configuration, 2021-11-30. (
    • Cécilia Tel, Amelle Rebai, Frederique Donsanti, Jackson Lontchi, Damien Coutancier, Nathanaelle Schneider, Alexandre Crossay, Vincent Dufoulon, Baptiste Bérenguier, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Philip Schulz, Jean-François Guillemoles, Daniel Lincot. Development of Low Band Gap Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide Solar Cells by Coevaporation for Tandem Applications, 2021-11-30. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. Photovoltaics today: an overview, 2021-10-04. (
    • Davide Regaldo, Aleksandra Bojar, Sean Dunfield, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Mathieu Frégnaux, Vincent Dufoulon, Shan-Ting Zhang, J Alvarez, Joseph A Berry, Jean Baptiste Puel, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. ON THE EQUILIBRIUM ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL AND LIGHT-INDUCED CHARGE REDISTRIBUTION UNDER ILLUMINATION IN HALIDE PEROVSKITE STRUCTURES, 2021-09-06. (
    • Denis Mencaraglia, Jean-Paul Kleider. FedPV: historique, évolution et axes de recherche, 2021-08-25. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, Sean Dunfield, Stefania Cacovich, Mathieu Frégnaux, Talysa Klein, Rosemary Bramante, Fei Zhang, Davide Regaldo, Jean Baptiste Puel, Glenn Teeter, Joseph Luther, Muriel Bouttemy, Dennis Nordlund, Kai Zhu, David T. Moore, Maikel F.A.M. van Hest, Jean-Paul Kleider, Joseph A. Berry, Philip Schulz. Substrate-Controlled Electronic Properties of Perovskite Layer in Lateral Heterojunction Configuration, 2021-06-20. (
    • Alina Maksimova, Artem Baranov, A.V. Uvarov, D.A. Kudryashov, A.S. Gudovskikh, I.A. Morozov, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Investigation of defects in structures based on BP/Si heterojunction, 2021-05-31. (
    • Sean Dunfield, Stefania Cacovich, Davide Regaldo, Jean Baptiste Puel, Mathieu Frégnaux, T. Klein, R. Bramante, F. Zhang, G. Teeter, J.M. Luther, D. Nordlund, K. Zhu, D.T. Moore, M.F.A.M. van Hest, Jean-Paul Kleider, J.J. Berry, Philip Schulz. Study of electronic properties of perovskite materials and their interfaces with extracting layers in lateral heterojunction configuration, 2021-01-26. (
    • Sylvain Le Gall, Alexandra Levtchenko, Rudolf Brüggemann, Jean-Paul Kleider. Defect densities analysis in thin (i) a-Si:H passivation layer inserted in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells using coplanar conductance measurements : a temperature dependence study, 2020-09-07. (
    • J.P. Connolly, Koffi Ahanogbe, Jean-Paul P Kleider, J Alvarez, Hiroyuki Kanda, M K Nazeeruddin, Valentin Mihailetchi, Philippe Baranek, Malte Vogt, R Santbergen, Olindo Isabella. Recent results on carrier selective three terminal perovskite on silicon-IBC tandem solar cells, 2020-09-07. (
    • J Alvarez, Clément Marchat, Audrey Morisset, Letian Dai, Jean-Paul Kleider, Raphaël Cabal, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. Electrical scanning probe microscopy approaches to investigate solar cell junctions and devices, 2020-02-01. (
    • Sylvain Le Gall, Alexandra Levtchenko, Rudolf Brüggemann, Jean-Paul Kleider. Defects in the passivating buffer (i) a-Si:H layer of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells, 2019-12-03. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud. Photocurrent techniques for the study of transport and defects in semiconductors, 2019-10-17. (
    • Denis Mencaraglia, Charles Renard, Nikolay Cherkashin, G. Hallais, Alexandre Jaffré, J. Alvarez, Guillaume Chau, Laetitia Vincent, Jean-Paul Kleider, Frédéric Hamouda, Daniel Bouchier. Building blocks development for defect-free growth of GaAs on silicon for tandem solar cells, 2019-09-09. (
    • J.P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Zakaria Djebbour, J Alvarez, Denis Mencaraglia, M. K. Nazeeruddin, Valentin Mihailetchi, Philippe Baranek, Philip Schulz, Olindo Isabella. Designing Carrier Selective Perovskite on Silicon 3T Tandems, 2019-09-09. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, Nicolas Moron, Laura Vauche, Karim Medjoubi, Elias Veinberg Vidal, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. Capacitance-Voltage Characterization Technique Adapted to Tandem Solar Cell, 2019-09-09. (
    • Clément Marchat, Audrey Morisset, J. Alvarez, Raphaël Cabal, M.E. Gueunier-Farret, J.P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider. C-AFM and KPFM Characterization of poly-Si/SiOx/c-Si Passivated Contact Structure, 2019-09-09. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Electrical characterization of low temperature plasma epitaxial Si grown on highly doped Si substrates, 2019-08-04. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Rudolf Brüggemann, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Determination of Effective Defects States by Varying the Thickness of Passivating (i)a-Si:H Layer in a-Si :H/c-Si Heterojunction Solar Cell Using Coplanar Conductance, 2019-08-04. (
    • Letian Dai, Martin Foldyna, Isabelle Maurin, J Alvarez, Weixi Wang, Eric Ngo, Jean-Luc Maurice, Thierry Gacoin, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells With µc-Si:H and a-Si:H Absorbers For Tandem Radial Junction Devices, 2019-08-04. (
    • Baptiste Bérenguier, Nicolas Moron, Wei Zhao, Jean-François Guillemoles, Jean-Paul Kleider, Laurent Lombez. High-Frequency Modulated Photoluminescence: a simulation study of case describing the signature of carrier recombination and trap centers, 2019-06-16. (
    • a S Gudovskikh, A.V. Uvarov, I.A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, Kirill S. Zelentsov, D. A. Kudryashov, N.A. Kalyuzhnyy, S.A. Mintairov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Study of GaP nucleation layer grown on Si by PE-ALD, 2019-05-27. (
    • Letian Dai, Martin Foldyna, Isabelle Maurin, J Alvarez, Weixi Wang, Eric Ngo, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-Luc Maurice, Thierry Gacoin, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Silicon nanowire solar cells with μc-Si:H absorbers for radial tandem devices, 2019-05-27. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Valentin Giglia, Bernadette Grange, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sébastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. SiOxNy:B layers for ex-situ doping of hole-selective poly silicon contacts: A passivation study, 2019-04-08. (
    • Gwenaëlle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissière, Clément Lausecker, Romain Cariou, Wanghua Chen, J Alvarez, Jean-Luc Maurice, Gilles J Patriarche, Ludovic Largeau, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Heteroepitaxial growth of silicon on GaAs via low-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, 2019-02-02. (
    • Guénaëlle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Romain Cariou, Wanghua Chen, J Alvarez, Jean-Luc Maurice, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Heteroepitaxial growth of Silicon on GaAs via low temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, 2018-12-04. (
    • Cyril Léon, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, Laura Vauche, Karim Medjoubi, Elias Veinberg Vidal. Application de la technique de caractérisation Capacité-Tension à l’étude des cellules tandem, 2018-12-04. (
    • Nicole Beddelem, Nathaniel Feldberg, Sylvain Le Gall, Yann Battie, Névine Rochat, Amanda Goldani, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, Bérangère Hyot, Patrice Miska. Zn(Sn,Ge)N2 : a new double nitride tunable semiconductor family for LED and solar devices, 2018-12-04. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Hung-Ling Chen, Hajer Makhloufi, Charles Renard, Florent Loete, Stéphane Collin, James Patrick Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia. Contactless Investigation of the p-Type Doping Concentration Level of Single Micrometric Size GaAs Crystals Grown on Silicon for Multijunction Solar Cells, 2018-09-24. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Walid El-Huni, Zakaria Djebbour, Anne Migan-Dubois. Three-terminal tandem solar cells combining bottom interdigitated back contact and top heterojunction subcells: a new architecture for high power conversion efficiency, 2018-09-24. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, J Alvarez, Rudolf Brüggemann, Tristan Carrere, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sylvain Le Gall, Alexandra Levtchenko, Delfina Muñoz, David Reaux. Recent progress on the amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon interface, 2018-09-03. (
    • Alexander S. Gudovskikh, A.V. Uvarov, I.A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, D. A. Kudryashov, K. S. Zelentsov, Alexandre Jaffré, Sylvain Le Gall, Arouna Darga, Jean-Paul Kleider. Interface properties of GaP/Si heterojunction fabricated by PE-ALD, 2018-06-18. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Rudolf Brüggemann, Hrachya Kyureghian, Alexandre Jaffré, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Sylvain Le Gall, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modulated photocurrent and photoluminescence for the characterization of silicon heterojunctions: experiments and simulation, 2018-06-18. (
    • Gwenaëlle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Wanghua Chen, J Alvarez, Jean-Luc Maurice, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Low temperature plasma epitaxy of Silicon on III-V, 2018-06-18. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Béatrice Grange, Raphaël Cabal, Clément Marchat, J Alvarez, M.-E. Gueunier-Farret, Sébastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Conductivity and surface passivation properties of boron-doped poly-silicon passivated contacts for crystalline silicon solar cells, 2018-06-18. (
    • Clément Marchat, Letian Dai, Soumyadeep Misra, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, James P Connolly, Martin Foldyna, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Local open-circuit voltage characterization of thin-film radial junction PIN solar cells by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, 2018-04-02. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Bernadette Grange, Clément Marchat, Jose Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sébastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Improvement of the conductivity and surface passivation properties of boron-doped poly-silicon on oxide, 2018-03-19. (
    • Zakaria Djebbour, Walid El-Huni, Anne Migan-Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. An original 3-terminal wide gap/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cell concept: Design and calculations, 2018-03-19. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia. Contactless investigation of the doping concentration level of single GaAsμ-crystals grown on Silicon for multijunctionsolar cells, 2018-02-14. (
    • Thibaut Perin, Nathaniel Feldberg, Nicole Fèvre, Geoffroy Kremer, Sylvain Le Gall, Bérangère Hyot, Alexandre Jaffré, Christophe Longeaud, José Alvarez, Yannick Fagot-Revurat, Jean-Paul Kleider, Patrice Miska. Prospective analysis of optoelectronic properties of ZnSnN2 for future tandem solar cells, 2017-12-05. (
    • Zakaria Djebbour, Walid El-Huni, Anne Migan-Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Nouveau concept de cellules solaires tandem à 3 terminaux sur base de cellule solaire à contacts interdigités en face arrière, 2017-12-05. (
    • M. Rudolph, B. Bouchet-Fabre, M.-C Hugon, E. Foy, D. Stanescu, J. Alvarez, H. Magnan, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Minea. Magnetron-sputtered Ta$_3$N$_5$ thin films for water photoelectrolysis, 2017-08-22. (
    • Alexander S. Gudovskikh, D. A. Kudryashov, I.A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, A.V. Uvarov, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Low temperature plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition of GaP films on Si substrates, 2017-08-21. (
    • Gwenaelle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Romain Cariou, Wanghua Chen, Martin Foldyna, Raphaël Lachaume, Jean-Luc Maurice, José Alvarez, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. Low temperature plasma epitaxy of Silicon on III-V for tandem solar cells, 2017-07-02. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Raphaël Lachaume, Jérôme Michallon, Stéphane Collin, J Alvarez, Sylvain Le Gall, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of electrical transport properties on performance of Si nanowire array solar cells assessed by optoelectrical modeling, 2017-05-22. (
    • Artem I. Baranov, Alexander S. Gudovskikh, I.A. Morozov, A. Mozharov, Ekaterina V. Nikitina, Kirill S. Zelentsov, Arouna Darga, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Characterization of GaP/Si heterojunctions by space charge capacitance measurements, 2017-05-22. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, A.V. Uvarov, I.A. Morozov, Artem Baranov, D. A. Kudryashov, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Si doped n-type GaP layers grown on Si wafers by low-temperature PE-ALD, 2017-05-22. (
    • Gwenaëlle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Jean Decobert, Raphaël Lachaume, Romain Cariou, Wanghua Chen, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Direct Growth of Crystalline Silicon on GaAs by Low Temperature PECVD: Towards Hybrid Tunnel Junctions for III-V/Si Tandem Cells, 2017-05-01. (
    • Artem Baranov, Alexander S. Gudovskikh, Arouna Darga, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider. Capacitance characterization of GaP/n-Si structures grown by PE-ALD, 2017-04-03. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, J Alvarez, Raphaël Lachaume, Tristan Carrere, Delfina Muñoz. Silicon heterojunctions and homo-heterojunctions, 2016-12-06. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Martin Foldyna, Gwenaëlle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Romain Cariou, Jean Decobert, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modelling of multijunction cells, 2016-12-06. (
    • Gwenaëlle Hamon, Jean Decobert, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Raphaël Lachaume, Romain Cariou, Wanghua Chen, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Direct Growth of Crystalline Silicon on GaAs by Low Temperature PECVD: Towards Hybrid Tunnel Junctions for III-V/Si Tandem Cells, 2016-11-29. (
    • Artem Baranov, A.S. Gudovskikh, I. Morozov, A. Mozharov, Arouna Darga, Jean-Paul Kleider. Electronic properties of thin GaP layers grown on silicon wafers, 2016-11-29. (
    • Tristan Carrere, Renaud Varache, Raphaël Lachaume, Coig Marianne, Delfina Muñoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Homo-hétérojonction en silicium : une nouvelle architecture pour des cellules à rendement record, 2016-11-29. (
    • Paul Narchi, J Alvarez, A Roigé, Pascal Chrétien, Martin Foldyna, Patricia Prod'Homme, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. Etude sur la tranche de cellules solaires en silicium cristallin à l'échelle nanométrique à l'aide de techniques de microscopie à sonde locale, 2016-11-29. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Julien Chaste, Jean-Paul Kleider, Gilles Patriarche. Probing the electronic properties of CVD graphene superlattices, 2016-09-09. (
    • David Alamarguy, Hakim Arezki, Fethullah Gunes, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Mohamed Boutchich. Etude du Dopage de Graphène Epitaxial sur SiC(0001) par Spectroscopies de Photoélectrons, 2016-05-23. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, I.A. Morozov, D. A. Kudryashov, E.V. Nikitina, A. S. Bukatin, Jean-Paul Kleider. Atomic layer deposition of gallium phosphide for silicon based photovoltaics, 2016-05-09. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, K. S. Zelentsov, Artem Baranov, D. A. Kudryashov, I.A. Morozov, E.V. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider. Defect characterization of GaP/Si solar cells, 2016-05-02. (
    • Martin Rudolph, D. Stanescu, J Alvarez, E. Foy, Jean-Paul Kleider, Hélène Magnan, Tiberiu Minea, Nathalie Herlin-Boime, B. Bouchet-Fabre, Marie-Christine Hugon. The role of oxygen in magnetron sputtered Ta3N5 films for water photoelectrolysis, 2016-05-02. (
    • Junkang Wang, Federico Ventosinos, Christophe Longeaud, Bastien Bruneau, D. Daineka, Mustapha Elyaakoubi, E. Stephanos, Jean-Paul Kleider, Erik Johnson. Study of Electronic Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Thin Film from SiH4/H2 using Tailored Voltage Waveforms, 2016-05-02. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Raphaël Lachaume, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Sana Laribi, Sylvain Le Gall. Simulation électrique et optique de nanofils de Silicium en géométrie radiale pour des applications photovoltaïques, 2015-12-01. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, A Roigé, Jean-Paul Kleider. Introduction à la microscopie confocale et techniques de spectroscopie associées pour la caractérisation de matériaux pour l’électronique et le PV, 2015-12-01. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. New insights into the modulated photocurrent technique using 2D full numerical simulations, 2015-11-04. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Romain Cariou, Jean Decobert, Martin Foldyna, Gwenaelle Hamon, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Realistic simulation of III-V/epi-SiGe tandem solar cells, 2015-11-04. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Romain Cariou, Jean Decobert, Martin Foldyna, Gwenaëlle Hamon, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Towards realistic simulation of the novel III-V/epi-Si tandem solar cell concept, 2015-11-01. (
    • Gwenaelle Hamon, Romain Cariou, Raphaël Lachaume, Jean Decobert, Kevin Louarn, Wanghua Chen, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. Investigation of Hybrid Tunnel Junction Architectures for III-V/Si Tandem Solar Cells, 2015-09-14. (
    • Tristan Carrere, A.-S. Ozanne, Delfina Munoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. a-Si:H doping by plasma immersion ion implantation for a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells, 2015-09-13. (
    • Olga Maslova, Raphaël Lachaume, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Interfaces in (p) a-Si:H/(n) c-Si heterojunctions: influence of (i) a-Si:H buffer layer and front electrode on capacitance-temperature dependencies and strong inversion layers, 2015-09-13. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, David Alamarguy, Fethullah Gunes, Ali Madouri, J Alvarez, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider, Fei Yao, Young Hee Lee. Electronic properties of CVD Graphene capped with p and n-type doped amorphous silicon, 2015-09-13. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. New insights into the modulated photocurrent technique using 2D full numerical simulations, 2015-09-13. (
    • Ming Xu, Mohamed Boutchich, Igor Paul Sobkowicz, J Alvarez, Rudolf Brüggemann, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Characterization of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction by temperature dependent modulated photoluminescence, 2015-09-13. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider, Abdelkarim Ouerghi, Hong-Lee Younghee, Young Hee Lee, P.Roca I Cabarrocas, Chaoyu Chen, Jose Ávila, Asensio Maria-Carmen. Characterization of graphene and applications to heterojunctions, 2015-09-09. (
    • Ming Xu, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Apichat Jittrong, Thitipong Chokamnuai, Somsak Panyakeow, Mohamed Boutchich, Songphol Kanjanachuchai. Spatially resolved photoluminescence on multi stack InAs quantum dots, 2015-08-04. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Coupling on a confocal imaging system µ-Raman, µ-PL, AFM and electrical extensions at a sub micrometric scale, 2015-08-04. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider, J Alvarez, David Alamarguy, Fethullah Gunes, Debora Pierucci. Work function engineering of doped Trilayer graphene grown on 4H-SiC (0001), 2015-07-20. (
    • Arouna Darga, Jean-Paul Kleider. Cellules PV d’aujourd’hui et du futur, évolution du marché mondial, 2015-06-25. (
    • Jean Decobert, Romain Cariou, Kevin Louarn, Catherine Fortin, Raphaël Lachaume, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Martin Foldyna, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. SiGe Low Temperature Epitaxy by PECVD on III-V MOVPE Grown Material for High Efficiency Tandem Solar Cell Applications, 2015-06-07. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Romain Cariou, Jean Decobert, Martin Foldyna, Gwenaelle Hamon, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Realistic modeling of tandem cells formed by low temperature PECVD epitaxy of silicon-germanium on gallium arsenide, 2015-05-11. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Raman spectroscopy on Bi and Trilayer flakes of graphene, 2015-02-05. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, Hakim Arezki, David Alamarguy, K.I. Ho, Sediri Haikel, Fethullah Gunes, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Chao-Sung Lai, Abdelkarim Ouerghi. Electronic Properties of Large Area Nitrogen Doped Trilayer Graphene on 4H-SiC (0001), 2014-11-06. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, Hakim Arezki, David Alamarguy, K.I. Ho, Haikel Sediri, Fethullah Gunes, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, C.S. Lai, A. Ouerghi. Doping and characterization of trilayer graphene on 4H-SiC (0001), 2014-11-04. (
    • M. Xu, Mohamed Boutchich, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Nazir P. Kherani, Basia Halliop. TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT PHOTOLUMINESCENCE IN SILICON BASED HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELL, 2014-09-22. (
    • Alexander Korovin, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. 2D Modeling of Homojunction, Heterojunction and Hybrid n-Type Interdigitated Back Contact Silicon Solar Cell, 2014-09-22. (
    • David Réaux, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. MODELING OF THE SURFACE DEFECT DENSITY IN C-SI/A-SI:H HETEROJUNCTIONS USING THE DEFECT-POOL, 2014-09-22. (
    • Pratish Mahtani, Bastien Jovet, Nazir P. Kherani, Renaud Varache, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. Metastability of the amorphous-crystalline silicon heterointerface, 2014-09-22. (
    • Zakaria Djebbour, Walid Elhuni, Anne Migan-Dubois, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider, S. Franger, D. J. Rogers, K. Pantzas, A. Ougazzaden. Research & Partnership opportunities in III-V on Si at LGEP and Supélec, 2014-06-16. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, E.V. Johnson, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, P. Chapon, Jean-Paul Kleider. Low temperature hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited by RF-PECVD for photovoltaic application, 2014-05-26. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, E.V. Johnson, P. Chapon, Jean-Paul Kleider. Structural and electrical properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited at low substrate temperature by RF-PECVD, 2014-05-26. (
    • Timothée Molière, Charles Renard, Alexandre Jaffré, Laetitia Vincent, Daniel Bouchier, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia, Nikolay Cherkashin, A. Michel, Alain Claverie, J.P. Connolly. Route toward III-V multispectral solar cells on silicon, 2014-05-26. (
    • Arouna Darga, F. Sorin, Christophe Longeaud, Y. Berdnikov, E. Sondergard, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré. Electronic transport properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin films obtained from Lift-off process, 2014-05-26. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Olga Maslova. Revisiting the theory and usage of capacitance techniques: application of high efficiency amorphous/crystalline heterojunction solar cells, 2014-05-26. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, E.V. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider. a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction interface properties from Hall measurements of surface inversion layer, 2014-05-26. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Sofia Gaiaschi. Caractérisation des défauts électriquement actifs de semiconducteurs en couches minces par la technique du photocourant modulé, 2013-12-03. (
    • Ming Xu, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Photoluminescence techniques for heterojunction solar cell characterization, 2013-12-03. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Timothée Molière, Denis Mencaraglia, J. Connolly, Charles Renard, Laetitia Vincent, Daniel Bouchier, N. Cherkasin, Jean-Paul Kleider, G. Hallais, A. Michel, André Claverie. Caractérisations optiques et électriques de cristaux GaAs intégrés sur Si pour la réalisation de cellules solaires multispectrales III-V sur Silicium, 2013-12-03. (
    • Ming Xu, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Photoluminescence techniques for heterojunction solar cell characterization, 2013-12-02. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, E.V. Johnson, Pavel Bulkin, P. Chapon, Jean-Paul Kleider. RF power influence on structural and electrical properties of µc-Si1-xCx:H, 2013-09-30. (
    • Igor P. Sobkowicz, Parsathi Chatterjee, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Antoine Salomon, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Roca I Cabarrocas. Coplanar conductance measurements and modeling to characterize surface passivation of c-Si wafers by a-Si:H, 2013-09-30. (
    • Charles Renard, N. Cherkasin, Alexandre Jaffré, Timothée Molière, Laetitia Vincent, A. Michel, José Alvarez, J. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia, Daniel Bouchier. Growth route toward III-V multispectral solar cells on silicon, 2013-09-30. (
    • T. Desrues, Isidro Martin, S. de Vecchi, S. Abolmasov, Djicknoum Diouf, A. Lukyanov, P. Ortega, M. Colina, Matthieu Versavel, M. Tusseau, Florent Souche, T. Nychyporuk, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, D. Munoz, Mustafa Lemiti, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Roca I Cabarrocas, Ramon Alcubilla, Yves Schlumberger, P.-J. Ribeyron. Silicon Heterojunction for Advanced Rear Contact Cells: Main Results of the SHARCC Project, 2013-09-30. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, E.V. Johnson, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, Pavel Bulkin, P. Chapon, Jean-Paul Kleider. µc-Si1-xCx:H deposited by RF-PECVD: a novel material for PV applications, 2013-09-16. (
    • Olga Maslova, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, Wilfried Favre, D. Munoz, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Temperature and Bias Dependence of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon/Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Capacitance: The Link to Band Bending and Band Offsets, 2013-08-18. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, R. Ruggeri, E.V. Johnson, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, Pavel Bulkin, P. Chapon, G. Mannino, Jean-Paul Kleider. Tailored Voltage deposition of µc-Si1-xCx:H from H2 diluted SiH4 and CH4 gas mixtures, 2013-08-18. (
    • José Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré, Charles Renard, N. Cherkasin, Timothée Molière, Laetitia Vincent, R. Hamouche, V. Yam, F. Fossard, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia, Daniel Bouchier. Structural, optoelectronic and electrical properties of GaAs microcrystals grown from (001) Si nano-areas, 2013-07-04. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Samah Ibrahim. Photoluminescence and electroluminescence characterization of a-Si:H/c-Si interfaces, 2013-07-04. (
    • Olga Maslova, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Wilfried Favre, D Munoz, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I. Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Capacitance spectroscopy of hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions : analytical calculations and experiment, 2013-05-27. (
    • K. S. Zelentsov, A.S. Gudovskikh, N.A. Kalyuzhnyy, V.M. Lantratov, S.A. Mintairov, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Characterization of the III-V/Ge interface by capacitance measurements for III-V multijunction solar cells development, 2013-05-27. (
    • Charles Renard, Timothée Molière, Alexandre Jaffré, Laetitia Vincent, Patrick Boucher, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia, N. Cherkasin, A. Michel, Stépahen Clenet, André Claverie. III-V multispectral solar cells on silicon, 2013-05-27. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, R. Ruggeri, E.V. Johnson, Pavel Bulkin, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, G. Mannino, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Chapon. Structural and electrical characterization of microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys deposited by RF-PECVD, 2013-05-27. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Wilfried Favre, Renaud Varache, Olga Maslova, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Physical insight on silicon heterojunction solar cells from electrical characterization, 2013-04-22. (
    • Arouna Darga, José Alvarez, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, Fabien Sorin, A. Le Bris, Y. Berdnikov, E. Sondergard, G. Manoharan, Arnaud Verger, R. Lechner, S. Jost, J. Palm. Etude des propriétés du transport électroniques dans les cellules à base de Cu2ZnSn(S, Se)4 (CZTSSe), 2012-12-12. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, R. Ruggeri, E.V. Johnson, Pavel Bulkin, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, G. Mannino, Jean-Paul Kleider. Caracterisations structurales et electriques de μc-Si1−xCx :H deposes par RF-PECVD, 2012-12-12. (
    • Olga Maslova, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Wilfried Favre, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Caracterisation de l'interface (p) a-Si :H/(n) c-Si par spectroscopie de capacite : modelisation et resultats experimentaux, 2012-12-12. (
    • Renaud Varache, H. Angermann, Lars Korte, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Couche tampon d'oxyde de silicium pour des cellules à heterojonction de silicium, 2012-12-11. (
    • Renaud Varache, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Lars Korte. Cellules photovoltaiques à heterojonction de silicium (c-Si/a-Si:H): modèle analytique et simulation numérique pour une optimisation des propriétés de l'émetteur, 2012-12-11. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, Alexandre Jaffré, David Alamarguy, José Alvarez, Alexandre Barras, Y. Tanizawa, R. Tero, H. Okada, T.V. Thu, Jean-Paul Kleider, A. Sandhu. Graphene oxide reduced through chemical and biological processes, 2012-11-15. (
    • R Brüggemann, Jean-Paul Kleider. On the importance of quasi-Fermi levels in photocurrent spectroscopies, 2012-10. (
    • Renaud Varache, Jean-Paul Kleider, Basia Halliop, Nazir Kherani, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Influence of the undoped a-Si:H buffer layer on a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions from planar conductance and lifetime measurements, 2012-09-24. (
    • Renaud Varache, Heike Angermann, Lars Korte, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Controlled interfacial WET-CHEMICAL oxide for amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2012-09-24. (
    • Sofia Gaiaschi, E.V. Johnson, Pavel Bulkin, P. Chapon, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Deposition of microcrystalline silicon-carbon alloys by RF-PECVD and MDECR, 2012-05-14. (
    • Arouna Darga, Wilfried Favre, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia, H. Marko, L. Arzel, Nicolas Barreau, Sébastien Noël, J. Kessler. Admittance spectroscopy of wide band gap CIGSe solar cells: Influence of the Cu off-stoechiometry, 2012-05-14. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Renaud Varache, Wilfried Favre, Olga Maslova, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Electrical characterization and modeling of the amorphous/crystalline silicon interface, 2012-05-14. (
    • Renaud Varache, Basia Halliop, Nazir P. Kherani, Wilfried Favre, Lars Korte, Jean-Paul Kleider. Calculation and measurement of the band-bending in crystalline silicon as an optimization tool for silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2012-05-14. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Wilfried Favre, Renaud Varache, Olga Maslova, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Heterojunctions on n-type c-Si: determination of interface parameters from electrical techniques, 2012-05-14. (
    • José Alvarez, Mohamed Boutchich, Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Liao, M. Imura, Y. Koide. Ultraviolet photodetectors based on hydrogenated/oxidized diamond surfaces characterization of silicon heterojunctions for solar cells, 2012-03-23. (
    • Wilfried Favre, Renaud Varache, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Characterization and modeling of heterojunction solar cells, 2012-03-19. (
    • Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modeling of c-Si/a-Si:H nanowires based solar cells, 2012-01. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez. Nanowire solar cells using hydrogenated amorphus silicon : a modeling study, 2011-12. (
    • Morgane Fruzzetti, José Alvarez, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Lianbo Yu, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Christine Morin, Simon Perraud. Conductive-atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy characterization of silicon nanowires, 2011-12. (
    • Samah Ibrahim, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Photoluminescence Spectrum in Silicon Measured by Confocal and Nonconfocal Systems, 2011-12. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. Physique de línterface a-Si:H/c-Si et de la cellule PV à hétérojonction de Si, 2011-12. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Optimization of a-Si:H/c-Si heterointerfaces by 2D numerical simulations : influence of intrinsic a-Si:H buffer layer, 2011-12. (
    • Renaud Varache, H. Angermann, Jean-Paul Kleider, Lars Korte. Proof of concept for silicon heterojunction solar cells with thin oxide passivation layers, 2011-12. (
    • P.-J. Ribeyron, D Munoz, Jean-Paul Kleider, Wilfried Favre, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, M. Labrune, B. Geerligs, A. Weeber, M. Späth, W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, J.A. Schüttauf, J. K. Rath, R. E. I. Schropp, M. Tucci, S. de Iullis, I. Gordon, B. O'Sullivan, S. de Wolf, T.F. Schulze, Lars Korte. Record european efficiency amorphous silicon heterojunction solar cells: final results from the HETSI project, 2011-09-05. (
    • Olga Maslova, Aurore Brézard, Wilfried Favre, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Characterization of the a-Si:H/c-Si interface by capacitance spectroscopy measurements: modeling and experiments, 2011-09. (
    • B. Caylar, M. Pomorski, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, A. Oh, T. Wengler, P. Bergonzo. Novel 3D micro-structuring of diamond for radiation detector applications: enhanced performances evaluated under particle and photon beams, 2011-09. (
    • Wilfried Favre, Laroussi Bettaieb, J. Després, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Yann Le Bihan, Zakaria Djebbour, Denis Mencaraglia. Coil-to-sample distance influence on contactless QSSPC effective lifetime measurements : application to silicon wafers passivated by thin amorphous layers, 2011-09. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez. Nanowire solar cells using hydrogenated amorphous silicon: a modeling study, 2011-09. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Electrical properties of µc-Si:H by conductive-probe AFM, 2011-09. (
    • Arouna Darga, Wilfried Favre, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia, H. Marko, L. Arzel, Nicolas Barreau, J. Kessler, Sébastien Noël. Influence of Cu Off-Stoechiometry on Wide Band Gap CIGSe Solar Cells Electronic Properties, 2011-08-21. (
    • Renaud Varache, Wilfried Favre, Lars Korte, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of the amorphous/crystalline silicon heterostructure properties on planar conductance measurements, 2011-08. (
    • Olga Maslova, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Space charge capacitance spectroscopy in amorphous silicon Schottky diodes: theory, modeling, and experiments, 2011-08. (
    • Mohamed Boutchich, José Alvarez, Djicknoum Diouf, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, M Liao, I. Masataka, Y Koide, Jean-Paul Kleider. Amorphous and microcrystalline silicon diamond based heterojunctions, 2011-08. (
    • Basia Halliop, Marie-France Salaün, Wilfried Favre, Renaud Varache, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Nazir P. Kherani. Interface properties of amorphous-crystalline silicon heterojunctions prepared using DC saddle-field PECVD, 2011-08. (
    • Silvia Martin de Nicolas, Wilfried Favre, S Ozanne, D Munoz, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.-J. Ribeyron. Optimisation of (n) a-Si:H layers used as a back surface field on n-type silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2011-08. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. Photovoltaïque, 2011-06. (
    • Olga Maslova, Foudil Dadouche, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov. Capacitance spectroscopy in amorphous silicon Schottky diodes : theory and modeling, 2011-05. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Optimization of a-Si:H/c-Si heterointerfaces by 2D numerical simulations: influence of intrinsic a-Si:H buffer layer, 2011-05. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, K. S. Zelentsov, N.A. Kalyuzhnyy, V.M. Lantratov, S.A. Mintairov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Interfaces in III-V multijunction solar cells: characterization and modelling, 2011-05. (
    • Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modelling of c-Si/a-Si:H nanowire solar cells: some key parameters to optimize the photovoltaic performance, 2011-05. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. The physics of silicon heterojunctions, 2011-05. (
    • Wilfried Favre, Morgane Fruzzetti, Christelle Pareige, Jean-Paul Kleider. Studies of the effective lifetime determined on homo and heterojunction silicon solar cells from modulated luminescence techniques : photoluminescence and electroluminescence, 2011-05. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. Axe transverse : physique des matériaux, interfaces, dispositifs, 2011-02. (
    • Caspar Leendertz, N. Mingirulli, T.F. Schulze, Jean-Paul Kleider, Bernd Rech, Lars Korte. Physical insight into interface passivation of a-Si:H/c-Si heterostructures by analysis of injection-dependent lifetime and band bending, 2010-09. (
    • José Alvarez, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Lianbo Yu, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Simon Perraud, E. Rouvière. Conductive-atomic force microscopy characterization of silicon nanowires, 2010-09. (
    • Wilfried Favre, Christelle Pareige, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Labrune, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, T. Schutz-Kuchly, Y. Veschetti. Optical and electrical characterization of silicon heterojunctions with n-type multicrystalline substrate : towards a low cost heterojunction solar cell, 2010-09. (
    • Olga Maslova, Foudil Dadouche, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.I Terukov. Capacitance spectroscopy in amorphous silicon Schottky diodes : theory and modelling, 2010-06. (
    • Wilfried Favre, Jean-Paul Kleider, D. Munoz, S. Martin-De-Nicolas, P.-J. Ribeyron. Spatially resolved lifetime measurements of silicon heterojunctions from the modulated photoluminescence technique, 2010-06. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider. Capacitance techniques for the evaluation of electronic properties and defects in disordered thin film semiconductors, 2010-06. (
    • Irène Ngo, B. O\'Donnell, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Lianbo Yu, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Catalyst formation and growth of Sn- and In-catalyzed silicon nanowires, 2010-04. (
    • José Alvarez, Irène Ngo, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Simon Perraud. Electrical characterization of phosphorus doped silicon nanowires, 2010-04. (
    • Y. Koide, M. Liao, M. Imura, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Diamond UV detectors and sensing mechanism, 2010-02. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, A.V. Ankudinov, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.V. Gushina, M. Labrune, Olga Maslova, Wilfried Favre, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, E.I Terukov. Characterization of silicon heterojunctions for solar cells, 2010. (
    • Foudil Dadouche, Olivier Bethoux, Eric Labouré, E.V. Johnson, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Claude Marchand, Jean-Paul Kleider. A system study on silicon thin-film pm-Si:H/µc-Si:H tandem cell structure, 2009-09. (
    • E.V. Johnson, Foudil Dadouche, Marie-Estelle Farret-Gueunier, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Open-circuit voltage increase dynamics in high and low deposition rate polymorphous silicon solar cells, 2009. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Desrues, P.-J. Ribeyron. 2D simulations of interdigitated back contact heterojunctions solar cells based on n-type crystalline silicon, 2009. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Liao, M. Imura, Y. Koide. Ultraviolet photodetectors based on hydrogenated diamond surfaces treated by UV-Ozone, 2009. (
    • Wilfried Favre, M. Labrune, Foudil Dadouche, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Study of the interfacial properties of amorphous Silicon n type crystalline Silicon heterojunction through static coplanar conductance measurements, 2009. (
    • Foudil Dadouche, Olivier Bethoux, Marie-Estelle Farret-Gueunier, E.V. Johnson, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Claude Marchand, Jean-Paul Kleider. Comparative study of thin-film silicon cell tandem structures pm-Si:H/µc-Si:H in system association prospect, 2009. (
    • T. Desrues, P.-J. Ribeyron, A. Vandenheynde, S. Ozanne, D. Munoz, F. Souche, C. Denis, D. Heslinga, Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider. Progress in Contacting a-Si:H/c-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells and its Application to Interdigitaded Back Contact Structure, 2009. (
    • E.V. Johnson, A. Abramov, K.H. Kim, Yrebegnan Soro, Marie-Estelle Farret-Gueunier, J. Méot, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Hydrogenated polymorphous silicon at high deposition rate : serious alternative for cost-effective modules, 2009. (
    • Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, T. Desrues, M. Labrune, Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, A.-S. Ozanne, A. Vandeneynde, F. Souche. QC-PASSI : Cellules photovoltaïques silicium à hétérojonctions et structure interdigitée en face arrière associé à un effet de multiplication quantique en face avant pour une augmentation du rendement de conversion, 2008-12. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Liao, Y. Koide, M. Imura. Les recherches sur le diamant au LGEP : amélioration des performances de détection dans l'UV, 2008-10. (
    • T. Desrues, P.J. Ribeyron, A. Vandeneynde, A.-S. Ozanne, F. Souche, Y. Veschetti, A. Bettinelli, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, M. Labrune, Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Lemiti. New process integration for interdigitated back contact (IBC) a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells, 2008-09. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Desrues, P.J. Ribeyron, P. Thony. Interdigitated back contact a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells modelling : limiting parameters influence on device efficiency, 2008-09. (
    • Christophe Longeaud, J.A. Schmidt, R.R. Koropecki, Jean-Paul Kleider. Determination of hydrogenated amorphous silicon density of states parameters from photoconductivity measurements, 2008-09. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, Rémy Chouffot, N.A. Kaluzhniy, V. Lantratov, S.A. Mintairov. Study of GaInP heterojunction solar cell interface properties by admittance spectroscopy, 2008-09. (
    • P.J. Ribeyron, A. Vandeneynde, F. Souche, Rémy Chouffot, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Labrune, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Silicon heterojunction solar cells : surface passivation quality on large area n type and p type monocrystalline silicon, effect on solar cell efficiency, 2008-09. (
    • M. Labrune, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Rémy Chouffot, Aurore Brezard-Oudot, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, A. Vandeneynde. Polymorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells : optimization on monocrystalline silicon, 2008-09. (
    • Rémy Chouffot, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, C. Baur, A. de Luca, H. Barde. Characterization and modelling of the dynamical electrical behaviour of triple junction solar cells, 2008-09. (
    • Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. Device grade hydrogenated polymorphous silicon deposited at high rates, 2008-06. (
    • Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Kaminski, R. Kozlowski. Characterization of defects in semi-insulating SiC by means of Photoinduced current transient spectroscopy and modulated photocurrent technique, 2008-06. (
    • José Alvarez, M.Y. Liao, Y. Koide, M. Imura, Jean-Paul Kleider. Ultra-violet detectors based on hydrogenated diamond surfaces treated by ozone, 2008-06. (
    • Rémy Chouffot, Aurore Brezard-Oudot, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Brüggemann, M. Labrune, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Modulated photoluminescence as an effective lifetime measurement method : application to a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells, 2008-05. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Rémy Chouffot, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, M. Labrune, P.J. Ribeyron, R. Brüggemann. Characterization of amorphous/crystalline silicon interfaces, 2008-05. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh. Characterization of amorphous/crystalline silicon interfaces from electrical measurements, 2008-03. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh. Characterization of amorphous/crystalline silicon interfaces from electrical measurements, 2008-03. (
    • Djicknoum Diouf, Jean-Paul Kleider, T. Desrues, P.J. Ribeyron. Study of interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunctions solar cells by two dimensional numerical simulations, 2008. (
    • Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, R. Meaudre, Jean-Paul Kleider. TGV-SICOMAT, Couches minces déposées à très grande vitesse pour le PV dans l'habitat, 2008. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, M.Y. Liao, Y. Koide. High UV photocurrent on hydrogenated Ib diamond (100) substrates, 2007. (
    • Christian Godet, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh. Frequency scaling of ac hopping transport in amorphous carbon nitride, 2007. (
    • J.A. Schmidt, Christophe Longeaud, R.R. Koropecki, R. Arce, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modulated photoconductivity in the high and low frequency regimes, 2007. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, V. Lantratov, Rémy Chouffot, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, D. Eon, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P.J. Ribeyron. New method for interface characterisation in heterojunction solar cells based on diffusion capacitance measurements, 2007. (
    • Rémy Chouffot, Jean-Paul Kleider. Etude des interfaces des hétérojonctions de silicium, 2007. (
    • Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, A. Abramov, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, E.V. Johnson, Christophe Longeaud, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Polymorphous silicon thin films deposited at high rate: transport properties and density of states, 2007. (
    • P. Leempoel, P. Descamps, T. Kervyn de Meerenedre, J. Charliac, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Bulkin, D. Daineka, T.H. Dao, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Christophe Longeaud. Distributed Electron Cyclotron Resonance plasma: a technology for large area deposition of device quality a-Si:H at very high rate, 2007. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, Rémy Chouffot, A.S. Gudovskikh, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, J. Damon-Lacoste, D. Eon, P.J. Ribeyron. High interfacial conductivity at amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions, 2007. (
    • P.J. Ribeyron, A. Vandeneynde, J. Damon-Lacoste, D. Eon, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Rémy Chouffot, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Brüggemann. Polymorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells: optimization on monocrystalline silicon, 2007. (
    • Rémy Chouffot, Samah Ibrahim, R. Brüggemann, A.S. Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Scherff, W.F. Fahrner, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, D. Eon, P.J. Ribeyron. Comparison of photoluminescence and capacitance spectroscopies as efficient tools for interface characterisation of heterojunction solar cells, 2007. (
    • Yrebegnan Moussa Soro, A. Abramov, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, E.V. Johnson, Christophe Longeaud, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Device grade hydrogenated polymorphous silicon deposited at high rates, 2007. (
    • C. Godet, Jean-Paul Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh. Electric field-controlled sign of the capacitance in metal-carbon nitride-metal devices, 2007. (
    • José Alvarez, Frédéric Houzé, Pascal Chrétien, Jean-Paul Kleider, C. Bazin, M. Liao, Y. Koide. Local photoconductivity on Schottky diamond photodetectors measured by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2006. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Frédéric Houzé, M. Liao, Y. Koide. Local photoconductivity on diamond metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors measured byconducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2006. (
    • P.J. Ribeyron, A. Vandeneynde, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Alexander Gudovskikh, Rémy Chouffot, Jean-Paul Kleider. Polymorphous/crystalline single heterojunction and double heterojunction solar cells optimisation on p type monocrystalline silicon, 2006. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Samah Ibrahim, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, P.J. Ribeyron. Determination of band offsets in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions from capacitance-voltage measurements: capabilities and limits, 2006. (
    • José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Frédéric Houzé, Pascal Chrétien, M. Liao, Y. Koide. Mesures locales de photoconductivité par AFM à pointe conductrice sur des dispositifs métal-semiconducteur-métal à base de diamant, 2006. (
    • José Alvarez, Frédéric Houzé, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Liao, Y. Koide. Electrical characterization of Schottky diodes based on boron doped homoepitaxial diamond films by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2006. (
    • T.H. Dao, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, D. Daineka, P. Bulkin, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Cyril Bazin, T. Kervyn de Meerenedre, P. Descamps, P. Loempoel. Effect of thermal coupling on the electronic properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films deposited by electron cyclotron resonance, 2006. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P.J. Ribeyron, J.P. Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh, Y. Veschetti. Réalisation de cellules à hétérojonctions c-Si/a-Si:H à haut rendement, 2005-11. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, P.J. Ribeyron. Caractérisation d'interface de hétérojonctions a-Si:H/c-Si par spectroscopie de capacité sous polarisation directe, 2005-11. (
    • Frédéric Houzé, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Bergonzo, E. Snidero, D. Tromson. Local electrical characterization of Schottky diodes on H-terminated diamond surfaces by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2005. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, P.J. Ribeyron. About the efficiency limits in HIT structures, 2005. (
    • Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, E. Rolland, P.J. Ribeyron, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Optimisation of amorphous and polymorphous silicon thin layers for formation of front side heterojonction solar cells on p-type crystalline silicon substrate, 2005. (
    • Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Improvement of polymorphous/crystalline heterojunction solar cells using low temperature screen-printing pastes, 2005. (
    • Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Optimisation of amorphous and polymorphous thin silicon layers for formation of front-side heterojunction solar cells on p-type crystalline silicon substrates, 2005. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, F. Voigt, R. Brüggemann, G.H. Bauer, F. Huisken. Transport properties and defects in silicon nanoparticles and effect of embedding in amorphous silicon layers, 2005. (
    • Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Improvement of polymorphous/crystalline heterojunction solar cell using low temperature screen-printed pastes on 5x5cm2, 2005. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, P.J. Ribeyron. Caractérisation d'interface de hétérojonctions a-Si:H/c-Si par spectroscopie de capacité sous polarisation directe, 2005. (
    • J.A. Schmidt, Christophe Longeaud, R.R. Koropecki, Jean-Paul Kleider. Determination of the density of states of semiconductors from steady-state photoconductivity measurements, 2005. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Cyril Bazin, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, P. Bulkin, D. Daineka, T.H. Dao, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Descamps, T. Kervyn de Meerenedre, P. Loempoel, M. Meaudre, R. Meaudre. Device quality a-Si:H deposited from electron cyclotron resonance at very high deposition rates, 2005. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells from admittance spectroscopy, 2005. (
    • Frédéric Houzé, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Bergonzo, E. Snidero, D. Tromson. Local electrical characterization of Schottky diodes on H-terminated diamond surfaces by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2005. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. (n)a-Si:H/pm-Si:H/p-Si heterojunction solar cells: fabrication, properties and perspectives, 2005. (
    • A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland. Interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells from admittance spectroscopy, 2005. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Stangl. New approach to capacitance spectroscopy for interface characterization of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions, 2005. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P. Chatterjee, Y. Veschetti, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron. About the efficiency limits of heterojunction solar cells, 2005. (
    • P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider. Polymorphous/crystalline heterojunction solar cell with low cost industrial process on p type monocrystalline silicon, 2005. (
    • Frédéric Houzé, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, P. Bergonzo, E. Snidero, D. Tromson. Local electrical characterization of Schottky diodes on H-terminated diamond surfaces by conducting probe atomic force microscopy, 2005. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Alexander Gudovskikh, C. Godet. Dc and ac hopping transport in metal / amorphous carbon nitride/ metal devices, 2005. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud. The modulated photocurrent technique: comparison of the high and low frequency regimes for the characterisation of bandgap states in thin films semiconductors, 2005. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider. Investigation of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction interface properties by admittance spectroscopy, 2004. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, R. Stangl, M. Schmidt, W. Fuhs. Interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions investigated by complementary experimental techniques and modelling, 2004. (
    • V. Svrcek, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, C. Jaussaud, P.J. Ribeyron. Monitoring of the polymorphous/silicon interface properties in the HIT solar cell by surface photovoltage technique in an expanded spectral region, 2004. (
    • Denis Mencaraglia, B. Canava, S. Cassaignon, A. Etcheberry, J.-F. Guillemoles, A. Goux, Jean-Pierre Jolivet, Jean-Paul Kleider, M. Koelch, D. Lincot, J.F. Nierengarten, T. Pauporté. Absorption non conventionnelle de photons pour applications photovoltaïques (projet ANCO PV), 2004. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, C. Jaussaud, P.J. Ribeyron, V. Svrcek, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller. Plasma treatments of the interface in n-type amorphous hydrogenated silicon p-type crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2004. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, A.S. Gudovskikh, J.P. Kleider, P.J. Ribeyron, V. Svrcek, Y. Veschetti. Plasma treatments of the interface in n-type amorphous hydrogenated silicon/p-type crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells, 2004. (
    • Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud. Technique du photocourant modulé pour la caractérisation des états localisés dans la bande interdite des semiconducteurs en couches minces, 2004. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Christophe Longeaud, Marie-Estelle Gueunier. Determination of bandgap states characteristics using the modulated photocurrent technique in both low and high frequency regimes, 2004. (
    • V. Svrcek, Y. Veschetti, J.C. Muller, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, C. Jaussaud, P.J. Ribeyron. Monitoring of the polymorphous/silicon interface properties in the HIT solar cell by surface photovoltage technique in an expanded spectral region, 2004. (
    • Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, Samah Ibrahim. Caractérisation par spectroscopie d'admittance de cellules photovoltaïques à hétérojonction a-Si:H/c-Si, 2004. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland, J.P. Kleider, A.S. Gudovskikh, Y. Veschetti. Hétérojonctions c-Si/a-Si:H pour fabrication basse température, 2004. (
    • J. Damon-Lacoste, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, P.J. Ribeyron, E. Rolland, Alexander Gudovskikh, Jean-Paul Kleider, Y. Veschetti. Projet SiNERGIES, T 4.3: hétérojonctions c-Si/a-Si:H pour fabrication basse température, 2004. (
  • Pre-submission / Working document - 1 document
    • Thomas Gries, Davide Regaldo, Hans Koebler, Titan Noor Hartono Putri, Gennaro V. Sannino, Emilio Gutierrez Partida, Roberto Felix, Elif Huesam, Ahmed Saleh, Regan Wilks, Zafar Iqbal, Zahra Loghman Nia, Martin Stolterfoht, Marcus Baer, Stefan Weber, Paola Delli Veneri, Philip Schulz, Jean-Baptiste Puel, Jean-Paul Kleider, Qiong Wang, Eva Unger, Artem Musiienko, Antonio Abate. Enhanced Electron Extraction in Co-Doped TiO 2 Quantified by Drift-Diffusion Simulation for Stable CsPbI 3 Solar Cells, 2024-11-21. (
  • POSTER - 92 documents
    • Bruno Lacarrière, Vincent Debusschere, Thierry Monteil, Stéphane Collin, Romain Feilleux, Jordi Badosa, Wurtz Frederic, Georges Kariniotakis, Guido Sonnemann, Jean-Paul Kleider, Anne Barros, Gilles Debizet, Sylvain Chambon, Raphaël Caire, Frederic Jay, Patricia Stolf, Nathalie Jane Hernandez. Posters du Séminaire PEPR TASE 2024, 2024-07-09. (
    • Vesselin Donchev, Kiril Kirilov, Iliya Stoyanov, Davide Regaldo, Javid Hajhemati, Thomas W. Gries, Jean Baptiste Puel, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Surface photovoltage study of perovskite materials and structures for solar cell applications, 2024-04-23. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, J Alvarez, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider. Advanced AFM electrical techniques for studying solar cells, 2024-02-08. (
    • Hiba Haddara, Baptiste Bérenguier, Sylvain Le Gall, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-François Guillemoles. The modulated photoluminescence technique versus temperature: opportunities for better determination of trap parameters, 2023-12-05. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, Christian Buil, Valérie Desnoux, Jean-Paul Kleider. Imagerie d’électroluminescence par spectrographie à balayage, 2023-12-05. (
    • S. Waiprasoet, Sylvain Chambon, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Guillaume Wantz, Lionel Hirsch, Laurence Vignau, J Alvarez, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Pichaya Pattanasattayavong. Development of Wide Bandgap Organic Solar Cells for an Integration in Organic/Silicon Tandem Cells, 2023-12-05. (
    • Davide Regaldo, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Nitin Mallik, Javid Hajhemati, Vincent Dufoulon, Guillaume Vidon, Stefania Cacovich, J Alvarez, Jean Baptiste Puel, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. A lateral heterojunction device as a tool to study perovskite-based solar cells, 2023-09-18. (
    • Davide Regaldo, James P. Connolly, Kiril Kirilov, Vesselin Donchev, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Baptiste Puel, J Alvarez, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Frequency Dependence of Modulated Surface Photovoltage (SPV) to Characterize Surface Defects, 2023-09-18. (
    • Sylvain Le Gall, Alexandra Levtchenko, Jean-Paul Kleider. Etude de la dépendance avec la température de la conductance planaire d'hétérojonctions a-Si:H/c-Si : comparaison entre mesures expérimentales, calcul analytique 1D et modélisation numérique 2D, 2022-11-29. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, J Alvarez, Amadeo Michaud, Oleksandr Bilousov, James P Connolly, Stéphane Collin, Jean-Paul Kleider. Local probe microscopies for the study of III-V based solar cells, 2022-11-29. (
    • James P. Connolly, Mattia da Lisca, Davide Regaldo, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Stefan Georgiev, Vesselin Donchev. Modelling investigations of surface photovoltage including surface defects, 2022-11-29. (
    • Davide Regaldo, Pilar Lopez-Varo, J Alvarez, Jean-Baptiste Puel, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. A lateral heterojunction device as a tool to study perovskite-based solar cells, 2022-11-29. (
    • Baptiste Bérenguier, Sylvain Le Gall, Christophe Longeaud, Jackson Lontchi, Amelle Rebai, Negar Naghavi, Armelle Yaiche, Jean Rousset, Peng Bai, Claire Darin Bapaume, Philip Schulz, Andrea Cattoni, Nicolas Barreau, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-François Guillemoles. The modulated photoluminescence technique as a support to improve the quality of solar cell absorbers, 2022-11-29. (
    • herinirina Fanevamampiandra, Christophe Longeaud, J Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré, Mattia da Lisca, Corentin Jouanneau, Thomas Bidaud, Jean-Paul Kleider, Abdelatif Jaouad, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Vincent Aimez, Gwenaëlle Hamon, Maxime Darnon. Fast External Quantum Efficiency Measurements Using a Fourier Transform-Based Spectroscopy Approach for the Investigation of InGaP/InGaAs/Ge Microcells, 2022-09-26. (
    • Davide Regaldo, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Jean-Baptiste Puel, J Alvarez, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. A Lateral Heterojunction Device as a Tool to Study and Optimize Perovskite-Based Solar Cells, 2022-09-26. (
    • Stefano Soresi, Mattia da Lisca, Claire Besançon, Nicolas Vaissiere, Alexandre Larrue, Cosimo Calo, J Alvarez, Christophe Longeaud, Ludovic Largeau, Pablo Garcia-Linares, Eric Tournié, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean Decobert. Epitaxy and Characterization of InP/InGaAs Tandem Solar Cells grown by MOVPE on InP and Si Substrate, 2022-09-26. (
    • Vesselin Donchev, Stefan Georgiev, Aleksandra Bojar, Davide Regaldo, Mattia da Lisca, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Surface photovoltage study of metal halide perovskites deposited directly on crystalline silicon, 2022-08-29. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Admittance Spectroscopy and Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy in Multijunction: a Tutorial to Characterize the Entire Cell, 2022-05-30. (
    • Sean P. Dunfield, Aleksandra Bojar, Stefania Cacovich, Mathieu Frégnaux, Talysa Klein, Rosemary Bramante, Fei Zhang, Davide Regaldo, Vincent Dufoulon, Jean-Baptiste Puel, Glenn Teeter, Joseph Luther, Muriel Bouttemy, Dennis Nordlund, Kai Zhu, David T Moore, Maikel van Hest, Jean-Paul Kleider, Joseph J. Berry, Philip Schulz. Electronic Properties of Metal Halide Perovskites and their Interfaces with Charge Extraction Layers in Lateral Heterojunction Configuration, 2022-05-16. (
    • Vincent Dufoulon, Cécilia Tel, J Alvarez, Solène Béchu, Mathieu Frégnaux, Amelle Rebai, Marcel Simor, Pieter-Jan Bolt, Thomas Schnabel, Erik Ahlswede, Nathanaelle Schneider, Stéphane Collin, Daniel Lincot, Muriel Bouttemy, Jean-Paul Kleider, Philip Schulz. Monolithic integration of two-terminal perovskite/CI(G)S tandem cell and interface optimization, 2021-11-30. (
    • Mattia da Lisca, J.P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Nicolas Vaissiere, Jean Decobert, Jean-Paul Kleider. Improving the understanding of the KPFM technique through analyses of InP multilayers with associated modelling, 2021-11-30. (
    • J.P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Koffi Ahanogbe, Jean-Paul Kleider, Zakaria Djebbour, Hiroyuki Kanda, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Valentin Mihailetchi, Philippe Baranek, Malte Vogt, Rudi Santbergen, Olindo Isabella, Ahmed Nejim. Realistic limits of perovskite solar cell efficiency, 2021-11-30. (
    • Baptiste Bérenguier, Nicolas Moron, Alban Asseko, Armelle Ayache, Jean Rousset, J. Hajhemati, Vincent Dufoulon, Claire Darin Bapaume, Philip Schulz, Jackson Lontchi, Daniel Lincot, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-François Guillemoles. Towards a better understanding of experimental High Frequency Modulated Photoluminescence Curves: Numerical Calculation and Analytical approach, 2021-11-30. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, Corentin Guérin, J Alvarez, J.P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider. Microscopie de photoluminescence à 2 photons, 2021-11-30. (
    • Koffi Ahanogbe, James P Connolly, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Solenn Berson, Anne-Sophie Ozanne, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Récentes études d'optimisation de cellules solaires tandem à trois terminaux à base de pérovskite, 2021-01-26. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, Jean-Paul Kleider. Application de la technique de DLTS aux cellules multijonctions, 2021-01-26. (
    • Sylvain Le Gall, Alexandra Levtchenko, Rudolf Brüggemann, Jean-Paul Kleider. Etude des propriétés électriques de l'hétérointerface de cellules solaires à hétérojonction a-Si:H/c-Si, d'épaisseur de couche tampon (i) a-Si :H différentes, par des mesures de conductance planaire combinées à la modélisation électrique, 2021-01-26. (
    • J.P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Koffi Ahanogbe, Jean-Paul Kleider, Hiroyuki Kanda, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Valentin Mihailetchi, Philippe Baranek, Philip Schulz, Malte Vogt, Rudi Santbergen, Olindo Isabella. Band offset barrier tandem solar cell multiscale design, 2021-01-26. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Two-Photon luminescence microscopy for depth profiling of photovoltaic materials, 2021-01-26. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, Clément Marchat, J Alvarez, David Alamarguy, Alexandre Jaffré, Jean-Paul Kleider, Philip Schulz. Direct interface between c-Si and perovskite – study of materials’ compatibility for tandem applications, 2021-01-26. (
    • Koffi Ahanogbe, J.P. Connolly, M.E. Gueunier-Farret, Sylvain Le Gall, Solenn Berson, Perrine Carroy, Anne-Sophie Ozanne, Delfina Munoz, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. New results on Three terminal Perovskite/Silicon Tandem solar Cells optimization: Selective Band Offset Barrier Design for better integration, 2021-01-26. (
    • Nicolas Moron, Baptiste Bérenguier, Wei Zhao, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modeling of the frequency dependence of modulated photoluminescence, 2021-01-26. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, Kadda Medjoubi, Romain Cariou, Jean-Paul Kleider. Application de la spectroscopie d’admittance aux cellules multi-jonctions, 2020-03-01. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, Sean Dunfield, Clément Marchat, J Alvarez, David Alamarguy, Alexandre Jaffré, Joe Berry, Jean-Paul Kleider, Philip Schulz. Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Photoemission Spectroscopy studies of halide perovskite on p-type and n-type substrates, 2020-02-23. (
    • Denis Mencaraglia, Charles Renard, J.P. Connolly, Nikolay Cherkashin, G. Hallais, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Guillaume Chau, Laetitia Vincent, Jean-Paul Kleider, F. Hamouda, Daniel Bouchier. Building blocks development for defect-free growth of GaAs on silicon for tandem solar cells, 2019-12-03. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, Clément Marchat, J Alvarez, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Halide Perovskite Thin Films Characterisation by Force Microscopy Techniques, 2019-12-03. (
    • Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, Karim Medjoubi, Romain Cariou, Jean-Paul Kleider. Application de la spectroscopie d'admittance aux cellules multi-jonctions, 2019-12-03. (
    • James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Denis Mencaraglia, M. K. Nazeeruddin, Valentin Mihailetchi, Philippe Baranek, Philip Schulz, Olindo Isabella, Zakaria Djebbour. Selective band offset three terminal tandem materials, 2019-12-03. (
    • Koffi Ahanogbe, J.P. Connolly, Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Daniel Sapori, Solenn Berson, A.S. Ozanne, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Optimisation de cellules solaires tandem à trois terminaux à base de pérovskites, 2019-12-03. (
    • Marta Chrostowski, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, K.-H. Kim, Etienne Drahi, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas. Low Temperature p-n Junction Fabrication by PECVD for n-PERT Solar Cells: An Alternative to Boron Diffusion, 2019-09-09. (
    • Thibaut Desrues, Audrey Morisset, Elise Bruhat, A. Veau, M. Hayes, P. Bellanger, Raphaël Cabal, Sebastien Dubois, Anne Kaminski-Cachopo, Quentin Rafhay, Nadra Ait-Abdelkader, Y. Kalboussi, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Clément Marchat, Danièle Blanc-Pelissier, P. Schutz, Celine Chevalier, Mustapha Lemiti, Muñoz-Rojas David, V.H. Nguyen, Gael Borvon, F Torregrosa. Functionalized Oxides for Bifacial Solar Cells with Passivated Contacts: First Results of the OXYGEN Project, 2019-09-09. (
    • J.P. Connolly, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider, Cyril Léon, Sylvain Le Gall, Marie-Estelle Farret-Gueunier. Interface Design for Three Terminal Selective Band Offset Tandems, 2019-08-04. (
    • Aleksandra Bojar, Clément Marchat, J. Alvarez, Philip Schulz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Halide Perovskite Thin Films Characterisation by Force Microscopy Techniques, 2019-08-04. (
    • Alexander S. Gudovskikh, Artem Baranov, Ivan Morozov, A. Uvarov, Dmitriy A. Kudryashov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Peculiarities of Doped GaP Layers Growth by Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition, 2019-08-04. (
    • Clément Marchat, Audrey Morisset, José Alvarez, Raphaël Cabal, Marie-Estelle Gueunier, Jean-Paul Kleider. Passivated Selective Contact Structure Characterization by C-AFM and KPFM of the Conduction by Pinholes, 2019-08-04. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Hung-Ling Chen, Hajer Makhloufi, Charles Renard, Florent Loete, Stéphane Collin, James Patrick Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, Denis Mencaraglia. Analyse par photoluminescence du dopage résiduel dans un cristal unique de GaAs de taille micrométrique épitaxié sur silicium pour la réalisation de multijonctions, 2018-12-05. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, James P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Clément Marchat, Yong Huang, Jean-Baptiste Puel, Vesselin Donchev, Lejo Joseph. Parametric analysis of KPFM by numerical simulation, 2018-12-04. (
    • Sylvain Le Gall, Boubakeur Ayachi, Nicole Beddelem, Ngoc Kim Thanh Bui, Christophe Longeaud, Amanda Goldani, J Alvarez, Alexandre Jaffré, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-Pierre Vilcot, Patrice Miska. Etude des propriétés de photoconductivité de couches minces de ZnSnN2 par implantation de dopants et selon différentes conditions de croissance, 2018-12-04. (
    • Jean-Paul Kleider, Baptiste Bérenguier, Nicolas Barreau, Jean Rousset, Amelle Rebai, Javier Ramos, Alexandre Jaffré, Daniel Ory, Jean Francois Guillemoles, Laurent Lombez. High Frequency Modulated Photoluminescence for thin film solar cell absorbers: a comparison between simulation and experiments, 2018-12-04. (
    • Clément Marchat, Letian Dai, Soumyadeep Misra, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, J.P. Connolly, Martin Foldyna, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider. Caractérisation du potentiel de circuit-ouvert d’une cellule solaire Si à jonction radiale PIN en couche mince par la technique de Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, 2018-12-04. (
    • Médéric Descazeaux, Delfina Munoz, Arouna Darga, Jean-Paul Kleider. Investigation of trap states in Gallium Phosphide / Silicon heterojunction devices from capacitance techniques, 2018-06-18. (
    • Artem Baranov, I.A. Morozov, A.V. Uvarov, G. E. Yakovlev, Jean-Paul Kleider. Silicon doping of GaP layers grown by time-modulated PECVD, 2018-04-02. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Béatrice Grange, Clément Marchat, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Sebastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Improvement of the Electrical and Passivating Properties of PECVD Boron doped Poly-silicon on Oxide, 2018-03-19. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Raphaël Lachaume, Rudolf Brüggemann, Hrachya Kyureghian, Alexandre Jaffré, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Sylvain Le Gall, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Application de la technique de photocourant modulé (MPC) aux cellules à hétérojonctions c-Si / a-Si:H, 2017-12-05. (
    • Letian Dai, Mutaz Al-Ghzaiwat, Wanghua Chen, Martin Foldyna, Isabelle Maurin, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Jean-Luc Maurice, Thierry Gacoin, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. SnO2 nanoparticles as catalyst precursors for plasma-assisted VLS growth with controlled surface density, 2017-12-05. (
    • Audrey Morisset, Raphaël Cabal, Bernadette Grange, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Sebastien Dubois. Développement de poly-silicium dope Bore par voie PECVD pour la passivation des contacts des cellules solaires, 2017-12-05. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Raphaël Lachaume, Jérôme Michallon, Stéphane Collin, J Alvarez, Sylvain Le Gall, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Couplage des modélisations électriques/optiques pour l'étude de cellules à base de nanofils a-Si:H, 2017-12-05. (
    • J.P. Connolly, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider, Clément Marchat, Denis Mencaraglia, Yong Huang, Alain Rolland. Numerical analysis of kelvin probe force microscopy, 2017-12-05. (
    • Baptiste Bérenguier, Daniel Ory, Jean-Paul Kleider, Laurent Lombez. Photoluminescence modulée haute fréquence : un outil puissant pour l'étude des centres recombinants dans les absorbeurs en couche minces, 2017-12-05. (
    • Clément Marchat, Audrey Morisset, J Alvarez, Raphaël Cabal, Sebastien Dubois, Jean-Paul Kleider. Cartographie du photo-courant sur des jonctions à contact passivant en silicium poly-cristallin sur oxyde, 2017-12-05. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Martin Foldyna, Gwenaelle Hamon, Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Jean Decobert, Romain Cariou, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Inverse metamorphic III-V/epi-SiGe tandem solar cell performance assessed by optical and electrical modeling, 2017-06-25. (
    • Letian Dai, Mutaz Al-Ghzaiwat, Wanghua Chen, Martin Foldyna, Isabelle Maurin, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Raphaël Lachaume, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, J.-L. Maurice, P.Roca I Cabarrocas, Thierry Gacoin. Optimizing tin dioxide nanoparticles distribution for silicon nanowires growth, 2017-05-29. (
    • Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Denis Mencaraglia, James Patrick Connolly, Timothée Molière, Jean-Paul Kleider, Laetitia Vincent, Géraldine Hallais, Charles Renard, Daniel Bouchier. Micro-photoluminescence investigation of the doping level in single GaAs crystals epitaxially grown on silicon for multijunction solar cells, 2017-05-22. (
    • Alexander S. Gudovskikh, A.V. Uvarov, Ivan A. Morozov, Artem I. Baranov, D. A. Kudryashov, Ekaterina V. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider. n-GaP/p-Si heterojunction solar cells fabricated by PE-ALD, 2017-05-22. (
    • N. Zerounian, A. S. Grimault-Jacquin, Frédéric Aniel, Jean-Paul Kleider, P.Roca I Cabarrocas. Mesure de la permittivité du a-Si:H entre 0.5 et 3 THz, 2017-05-16. (
    • Artem Baranov, Alexander S. Gudovskikh, D. A. Kudryashov, A. Mozharov, Kirill S. Zelentsov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Admittance spectroscopy of InGaNAs layers in solar cells, 2017-04-03. (
    • R Brüggemann, Ming Xu, J Alvarez, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Radiative recombination coefficient in crystalline silicon at low temperatures < 77 K by combined photoluminescence measurements, 2017-04-03. (
    • David Reaux, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modélisation des états d'interfaces dans les cellules à hétérojonctions a-Si:H/c-Si avec l'utilisation du modèle du Defect-Pool, 2016-11-29. (
    • Alexandra Levtchenko, Aurore Brézard-Oudot, Alexandre Jaffré, J Alvarez, Artem Baranov, I. Morozov, D. A. Kudryashov, A.S. Gudovskikh, Sylvain Le Gall, Zakaria Djebbour, Jean-Paul Kleider. Etude des propriétés photoélectriques de couches de GaP deposées à basse température par des mesures de conductivité et de photocourant modulé, 2016-11-29. (
    • Letian Dai, Martin Foldyna, Mutaz Al-Ghzaiwat, Wanghua Chen, Isabelle Maurin, Alexandra Levtchenko, Sylvain Le Gall, Raphaël Lachaume, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Thierry Gacoin. Tandem radial-junction silicon nanowire solar cells fabricated by PECVD, 2016-11-29. (
    • Nicolas Vaissiere Vaissière, Gwenaëlle Hamon, Raphaël Lachaume, Wanghua Chen, Jean Decobert, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas. Si1-xGex alloys on III-V (100): first steps in film growth by low temperature PECVD epitaxy, 2016-11-29. (
    • Martin Rudolph, Dana Stanescu, J Alvarez, E. Foy, Jean-Paul Kleider, Hélène Magnan, Tiberiu Minea, Nathalie Herlin-Boime, B. Bouchet-Fabre, Marie-Christine Hugon. Hydrogen from the photoelectrolysis of water using magnetron-sputtered thin films of Ta3N5, 2016-10-04. (
    • Gwenaëlle Hamon, Jean Decobert, N. Vaissiere, Raphaël Lachaume, Romain Cariou, Wanghua Chen, José Alvarez, Nada Habka, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. Direct growth of crystalline Silicon on GaAs by Low Temperature PECVD: toward hybrid tunnel junctions for III-V/Si tandem cells, 2016-06-05. (
    • Artem Baranov, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.V. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider, Arouna Darga. Defect study of Ga(In)P(NAs) based solar cells grown on silicon, 2016-05-11. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Martin Foldyna, Gwenaëlle Hamon, Jean Decobert, Romain Cariou, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. In-Depth Analysis of III-V/Epi-SiGe Tandem Solar Cell Performance Including Advanced Light Trapping Schemes, 2016-05-09. (
    • Tristan Carrere, Jérôme Le Perchec, Delfina Munoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Towards Homo-heterojunction solar cell processing: passivation of boron-doped c-Si surfaces with amorphous silicon, 2016-03-07. (
    • Alexander Korovin, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Influence of the dopant penetration depth on the solar cell performance of n-type interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells, 2016-03-07. (
    • David Reaux, J Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider. Analysis of the recombination in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions including the Defect-Pool model, 2016-03-07. (
    • A. Roigé, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Isidro Martin, R. Alcubilla, Jean-Paul Kleider. Degradation of surface passivation at the surroundings of laser processed regions in c-Si solar cells studied by micro-photoluminescence, 2015-12-01. (
    • David Reaux, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Modélisation de la densité de défauts de surface des heterojunctions c-Si/a-Si:H en utilisant le modèle du Defect-Pool, 2015-12-01. (
    • Artem Baranov, A.S. Gudovskikh, E.V. Nikitina, Jean-Paul Kleider, Arouna Darga. Admittance spectroscopy of Ga(In)P(NAs) based solar cells grown on silicon, 2015-12-01. (
    • Raphaël Lachaume, Christophe Longeaud, Jean-Paul Kleider. New insights into the modulated photocurrent technique using 2D full numerical simulations, 2015-12-01. (
    • Arouna Darga, Djicknoum Diouf, Artem Baranov, Jean-Paul Kleider. Deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) TCAD-based simulation, 2015-12-01. (
    • Paul Narchi, José Alvarez, Pascal Chrétien, Gennaro Picardi, Romain Cariou, Martin Foldyna, Patricia Prod'Homme, Jean-Paul Kleider, Pere Roca I. Cabarrocas. Cross-sectional investigations on epitaxial silicon solar cells by Kelvin and Conducting Probe Atomic Force Microscopy: Effect of illumination, 2015-12-01. (
    • David Reaux, J Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Jean-Paul Kleider. Impact of defect-pool model parameters on the lifetime in c-Si/a-Si:H heterojunction solar cells, 2015-03-23. (
    • Tristan Carrere, Renaud Varache, Jérôme Le Perchec, Christine Denis, Delfina Munoz, Jean-Paul Kleider. Silicon bulk issues during processing of homo-heterojunction solar cells, 2015-03-23. (
    • David Réaux, Jean-Paul Kleider, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret. Modeling of the surface defects density in c-Si/a-Si:H heterojunction using the Defect-Pool Model, 2014-12-02. (
    • M. Xu, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Marie-Estelle Gueunier-Farret, Mohamed Boutchich, Jean-Paul Kleider. Photoluminescence techniques for heterojunction solar cell characterization, 2014-12-02. (
    • Ming Xu, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Apichat Jittrong, Thitipong Chokamnuai, Somsak Panyakeow, Mohamed Boutchich, Songphol Kanjanachuchai. Spatially resolved photoluminescence on multi stack InAs quantum dots, 2014-11-06. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, David Alamarguy, Fethullah Gunes, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Abdelkarim Ouerghi. Role of Anions in the AuCl3-Doping Trilayers N-doped Graphene on 4H-SiC (0001), 2014-11-06. (
    • Hakim Arezki, Mohamed Boutchich, David Alamarguy, Fethullah Gunes, Ali Madouri, José Alvarez, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas Roca I Cabarrocas, Jean-Paul Kleider, Y. Fei, Y. Hee Lee. Engineering of CVD graphene optoelectronic properties Application as transparent electrode in solar cells, 2014-08-24. (
    • Fethullah Gunes, David Alamarguy, Hakim Arezki, Alexandre Jaffré, José Alvarez, Jean-Paul Kleider, Mohamed Boutchich. Nitric Acid doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC (0001) substrate, 2014-05-06. (
  • PATENT - 7 documents
  • Work chapter - 7 documents
  • Other submission - 2 documents