IETR, Institute of Electronics and Digital Technologies, is a joint laboratory between the CNRS (INSIS), Rennes and Nantes universities, INSA of Rennes and CentraleSupélec. It also hosts researchers associated through the hosting agreement between the University of Western Brittany, ESEO, and IFSTTAR-Nantes.

The laboratory has about 380 people, faculty members, PhD students and technical and administrative staff, located on several sites in Brittany and Pays de la Loire. The IETR has a large set of technical platforms to carry out life-size experiments.

The Rennes campus of CentraleSupélec houses 4 of the 13 teams of the laboratory.

AUT Team (Automation)

The aim of the Automation team is to develop algorithmic control and analysis solutions for large and interacting systems. Anticipating known reference trajectories and disturbances as well as taking into account constraints and multiple objectives, most activities are based on Model Predictive Control.


Contact: Romain Bourdais

AIMAC Team (Artificial Intelligence for Multimodal Affective Computing

In the area of Affective Computing, the AIMAC team analyzes, synthesizes and tracks emotions. They develop tools drawn from Artificial Intelligence (Auto-encoders and GANs) applied to the fields of image, voice and text. The team offers a new way of representing emotions that makes it possible to follow a person’s emotional state over time. This real-time analysis of a user’s emotions is multimodal: it exploits the voice, speech, context, gesture and facial expressions. Current work focuses on stress detection and micro-expressions spotting and analysis in a medical context. The tools developed come from Deep Learning mainly.


Contact: Renaud Seguier



Signal & Communications Dpt. (SC)

The Signal and Communications (SC) department is composed of two thematic teams: the SIGNAL team, which brings together skills in signal processing, algorithms and digital communications, and the ASIC team, which brings together skills in embedded electronic systems and architectures.
The two teams, which are multi-site and multi-institutional, are highly complementary and are based on cross-disciplinary skills ranging from circuits and architectures to signal processing algorithms for communications systems.


Contact: Yves Louët


ITMO University, French hospital research laboratories (Rennes, Angers), EUR Digisport, IIIT Delhi, Liège University, , Patras University, Poznan University of Technology, Zhejiang University, Mahindra University, Patna University


  • Bouygues,
  • Delta Dore,
  • Enensys,
  • GDI Simulation,
  • Orange,
  • Siradel,
  • Thales.

Key Figures 2023 (CentraleSupélec only)

  • Faculty members and Researchers: 15
  • PhD Students: 20
  • Publications (Source Web of Science): 14

More information

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Download IETR 2023 report HERE

Latest submissions

Communication on a congress
AnCoGen: Analysis, Control and Generation of Speech with a Masked Autoencoder
Samir Sadok, Simon Leglaive, Laurent Girin, Gaël Richard, Xavier Alameda-Pineda
Pre-submission / Working document
Willems' Lemma Reformulations: Which Operators preserve LTI System Behavior?
Alexandre Faye-Bedrin, Stanislav Aranovskiy, Paul Chauchat, Romain Bourdais
Article in a review
Objective and subjective evaluation of speech enhancement methods in the UDASE task of the 7th CHiME challenge
Simon Leglaive, Matthieu Fraticelli, Hend ElGhazaly, Léonie Borne, Mostafa Sadeghi, Scott Wisdom, Manuel Pariente, John R. Hershey, Daniel Pressnitzer, Jon P. Barker
Article in a review
Communication on a congress
VQ-HPS: Human Pose and Shape Estimation in a Vector-Quantized Latent Space
Guénolé Fiche, Simon Leglaive, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Antonio Agudo, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
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