The CentraleSupélec Industrial Engineering Laboratory is organized into four teams working on the following subjects:

Design Engineering

The Design Engineering team is interested in design activities for goods and services production companies, not only from the point of view of the design process but to modelling, analysis (simulate and evaluate) and development of design systems.

Operations Management

The group’s research activities are concerned with the development of approaches, methods and tools for designing, planning and managing systems for the production and distribution of goods and services. Our goal is to propose solutions to problems appearing in real-world applications. The group mainly covers the Operations Management research domain. Our research is mainly based on the complementarity of qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Risks, Reliability and Resilience

Our research group is developing research activities for risk, reliability, and resilience analysis of complex engineered systems. Our models are mainly based on stochastic processes and data-driven approaches with a strong focus on optimization and uncertainties quantification for decision-making in design and operation. We are strongly connected to several industry partners with the chair Risk and Resilience of Complex Systems (RRCS), supported by EDF, Orange, and SNCF. This is an arena to define study cases, share knowledge data and experiences, develop methods, and implement benchmarks and prototypes of tools.

Sustainable Economy

The Sustainable Economy Group deals with research in economics and management: assessment of innovations, including their economic impacts on organizations and societies, with a particular focus on eco-innovations and ecological transition, for the two critical sectors of mobility and energy.

Academic Partners

More than 50 collaborations abroad: Australia (University of Queensland, Université de Melbourne), Austria (University of Vienna, Belgium (Université de Louvain, Université de Mons), Brazil (UFRJ, PUC, Université de Lavras), Canada (Mc Gill University, ETS), China (Beihang University, Ecole Centrale Beijing, Wuhan University of Technology, University of Honk Kong), Denmark (DTU), England (University of Liverpool, University of Bath, The Open University), Finland (University of Helsinki, Aalto University), Germany (Université de Magdeburg, TU Munich, Université de Nuremberg Erlangen), Italy (Université de Catane, Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Turino), Japan (Chiba University, RITE-Kyoto), Lebanon (Université de Beyrouth), Luxembourg (Université de Luxembourg), Marocco (Ecole Centrale de Casablanca), Netherlands (VU University Amsterdam), Norway (University of Stavanger), Poland (Poznan University of Technology), Portugal (University of Coimbra), Singapour (SUTD), Spain (Université de Valence), Switzerland (HEC Lausanne, ETHZ), Tunisia (ENIT, ENIM), Turkey (Koç University), USA (Northwestern University Chicago, MIT, Penn State University, Georgia University of Technology, Iowa State University, University of Minnesota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois University).

Industrial Partners

  • Automotive industry/transport: Renault, Stellantis, RATP, SNCF, Style & Design
  • Aeronautics: THALES, SAFRAN, CS Group, Armée de l’air
  • Control: Schneider Electric, Siemens
  • Services: BI Consulting, Mews Partners, ALTEN
  • Goods: LVMH, L’OREAL
  • Research institutes: CEA, IRT SYSTEMX, VEDECOM, ARS (Agence Régionale de Santé), INRAE, CSTB
  • It & networks: ORANGE, NOKIA Bell Labs
  • Health: AP-HP (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris), General Electric Healthcare
  • Local authorities: CPS (Communauté d’Agglomération Paris-Saclay), SIOM (Syndicat Intercommunal d’Ordures Ménagères)

More information

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Download LGI 2023 report HERE


Director: Bernard Yannou


Latest submissions

Communication on a congress
Article in a review
Hydrogen subsidies under three pillar-frameworks: A Europe-United States multi-stakeholder comparison
Arnauld Guillotin, Claire Bergaentzlé, Virginie Dussartre, Thomas Heggarty, Olivier Massol, Yannick Perez
Article in a review
Repairing smarter: Opportunistic maintenance for a closed-loop supply chain with spare parts dependency
Abdelhamid Boujarif, David Coit, Oualid Jouini, Zhiguo Zeng, Robert Heidsieck
Article in a review
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