LabCom SteeRlab
SteeRLab (contraction of Steel Reinforcement Laboratory), inaugurated on March 18, 2020, is a joint Michelin, CNRS, Paris-Saclay University and CentraleSupélec laboratory focused on the study and understanding of the behaviour of metallic and textile reinforcements.
- In-service behaviour of metallic and polymeric reinforcements in tyres
- Understanding the development of reinforcements for tyres (drawing, assembly)
- Understanding of the structure-properties relationship of metallic materials
- Development of experimental and numerical methods for the study of materials in the form of wire, cable, fabric
LabCom SPyMS
SPMS laboratory and Pytheas Technology have joined forces to create a LabCom, the SPyMS, supported by the ANR, to design the electroactive materials of tomorrow. Pytheas Techonlogy is an SME based in La Ciotat, specialising in the design and production of innovative piezoelectric devices, with applications in energy harvesting, electro-hydraulics, underwater acoustics and vibration damping. SPMS laboratory has long-established expertise, particularly in electro-active materials. The LabCom is headed by Pierre-Eymeric Janolin (SPMS, Director) and Alice Aubry (Pytheas Technology, Deputy Director).
RISEGrid Institute
The RISEGrid Institute (Research Institute for Smarter Electric Grids) was launched jointly by Supélec and EDF (Électricité de France) in December 2012 and is dedicated to the study, modelling and simulation of smart electric distribution grids and their interactions with the whole electric power system.
Research topics cover both theoretical aspects and more applicative and industrial ones. The RISEGrid Institute aims to be in perfect accordance with the strong and challenging evolutions of electric power systems all over the world: opening of electricity markets, development of decentralised production, ubiquitous information and communication means, etc.
Research studies carried out in the Institute combine the multidisciplinary aspects of smart grids (power systems, control, information systems, and telecommunication networks…). In addition, new tools for modelling and simulation of complex systems are deeply investigated.
Assessment of new solutions for smart electric grids
The fast and large development of decentralised electricity production has a great impact on existing distribution networks, which were designed in times when dispersed energy resources were marginal. In such a framework, the goal is to devise new solutions to increase network flexibility, not only for massive integration of decentralised production but also that of new electricity uses and applications, while still achieving high levels of reliability and security.
Observability of the electric system
The development of new smart and automated functionalities will allow optimising the whole system, taking advantage of various flexibilities (production, consumer demand side management, storage, and electrical grid flexibility). However, for that purpose, it is required to enhance the real-time observability of the system components. The current trends rely on the use of smart and innovative signal-processing methods or data analysis algorithms.
Information and communication systems
Information systems, communication means and infrastructures are required for the implementation of new functionalities in smart grids. The RISEGrid Institute is concerned with modelling such systems, considering their strong interactions with the electric network. Interdependencies, quality of service and network reliability are some examples of the topics encountered in this research axis, together with new approaches and tools for simulation.
Advanced modelling and simulation
Smart grids are made of numerous interacting subsystems (electrical networks, automated meter management, centralised and decentralised production, demand side management (including smart charging for electric vehicles), storage, information systems, and telecommunication network…). All these subsystems need to be considered to obtain a fairly realistic representation of the whole system's behaviour. For that purpose, it is necessary to develop new multi-simulation tools aiming to associate dedicated subsystem simulators. New subsystems and interactions have also to be investigated, such as the automated meter management systems or the smart loading of electric vehicles.