Clement Elvira

clement.elvira [at]
Mots clés :
- Parcimonie, apprentissage de dictionnaire, optimisation convexe
Publications :
- Communication dans un congrès - 16 documents
- Théo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Screen-and-Relax for Sparse Support Identification, 2024-03-27. (
- Théo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira, Ayşe N Arslan. A Generic Branch-and-Bound for L0-Penalized Problems, 2024-03-27. (
- Théo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Screen & Relax for Sparse Support Identification, 2023-11-28. (
- Théo Guyard, Gilles Monnoyer, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Safe peeling for L0-penalized problems, 2023-11-28. (
- Théo Guyard, Gilles Monnoyer, Clément Elvira, Cedric Herzet. Peeling pour le problème des moindres carrés avec régularisation L0, 2023-08-28. (
- Theo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira, Ayşe Nur Arslan. Node-screening pour le problème des moindres carrés avec pénalité L0, 2022-09-06. (
- Theo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Screen & Relax: Accélérer la résolution du problème "Elastic-Net" par identification du support de la solution, 2022-09-05. (
- Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira, Hong-Phuong Dang. Region-free Safe Screening Tests for l1-penalized Convex Problems, 2022-08-29. (
- Thu-Le Tran, Clément Elvira, Hong-Phuong Dang, Cédric Herzet. Beyond GAP screening for Lasso by exploiting new dual cutting half-spaces with supplementary material, 2022-08-29. (
- Thu-Le Tran, Clément Elvira, Hong-Phuong Dang, Cédric Herzet. Une nouvelle méthode d'accélération pour LASSO par élimination sûre de variables, 2022-07-05. (
- Théo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Node-screening tests for the L0-penalized least-squares problem, 2022-05-30. (
- Diego Di Carlo, Clément Elvira, Antoine Deleforge, Nancy Bertin, Rémi Gribonval. BLASTER: An Off-Grid Method for Blind and Regularized Acoustic Echoes Retrieval -- with supplementary material, 2020-05-04. (
- Clément Elvira, Cédric Herzet. Short and squeezed: accelerating the computation of antisparse representations with safe squeezing, 2020-05-04. (
- Clément Elvira, Pierre Chainais, Nicolas Dobigeon. Une formulation bayésienne du codage antiparcimonieux, 2017-09-05. (
- Clément Elvira, Nicolas Dobigeon, Pierre Chainais. Bayesian Nonparametric Subspace Estimation, 2017-03-05. (
- Clément Elvira, Pierre Chainais, Nicolas Dobigeon. Democratic prior for anti-sparse coding, 2016-06-26. (
- Article dans une revue - 3 documents
- Julyan Arbel, Hong-Phuong Dang, Clement Elvira, Cédric Herzet, Zacharie Naulet, Mariia Vladimirova. Bayes in action in deep learning and dictionary learning, 2023-11. (
- Clément Elvira, Cédric Herzet. Safe rules for the identification of zeros in the solution of the SLOPE problem, 2023. (
- Clément Elvira, Cédric Herzet. Safe Squeezing for Antisparse Coding, 2020-05-21. (
- Pré-publication, Document de travail - 3 documents
- Théo Guyard, Gilles Monnoyer, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Safe Peeling for L0-Regularized Least-Squares with supplementary material, 2023-06-06. (
- Théo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Node-screening tests for l0-penalized least-squares problem with supplementary material, 2021-12-01. (
- Théo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Screen & relax: accelerating the resolution of Elastic-Net by safe identification of the solution support, 2021-12-01. (
- PROCEEDINGS - 1 document
- Theo Guyard, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira. Node-Screening Tests For The L0-Penalized Least-Squares Problem, 2022-04-27. (
- Rapport - 1 document
- Clément Elvira, Cédric Herzet. A response to “Fast OSCAR and OWL Regression via Safe Screening Rules” by Bao et al., 2021-10-01. (
- Autre publication - 1 document
- Clément Elvira, Rémi Gribonval, Cédric Herzet, Charles Soussen. A case of exact recovery using OMP with continuous dictionaries, 2018-05. (