Frederique Laurent-Nègre
frederique.laurent [at]
Publications :
- PROCEEDINGS - 1 document
- Frédérique Laurent, Rodney O. Fox. Evaluation of the 1-D hyperbolic quadrature method of moments for non-equilibrium flows, 2024. (
- Article dans une revue - 41 documents
- Rodney O. Fox, Jacob W. Posey, Ryan W. Houim, Frédérique Laurent. A kinetic-based model for polydisperse, high-speed, fluid–particle flows, 2024-01. (
- Rodney O. Fox, Frédérique Laurent, Alberto Passalacqua. The Generalized Quadrature Method of Moments, 2022. (
- Rodney O Fox, Frédérique Laurent. Hyperbolic Quadrature Method of Moments for the One-Dimensional Kinetic Equation, 2022. (
- Roxane Letournel, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Aymeric Vié. Reproducing segregation and particle dynamics in Large Eddy Simulation of particle-laden flows, 2021-08-31. (
- Roxane Letournel, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Aymeric Vié. Modulation of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence by sub-Kolmogorov particles: Impact of particle field heterogeneity, 2020-01-22. (
- Alberto Passalacqua, Frédérique Laurent, Rodney Fox. A second-order realizable scheme for moment advection on unstructured grids, 2020. (
- Rodney Fox, Frédérique Laurent, Aymeric Vié. A Hyperbolic Two-Fluid Model for Compressible Flows with Arbitrary Material-Density Ratios, 2020. (
- Frédérique Laurent. Characterization of the moment space corresponding to the Levermore basis, 2020. (
- Rodney O Fox, Frédérique Laurent, Aymeric Vié. Conditional Hyperbolic Quadrature Method of Moments for Kinetic Equations, 2018. (
- Mohamed Essadki, Stephane de Chaisemartin, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. High order moment model for polydisperse evaporating sprays towards interfacial geometry, 2018. (
- Alberto Passalaqua, Frédérique Laurent, E. Madadi-Kandjani, J C Heylmun, Rodney O Fox. An open-source quadrature-based population balance solver for OpenFOAM, 2018. (
- Christophe Chalons, Rodney Fox, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Aymeric Vié. Multivariate Gaussian extended quadrature method of moments for turbulent disperse multiphase flow, 2017-06-09. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Tan Trung Nguyen. Realizable second-order finite-volume schemes for the advection of moment sets of the particle size distribution, 2017-02-27. (
- Alaric Sibra, Joel Dupays, Angelo Murrone, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Simulation of reactive polydisperse sprays strongly coupled to unsteady flows in solid rocket motors: Efficient strategy using Eulerian Multi-Fluid methods, 2017-02-02. (
- Achim Wick, Tan-Trung Nguyen, Frédérique Laurent, Rodney Fox, Heinz Pitsch. Modeling soot oxidation with the Extended Quadrature Method of Moments, 2017. (
- Tan Trung Nguyen, Frédérique Laurent, Rodney Fox, Marc Massot. Solution of population balance equations in applications with fine particles: mathematical modeling and numerical schemes, 2016-11-01. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Alaric Sibra, François Doisneau. Two-size moment multi-fluid model: a robust and high-fidelity description of polydisperse moderately dense evaporating sprays, 2016-10-03. (
- Mohamed Essadki, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Marc Massot, Frédérique Laurent, Adam Larat, Stéphane Jay. Adaptive Mesh Refinement and High Order Geometrical Moment Method for the Simulation of Polydisperse Evaporating Sprays, 2016. (
- Oguz Emre, Damien Kah, Stéphane Jay, Quang-Huy Tran, Anthony Velghe, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Eulerian Moment Methods for Automotive Sprays, 2015-04-01. (
- Damien Kah, Oguz Emre, Quang Huy Tran, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Stéphane Jay, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. High order moment method for polydisperse evaporating sprays with mesh movement: application to internal combustion engines, 2015-01-29. (
- Oguz Emre, Rodney Fox, Marc Massot, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Stéphane Jay, Frédérique Laurent. Eulerian modeling of a polydisperse evaporating spray under realistic internal-combustion-engine conditions, 2014-12-01. (
- Stéphane Descombes, Max Duarte, Thierry Dumont, Frédérique Laurent, Violaine Louvet, Marc Massot. Analysis of operator splitting in the non-asymptotic regime for nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations. Application to the dynamics of premixed flames, 2014-06-03. (
- François Doisneau, Alaric Sibra, Joel Dupays, Angelo Murrone, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Numerical strategy for unsteady two-way coupling in polydisperse sprays: application to Solid Rocket Motor instabilities, 2014-05-01. (
- Aymeric Vié, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Size-velocity correlations in high order moment methods for polydisperse evaporating sprays: modeling and numerical issues, 2013-03-15. (
- François Doisneau, Frédérique Laurent, Angelo Murrone, Joel Dupays, Marc Massot. Eulerian Multi-Fluid models for the simulation of dynamics and coalescence of particles in solid propellant combustion, 2013-02-21. (
- François Doisneau, Joel Dupays, Angelo Murrone, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Eulerian versus Lagrangian simulation of unsteady two-way coupled coalescing two-phase flows in solid propellant combustion, 2013-01-03. (
- Aymeric Vié, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. A high order moment method for the simulation of polydisperse two-phase flows, 2013-01-02. (
- Max Duarte, Marc Massot, Stéphane Descombes, Christian Tenaud, Thierry Dumont, Violaine Louvet, Frédérique Laurent. New resolution strategy for multi-scale reaction waves using time operator splitting, space adaptive multiresolution and dedicated high order implicit/explicit time integrators, 2012-01-31. (
- Damien Kah, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Stéphane Jay. A high order moment method simulating evaporation and advection of a polydisperse liquid spray, 2012-01-20. (
- C. Yuan, Frédérique Laurent, Rodney Fox. An extended quadrature method of moments for population balance equations, 2012. (
- Damien Kah, Frédérique Laurent, Lucie Fréret, Stephane de Chaisemartin, Rodney Fox, Julien Reveillon, Marc Massot. Eulerian quadrature-based moment models for dilute polydisperse evaporating sprays, 2010-04-01. (
- Marc Massot, Frédérique Laurent, Damien Kah, Stephane de Chaisemartin. A robust moment method for evaluation of the disappearance rate of evaporating sprays, 2010-04-01. (
- Stephane de Chaisemartin, Lucie Fréret, Damien Kah, Frédérique Laurent, Rodney Fox, Julien Reveillon, Marc Massot. Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity and droplet crossing, 2009-07-21. (
- Lucie Fréret, Corine Lacour, Stephane de Chaisemartin, Sebastien Ducruix, Daniel Durox, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Pulsated free jets with polydisperse spray injection: Experiments and numerical simulations, 2009-01-01. (
- Rodney Fox, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Numerical simulation of spray coalescence in an eulerian framework : direct quadrature method of moments and multi-fluid method, 2008. (
- Frédérique Laurent. Numerical analysis of eulerian multi-fluid models in the context of kinetic formulations for dilute evaporating sprays, 2006. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Vito Santoro, Mikhail Noskov, Mitchell Smooke, Alessandro Gomez, Marc Massot. Accurate treatment of size distribution effects in polydisperse spray diffusion flames: multi-fluid modelling, computations and experiments, 2004-04-01. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Philippe Villedieu. Eulerian multi-fluid modeling for the numerical simulation of coalescence in polydisperse dense liquid sprays, 2004-03-01. (
- Frédérique Laurent. Analyse Numérique d'une méthode multi-fluide eulérienne pour la description de sprays qui s'évaporent, 2002. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Vitaly Volpert. Propagation de flammes gazeuses dans la limite d'une diffusion massique nulle, 2002. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Multi-fluid Modeling of Laminar Poly-dispersed Spray Flames: Origin, Assumptions and Comparison of the Sectional and Sampling Methods, 2001-10-15. (
- Pré-publication, Document de travail - 3 documents
- Victor Boniou, Rodney O. Fox, Frédérique Laurent. A Kinetic-Based Model for High-Speed, Monodisperse, Fluid-Particle Flows, 2023-12-17. (
- Stephane de Chaisemartin, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Julien Reveillon. Evaluation of Eulerian multi-fluid versus Lagrangian methods for ejection of polydisperse evaporating sprays by vortices., 2007-09-04. (
- Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Propagation of plane polydispersed Spray Flames, 2002-07-15. (
- Communication dans un congrès - 14 documents
- Roxane Letournel, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, A. Vié. Impact of particle field heterogeneity on the dynamics of turbulent two-way coupled particulate flows, 2019-05-19. (
- Mohamed Essadki, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Marc Massot, Frédérique Laurent, Adam Larat, Stéphane Jay. A new high order moment method for polydisperse evaporating sprays dedicated to the coupling with separated two-phase flows in automotive engine, 2016-05-23. (
- Matthieu Boileau, Julien Lagarde, Valentin Dupif, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Two-size moment Eulerian multi-fluid method describing the statistical trajectory crossing: modeling and numerical scheme, 2016-05-22. (
- Valentin Dupif, Marc Massot, Joel Dupays, Frédérique Laurent, Clément Le Touze. On the influence of the numerical strategy on the predictive character of Euler-Euler models for two-phase flow simulations in solid rocket motor instabilities, 2016-05-22. (
- Oguz Emre, Marc Massot, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Stéphane Jay, Frédérique Laurent. Eulerian modeling of polydisperse evaporating spray under realistic internal combustion engine conditions, 2013-05-26. (
- François Doisneau, Alaric Sibra, Joel Dupays, Angelo Murrone, Marc Massot, Frédérique Laurent. Numerical strategy for two-way coupling in unsteady polydisperse moderately dense sprays, 2011-07-31. (
- François Doisneau, Joel Dupays, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Two-way coupled simulation of acoustic waves in polydisperse coalescing two-phase flows : application to Solid Rocket Motor instabilities, 2011-07-04. (
- Max Duarte, Marc Massot, Frédérique Laurent, Stéphane Descombes, Christian Tenaud, Thierry Dumont, Violaine Louvet. New Resolution Strategies for Multi-scale Reaction Waves: Optimal Time Operator Splitting and Space Adaptive Multiresolution, 2010-10. (
- Damien Kah, Marc Massot, Quang Huy Tran, Stéphane Jay, Frédérique Laurent. A high order moment method with mesh movement for the description of a polydisperse evaporating spray, 2010-05-30. (
- Matthieu Boileau, Christophe Chalons, Jean-François Bourgouin, Cédric Terrier, Frédérique Laurent, Stéphane de Chaisemartin, Marc Massot. Robust numerical schemes for Eulerian spray DNS and LES in two-phase turbulent flows, 2010-05-30. (
- François Doisneau, Frédérique Laurent, Angelo Murrone, Joel Dupays, Marc Massot. Optimal Eulerian model for the simulation of dynamics and coalescence of alumina particles in solid propellant combustion, 2010-05-30. (
- Lucie Fréret, Stephane de Chaisemartin, Julien Reveillon, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. Eulerian models and three-dimensional numerical simulation of polydisperse sprays, 2010-05-30. (
- Stephane de Chaisemartin, Lucie Fréret, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot, Corine Lacour, Anne-Laure Birbaud, Sebastien Ducruix, Daniel Durox. Pulsated free jets with spray injection : Eulerian multi-fluid modelling and simulation versus experimental measurements, 2007-07-09. (
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 6 documents
- Frédérique Laurent, Aymeric Vié, Christophe Chalons, Rodney Fox, Marc Massot. A hierarchy of Eulerian models for trajectory crossing in particle-laden turbulent flows over a wide range of Stokes numbers, 2013-01-03. (
- François Doisneau, Olivier Thomine, Frédérique Laurent, Aymeric Vié, Joel Dupays, Marc Massot. Eulerian modeling and simulation of small scale trajectory crossing and coalescence for moderate-Stokes-number spray flows, 2012-12-28. (
- Aymeric Vié, Christophe Chalons, Rodney Fox, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. A multi-Gaussian quadrature method of moments for simulating high Stokes number turbulent two-phase flows, 2012-01-03. (
- Max Duarte, Marc Massot, Stéphane Descombes, Christian Tenaud, Thierry Dumont, Violaine Louvet, Frédérique Laurent. New Resolution Strategy for Multi-scale Reaction Waves using Time Operator Splitting and Space Adaptive Multiresolution: Application to Human Ischemic Stroke, 2011-12-22. (
- Lucie Fréret, Olivier Thomine, Julien Reveillon, Stephane de Chaisemartin, Frédérique Laurent, Marc Massot. On the role of preferential segregation in flame dynamics in polydisperse evaporating sprays, 2011-01-07. (
- Marc Massot, Stephane de Chaisemartin, Lucie Fréret, Damien Kah, Frédérique Laurent. EULERIAN MULTI-FLUID MODELS : MODELING AND NUMERICAL METHODS, 2009-12-31. (
- Thèse - 1 document
- Frédérique Laurent. Modélisation mathématique et numérique de la combustion de brouillards de gouttes polydispersés, 2002-09-23. (