Mathieu Domenjoud
mathieu.domenjoud [at]
Publications :
- Communication dans un congrès - 38 documents
- Benjamin Ducharne, Eric Wasniewski, Laurent Daniel, Mathieu Domenjoud, Patrick Fagan. Tensile stress effect on magnetic Barkhausen noise of silicon steel single crystal (measurements and simulations), 2024-05-05. (
- Patrick Fagan, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Hysteresis cycle measurements with the magnetic needle probe method, 2023-09-04. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Magneto-elasto-plastic behaviour of low carbon steels, 2023-09-04. (
- Patrick Fagan, Benjamin Ducharne, Laurent Daniel, Anastassios Skarlatos, Mathieu Domenjoud, Christophe Reboud. Estimation de l’état de contrainte mécanique par mesure du bruit Barkhausen, 2023-07-05. (
- Luiz Guilherme da Silva, Abdellahi Abderahmane, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Une extension du modèle vector-play pour le cas des chargements magnéto-élastiques, 2023-07-05. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement magnéto-élasto-plastique d'un acier doux, 2023-07-05. (
- Abderraouf Ouazib, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Mesure de l’induction rémanente d’un aimant par méthode d'extraction, 2023-07-05. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Modelling the effect of plasticity on the magneto-elastic behaviour of magnetic materials, 2023-07-02. (
- Luiz Guilherme Da Silva, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Bernard, Laurent Daniel. A magneto-elastic vector-play model including piezomagnetic behavior, 2023-05-22. (
- Laurent Daniel, Mathieu Domenjoud. A model for the magneto-elasto-plastic behavior of electrical steels, 2023-05-22. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Alexis Pecheux, Laurent Daniel. Characterization and multiscale modeling of the magneto-elastic behavior of Galfenol, 2023-05-15. (
- Luiz Guilherme Da Silva, Abdellahi Abderahmane, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Bernard, Laurent Daniel. An Extension of the Vector-Play Model to the Case of Magneto-Elastic Loadings, 2022-09-19. (
- Patrick Fagan, Anastassios Skarlatos, Christophe Reboud, Laurent Daniel, Mathieu Domenjoud, Benjamin Ducharne. Mechanical stress estimation through classical and magnetic Barkhausen noise energy hysteresis cycle, 2022-06-13. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Characterization of the magneto-plastic behavior of electrical steels, 2022-05-02. (
- Patrick Fagan, Benjamin Ducharne, Laurent Daniel, Anastassios Skarlatos, Mathieu Domenjoud, Christophe Reboud. Mechanical stress estimation through classical and magnetic Barkhausen noise energy hysteresis cycle, 2022-05-02. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Éric Berthelot, Laurent Daniel. Caractérisation du comportement magnéto-élastique de matériaux à magnétostriction géante : influence des conditions aux limites, 2019-08-26. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Caractérisation des déformations ferroélectriques par Corrélation d’Images Numériques, 2019-08-26. (
- Laurent Daniel, Mathieu Domenjoud. Analytical modelling of the anhysteretic magneto-elastic behaviour of Terfenol-D, 2019-07-15. (
- Laurent Daniel, Mathieu Domenjoud. Analytical modelling of the magneto-elastic behaviour of Terfenol-D, 2019-07-15. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Éric Berthelot, Laurent Daniel. On the measurement of Giant Magnetostrictive Material properties under mechanical loading, 2019-07-08. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Digital Image Correlation for the characterisation of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties, 2019-01-27. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Magneto-mechanical characterization of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials : influence of loading boundary conditions, 2018-07-08. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Souad Tamazirt, Eric Berthelot, Hassane Mohellebi, Laurent Daniel. Caractérisation du comportement magnéto-élastique de matériaux à magnétostriction géante sous contrainte mécanique constante, 2018-07-03. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Digital Image Correlation for piezoelectric strain characterisation, 2017-02-19. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Mesure de déformations piézoélectriques par corrélation d’images numériques, 2017-01-23. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Development of a 2D DIC experimental tool for piezoelectric strains measurements, 2016-11-07. (
- Julien Bustillo, Mathieu Domenjoud. Study of polarization state during high electrical loading, 2015-01-25. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Julien Bustillo. Determination of piezoceramic microscopic parameters using phenomenological modeling of hysteretic behaviours, 2015-01-25. (
- Julien Bustillo, Mathieu Domenjoud, Jérôme Fortineau, Gael Gautier, Marc Lethiecq. Determination of microscopic parameters of piezoceramic materials under electrical loading using genetic algorithm, 2014-05-12. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Julien Bustillo, Marc Lethiecq, Franck Levassort. Domain wall evolutions laws of piezoceramic materials under mechanical loading, 2014-05-12. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Guy Feuillard. Amélioration des propriétés électro-acoustiques de systèmes piézoélectriques par mise sous précontrainte mécanique ou électrique, 2014-04-22. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Michel Gratton, Laurianne Blanc, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue. Modélisation et étude expérimentale des déformations longitudinale et transversale de piézocéramiques soumises à une contrainte mécanique, 2013-08-26. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, M. Lematre, Jérôme Fortineau, Guy Feuillard, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue. Modeling and numerical study of the electroacoustic behavior of lithium niobate under an initial electrical stress, 2013-07-21. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, M. Lematre, Julien Bustillo, Guy Feuillard, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue. Modelling and study of hysteretic behaviour of soft and hard piezoceramic materials under external mechanical stress, 2013-03-17. (
- Julien Bustillo, Mathieu Domenjoud, Jérôme Fortineau, Gaël Gautier, Marc Lethiecq. Characterisation of soft and hard piezoceramic materials using genetic algorithm based optimisation, 2013-03-17. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Mickael Lematre, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue, Guy Feuillard. Electro-acoustic characterisations of piezoelectric materials under external mechanical stress: Theory and experiments, 2011-02-28. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, M. Lematre, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue, Guy Feuillard. Integrated piezoelectric structures under external mechanical stress: Theory and experiments, 2010-10-11. (
- dos Santos Serge, Mathieu Domenjoud, Camille Plag. Symmetry analysis applied to nonlinear acoustics: Principle and application for acoustic signal processing, 2008-07-07. (
- Article dans une revue - 19 documents
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Alexis Pecheux, Laurent Daniel. Characterization and Multiscale Modeling of the Magneto-Elastic Behavior of Galfenol, 2023-11. (
- Luiz Guilherme Da Silva, Abdellahi Abderahmane, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Corrections to “An Extension of the Vector-Play Model to the Case of Magneto-Elastic Loadings”, 2023-02-16. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Effects of plastic strain and reloading stress on the magneto-mechanical behavior of electrical steels: Experiments and modeling, 2023-01. (
- Patrick Fagan, Benjamin Ducharne, Stanislaw Zurek, Mathieu Domenjoud, Anastassios Skarlatos, Laurent Daniel, Christophe Reboud. Iterative Methods for Waveform Control in Magnetic Measurement Systems, 2022-09-12. (
- Patrick Fagan, Benjamin Ducharne, Laurent Daniel, Anastassios Skarlatos, Mathieu Domenjoud, Christophe Reboud. Effect of stress on the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise energy cycles: a route for stress evaluation in ferromagnetic materials, 2022-02-15. (
- Luiz Guilherme Da Silva, Abdellahi Abderahmane, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Bernard, Laurent Daniel. An Extension of the Vector-Play Model to the Case of Magneto-Elastic Loadings, 2022. (
- Laurent Daniel, Mathieu Domenjoud. Anhysteretic Magneto-Elastic Behaviour of Terfenol-D: Experiments, Multiscale Modelling and Analytical Formulas, 2021-09-08. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Electro-mechanical behaviour of ferroelectrics: Insights into local contributions from macroscopic measurements, 2021-06-01. (
- Anderson S Nunes, Laurent Daniel, Maya Hage-Hassan, Mathieu Domenjoud. Modeling of the magnetic behavior of permanent magnets including ageing effects, 2020-10-15. (
- Katsumi Yamazaki, Yoshito Sato, Mathieu Domenjoud, Laurent Daniel. Iron Loss Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Machines by Considering Hysteresis Loops Affected by Multi-Axial Stress, 2020-01. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Éric Berthelot, Nicolas Galopin, Romain Corcolle, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Characterization of giant magnetostrictive materials under static stress: influence of loading boundary conditions, 2019-09-01. (
- Valentin Segouin, Mathieu Domenjoud, Yves Bernard, Laurent Daniel. Mechanics-aided digital image correlation for the investigation of piezoelectric and ferroelectric behaviour of a soft PZT, 2019-06. (
- Julien Bustillo, Mathieu Domenjoud, Jérôme Fortineau. Characterization of piezoelectric ceramics using inverse problem solving of a polarization switching modeling, 2016-01-19. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Julien Bustillo, Marc Lethiecq. Domain motion modeling for hysteresis in piezoceramic materials under mechanical loading, 2014-05. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Julien Bustillo, Marc Lethiecq, Louis-Pascal Tran-Huu-Hue. Modelling of hysteretic behavior of piezoceramic materials under electrical loading, 2013-10-22. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Michael Lematre, Michel Gratton, Marc Lethiecq, Louis-Pascal Tran-Huu-Hue. Theoretical and experimental study of the electroacoustic behavior of lithium niobate under an initial mechanical stress, 2013-10-21. (
- Mathieu Domenjoud, Michael Lematre, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue, Guy Feuillard. Modelling of hysteretic behaviour of piezoceramic materials under external electrical and mechanical stress, 2013-01. (
- M. Lematre, Mathieu Domenjoud, Louis-Pascal Tran Huu Hue. Exact second order formalism for the study of electro-acoustic properties in piezoelectric structures under an initial mechanical stress, 2011-05. (
- dos Santos Serge, Mathieu Domenjoud, Zdenek Prevorovsky. Ultrasonic Imaging of Human Tooth using Chirp-Coded Nonlinear Time Reversal Acoustics, 2010-01. (
- Thèse - 1 document
- Mathieu Domenjoud. Caractérisation des propriétés électro-acoustiques de structures piézoélectriques soumises à une contrainte statique de type électrique ou mécanique, 2012-11-28. (