Filippo Gatti

filippo.gatti [at]

Résumé :

  • High-fidelity physics-based source-to-structure earthquake simulation
  • Artificial Intelligence applied to seismology
  • Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction coupling
  • High Performance Computing

Publications :

  • PROCEEDINGS - 4 documents
    • Hugo Gabrielidis, Filippo Gatti, Stephane Vialle. Pipeline for Semantic Segmentation of Large Railway Point Clouds, 2025-11-14. (
    • Malbois Le Borgne Briac, Gatti Filippo, Desmorat Rodrigue, Capaldo Matteo. Improving Digital Twin Using AI and SCADA, 2025-02-25. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Advantages and promises of deep neural operators for the prediction of wave propagation, 2023-05-15. (
    • Gottfried Jacquet, Didier Clouteau, Filippo Gatti. Hybrid generation based on machine learning to enhance numerical simulation for earthquake, 2023-05-15. (
  • Article dans une revue - 21 documents
    • Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti. Numerical earthquake-induced landslide hazard assessment at regional scale in the Colombian Andes, 2025-03-09. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Didier Clouteau. Multiple-Input Fourier Neural Operator (MIFNO) for source-dependent 3D elastodynamics, 2025-02-03. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Damien Grenié, Didier Clouteau. Uncertainty propagation from crustal geologies to rock-site ground motion with a Fourier Neural Operator, 2024-09-16. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Synthetic ground motions in heterogeneous geologies from various sources: the HEMEW S -3D database, 2024-09-03. (
    • Gerardo Granados, F. Gatti, R. Miorelli, Sébastien Robert, D. Clouteau. Generative domain-adapted adversarial auto-encoder model for enhanced ultrasonic imaging applications, 2024-09. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. 3D elastic wave propagation with a Factorized Fourier Neural Operator (F-FNO), 2024-02. (
    • Amanda Pelegrin Candemil, Guilherme Alves dos Santos, Matheus Oliveira, Filippo Gatti, Yara T.C. Silva-Sousa, Alice Silva-Sousa, Jardel Francisco Mazzi-Chaves, Manoel Damião Sousa-Neto. ACCURACY OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN CLINICAL ENDODONTIC APPLICATIONS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, 2024-01. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Luca Rosafalco, Giorgia Colombera, Stefano Mariani, Alberto Corigliano. Multi-storey shear type buildings under earthquake loading: Adversarial learning-based prediction of the transient dynamics and damage classification, 2023-10. (
    • Michail Korres, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Filippo Gatti, Zentner Irmela, François Voldoire, Didier Clouteau, David Alejandro Castro Cruz. Enhanced seismic response prediction of critical structures via 3D regional scale physics-based earthquake simulation, 2023. (
    • David Alejandro Castro Cruz, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Fabrice Hollender, Elias El Haber, Mathieu Causse. Blind broad-band (0-10 Hz) numerical prediction of the 3-D near field seismic response of a Mw6.0 extended fault scenario: application to the nuclear site of Cadarache (France), 2023-01. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Machine learning opportunities to conduct high-fidelity earthquake simulations in multi-scale heterogeneous geology, 2022-11-22. (
    • Sara Touhami, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Régis Cottereau, Lúcio de Abreu Corrêa, Ludovic Aubry, Didier Clouteau. SEM3D: A 3D High-Fidelity Numerical Earthquake Simulator for Broadband (0-10 Hz) Seismic Response Prediction at a Regional Scale, 2022-03-02. (
    • Reine Fares, David Alejandro Castro Cruz, Evelyne Foerster, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti. Coupling spectral and Finite Element methods for 3D physic-based seismic analysis from fault to structure: Application to the Cadarache site in France, 2022. (
    • David Castro-Cruz, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Assessing the impact of regional geology on the ground motion model variability at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (Japan) via physics-based numerical simulation, 2021-09-01. (
    • David Castro-Cruz, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. High-fidelity broadband prediction of regional seismic response: a hybrid coupling of physics-based synthetic simulation and empirical Green functions, 2021-05-01. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Didier Clouteau. Towards blending Physics-Based numerical simulations and seismic databases using Generative Adversarial Network, 2020-12. (
    • F Gatti, Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, D. Clouteau, V Alves Fernandes, M. Kham, F. Voldoire. Broad-band 3-D earthquake simulation at nuclear site by an all-embracing source-to-structure approach, 2018. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Roberto Paolucci, Didier Clouteau. Near-source effects and non-linear Site Response at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, in the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake: evidence from surface and downhole records and 1D numerical simulations, 2018. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Didier Clouteau, Roberto Paolucci. On the effect of the 3-D regional geology on the seismic design of critical structures: the case of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, 2018. (
    • Roberto Paolucci, F Gatti, Maria Infantino, Chiara Smerzini, Ali Güney Özcebe, Marco Stupazzini. Broadband ground motions from 3D physics-based numerical simulations using artificial neural networks, 2018. (
    • Sotirios Argyroudis, Grigorios Tsinidis, F Gatti, Kyriazis Pitilakis. Effects of SSI and lining corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of shallow circular tunnels, 2017. (
  • Communication dans un congrès - 27 documents
    • Sreenath Vemula, Filippo Gatti, Pierre Jehel. Graph Transformer-Based Flood Susceptibility Assessment of the French Riviera: Implications for Railway Infrastructure Resilience, 2025-02-17. (
    • Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti. Evaluación numérica de la amenaza sísmica de deslizamientos en los Andes Colombianos a escala regional, 2024-11-05. (
    • Frédéric Allaire, Filippo Gatti, Roberto Miorelli, Vincent Dorval, Jérôme Laurent. Deep-learning-based surrogate model of laser-induced elastic wave propagation in metallic microstructures with elongated grains, 2024-05-22. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Metamodèle de la propagation d'ondes sismiques 3D par opérateur neuronal de Fourier (FNO) amélioré avec un transfert d'apprentissage., 2024-05-13. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michael Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Metamodèle de propagation d'onde sismique 3D par opérateur neuronal de Fourier (FNO) amélioré par l'apprentissage par transfert, 2024-05-13. (
    • Lucio de Abreu Correa, Filippo Gatti, Jose Camata, Régis Cottereau, Alvaro Coutinho. Generation automatique de maillages hexaédriques pour des applications en géophysique à l'échelle régionale, 2024-05-13. (
    • Hugo Gabrielidis, Filippo Gatti, Stéphane Vialle, Gottfried Jacquet. Génération conditionnelle et inconditionnelle de signaux sismiques à l'aide de modèles de diffusion., 2024-05-13. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Ludovic Aubry, Éric Germaneau, Régis Cottereau, Wilfried Kirschenmann. Benchmark SEM3D sur des instances Google Cloud de type C2D optimisées pour le calcul utilisant le processeur AMD EPYC et sur GPU Nvidia A100, 2024-05-13. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Seismic hazard analysis with a Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) surrogate model enhanced by transfer learning, 2023-12-16. (
    • Michail Korres, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Zentner Irmela, François Voldoire, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Simulation 3D basée sur la physique pour la réponse sismique « de la faille à la structure », 2023-11-07. (
    • Gerardo Granados, Roberto Miorelli, Filippo Gatti, Didier Clouteau. A deep learning framework for efficient global sensitivity analysis and SHAP values calculations applied to eddy current testing problems, 2023-07-24. (
    • Michail Korres, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Zentner Irmela, Nicolas Tardieu, François Voldoire, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. A SEM/FEM weak coupling for a more accurate definition of seismic input excitation in soil-structure interaction studies: An adaptation for a massively parallel FEM resolution, 2023-07-02. (
    • Amit Gill, Maddegedara Lalith, Yoshiki Ogawa, Hideyuki O-Tani, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Kohei Fujita, Filippo Gatti, Muneo Hori. Seamless Simulations of Earthquake Disasters and Economy at 1:1 scale Utilizing Big-data, 2021-12-14. (
    • Michail Korres, Filippo Gatti, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, F Lopez-Caballero, Irmela Zentner, François Voldoire. A Methodology For 3d Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Using The Domain Reduction Method, 2020-09-13. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Michail Korres, David Castro-Cruz, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, D Clouteau. Broadband Seismic Source-To-Structure Analysis Of The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, 2020-09-13. (
    • David Castro-Cruz, F Lopez-Caballero, Filippo Gatti. Seismic hazard analysis of complex faults using Spectral element and empirical Green's function methods, 2020-09-13. (
    • Korres Michail, F Gatti, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Zentner Irmela, François Voldoire. Impact of 3D seismic input motion definition from physics-based simulations for soil-structure interaction studies, 2019-06-24. (
    • Martin Colvez, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, F Gatti, Régis Cottereau. Assessing the influence of around-source deep crustal heterogeneities on the seismic wave propagation by 3-D broad-band numerical modelling, 2019-05-26. (
    • F Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Predicting short-period spectral ordinates of hybrid ground shaking prediction tools: a comparative benchmark, 2019-05-26. (
    • Martin Colvez, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti, Régis Cottereau. On the effect of around-source crustal heterogeneities on 3-d regional seismic wave field, 2019-01-17. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Dimitris Pitilakis. 3-D source-to-site numerical investigation on the earthquake ground motion coherency in heterogeneous soil deposits, 2018-06-25. (
    • Elif Oral, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. 3D Spectral Element Modeling of Near Source Effects Including Kinematic Rupture and Finite-Fault Effects, 2018-06-18. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, D. Clouteau, Roberto Paolucci, Lúcio de Abreu Corrêa. Broad-band 3-D physics-based simulation of earthquake-induced wave-field at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (Japan): an all-embracing source-to-site approach, 2018-06-18. (
    • Sara Touhami, F Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Fabrice Hollender, Edward Marc Cushing. Argostoli site, from site test to numerical model: a holistic approach, 2018-05. (
    • F Gatti, Luciano de Carvalho Paludo, Angkeara Svay, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Régis Cottereau, Didier Clouteau. Investigation of the earthquake ground motion coherence in heterogeneous non-linear soil deposits, 2017-09-10. (
    • F Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Lúcio de Abreu Corrêa, D Clouteau, R Paolucci. PHYSICS-BASED SCENARIO OF THE 2007 CHUETSU-OKI EARTHQUAKE, 2017-06-14. (
    • Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Didier Clouteau. One-dimensional seismic soil response at the nuclear power plant of kashiwazaki-kariwa during the 2007 niigata-chuetsu-oki earthquake, 2015-09-01. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 1 document
  • Rapport - 2 documents
    • Emmanuel Javelaud, Pierre-Yves Bard, François Dommanget, Filippo Gatti, Jesús Pérez-Herreros, Marguerite Mathey, Paul Quistin, Ludivine Saint-Mard, Jean-Philippe Tardivel, Boris Weliachew. Rapport de la mission post-sismique du séisme du 1er Janvier 2024 de Noto (Japon), 2024-10-01. (
    • Filippo Gatti, David Alejandro Castro Cruz, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. SEM3D-High-resolution seismic wave propagation modelling from the fault to the structure for realistic earthquake scenarios. GENCI Allocation A0080410444, 2021. (
  • POSTER - 5 documents
    • Filippo Gatti, Fanny Lehmann, Hugo Gabrielidis, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau, Stéphane Vialle. Deep learning generative strategies to enhance 3D physics-based seismic wave propagation: from diffusive super-resolution to 3D Fourier Neural Operators., 2024-04-14. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. A deep learning-based earthquake simulator: from source and geology to surface wavefields, 2024-04-14. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, M. Bertin, D Clouteau. Quantifying uncertainties in seismic waves propagation with a Fourier Neural Operator surrogate model, 2024-04-03. (
    • Mouhammed Achhab, Emmanuelle Baudry, Didier Clouteau, R El Mesri, Amélie Fau, Hugo Gabrielidis, Filippo Gatti, Fabrice Gatuingt, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Cédric Giry, Céline Hudelot, Pierre Jehel, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, É Massoulié, Gianluca Quercini, Emmanuel Vazquez, Frédéric Ragueneau, Stéphane Vialle. MINERVE - Un jumeau numérique pour gérer l'infrastructure ferroviaire, 2023-02-09. (
    • Antoine Benady, Fanny Lehmann, Afsal Pulikkathodi, Emmanuel Baranger, Ludovic Chamoin, Filippo Gatti, Didier Clouteau. Scientific machine learning and physics-augmented neural networks for hybrid digital twins, 2023. (
  • Pré-publication, Document de travail - 5 documents
    • Wilfried Genuist, Éric Savin, Filippo Gatti, Didier Clouteau. Predictive Modeling of Fluid Flows Using Conditional Score-Based Diffusion Models, 2024. (
    • Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, Didier Clouteau. Fourier Neural Operator Surrogate Model to Predict 3D Seismic Waves Propagation, 2023-10-20. (
    • Filippo Gatti. Artificial Neural Networks: advanced topics, 2023-09. (
    • Filippo Gatti. Artificial Neural Networks: layer architectures, optimizers and automatic differentiation, 2023-09. (
    • F Gatti, Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Roberto Paolucci, D. Clouteau, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, M. Kham, F. Voldoire. Broad-band 3-D earthquake simulation at nuclear site by an all-embracing source-to-structure approach, 2018-08-23. (
  • Thèse - 1 document
    • Filippo Gatti. Analyse physics-based de scénarios sismiques «de la faille au site» : prédiction de mouvement sismique fort pour l’étude de vulnérabilité sismique de structures critiques., 2017-09-25. (