Arnaud Buch

arnaud.buch [at]

Publications :

  • POSTER - 8 documents
    • David Boulesteix, A. Buch, Joyce Mcbeth, Caroline Freissinet, Cyril Szopa. Secondary X-ray influence on the transformation of organic molecules on Mars and determination of by-products from Early-Mars/Earth compounds, 2023-08-09. (
    • David Boulesteix, A. Buch, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Melissa G. Trainer, Jennifer C. Stern, David Coscia, Yuanyuan He, Amy Williams. Sample preparation on future space missions for in situ gas chromatograph- mass spectrometer analyses of molecules with astrobiology interests, 2022-06-20. (
    • Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, P. D. Archer Jr., William B. Brinckerhoff, Anna E. Brunner, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Heather B. Franz, S. Kashyap, Charles A. Malespin, Maeva Millan, Kristen E. Miller, Rafael Navarro-González, B. D. Prats, Roger E. Summons, Samuel Teinturier, Paul R. Mahaffy. Preservation of organics at Mars' near-surface, 2016-05-16. (
    • Maeva Millan, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Imène Belmahdi, Patrice Coll, Daniel P. Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, P. Douglas Archer, Brad Sutter, Roger E. Summons, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Michel Cabane, Paul R. Mahaffy. Effect of the presence of chlorates and perchlorates on the pyrolysis of organic compounds: implications for measurements done with the SAM experiment onboard the Curiosity rover, 2016-04-17. (
    • Cyril Szopa, David Coscia, Arnaud Buch, Jean-Pierre Pineau, Patrice Coll. Micro gas chromatography based on mems technology for the analysisof volatile species in planetary environments, 2016-04-17. (
    • Veronica Pinnick, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Noël Grand, Ryan Danell, Andrej Grubisic, Friso H. W. van Amerom, Daniel Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, Patrice Coll, Fabien Stalport, Olivier Humeau, Ricardo Arevalo, William Brinckerhoff, Harald Steininger, Fred Goesmann, François Raulin, Paul R. Mahaffy. End-To-END Performance of the Future MOMA Instrument Aboard the ExoMars Mission, 2015-12-14. (
    • Arnaud Buch, Imène Belmahdi, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Patrice Coll, Michel Cabane, Maeva Millan, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Jennifer Stern, Veronica Pinnick, David Coscia, Samuel Teinturier, Moncef Stambouli, Tristan Dequaire, Paul R. Mahaffy. Highlight on the indigenous organic molecules detected on Mars by SAM and potential sources of artifacts and backgrounds generated by the sample preparation, 2015-12-14. (
    • Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Arnaud Buch, Patrice Coll, Michel Cabane, Maeva Millan, Imene Belmahadi, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Andrew Steele, Roger Summons, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Paul R. Mahaffy. Mars Organic Matter Revealed by the Detection of Organo-chlorinated Molecules from Pyro-GCMS Analyses of Yellowknife Bay Mudstone, 2015-12-14. (
  • Article dans une revue - 44 documents
    • Angel Mojarro, A. Buch, Jason P. Dworkin, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Cyril Szopa, Maeva Millan, A. J. Williams, Roger E. Summons. Murchison Meteorite Analysis Using Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) Thermochemolysis Under Simulated Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Conditions, 2023. (
    • Maeva Millan, Samuel Teinturier, C. A. Malespin, J. Y. Bonnet, Arnaud Buch, Jason P. Dworkin, J. L. Eigenbrode, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Rafael Navarro-González, Anushree Srivastava, Jennifer C. Stern, B. Sutter, Cyril Szopa, Amy J. Williams, R. H. Williams, Gregory M. Wong, S. S. Johnson, P. R. Mahaffy. Organic molecules revealed in Mars’s Bagnold Dunes by Curiosity’s derivatization experiment, 2022. (
    • Yuanyuan He, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Maeva Millan, Caroline Freissinet, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Melissa Guzman, Sarah Johnson, Danny Glavin, Amy Williams, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Samuel Teinturier, Charles Malespin, David Coscia, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Pin Lu, Michel Cabane, Paul Mahaffy. Influence of Calcium Perchlorate on the Search for Martian Organic Compounds with MTBSTFA/DMF Derivatization, 2021-09-01. (
    • Leila Bouchra, Cyril Szopa, A. Buch, David Coscia. Thermal stability of adsorbents used for gas chromatography in space exploration, 2021-03. (
    • Yuanyuan He, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Amy J. Williams, Maeva Millan, Charles A. Malespin, Daniel P. Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Samuel Teinturier, David Coscia, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Jennifer C. Stern, Fabien Stalport, Melissa Guzman, Naïla Chaouche-Mechidal, Pin Lu, Rafael Navarro-González, Vincent Butin, Jamila El Bekri, Hervé Cottin, Sarah Johnson, Michel Cabane, Paul R. Mahaffy. Influence of Calcium Perchlorate on the Search for Organics on Mars with Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide Thermochemolysis, 2021. (
    • Pierre Bauer, Karine Mougin, Delphine Faye, A. Buch, Pierre Ponthiaux, Vincent Vignal. Synthesis of 3D dendritic gold nanostructures assisted by a templated growth process: Application at the detection of traces of molecules, 2020-08-31. (
    • Yuanyuan He, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Amy J. Williams, Maëva Milan, Melissa Guzman, Caroline Freissinet, Charles A. Malespin, Daniel P. Glavin, Jennifer L. Eigendbrode, David Coscia, Samuel Teinturier, Pin Lu, Michel Cabane, Paul R. Mahaffy. The search for organic compounds with TMAH thermochemolysis: From Earth analyses to space exploration experiments, 2020-04. (
    • Melissa Guzman, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Arnaud Buch, Fabien Stalport, Desmond Kaplan, François Raulin. Testing the capabilities of the Mars Organic Molecule Analyser (MOMA) chromatographic columns for the separation of organic compounds on Mars, 2020-03. (
    • Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Maeva Millan, Arnaud Buch, Heather Franz, Roger E. Summons, Dawn Y. Sumner, Brad Sutter, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Ross Williams, Rafael Navarro-González, Melissa Guzman, Charles Malespin, Samuel Teinturier, Paul Mahaffy, Michel Cabane. First Detections of Dichlorobenzene Isomers and Trichloromethylpropane from Organic Matter Indigenous to Mars Mudstone in Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Onboard the Curiosity Rover, 2020. (
    • Laurent Remusat, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Sylvain Bernard, Arnaud Buch, Eric Quirico. Molecular and isotopic behavior of insoluble organic matter of the Orgueil meteorite upon heating, 2019-10-15. (
    • Maeva Millan, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Michel Cabane, Samuel Teinturier, Paul Mahaffy, S. S. Johnson. Performance of the SAM gas chromatographic columns under simulated flight operating conditions for the analysis of chlorohydrocarbons on Mars, 2019-04. (
    • Roger E. Summons, Kristen Miller, Benjamin Kotrc, Imene Belmahadi, Arnaud Buch, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel Glavin, Cyril Szopa. Reply to Comment by F. Kenig, L. Chou, and D. J. Wardrop on “Evaluation of the Tenax Trap in the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite on the Curiosity Rover as a Potential Hydrocarbon Source for Chlorinated Organics Detected in Gale Crater” by Miller et al., 2015, 2019-02-07. (
    • Amy Williams, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Melissa Floyd, Mary Beth Wilhelm, Shane O'Reilly, Sarah Stewart Johnson, Kathleen Craft, Christine Knudson, Slavka Andrejkovičová, James M.T. Lewis, Arnaud Buch, Daniel L. Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, Ross Williams, Cyril Szopa, Maeva Millan, Roger Summons, Amy Mcadam, Kathleen Benison, Rafael Navarro-González, Charles A. Malespin, Paul R. Mahaffy. Recovery of Fatty Acids from Mineralogic Mars Analogs by TMAH Thermochemolysis for the Sample Analysis at Mars Wet Chemistry Experiment on the Curiosity Rover, 2019. (
    • Rafael Navarro-González, Karina F. Navarro, Patrice Coll, Christopher P. Mckay, Jennifer C. Stern, Brad Sutter, P. Douglas Archer Jr, Arnaud Buch, Michel Cabane, Pamela G. Conrad, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Heather B. Franz, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Joanna V. Hogancamp, Amy Mcadam, Charles A. Malespin, F. Javier Martin-Torres, Douglas W. Ming, Richard V. Morris, Benny Prats, François Raulin, José Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi, Cyril Szopa, María-Paz Zorzano-Mier, Paul R. Mahaffy, Sushil Atreya, Melissa Grady Trainer, Ashwin Vasavada. Abiotic Input of Fixed Nitrogen by Bolide Impacts to Gale Crater During the Hesperian: Insights From the Mars Science Laboratory, 2019. (
    • Fred Goesmann, William B. Brinckerhoff, François Raulin, Walter Goetz, Ryan M. Danell, Stephanie A. Getty, Sandra Siljeström, Helge Missbach, Harald Steininger, Ricardo D. Arevalo, Arnaud Buch, Caroline Freissinet, Andrej Grubisic, Uwe J. Meierhenrich, Veronica T. Pinnick, Fabien Stalport, Cyril Szopa, Jorge L. Vago, Robert Lindner, Mitchell D. Schulte, John Robert Brucato, Daniel P. Glavin, Noël Grand, Xiang Li, Friso H. W. van Amerom. The Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Instrument: Characterization of Organic Material in Martian Sediments, 2017. (
    • Coralie Brassé, Arnaud Buch, Patrice Coll, François Raulin. Low-Temperature Alkaline pH Hydrolysis of Oxygen-Free Titan Tholins: Carbonates' Impact, 2017-01. (
    • Thomas Gautier, Isabelle Schmitz-Afonso, David Touboul, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Nathalie Carrasco. Development of HPLC-Orbitrap method for identification of N-bearing molecules in complex organic material relevant to planetary environments, 2016. (
    • Maeva Millan, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Patrice Coll, Daniel P. Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, Rafael Navarro-González, Pascaline François, David Coscia, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Samuel Teinturier, Michel Cabane, Paul R. Mahaffy. In situ analysis of martian regolith with the SAM experiment during the first mars year of the MSL mission: Identification of organic molecules by gas chromatography from laboratory measurements, 2016. (
    • Marietta Morisson, Cyril Szopa, Nathalie Carrasco, Arnaud Buch, Thomas Gautier. Titan's organic aerosols: Molecular composition and structure of laboratory analogues inferred from pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis, 2016. (
    • Pascaline François, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Patrice Coll, Amy C. Mcadam, Paul R. Mahaffy, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Michel Cabane. Magnesium sulfate as a key mineral for the detection of organic molecules on Mars using pyrolysis, 2016-01. (
    • Jean-Yves Bonnet, Eric Quirico, Arnaud Buch, Roland Thissen, Cyril Szopa, Nathalie Carrasco, Guy Cernogora, Nicolas Fray, Hervé Cottin, Léna Le Roy, Gilles Montagnac, Emmanuel Dartois, Rosario Brunetto, Cécile Engrand, Jean Duprat. Formation of analogs of cometary nitrogen-rich refractory organics from thermal degradation of tholin and hcn polymer, 2015-04. (
    • Lukas Hofer, P. Wurz, Arnaud Buch, Michel Cabane, Patrice Coll, David Coscia, M. Gerasimov, D. Lasi, A. Sapgir, Cyril Szopa, M. Tulej. Prototype of the gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer to investigate volatile species in the lunar soil for the Luna-Resurs mission, 2015. (
    • Kristen E. Miller, Benjamin Kotrc, Roger E. Summons, Imene Belmahdi, Arnaud Buch, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Cyril Szopa. Evaluation of the Tenax trap in the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite on the Curiosity rover as a potential hydrocarbon source for chlorinated organics detected in Gale Crater, 2015. (
    • Jennifer C. Stern, Brad Sutter, Caroline Freissinet, Rafael Navarro-González, Christopher P. Mckay, P. Douglas Archer, Arnaud Buch, Anna E. Brunner, Patrice Coll, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Alberto G. Fairen, Heather B. Franz, Daniel P. Glavin, Srishti Kashyap, Amy C. Mcadam, Douglas W. Ming, Andrew Steele, Cyril Szopa, James J. Wray, F. Javier Martín-Torres, Maria-Paz Zorzano, Pamela G. Conrad, Paul R. Mahaffy. Evidence for indigenous nitrogen in sedimentary and aeolian deposits from the Curiosity rover investigations at Gale crater, Mars, 2015. (
    • Jing He, Arnaud Buch, Nathalie Carrasco, Cyril Szopa. Thermal degradation of organics for pyrolysis in space: Titan’s atmospheric aerosol case study, 2015. (
    • Amy C. Mcadam, Heather B. Franz, Brad Sutter, Paul D. Archer, Caroline Freissinet, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Douglas W. Ming, Sushil K. Atreya, David L. Bish, David F. Blake, Hannah E. Bower, Anna Brunner, Arnaud Buch, Daniel P. Glavin, John P. Grotzinger, Paul R. Mahaffy, Scott M. Mclennan, Richard V. Morris, Rafael Navarro-González, Elizabeth B. Rampe, Steven W. Squyres, Andrew Steele, Jennifer C. Stern, Dawn Y. Sumner, James J. Wray. Sulfur-bearing phases detected by evolved gas analysis of the Rocknest aeolian deposit, Gale Crater, Mars, 2014-02. (
    • Douglas W. Ming, P. D. Archer, D. P. Glavin, J. L. Eigenbrode, H. B. Franz, B. Sutter, A. E. Brunner, J. C. Stern, Caroline Freissinet, A. C. Mcadam, P. R. Mahaffy, Michel Cabane, Patrice Coll, J. L. Campbell, S. K. Atreya, P. B. Niles, J. F. Bell, D. L. Bish, W. B. Brinckerhoff, A. Buch, P. G. Conrad, D. J. Des Marais, Bethany Ehlmann, A. G. Fairen, K. Farley, G. J. Flesch, P. Francois, R. Gellert, J. A. Grant, John P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. A. Hurowitz, L. A. Leshin, K. W. Lewis, S. M. Mclennan, K. E. Miller, J. Moersch, R. V. Morris, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, A. A. Pavlov, G. M. Perrett, I. Pradler, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Summons, A. Steele, E. M. Stolper, D. Y. Sumner, Cyril Szopa, S. Teinturier, M. G. Trainer, Allan H. Treiman, D. T. Vaniman, A. R. Vasavada, C. R. Webster, J. J. Wray, R. A. Yingst, Osku Kemppinen, Nathan Bridges, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Michelle Minitti, David Cremers, Lauren Edgar, Jack Farmer, Austin Godber, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Danika Wellington, Ian Mcewan, Claire Newman, Mark Richardson, Antoine Charpentier, Laurent Peret, Penelope King, Jennifer Blank, Gerald Weigle, Mariek Schmidt, Shuai Li, Ralph Milliken, Kevin Robertson, Vivian Sun, Michael Baker, Christopher Edwards, Jennifer Griffes, Megan Newcombe, Cedric Pilorget, Melissa Rice, Kirsten Siebach, Katie Stack, Claude Brunet, Victoria Hipkin, Richard Leveille, Geneviève Marchand, Pablo Sobron Sanchez, Laurent Favot, George Cody, Lorenzo Fluckiger, David Lees, Ara Nefian, Mildred Martin, Marc Gailhanou, Frances Westall, Guy Israel, Christophe Agard, Julien Baroukh, Christophe Donny, Alain Gaboriaud, Philippe Guillemot, Vivian Lafaille, Eric Lorigny, Alexis Paillet, René Perez, Muriel Saccoccio, Charles Yana, Carlos Armiens-Aparicio, Javier Caride Rodriguez, Isaias Carrasco Blazquez, Felipe Gomez Gomez, Javier Gomez-Elvira, Sebastien Hettrich, Alain Lepinette Malvitte, Mercedes Marin Jimenez, Jesus Martinez-Frias, Javier Martin-Soler, F. Javier Martin-Torres, Antonio Molina Jurado, Luis Mora-Sotomayor, Guillermo Munoz Caro, Sara Navarro Lopez, Verónica Peinado-Gonzalez, Jorge Pla-Garcia, José Antonio Rodriguez Manfredi, Julio José Romeral-Planello, Sara Alejandra Sans Fuentes, Eduardo Sebastian Martinez, Josefina Torres Redondo, Roser Urqui-O'Callaghan, María-Paz Zorzano Mier, Steve Chipera, Jean-Luc Lacour, Patrick Mauchien, Jean-Baptiste Sirven, Heidi Manning, Alexander Hayes, Jonathan Joseph, Robert Sullivan, Peter Thomas, Audrey Dupont, Angela Lundberg, Noureddine Melikechi, Alissa Mezzacappa, Julia Demarines, David Grinspoon, Günter Reitz, Benito Prats, Evgeny Atlaskin, Maria Genzer, Ari-Matti Harri, Harri Haukka, Henrik Kahanpää, Janne Kauhanen, Mark Paton, Jouni Polkko, Walter Schmidt, Tero Siili, Cécile Fabre, Mary Beth Wilhelm, Franck Poitrasson, Kiran Patel, Stephen Gorevan, Stephen Indyk, Gale Paulsen, Juergen Schieber, Brigitte Gondet, Yves Langevin, Claude Geffroy, David Baratoux, Gilles Berger, Alain Cros, Claude d'Uston, Olivier Forni, Olivier Gasnault, Jérémie Lasue, Qiu-Mei Lee, S. Maurice, P.-Y. Meslin, Etienne Pallier, Yann Parot, Patrick Pinet, Susanne Schroder, Mike Toplis, Eric Lewin, Will Brunner, Ezat Heydari, Cherie Achilles, Dorothy Oehler, David Coscia, Gilles Dromart, François Robert, Violaine Sautter, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Nicolas Mangold, M. Nachon, Fabien Stalport, François Raulin, J. Cameron, S. Clegg, Agnes Cousin, D. Delapp, R. Dingler, R. S. Jackson, S. Johnstone, N. Lanza, C. Little, T. Nelson, R. C. Wiens, Rebecca M. E. Williams, A. Jones, L. Kirkland, Burt Baker, Bruce Cantor, Michael Caplinger, Scott Davis, Brian Duston, Kenneth Edgett, Donald Fay, Craig Hardgrove, David Harker, Paul Herrera, Elsa Jensen, Megan R. Kennedy, Gillian Krezoski, D. Krysak, L. Lipkaman, M. Malin, E. Mccartney, S. Mcnair, B. Nixon, L. Posiolova, M. Ravine, A. Salamon, L. Saper, K. Stoiber, K. Supulver, J. van Beek, T. van Beek, R. Zimdar, K. L. French, K. Iagnemma, F. Goesmann, W. Goetz, S. Hviid, M. Johnson, M. Lefavor, E. Lyness, E. Breves, M. D. Dyar, C. Fassett, David F. Blake, Thomas Bristow, Laurence Edwards, Robert Haberle, Tori Hoehler, Jeff Hollingsworth, Melinda Kahre, Leslie Keely, Christopher Mckay, Lora Bleacher, David Choi, Jason P. Dworkin, Melissa Floyd, James Garvin, Daniel Harpold, David K. Martin, Eric Raaen, Michael D. Smith, Florence Tan, Michael Meyer, Arik Posner, Mary Voytek, Robert C. Anderson, Andrew Aubrey, Luther W. Beegle, Alberto Behar, Diana Blaney, David Brinza, Fred Calef, Lance Christensen, Joy A. Crisp, Lauren Deflores, Jason Feldman, Sabrina Feldman, Insoo Jun, D. Keymeulen, J. Maki, M. Mischna, J. M. Morookian, T. Parker, B. Pavri, M. Schoppers, A. Sengstacken, J. J. Simmonds, N. Spanovich, Manuel de La Torre Juarez, Albert Yen, Francis Cucinotta, John H. Jones, Elizabeth Rampe, Thomas Nolan, Martin Fisk, Leon Radziemski, Bruce Barraclough, Steve Bender, Daniel Berman, Eldar Noe Dobrea, Robert Tokar, T. Cleghorn, W. Huntress, G. Manhes, J. Hudgins, T. Olson, Noël Stewart, Philippe Sarrazin, E. Vicenzi, Sharon A. Wilson, M. Bullock, B. Ehresmann, V. Hamilton, D. Hassler, J. Peterson, S. Rafkin, C. Zeitlin, F. Fedosov, D. Golovin, N. Karpushkina, A. Kozyrev, M. Litvak, A. Malakhov, Igor Mitrofanov, M. Mokrousov, S. Nikiforov, V. Prokhorov, A. Sanin, Vladislav Tretyakov, A. Varenikov, A. Vostrukhin, Ruslan Kuzmin, B. Clark, M. Wolff, O. Botta, Darrell Drake, K. Bean, Mark Lemmon, Susanne P. Schwenzer, E. M. Lee, R. Sucharski, M. A. D. P. Hernandez, J. J. B. Avalos, M. Ramos, M.-H. Kim, C. Malespin, I. Plante, J.-P. Muller, R. Ewing, W. Boynton, R. Downs, M. Fitzgibbon, K. Harshman, S. Morrison, W. Dietrich, O. Kortmann, M. Palucis, A. Williams, G. Lugmair, M. A. Wilson, D. Rubin, B. Jakosky, T. Balic-Zunic, J. Frydenvang, J. K. Jensen, K. Kinch, A. Koefoed, Morten Bo Madsen, S. L. S. Stipp, N. Boyd, S. Vanbommel, S. Jacob, T. Owen, S. Rowland, H. Savijarvi, E. Boehm, S. Bottcher, S. Burmeister, J. Guo, J. Kohler, C. M. Garcia, R. Mueller-Mellin, R. Wimmer-Schweingruber, J. C. Bridges, T. Mcconnochie, M. Benna, H. Bower, H. Blau, T. Boucher, M. Carmosino, H. Elliott, D. Halleaux, N. Renno, M. Wong, R. Pepin, B. Elliott, J. Spray, L. Thompson, S. Gordon, H. Newsom, A. Ollila, J. Williams, P. Vasconcelos, J. Bentz, K. Nealson, R. Popa, L. C. Kah, C. Tate, M. Day, G. Kocurek, B. Hallet, R. Sletten, R. Francis, E. Mccullough, E. Cloutis, I. L. ten Kate, R. Arvidson, A. Fraeman, D. Scholes, S. Slavney, T. Stein, J. Ward, J. Berger, J. E. Moores. Volatile and Organic Compositions of Sedimentary Rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars, 2014-01-24. (
    • Thomas Gautier, Nathalie Carrasco, Isabelle Schmitz-Afonso, David Touboul, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Pascal Pernot. Nitrogen incorporation in Titan's tholins inferred by high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 2014. (
    • Patrice Coll, Rafael Navarro-González, Cyril Szopa, Olivier Poch, Sandra I. Ramírez, David Coscia, François Raulin, Michel Cabane, Arnaud Buch, Guy Israël. Can laboratory tholins mimic the chemistry producing Titan's aerosols? A review in light of ACP experimental results, 2013. (
    • Daniel P. Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, Kristen E. Miller, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Anna E. Brunner, Arnaud Buch, Brad Sutter, P. Douglas Archer Jr., Sushil K. Atreya, William B. Brinckerhoff, Michel Cabane, Patrice Coll, Pamela G. Conrad, David Coscia, Jason P. Dworkin, Heather B. Franz, John P. Grotzinger, Laurie A. Leshin, Mildred G. Martin, Christopher Mckay, Douglas W. Ming, Rafael Navarro-González, Alexander Pavlov, Andrew Steele, Roger E. Summons, Cyril Szopa, Samuel Teinturier, Paul R. Mahaffy. Evidence for perchlorates and the origin of chlorinated hydrocarbons detected by SAM at the Rocknest aeolian deposit in Gale Crater, 2013. (
    • Paul R. Mahaffy, Christopher R. Webster, Michel Cabane, Pamela G. Conrad, Patrice Coll, Sushil K. Atreya, Robert Arvey, Michael Barciniak, Mehdi Benna, Lora Bleacher, William B. Brinckerhoff, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Daniel Carignan, Mark Cascia, Robert A. Chalmers, Jason P. Dworkin, Therese Errigo, Paula Everson, Heather Franz, Rodger Farley, Steven Feng, Gregory Frazier, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Daniel N. Harpold, Douglas Hawk, Vincent Holmes, Christopher S. Johnson, Andrea Jones, Patrick Jordan, James Kellogg, Jesse Lewis, Eric Lyness, Charles A. Malespin, David K. Martin, John Maurer, Amy C. Mcadam, Douglas Mclennan, Thomas J. Nolan, Marvin Noriega, Alexander A. Pavlov, Benito Prats, Eric Raaen, Oren Sheinman, David Sheppard, James Smith, Jennifer C. Stern, Florence Tan, Melissa Trainer, Douglas W. Ming, Richard V. Morris, John Jones, Cindy Gundersen, Andrew Steele, James Wray, Oliver Botta, Laurie A. Leshin, Tobias Owen, Steve Battel, Bruce M. Jakosky, Heidi Manning, Steven Squyres, Rafael Navarro-González, Christopher P. Mckay, Francois Raulin, Robert Sternberg, Arnaud Buch, Paul Sorense, Robert Kline-Schoder, David Coscia, Cyril Szopa, Samuel Teinturier, Curt Baffes, Jason Feldman, Greg Flesch, Siamak Forouhar, Ray Garcia, Didier Keymeulen, Steve Woodward, Bruce P. Block, Ken Arnett, Ryan Miller, Charles Edmonson, Stephen Gorevan, Erik Mumm. The Sample Analysis at Mars Investigation and Instrument Suite, 2012. (
    • O. Pocha, P. Coll, Arnaud Buch, S.I. Ramirez, F. Raulin. Production yields of organics of astrobiological interest from H2O-NH3 hydrolysis of Titan's tholins, 2012. (
    • Thomas Gautier, Nathalie Carrasco, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Ella Sciamma-O'Brien, Guy Cernogora. Nitrile gas chemistry in Titan atmosphere, 2011-05-24. (
    • S.I. Ramirez, P. Coll, Arnaud Buch, C. Brassé, O. Poch, F. Raulin. The fate of aerosols on the surface of Titan., 2010. (
    • Arnaud Buch, Robert Sternberg, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, C. Garnier, J. El Bekri, C. Rodier, R. Navarro-González, François Raulin, Michel Cabane, Moncef Stambouli, D.P. Glavin, P.R. Mahaffy. Development of a gas chromatography compatible Sample Processing System (SPS) for the in-situ analysis of refractory organic matter in Martian soil: preliminary results, 2009. (
    • M. Touati, M. Benna-Zayani, N. Kebir-Ariguib, M. Trabelsi, Arnaud Buch, J.-L. Grossiord, Dominique Pareau, Moncef Stambouli. Extraction of cadmium (II) from phosphoric acid media using the di(2-ethylhexyl)dithiophosphoric acid (D2EHDTPA): feasibility of a continuous extraction-stripping process, 2009. (
    • C. Geffroy-Rodier, L. Grasset, R. Sternberg, Arnaud Buch, A. Amblès. Thermochemolysis in search for organics in extraterrestrial environments, 2009. (
    • Arnaud Buch, Moncef Stambouli, Dominique Pareau. Kinetics of Nickel(II) extraction by 2-ethylhexanal oxime in ammonium nitrate solution, 2008. (
    • M. Touati, M. Benna-Zayani, N. Kebir-Ariguib, M. Trabelsi, Arnaud Buch, J.-L. Grossiord, Dominique Pareau, Moncef Stambouli. Extraction of cadmium from phosphoric acid media by Di(2-Ethylhexyl) dithiophosphoric acid, 2008. (
    • Z. Gamino-Arroyo, Moncef Stambouli, Dominique Pareau, Arnaud Buch, Geoffroy Durand, M. Avila-Rodriguez. Thiosubstituted Organophosphorus Acids as Selective Extractants for Ag(I) from Acidic Thiourea Solutions, 2008. (
    • D.P. Glavin, H.J. Cleaves, A. Buch, M. Schubert, A. Aubrey, J.L. Bada, P.R. Mahaffy. Sublimation extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: A new technique for future in situ analyses of purines and pyrimidines on Mars, 2006-12. (
    • Damein Meunier, Robert Sternberg, Franck Mettetal, Arnaud Buch, David Coscia, Cyril Szopa, Claude Rodier, Patrice Coll, Michael Cabanec, François Raulin. A laboratory pilot for in situ analysis of refractory organic matter in Martian soil by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, 2005. (
    • A. Buch, M. Stambouli, D. Pareau, Geoffroy Durand. Solvent extraction of nickel(II) by mixture of 2-ethylhexanal oxime and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid, 2002-02. (
  • Communication dans un congrès - 28 documents
    • Jean-Yves Bonnet, Cyril Szopa, David Coscia, Caroline Freissinet, Michel Cabane, Arnaud Buch, Stephen Indyk, Benito Prats, Eric Lorigny, Samuel Teinturier, Micah Johnson, Mehdi Benna, Charles Malespin, Paul Mahaffy. Operations of the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument suite onboard the Curiosity rover, 2018-05-28. (
    • William B. Brinckerhoff, Veronica T. Pinnick, Andrej Grubisic, Desmond Kaplan, Ryan M. Danell, Friso H. W. van Amerom, Stéphanie A. Getty, Xiang Li, Ricardo D. Arevalo, Caroline Freissinet, Zhiping Chu, Marco Castillo, Chris R. Johnson, Cyril Szopa, Fabien Stalport, Arnaud Buch, Tristan Allain, Noel Grand, Francois Raulin, Walter Goetz, Harald Steininger, Fred Goesmann. Flight Integration and Test of the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA), 2018-03-19. (
    • Cyril Szopa, David Coscia, Michel Cabane, Arnaud Buch. Miniaturized gas chromatography for space exploration: A 50 years history, 2017-05-29. (
    • Marietta Morisson, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, François Raulin, Veronica Pinnick, Daniel P. Glavin, Walter Goetz, Noël Grand, Fabien Stalport, Moncef Stambouli, Harald Steininger, William B. Brinckerhoff, Fred Goesmann. How TMAH Thermochemolysis can improve the detection of trace organic matter on Mars using the MOMA-Pyr-GC-MS experiment aboard the ExoMars-2020, 2017-04-24. (
    • William B. Brinckerhoff, Veronica T. Pinnick, Ryan Danell, Friso H. W. van Amerom, Ricardo D. Arevalo, Andrej Grubisic, Xiang Li, Caroline Freissinet, Zhiping Chu, Marco Castillo, Chris Johnson, Cyril Szopa, Fabien Stalport, Arnaud Buch, Tristan Allain, Noël Grand, François Raulin, Walter Goetz, Harald Steininger, Fred Goesmann. Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Flight Model Qualification, 2017-03-20. (
    • Walter Goetz, Ricardo Arevalo, Veronica Pinnick, Ryan Danell, Stéphanie Getty, M. Oehlke, H. John, Xiaojian Li, A. Grubisic, W. Brinckerhoff, Harald Steininger, Fred Goesmann, S. Siljeström, François Raulin, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch. Characterization of Mineral Targets by Laser Desorption and Ionization in Preparation of the MOMA Investigation Onboard the ExoMars-2018 Rover, 2016-03-21. (
    • M. Morisson, A. Buch, Cyril Szopa, Daniel Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, V. Pinnick, W. Goetz, M Stambouli, Imène Belmahdi, Patrice Coll, F. Stalport, N. Grand, William B. Brinckerhoff, Fred Goesmann, François Raulin, Paul R. Mahaffy. Search for Organic Material on Mars with the Thermochemolysis Derivatization Technique Onboard the MOMA Experiment, 2016-03-21. (
    • Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Roger E. Summons, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, P. D. Archer Jr., William B. Brinckerhoff, Anna E. Brunner, Michel Cabane, Heather B. Franz, S. Kashyap, Charles A. Malespin, M. Martin, Maeva Millan, K. Miller, Rafael Navarro-González, B. D. Prats, A. Steele, S. Teinturier, Paul R. Mahaffy. First Detection of Non-Chlorinated Organic Molecules Indigenous to a Martian Sample, 2016-03-21. (
    • Thomas Gautier, Isabelle Schmitz-Afonso, Nathalie Carrasco, D. Touboul, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Pascal Pernot. HPLC-Orbitrap analysis for identification of organic molecules in complex material, 2015-09-27. (
    • Imene Belmahdi, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel Glavin, Pascaline François, Patrice J. Coll, J. Eigenbrode, A. R. Navarro-Gonzalez, T. Dequaire, Maeva Millan, S. Teinturier, Jean-Yves Bonnet, P. Mahaffy, Michel Cabane. Constraining the source of chlorinated hydrocarbons detected on Mars with the SAM experiment onboard Curiosity, 2015-09-27. (
    • Caroline Freissinet, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, V. Pinnick, M. Morisson, Noël Grand, François Raulin, William B. Brinckerhoff. Enantiomeric derivatization on the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) experiment aboard ExoMars 2018: how to unravel martian chirality, 2015-09-27. (
    • Marietta Morisson, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Nathalie Carrasco, Thomas Gautier. Titan's Organic Aerosols : Molecular Composition And Structure Inferred From Systematic Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Analogues, 2015-04-12. (
    • Cyril Szopa, Patrice Coll, Michel Cabane, Arnaud Buch, David Coscia, Maeva Millan, Pascaline François, Imene Belmahadi, Samuel Teinturier, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Daniel Glavin, Caroline Freissinet, Andrew Steele, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Paul Mahaffy. In Situ Analysis of Mars Soil and Rocks Sample with the Sam Gcms Instrumentation Onboard Curiosity : Interpretation and Comparison of Measurements Done during the First Martian Year of Curiosity on Mars, 2014-12-15. (
    • Marietta Morisson, Cyril Szopa, Nathalie Carrasco, Arnaud Buch, Thomas Gautier. Characterization of the Chemical Composition of TITAN’S Aerosols Analogues with a Systematic Pyrolysis-GCMS Analysis Approach, 2014-12-15. (
    • Arnaud Buch, Imene Belmahdi, Cyril Szopa, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel Glavin, Amy Mcadam, Pascaline François, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Patrice Coll, Kristen Miller, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Roger Summons, Jennifer Stern, Samuel Teinturier, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Maeva Millan, Tristan Dequaire, Michel Cabane, Paul Mahaffy. Determination of the Possible Source of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Detected By SAM during MSL Mission, 2014-12-15. (
    • Noël Grand, Arnaud Buch, Veronica Pinnick, Cyril Szopa, Olivier Humeau, Ryan Danell, Friso H. W. van Amerom, Caroline Freissinet, Daniel Glavin, Imene Belmahdi, Patrice Coll, Benjamin Lustrement, William Brinckerhoff, Ricardo Arevalo, Fabien Stalport, Harald Steininger, Fred Goesmann, François Raulin, Paul Mahaffy. Performances of the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) GC-MS suite aboard ExoMars Mission, 2014-12-15. (
    • Kristen Miller, Roger Summons, Daniel Glavin, Mildred Martin, Jennifer Eigenbrode, Cyril Szopa, Arnaud Buch, Imene Belmahadi. An Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Trap as a Potential Source of Organic Compounds Detected by the SAM Instrument on the Curiosity Rover, 2014-12-15. (
    • Eric Quirico, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Arnaud Buch, Roland Thissen, Cyril Szopa, Nathalie Carrasco, Guy Cernogora, Nicolas Fray, Hervé Cottin, Léna Le Roy, Gilles Montagnac, Emmanuel Dartois, Rosario Brunetto, Cécile Engrand, Jean Duprat. New Analogs of Cometary Nitrogen-Rich Refractory Organics and Comparison with UltraCarbonaceous MicroMeteorites, 2014-09-08. (
    • Cyril Szopa, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Paul Mahaffy, Arnaud Buch, Jean-Pierre Goutail, Michel Cabane, Daniel Glavin, Jean-Jacques Correia, Patrice Coll, Caroline Freissinet, Mustapha Meftah, David Coscia, Samuel Teinturier, Anna Brunner, Jean-Yves Bonnet, Maeva Millan. Gas-Chromatographic analysis of Mars soil samples with the SAM instrument onboard Curiosity - the 359 first sols, 2014-08-02. (
    • Patrice Coll, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, François Raulin, David Coscia, Sandra I. Ramirez, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Olivier Poch, Michel Cabane, Coralie Brassé. Putative cryomagma interaction with aerosols deposit at Titan's surface, 2014-08-02. (
    • Jennifer C. Stern, Rafael Navarro-González, Caroline Freissinet, Christopher P. Mckay, Paul D. Archer, A. Buch, Anna E. Brunner, Patrice Coll, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Heather B. Franz, Daniel P. Glavin, Amy C. Mcadam, D. W. Ming, A. Steele, B. Sutter, Cyril Szopa, J. J. Wray, Pamela G. Conrad, Paul R. Mahaffy. Detection and Quantification of Nitrogen Compounds in the First Drilled Martian Solid Samples by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Instrument Suite on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), 2014-03-17. (
    • Cyril Szopa, Michel Cabane, Patrice Coll, David Coscia, Arnaud Buch, Samuel Teinturier, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Jean-Pierre Goutail, Christophe Montaron, Jean-Baptiste Rigal, Patrick Poinsignon, Vincent Guerrini, Marie-Sophie Clerc, Mustapha Meftah, L. Soldani, F. Mettetal, M. Jerôme, C. Philippon, Alexandre Galic, J. Sablairolles, S. Triqueneaux, D. Chazot, B. Toffolo, F. Y. Rakoto, A. Gaboriaud, P. Mahaffy. Gas-Chromatographic analysis of Mars soil samples with the SAM instrument onboard Curiosity - the 180 first sols, 2013-09-08. (
    • Cyril Szopa, Pascaline François, Patrice J. Coll, Michel Cabane, David Coscia, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, Samuel Teinturier, Fabien Stalport, Arnaud Buch, Paul R. Mahaffy, Daniel Patrick Glavin, Caroline Freissinet. Search for organic molecules on Mars with the Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer of the Sample Analysis at Mars experiment onboard the MSL 2011 Curiosity rover, 2012-12-03. (
    • Nathalie Carrasco, Thomas Gautier, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Guy Cernogora. Gas phase chemistry in a plasma setup simulating Titan atmospheric reactivity, 2011-01-15. (
    • Edith Hadamcik, Jérémie Lasue, Anny Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Arnaud Buch, Nathalie Carrasco, Hervé Cottin, Nicolas Fray, Yuan Yong Guan, Cyril Szopa. Physical properties of interplanetary dust: laboratory and numerical simulations, 2010-07-15. (
    • M. Grosber-Manon, Dominique Pareau, M. Seiller, Arnaud Buch, J. El Bekri, J.-L. Grossiord, Moncef Stambouli. Rationalization of emulsification process used for detoxification, 2008-09-15. (
    • Z. Gamino-Arroyo, Moncef Stambouli, Arnaud Buch, Dominique Pareau, J. El Bekri, M. Avila-Rodriguez. Recovery of silver and gold from thiourea leach liquors by Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Dithiophosphoric acid, 2008-09-15. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 1 document
  • Thèse - 1 document