Paul-Henry Cournede

paul-henry.cournede [at]

Résumé :

  • # BJ, Centrale Paris (97), Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, University of Cambridge
  • # PhD Centrale Paris (2001), HDR Univ. Montpellier (2009)

Mots clés :

  • Biomathematics, Statistics, Statistical Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Oncology

Publications :

  • Communication dans un congrès - 76 documents
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Contrasted reaction norms of wheat yield in pure vs mixed stands explained by tillering plasticities and shade avoidance, 2024-08-26. (
    • Lama Dawi, Samy Ammari, Younes Belkouchi, Joya Hadchiti, L. Lawrance, F. Wirth, Aline Bertin, S. Morer, N. Billet, Corinne Balleyguier, Paul-Henry Cournede, Hugues Talbot, Nathalie Lassau. 1022MO Predicting overall survival of patients with melanoma and NSCLC treated with immunotherapy using AI combining total tumor volume and tumor heterogeneity on CT-Scans, 2023-10-20. (
    • Y. Belkouchi, L. Dawi, L. Lawrance, S. Ammari, D. Vasseur, F. Wirth, O. Gautier, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, J. Hadchiti, C. David, F. Bidault, C. Balleyguier, M. Kind, Hugues Talbot, A. Italiano, N. Lassau. 142P Correlating total tumor volume on CT-Scan and liquid biopsy ctDNA in 1017 patients with metastatic cancer: A novel study, 2023-10-20. (
    • Leo Fillioux, Joseph Boyd, Maria Vakalopoulou, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Stergios Christodoulidis. Structured State Space Models for Multiple Instance Learning in Digital Pathology, 2023-10-08. (
    • Leo Fillioux, Emilie Gontran, Jérôme Cartry, Jacques RR Mathieu, Sabrina Bedja, Alice Boilève, Paul-Henry Cournède, Fanny Jaulin, Stergios Christodoulidis, Maria Vakalopoulou. Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Patient-Derived Organoid Videos Using Deep Learning for the Prediction of Drug Efficacy, 2023-10-02. (
    • Paolo Ballarini, Mahmoud Bentriou, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. A Formal Approach for Tuning Stochastic Oscillators, 2023-09-13. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Developing WHEAMM, a new FSPM for the simulation of wheat cultivar mixtures. Feedbacks on model conception, sensitivity analysis and automatic calibration in Julia, 2023-04-06. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Etude des mélanges de variétés de blé tendre avec une approche interdisciplinaire entre expérimentation au champ et modélisation mécaniste, 2023-03-03. (
    • Hakim Benkirane, Maria Vakalopoulou, Stergios Christodoulidis, Ingrid-Judith Garberis, Stefan Michiels, Paul-Henry Cournède. Hyper-AdaC: Adaptive clustering-based hypergraph representation of whole slide images for survival analysis, 2022-11-28. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. WHEAMM: a new functional-structural plant model to study plastic responses to competition for light in wheat cultivar mixtures, 2022-10-03. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jérôme Enjalbert, Timothée Flutre. Normes de réaction et plasticité phénotypique des plantes selon l'hétérogénéité de leur voisinage: cas du blé en monoculture versus mélange variétal, 2022-05-30. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Towards the statistical inference of WHEAMM's parameters, 2022-02-04. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. WHEAMM : a functional-structural model to study the quantitative genetics of wheat variety mixtures, 2021-12-06. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Comprendre les normes de réactions dans les mélanges intraspécifiques à l'aide d'un modèle et d'une expérience à l'échelle de la plante, 2021-06-21. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Developping WHEAMM, a functional-structural model of wheat variety mixtures to study the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity in an agricultural context, 2020-11-05. (
    • Elvire Roblin, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Stefan Michiels. On the Use of Neural Networks with Censored Time-to-Event Data, 2020-10-08. (
    • Antonin Della Della Noce, Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Simulation de la densité limite de champ moyen pour des populations hétérogènes avec interactions, 2019-03-26. (
    • Xiangtuo Chen, Benoît Bayol, Paul-Henry Cournède. Application of Weighted Regression for the Prediction of Soft Wheat Production in France, 2018-11-04. (
    • Wendy Hammache, Théophile Lohier, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Crop recognition from sequential sentinel-1 images with lstm recurrent networks, 2018-11-04. (
    • Mahmoud Bentriou, Stefanella Boatto, Gautier Viaud, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Assimilation de données par filtrage particulaire régularisé dans un modèle d'épidémiologie, 2018-05-28. (
    • Antonin Della Della Noce, Amelie Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Modèles de population avec interactions : de la limite de champ moyen à l'approximation de champ moyen., 2018-05-28. (
    • Antonin Della Della Noce, Véronique Letort, Amandine Hansart, Charlotte Baey, Gautier Viaud, Sébastien Barot, Jean-Christophe Lata, Xavier Raynaud, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jacques Gignoux. Modeling the inter-individual variability of single-stemmed plant development, 2016-11-07. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Tiphaine Vidal, Alexandra Jullien, Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Sensitivity analysis to help individual plant model parameterization for winter oilseed rape, 2016-11-07. (
    • Etienne Claverie, Jérémie J. Lecoeur, Veronique Letort, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Modeling soil temperature to predict emergence, 2016-11-07. (
    • Katarina Streit, Michael Henke, Benoit Bayol, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Risto Sievaenen, Winfried Kurth. Impact of geometrical traits on light interception in conifers analysis using an FSPM for Scots pine, 2016-11-07. (
    • Irene Votsi, Paul-Henry Cournède. A data augmentation scheme embedding a sequential Monte Carlo method for Bayesian parameter inference in state space models, 2016-05-30. (
    • Gautier Viaud, Yuting Chen, Benoît Bayol, Paul-Henry Cournède. A Comparison of a Generic MCMC-Based Algorithm for Bayesian Estimation in C++, R and Julia. Application to Plant Growth Modeling, 2015-04-12. (
    • Benoît Bayol, Yuting Chen, Charlotte Baey, Gautier Viaud, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. WIP - Promoting good modeling practice with a domain-specific language and statistical algorithms designed for parallel computing, 2015-04. (
    • Benoit Bayol, Yuting Chen, Paul-Henry Cournède. Towards an EDSL to enhance good modelling practice for non-linear stochastic discrete dynamical models Application to plant growth models, 2013-07-29. (
    • Jacques Ramanathan, Yuting Chen, Paul-Henry Cournède. Optimal Control of Crop Irrigation based on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation, 2013-07-08. (
    • Yuting Chen, Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry Cournède. Iterative convolution particle filtering for nonlinear parameter estimation and data assimilation with application to crop yield prediction, 2013-07-08. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Benoît Bayol, Fenni Kang, Jérémie Lecoeur, Paul-Henry Cournède. Sensitivity Analysis for Plant Models with Correlated Parameters: Application to the Characterization of Sun flower Genotypes, 2013-07-01. (
    • Yuting Chen, Samis Trevezas, Aman Gupta, Paul-Henry Cournède. Some sequential Monte Carlo techniques for Data Assimilation in a plant growth model, 2013-06-26. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry Cournède. A nonlinear mixed effects model to explain inter-individual variability in plant populations, 2013-06-25. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède. Assessment of Interactions in Complex Mechanistic Models using Global Sensitivity Analysis, 2013-06-17. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Jessica Bertheloot, Paul-Henry Cournède. Global sensitivity analysis of the NEMA model for its parameterization and biological diagnosis., 2013-06-09. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Jessica Bertheloot, Paul-Henry Cournède. A comprehensive global sensitivity analysis for biological model diagnosis and parameterization: application to the NEMA model, 2013-06-09. (
    • Robert Beyer, Paul-Henry Cournède. Modelling Competition in Crop Populations via Reaction-­Diffusion Foliage Dynamics. With an Outlook on Tree Modelling, 2013-06-09. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Anne Didier, Li Song, Sébastien Lemaire, Fabienne Maupas, Paul-Henry Cournède. Evaluation of the Predictive Capacity of Five Plant Growth Models for Sugar Beet, 2012-11. (
    • Fenni Kang, Veronique Letort, Hugo Magaldi, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémie Lecoeur. SUNLAB: a Functional-Structral Model for Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of the Sunflower Crop, 2012-10-31. (
    • Yuting Chen, Paul-Henry Cournède. Assessment of Parameter Uncertainty in Plant Growth Model Identification, 2012-10-31. (
    • Yuting Chen, Benoît Bayol, Cédric Loi, Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry Cournède. Filtrage par noyaux de convolution itératif, 2012-05-21. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède. A methodology to study Complex Biophysical Systems with Global Sensitivity Analysis, 2011-09-18. (
    • Cédric Loi, Paul-Henry Cournède, Samis Trevezas. Bayesian Estimation in Functional-Structural Plant Models with Stochastic Organogenesis, 2011-06-07. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Paul-Henry Cournède. Using a hierarchical segmented model to assess the dynamics of leaf appearance in plant populations., 2011-06-07. (
    • Xiujuan X. Wang, Amélie A. Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jean Michel J. M. Allirand, Alexandra A. Jullien, Philippe Verchère de Reffye de Reffye, Bao Gui B. G. Zhang. Effects of pod position and its appearance time on pod and seed abortion in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), 2011-06-05. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède. Sensitivity analysis of GreenLab model for maize, 2010-11-09. (
    • X. Wang, Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jean Michel Allirand, Alexandra Jullien, Philippe Verchère de Reffye, B.G. Zhang. Calibration of a probabilistic model of oilseed rape fertility to analyze the inter-variety variability in number of seeds, 2010-09-12. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Jessica Bertheloot, Amélie Mathieu, Bruno Andrieu, Paul-Henry Cournède. Assessment of Non-Linearity in Functional-Structural Plant Models, 2010-09-12. (
    • Jessica Bertheloot, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Q. Wu, Bruno Andrieu. A functional-structural model of nitrogen economy within wheat culms after flowering, 2010-08-29. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède. The use of Sensitivity Analysis for the design of Functional Structural Plant Models, 2010-07-19. (
    • Cedric Loi, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jean Françon. A symbolic method to compute the probability distribution of the number of pattern occurences in random texts generated by stochastic 0L-systems, 2010. (
    • Véronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. Impact of topology on plant functioning : a theoretical analysis based on the GreenLab model equations, 2009-11-09. (
    • Zhongping Li, Vincent Le Chevalier, Paul-Henry Cournède. Towards a continuous approach of functional-structural plant growth, 2009-11-09. (
    • Cedric Loi, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jean Françon. Plants as Combinatorial Structures and Applications, 2009-11-09. (
    • Wang Xiujuan, Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jean-Michel Allirand, Alexandra Jullien, Philippe de Reffye, Bao Gui Zhang. Stochastic models in floral biology and its application to the study of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) fertility, 2009-11-09. (
    • Benoit Pallas, Cedric Loi, Angélique Christophe, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémie Lecoeur. A stochastic growth model of grapevine with full interaction between environment, trophic competition and plant development., 2009-11-09. (
    • Xiujuan Wang, Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jean Michel Allirand, Philippe Verchère de Reffye, Alexandra Jullien, Bao Gui Zhang. Stochastic models in floral biology and application to the study of oilseed rape fertility, 2009-11-09. (
    • Alexandra Jullien, Amélie Mathieu, Jean Michel Allirand, Amélie Pinet, Philippe Verchère de Reffye, Bertrand Ney, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Modelling of branch and flower expansion in GreenLab model to account for the whole crop cycle of Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L.), 2009-11-03. (
    • Paul-Henry Cournède, Thomas Guyard, Benoit Bayol, Sébastien Griffon, François de Coligny, Philippe Borianne, Marc Jaeger, Philippe de Reffye. A Forest Growth Simulator Based on Functional-Structural Modelling of Individual Trees, 2009-11. (
    • Sébastien Lemaire, Fabienne Maupas, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jean-Michel Allirand, Bertrand Ney, P. de Reffye. Analysis of the density effects on the source-sink dynamics in Sugar-Beet growth, 2009-11. (
    • P. de Reffye, Sébastien Lemaire, Nitish Srivastava, Fabienne Maupas, Paul-Henry Cournède. Modeling Inter-Individual Variability in Sugar Beet Populations, 2009-11. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Véronique Letort, Renaud Gosset, Jacques Gignoux, Paul-Henry Cournède. Simulation of morphological plasticity of Acacia tortilis in response to herbivore attacks, 2009. (
    • Meng Zhen Kang, Paul-Henry Cournède, Amélie Mathieu, Véronique Letort, Rui Qi, Zhi Gang Zhan. A Functional-Structural Plant Model-Theory and Applications in Agronomy, 2008-04-19. (
    • Sébastien Lemaire, Fabienne Maupas, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. A morphogenetic crop model for sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.), 2008-04-19. (
    • Daniel Auclair, Jean-François Barczi, Daniel Barthélémy, Frédéric Blaise, Yves Caraglio, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Thierry Fourcaud, Patrick Heuret, Marc Jaeger, Philippe Verchère de Reffye. Analyse et modélisation de l'architecture des Plantes, 2008-03-27. (
    • Cedric Loi, Paul Henry Cournède. Generating Functions of Stochastic L-Systems and Application to Models of Plant Development, 2008. (
    • Alexandra Jullien, Jean Michel Allirand, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, A. Matthieu, P. de Reffye, Bertrand Ney. Is it possible to simulate rapeseed organ mass in relation to N nutrition ? Calibration of the functional-structural model GREENLAB for the oilseed rape Brassica napus L. during the vegetative phase for two nitrogen nutrition levels, 2007-03-26. (
    • Hong Guo, Veronique Letort, Lingxia Hong, Thierry Fourcaud, Paul-Henry Cournède, Yuanchang Lu, Philippe de Reffye. Adaptation of the GreenLab model for analyzing sink-source relationships in Chinese Pine saplings, 2006-11-13. (
    • Veronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémie Lecoeur, Irène Hummel, Philippe de Reffye, Angélique Christophe. Effect of topological and phenological changes on biomass partitioning in Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence: a preliminary model-based study, 2006-11-13. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Daniel Barthélémy, Philippe de Reffye. Generation of rhythms in plant development controlled by their functioning: theoretical and numerical study, 2006-11-13. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Daniel Barthélémy, Philippe de Reffye. Rhythms and alternating patterns in plants as emergent properties of a model of interaction between development and functioning, 2006-11-13. (
    • Veronique Letort, Paul Mahe, Paul-Henry Cournède, P. de Reffye, Brigitte Courtois. Optimizing plant growth model parameters for genetic selection based on QTL mapping, 2006-11. (
    • L. Wu, François-Xavier Le Dimet, B.G. Hu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. A Water Supply Optimization Problem for Plant Growth Based on GreenLab Model, 2004-11-22. (
    • M.Z. Kang, Paul-Henry Cournède, J. Le Roux, Philippe de Reffye, B.G. Hu. Theoretical Study and Numerical Simulation of a Stochastic Model for Plant Growth, 2004-11-22. (
    • Amelie Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. The Influence of Photosynthesis on the Number of Metamers per Growth Unit in GreenLab Model, 2004-06. (
  • Article dans une revue - 93 documents
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. Contrasted reaction norms of wheat yield in pure vs mixed stands explained by tillering plasticities and shade avoidance, 2024-04. (
    • M. Bottosso, F. Mosele, S. Michiels, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, S. Dogan, C. Labaki, F Fabrice André. Moving toward precision medicine to predict drug sensitivity in patients with metastatic breast cancer, 2024-02-23. (
    • Elvire Roblin, Paul-Henry Cournède, Stefan Michiels. Confidence intervals of survival predictions with neural networks trained on molecular data, 2024. (
    • S. Dogan, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, E. Solary, J.-M. Heard, M. Aldea, T. Conroy, C. Robert, F. André. Moving toward precision oncology centers V2.0, 2023-12. (
    • Julien Duquesne, Vincent Bouget, Paul-Henry Cournede, Bruno Fautrel, Francis Guillemin, Pascal de Jong, Judith Heutz, Samuel Bitoun, Marloes Verstappen, Annette van der Helm-van Mil, Xavier Mariette. Machine learning identifies a profile of inadequate responder to methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis, 2023-11-23. (
    • Jean Courcier, Ingrid Leguerney, Baya Benatsou, Sibylle Pochon, Isabelle Tardy, Laurence Albiges, Paul-Henry Cournède, Alexandre de la Taille, Nathalie Lassau, Alexandre Ingels. BR55 Ultrasound Molecular Imaging of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Reflects Tumor Vascular Expression of VEGFR-2 in a Patient-Derived Xenograft Model, 2023-11-11. (
    • Gurvan Hermange, Paul-Henry Cournède, Isabelle Plo. Optimizing IFN Alpha Therapy against Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, 2023-10-30. (
    • Quentin Blampey, Nadège Bercovici, Charles-Antoine Dutertre, Isabelle Pic, Joana Mourato Ribeiro, Fabrice André, Paul-Henry Cournède. A biology-driven deep generative model for cell-type annotation in cytometry, 2023-09-20. (
    • Romain Lhotte, Véronique Letort, Cédric Usureau, Debora Jorge-Cordeiro, Jérémy Siemowski, Lionel Gabet, Paul‐henry Cournede, Jean‐luc Taupin. Improving HLA typing imputation accuracy and eplet identification with local next‐generation sequencing training data, 2023-09-15. (
    • Pierre Decazes, Samy Ammari, Younes Belkouchi, Léo Mottay, Littisha Lawrance, Antoine de Prévia, Hugues Talbot, Siham Farhane, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Aurelien Marabelle, Florian Guisier, David Planchard, Tony Ibrahim, Caroline Robert, Fabrice Barlesi, Pierre Vera, Nathalie Lassau. Synergic prognostic value of 3D CT scan subcutaneous fat and muscle masses for immunotherapy-treated cancer, 2023-09-07. (
    • Younes Belkouchi, Hugues Talbot, Nathalie Lassau, Littisha Lawrance, Siham Farhane, Rahma Feki-Mkaouar, Joya Hadchiti, Lama Dawi, Julien Vibert, Paul-Henry Cournède, Clara Cousteix, Camille Mazza, Michele Kind, Antoine Italiano, Aurelien Marabelle, Samy Ammari, Stephane Champiat. Better than RECIST and Faster than iRECIST: Defining the Immunotherapy Progression Decision Score to Better Manage Progressive Tumors on Immunotherapy, 2023-04-14. (
    • Isaline Hoferer, Laurene Jourdain, Charly Girot, Baya Benatsou, Ingrid Leguerney, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Abderahmane Marouf, Yannick Hoarau, Nathalie Lassau, Stephanie Pitre-Champagnat. New calibration setup for quantitative DCE‐US imaging protocol: Toward standardization, 2023. (
    • Hakim Benkirane, Yoann Pradat, Stefan Michiels, P. H. Cournède. CustOmics: A versatile deep-learning based strategy for multi-omics integration, 2023. (
    • Yoann Pradat, J. Viot, Andrey A. Yurchenko, Konstantin Vladimirovich Gunbin, L. Cerbone, M. Deloger, Guillaume Grisay, Loïc Verlingue, V. Scott, Ismaël Padioleau, Leonardo Panunzi, Stefan Michiels, A. Hollebecque, G. Jules-Clément, Laura Mezquita, A. Lainé, Yohann Loriot, Benjamin Besse, L. Friboulet, Fabrice André, P. H. Cournède, D. Gautheret, Sergey I. Nikolaev. Integrative Pan-Cancer Genomic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Refractory Metastatic Cancer, 2023. (
    • Gautier Viaud, Yuting Chen, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Full Bayesian inference in hidden Markov models of plant growth, 2022-12-01. (
    • Gurvan Hermange, Alicia Rakotonirainy, Mahmoud Bentriou, Amandine Tisserand, Mira El-Khoury, François Girodon, Christophe Marzac, William Vainchenker, Isabelle Plo, Paul-Henry Cournède. Inferring the initiation and development of myeloproliferative neoplasms, 2022-09-09. (
    • Younes Belkouchi, Hugues Talbot, Nathalie Lassau, L. Lawrance, S. Farhane, R. Feki-Mkaouar, J. Vibert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, A. Marabelle, S. Ammari, S. Champiat. Better than RECIST and faster than iRECIST: Defining the immunotherapy progression decision score to better manage progressive tumors on immunotherapy, 2022-09. (
    • Gurvan Hermange, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Isabelle Plo. Modélisation mathématique de l'hématopoïèse et des hémopathies : développement, dynamique et traitement, 2022-07-01. (
    • Martin Charachon, Paul-Henry Cournède, Céline Hudelot, Roberto Ardon. Leveraging conditional generative models in a general explanation framework of classifier decisions, 2022-07. (
    • Raphael Naccache, Younes Belkouchi, Littisha Lawrance, Baya Benatsou, Joya Hadchiti, Paul-Henry Cournede, Samy Ammari, Hugues Talbot, Nathalie Lassau. Prediction of Early Response to Immunotherapy: DCE-US as a New Biomarker, 2022-03. (
    • Younes Belkouchi, Laetitia Nebot-Bral, Littisha Lawrance, Michele Kind, Clémence David, Samy Ammari, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Hugues Talbot, Perrine Vuagnat, Cristina Smolenschi, Patricia L Kannouche, Nathalie Chaput, Nathalie Lassau, Antoine Hollebecque. Predicting immunotherapy outcomes in patients with MSI tumors using NLR and CT global tumor volume, 2022. (
    • Vincent Bouget, Julien Duquesne, Signe Hassler, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Bruno Fautrel, Francis Guillemin, Marc Pallardy, Philippe Broët, Xavier Mariette, Samuel Bitoun. Machine Learning Predicts Response to TNF Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results on the ESPOIR and ABIRISK Cohorts, 2022. (
    • Mahmoud Bentriou, Paolo Ballarini, Paul-Henry Cournède. Automaton-ABC: A statistical method to estimate the probability of spatio-temporal properties for parametric Markov population models, 2021-11. (
    • D. Logothetis, S. Malefaki, S. Trevezas, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Bayesian Estimation for the GreenLab Plant Growth Model with Deterministic Organogenesis, 2021-08-18. (
    • Matthieu Mosca, Gurvan Hermange, Amandine Tisserand, Robert John Noble, Christophe Marzac, Caroline Marty, Cécile Le Sueur, Hugo Campario, Gaëlle Vertenoeil, Mira El-Khoury, Cyril Catelain, Philippe Rameau, Cyril Gella, Julien Lenglet, Nicole Casadevall, Remi Favier, Eric Solary, Bruno Cassinat, Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Stefan Constantinescu, Florence Pasquier, Michael Hochberg, Hana Raslova, Jean-Luc J.-L. Villeval, François Girodon, William Vainchenker, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Isabelle Plo. Inferring the dynamic of mutated hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells induced by IFNα in myeloproliferative neoplasms, 2021-08-18. (
    • Alexandre Ingels, Ingrid Leguerney, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jacques Irani, Sophie Ferlicot, Catherine Sébrié, Baya Benatsou, Laurène Jourdain, Stéphanie Pitre-Champagnat, Jean-Jacques Patard, Nathalie Lassau. Ultrasound Molecular Imaging of Renal Cell Carcinoma: VEGFR targeted therapy monitored with VEGFR1 and FSHR targeted microbubbles, 2020-12. (
    • A. Della Noce, M. Carrier, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Optimal control of non-smooth greenhouse models, 2020-11. (
    • Alison Dormieux, Laura Mezquita, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jordi Remon, Melodie Tazdait, Ludovic Lacroix, Etienne Rouleau, Julien Adam, Maria-Virginia Bluthgen, Francesco Facchinetti, Lambros Tselikas, Frank Aboubakar, Charles Naltet, Pernelle Lavaud, Anas Gazzah, Cécile Le Pechoux, Nathalie Lassau, Corinne Balleyguier, David Planchard, Benjamin Besse, Caroline Caramella. Association of metastatic pattern and molecular status in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer adenocarcinoma, 2020-09. (
    • Diana Tronik-Le Roux, Mathilde Sautreuil, Mahmoud Bentriou, Jérôme Verine, Maria Belén Palma, Marina Daouya, Fatiha Bouhidel, Sarah Lemler, Joel Lemaoult, François Desgrandchamps, Paul-Henry Cournède, Edgardo D. Carosella. Comprehensive landscape of immune-checkpoints uncovered in clear cell renal cell carcinoma reveals new and emerging therapeutic targets., 2020-07-01. (
    • Benjamin Besse, Alison Dormieux, Laura Mezquita, Renaud Monnet, Melodie Tazdait, Ludovic Lacroix, Etienne Rouleau, Julien Adam, Jordi Remon Masip, María Bluthgen, Francesco Facchinetti, Lambros Tzelikas, Pernelle Lavaud, Charles Naltet, Cecile Le Pechoux, Corinne Balleyguier, David Planchard, Nathalie Lassau, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Caroline Caramella. Prediction of the molecular status in non-small cell lung cancer based on metastatic pattern: A free webtool powered by artificial intelligence., 2020-05-20. (
    • Chloé Adam, Antoine Aliotti, Fragkiskos Malliaros, Paul-Henry Cournède. Dynamic monitoring of software use with recurrent neural networks, 2020. (
    • I. Alexandre, I. Leguerney, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, J. Irani, S. Ferlicot, C. Sebrié, B. Benatsou, L. Jourdain, G. Guillot, S. Pitre-Champagnat, J. Patard, N. Lassau. Échographie moléculaire dans le cancer du rein : modèle pré-clinique de suivi des traitements anti-angiogéniques à partir de microbulles couplées au VEGFR1 et FSHR, 2019-11. (
    • A. Dormieux, L. Mezquita, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, L. Lacroix, Emy Rouleau, J. Adam, F. Facchinetti, F. Aboubakar, M-V Bluthgen, C. Naltet, P. Lavaud, A. Gazzah, C. Le Pechoux, C. Balleyguier, D. Planchard, B. Besse, C. Caramella. Association of metastatic pattern and molecular status in metastatic lung non-small cell lung cancer adenocarcinomas, 2019-11. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Estelle Kuhn. Asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio test statistics for variance components in nonlinear mixed effects models, 2019-07. (
    • Julien Sainte-Marie, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Insights of Global Sensitivity Analysis in Biological Models with Dependent Parameters, 2019-03. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Tiphaine Vidal, Alexandra Jullien, Qiongli Wu, Camille Chambon, Benoit Bayol, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. A new methodology based on sensitivity analysis to simplify the recalibration of functional–structural plant models in new conditions, 2018. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Amélie Mathieu, Alexandra Jullien, Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Mixed-Effects Estimation in Dynamic Models of Plant Growth for the Assessment of Inter-individual Variability, 2018. (
    • Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Robert Beyer, Dominik Bayer, Hans Pretzsch. Reconstructing minimal length tree branch systems from leaf positions, 2017-11. (
    • Robert Beyer, Dominik Bayer, Veronique Letort, Hans Pretzsch, Paul-Henry Cournède. Validation of a functional-structural tree model using terrestrial Lidar data, 2017-08. (
    • Robert Beyer, Veronique Letort, Dominik Bayer, Hans Pretzsch, Paul-Henry Cournède. Leaf density-based modelling of phototropic crown dynamics and long-term predictive application to European beech, 2017-03. (
    • Julien Sainte-Marie, Gautier Viaud, Paul-Henry Cournède. Indices de Sobol généralisés aux variables dépendantes : tests de performance de l’algorithme HOGS couplé à plusieurs estimateurs paramétriques, 2017. (
    • Xiangtuo Chen, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Model-Driven and Data-Driven Approaches for Crop Yield Prediction: Analysis and Comparison, 2017. (
    • Gautier Viaud, Olivier Loudet, Paul-Henry Cournede. Leaf segmentation and tracking in arabidopsis thaliana combined to an organ-scale plant model for genotypic differentiation, 2017. (
    • Konstantinos Koutroumpas, Paolo Ballarini, Irene Votsi, Paul-Henry Cournède. Bayesian parameter estimation for the Wnt pathway: an infinite mixture models approach, 2016-08-29. (
    • David Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Paul-Henry Cournède, Emmanuel de Langre. Turgidity-dependent petiole flexibility enables efficient water use by a tree subjected to water stress, 2016-06. (
    • Chloé Adam, Antoine Aliotti, Paul-Henry Cournède. Learning from User Workflows for the Characterization and Prediction of Software Crashes, 2016. (
    • Yuting Chen, Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry Cournède. A Regularized Particle Filter EM Algorithm Based on Gaussian Randomization with an Application to Plant Growth Modeling, 2015-12. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry Cournède. A nonlinear mixed effects model of plant growth and estimation via stochastic variants of the EM algorithm., 2015-04-23. (
    • Robert Beyer, Octave Etard, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Pascal Laurent-Gengoux. Modeling spatial competition for light in plant populations with the porous medium equation, 2015. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède. A comprehensive methodology of global sensitivity analysis for complex mechanistic models with an application to plant growth, 2014-12. (
    • Samis Trevezas, Sonia Malefaki, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède. Parameter estimation via stochastic variants of the ECM algorithm with applications to plant growth modeling, 2014-10. (
    • Cedric Loi, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jean Françon. A Symbolic Method to Analyse Patterns in Plant Structure, 2014-09. (
    • Robert Beyer, Véronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède. Modeling tree crown dynamics with 3D partial differential equations, 2014-07-21. (
    • Fenni Kang, Paul-Henry Cournede, Jeremie Lecoeur, Véronique Letort. Sunlab: a Functional-Structural Model for Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of the Sunflower Crop, 2014-03-15. (
    • Corina Iovan, Paul-Henry Cournède, Thomas Guyard, Benoît Bayol, Dider Boldo, Matthieu Cord. Model-Based Analysis-Synthesis for Realistic Tree Reconstruction and Growth Simulation, 2014-02. (
    • Yuting Chen, Paul-Henry Cournède. Data assimilation to reduce uncertainty of crop model prediction with convolution particle filtering, 2014-01-30. (
    • Xiu Juan Wang, Amélie Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, B G Zhang, Philippe de Reffye. Application of a probabilistic model for analysing the abortion of seeds and pods in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus), 2014. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Anne Didier, Sébastien Lemaire, Fabienne Maupas, Paul-Henry Cournède. Parametrization of five classical plant growth models applied to sugar beet and comparison of their predictive capacities on root yield and total biomass, 2014. (
    • Paul-Henry Cournède, Yuting Chen, Qiongli Wu, Charlotte Baey, Benoît Bayol. Development and Evaluation of Plant Growth Models: Methodology and Implementation in the PYGMALION platform, 2013-06-30. (
    • Samis Trevezas, Paul-Henry Cournède. A sequential Monte Carlo approach for MLE in a plant growth model, 2013-03. (
    • Charlotte Baey, Anne Didier, Lemaire Sébastien, Fabienne Maupas, Paul-Henry Cournède. Modelling the interindividual variability of organogenesis in sugar beet populations using a hierarchical segmented model, 2013. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Veronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède, Baogui Zhang, Patrick Heuret, Philippe de Reffye. Oscillations in Functional Structural Plant Growth Models, 2012-12-12. (
    • Hong Guo, Xiangdong Lei, Paul-Henry Cournède, Veronique Letort. Characterization of the effects of inter-tree competition on source-sink balance in Chinese pine trees with the GreenLab model, 2012-02-05. (
    • Katarina Smolenova, Winfried Kurth, Paul-Henry Cournède. Parallel Graph Grammars with Instantiation Rules Allow Efficient Structural Factorization of Virtual Vegetation, 2012. (
    • Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Amélie Mathieu. An efficient computational method for global sensitivity analysis and its application to tree growth modelling, 2012. (
    • Lin Wu, François-Xavier Le Dimet, Philippe de Reffye, Bao-Gang Hu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Meng-Zhen Kang. An optimal control methodology for plant growth--Case study of a water supply problem of sunflower, 2012-01. (
    • Jessica Bertheloot, Qiongli Wu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Bruno Andrieu. NEMA, a functional-structural model of nitrogen economy within wheat culms after flowering. II. Evaluation and sensitivity analysis, 2011-06-17. (
    • Paul-Henry Cournède, Veronique Letort, Amélie Mathieu, Meng Zhen Kang, Sébastien Lemaire, Samis Trevezas, François Houllier, Philippe de Reffye. Some Parameter Estimation Issues in Functional-Structural Plant Modelling, 2011. (
    • Alexandra Jullien, Amélie Mathieu, Jean-Michel Allirand, Amélie Pinet, Philippe de Reffye, Paul-Henry Cournède, Bertrand Ney. Characterization of the interactions between architecture and source-sink relationships in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) using the GreenLab model, 2011. (
    • Yuntao Ma, A. M. Wubs, E. Heuvelink, Amélie Mathieu, J. Y. Zhu, Bao-Gang Hu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. Simulation of fruit-set and trophic competition and optimization of yield advantages in six Capsicum cultivars using functional-structural plant modelling, 2011. (
    • Jessica Bertheloot, Paul-Henry Cournède, Bruno Andrieu. NEMA, a functional-structural model of nitrogen economy within wheat culms after flowering. I.Model description, 2011. (
    • Xiujuan X. Wang, Amélie A. Mathieu, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Jean Michel J. M. Allirand, Alexandra A. Jullien, Philippe Verchère de Reffye de Reffye, Bao Gui B. G. Zhang. Variability and regulation of the number of ovules, seeds and pods according to assimilate availability in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)., 2011. (
    • Rui Qi, Yuntao Ma, Baogang Hu, Philippe de Reffye, Paul-Henry Cournède. Optimization of source-sink dynamics in plant growth for ideotype breeding: a case study on maize, 2010-04. (
    • Benoît Pallas, Cedric Loi, Angélique Christophe, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémy Lecoeur. Comparison of three approaches to model grapevine organogenesis in conditions of fluctuating temperature, solar radiation and soil water content, 2010. (
    • A. Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Véronique Letort, Daniel Barthélémy, P. de Reffye. A dynamic model of plant growth with interactions between development and functional mechanisms to study plant structural plasticity related to trophic competition., 2009-06. (
    • Philippe de Reffye, Marc Jaeger, Paul-Henry Cournède. Une histoire de la modélisation des plantes, 2009-04-21. (
    • Benoit Pallas, Angélique Christophe, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémie Lecoeur. Using a mathematical model to evaluate the trophic and non-trophic determinants of axis development in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), 2009. (
    • Benoit Pallas, Angélique Christophe, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémie Lecoeur. Using a mathematical model to evaluate the trophic and non-trophic determinants of axis development in grapevine, 2009. (
    • Rui Qi, Véronique Letort, M. Z. Kang, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye, Thierry Fourcaud. Application of the GreenLab model to simulate and optimize wood production and tree stability: a theoretical study, 2009. (
    • M. Z. Kang, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye, Daniel Auclair, Bao-Gang Hu. Analytical study of a stochastic plant growth model: application to the GreenLab model, 2008. (
    • Paul-Henry Cournède, Amélie Mathieu, François Houllier, Daniel Barthélémy, Philippe de Reffye. Computing competition for light in the GREENLAB model of plant growth: a contribution to the study of the effects of density on resource acquisition and architectural development., 2008. (
    • Amélie Mathieu, Daniel Barthélémy, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. Rhythms and alternating patterns in plants as emergent properties of a model of interaction between development and functioning, 2008. (
    • Véronique Letort, Paul Mahe, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye, Brigitte Courtois. Quantitative genetics and functional-structural plant growth models : Simulation of quantitative trait loci detection for model parameters and application to potential yield optimization, 2008. (
    • Angélique Christophe, Veronique Letort, Irène Hummel, Paul-Henry Cournède, P. de Reffye, Jérémie Lecoeur. A model-based analysis of the dynamics of carbon balance at the whole-plant level in Arabidopsis thaliana, 2008. (
    • Yuntao Ma, Wen Meiping, Yan Guo, Baoguo Li, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. Parameter optimization and field validation of the functional-structural model GREENLAB for Maize at different population densities, 2008. (
    • Shuang-Hong Yang, Bao-Gang Hu, Paul-Henry Cournède. Structural Identifiability of Generalized Constraint Neural Network Models for Nonlinear Regression, 2008. (
    • Veronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède, Amélie Mathieu, Philippe de Reffye, Thiéry Constant. Parametric identification of a functional-structural tree growth model and application to beech trees (Fagus sylvatica), 2008. (
    • Vincent Le Chevalier, Marc Jaeger, Xing Mei, Paul-Henry Cournède. Simulation and Visualisation of Functional Landscapes: Effects of the Water Resource Competition between Plants, 2007-11. (
    • Amélie Rostand-Mathieu, Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. A dynamical model of plant growth with full retroaction between organogenesis and photosynthesis, 2006-08-22. (
    • Paul-Henry Cournède, M.Z. Kang, A. Mathieu, Jean-François Barczi, H.P. Yan, B.G. Hu, Philippe de Reffye. Structural Factorization of Plants to Compute their Functional and Architectural Growth, 2006. (
    • Bruno Koobus, Paul-Henry Cournède, Alain Dervieux. Positivity statements for a Mixed-Element-Volume scheme on fixed and moving grids, 2006. (
    • Lin Wu, Philippe de Reffye, Bao-Gang Hu, François-Xavier Le Dimet, Paul-Henry Cournède. A Water Supply Optimization Problem for Plant Growth Based on GreenLab Model, 2005-09-12. (
    • Paul-Henry Cournède, Philippe de Reffye. GreenLab: A Dynamical Model of Plant Growth for Environmental Applications, 2005. (
  • Pré-publication, Document de travail - 6 documents
  • POSTER - 5 documents
    • Younes Belkouchi, Hugues Talbot, Nathalie Lassau, Littisha Lawrance, Siham Farhane, Rahma Feki-Mkaouar, Julien Vibert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Clara Cousteix, Camille Mazza, Aurélien Marabelle, Samy Ammari, Stephane Champiat. Better than RECIST and faster than iRECIST: defining the Immunotherapy Progression Decision score to better manage progressive tumors on immunotherapy, 2022-09-09. (
    • Meije Gawinowski, Jérôme Enjalbert, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Timothée Flutre. WHEAMM: a functional-structural model to study plant growth and interactions with neighbors in wheat variety mixtures, 2020-10-05. (
    • Estelle Kuhn, Charlotte Baey, Paul Henry Cournède. Testing variance components in nonlinear mixed effects models. Application to plant growth modelling, 2017-07-24. (
    • Estelle Kuhn, Paul Henry Cournède, Charlotte Baey. Testing variance components in nonlinear mixed effects models. Application to plant growth modelling, 2016-12-09. (
    • Benoit Bayol, Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin, Faustino Chi, Evelyne Costes, Paul Henry Cournède, Winfried Kurth, Julien Sainte-Marie, Qinqin Long, Johannes Merklein, Vincent Migault, Benoit Pallas, Magalie Poirier-Pocovi, Christophe Pradal, Katarina Streit, Gautier Viaud. Multiscale Functional-Structural Plant Modelling at the Example of Apple Trees, 2016-11-07. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 13 documents
  • Rapport - 4 documents
  • PROCEEDINGS - 1 document
    • Frédéric Abergel, Marc Aiguier, Damien Challet, Paul-Henry P.-H. Cournède, Gilles Fay, Pauline Godillon-Lafitte. MMCS, Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems, 2014-12. (
  • Autre publication - 1 document
    • Samis Trevezas, Sonia Malefaki, Paul-Henry Cournède. Simulation techniques for parameter estimation via a stochastic ECM algorithm with applications to plant growth modeling, 2013-03. (
  • HDR - 1 document