Fernando Lopez Caballero
Laboratoire Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay
fernando.lopez-caballero [at] centralesupelec.fr
Résumé :
- Professor (Professeur)
- Responsible of MSc (Master Recherche) Program at CentraleSupélec
- Program Manager for MSc Civil Engineering specialising in Geotechnical Engineering GEO2/MSROE (Paris-Saclay University)
Mots clés :
- Geotechnical/Structural Earthquake Engineering, Physics-Based 3D Ground Motion Simulations, Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering, Surrogate simulation (Machine learning based models)
Publications :
- Article dans une revue - 58 documents
- Rini Kusumawardani, Muhsiung Chang, Togani Cahyadi Upomo, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Dadang Permana. A regional site response analysis of the Petobo area after the 2018.09.28 Palu–Donggala Indonesia earthquake using an equivalent-linear model, 2025-01-20. (https://hal.science/hal-04901148v1)
- Andrea Riaño, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Fabrice Hollender. Evaluating and Validating 3D Simulated MASW and SPAC In-Situ Tests in Argostoli, Greece, 2024-05-31. (https://hal.science/hal-04599501v1)
- Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. An open-source application software for spatial prediction of permanent displacements in earthquake-induced landslides by the Newmark sliding block method:, 2024-01-06. (https://hal.science/hal-04378746v1)
- Christian Noubissi Kountchou, Reza Taherzadeh, Guillaume Puel, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. An Optimized methodology of back-analysis and sensitivity analysis for settlement evaluation: Case study on a TBM on the Metro Line 12 extension in the Paris region, 2024-01-02. (https://hal.science/hal-04359268v1)
- Michaël Darche, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Bing Tie. Modal analysis of waveguide for the study of frequency bandgaps of a bounded periodic medium, 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04276219v1)
- Ricardo Gallardo, Esteban Saez Robert, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Modeling self-compaction and static stability of a copper filtered tailings pile under unsaturated conditions, 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04283659v1)
- Ricardo Gallardo, Esteban Saez Robert, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Cyclic and monotonic undrained response of unsaturated filtered copper tailings, 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04803470v1)
- Silvana Montoya Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Comparative Study of Homogenization Techniques for Evaluating the Bearing Capacity of Bimsoils under Shallow Foundations, 2023-10-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04229951v1)
- Michail Korres, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Filippo Gatti, Zentner Irmela, François Voldoire, Didier Clouteau, David Alejandro Castro Cruz. Enhanced seismic response prediction of critical structures via 3D regional scale physics-based earthquake simulation, 2023. (https://hal.science/hal-03424424v1)
- Christina Khalil, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Lifetime response of a liquefiable soil foundation-embankment system subjected to sequences of mainshocks and aftershocks, 2023. (https://hal.science/hal-04149459v1)
- David Alejandro Castro Cruz, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Fabrice Hollender, Elias El Haber, Mathieu Causse. Blind broad-band (0-10 Hz) numerical prediction of the 3-D near field seismic response of a Mw6.0 extended fault scenario: application to the nuclear site of Cadarache (France), 2023-01. (https://hal.science/hal-03764394v1)
- Sara Touhami, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Régis Cottereau, Lúcio de Abreu Corrêa, Ludovic Aubry, Didier Clouteau. SEM3D: A 3D High-Fidelity Numerical Earthquake Simulator for Broadband (0-10 Hz) Seismic Response Prediction at a Regional Scale, 2022-03-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03593533v1)
- Reine Fares, David Alejandro Castro Cruz, Evelyne Foerster, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti. Coupling spectral and Finite Element methods for 3D physic-based seismic analysis from fault to structure: Application to the Cadarache site in France, 2022. (https://hal.science/hal-03769716v1)
- David Castro-Cruz, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Assessing the impact of regional geology on the ground motion model variability at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (Japan) via physics-based numerical simulation, 2021-09-01. (https://hal.science/hal-03325660v1)
- Flomin Tchawe Nziaha, Celine Gelis, Luis Fabian Bonilla, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Effects of 2-D random velocity perturbations on 2-D SH short-period ground motion simulations in the basin of Nice, France, 2021-08. (https://hal.science/hal-03200204v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Probabilistic seismic analysis for liquefiable embankment through multi-fidelity codes approach, 2021-06-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03249938v1)
- E. El Haber, C. Cornou, D. Jongmans, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, D. Youssef Abdelmassih, T. Al-Bittar. Impact of spatial variability of shear wave velocity on the lagged coherency of synthetic surface ground motions, 2021-06. (https://hal.science/hal-03176493v1)
- David Castro-Cruz, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. High-fidelity broadband prediction of regional seismic response: a hybrid coupling of physics-based synthetic simulation and empirical Green functions, 2021-05-01. (https://hal.science/hal-03216032v1)
- Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Didier Clouteau. A holistic approach of numerical analysis of the geology effects on ground motion prediction : Argostoli site test, 2021-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03427394v1)
- Christina Khalil, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Survival analysis of a liquefiable embankment subjected to sequential earthquakes, 2021. (https://hal.science/hal-02951186v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Claudia Aristizabal, Mauricio Sanchez-Silva. A model to estimate the lifetime of structures located in seismically active regions, 2020-04-30. (https://hal.science/hal-02542172v1)
- C. Berge-Thierry, F. Voldoire, F. Ragueneau, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, A. Le Maoult. Main Achievements of the Multidisciplinary SINAPS@ Research Project: Towards an Integrated Approach to Perform Seismic Safety Analysis of Nuclear Facilities, 2020. (https://hal.science/hal-02119567v1)
- E. El Haber, C. Cornou, D. Jongmans, D. Youssef Abdelmassih, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, T. Al-Bittar. Influence of 2D heterogeneous elastic soil properties on surface ground motion spatial variability, 2019-08. (https://hal.science/hal-02126090v1)
- Bernardo Caicedo, Cristhian Mendoza, Arcesio Lizcano, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Some contributions to mechanical behaviors of lacustrine deposit in Bogotá, Colombia, 2019. (https://hal.science/hal-02119573v1)
- Zakaria Bouraoui, Sadok Benmebarek, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Numerical Modeling of the Dynamic Behavior of Rigid Retaining Walls Subjected to Real Near-Fault Ground Motions and Estimation of Seismic Lateral Earth Pressures, 2018-11. (https://hal.science/hal-02395418v1)
- Julie Regnier, Luis‐fabian Bonilla, Pierre-Yves Bard, Etienne Bertrand, Fabrice Hollender, Hiroshi Kawase, Deborah Sicilia, Pedro Arduino, Angelo Amorosi, Dominiki Asimaki, Daniela Boldini, Long Chen, Anna Chiaradonna, Florent de Martin, Ahmed Elgamal, Gaetano Falcone, Evelyne Foerster, Sebastiano Foti, Evangelia Garini, George Gazetas, Celine Gelis, Alborz Ghofrani, Amalia Giannakou, James Gingery, Nathalie Glinsky, Joseph Harmon, Youssef Hashash, Susumu Iai, Steve Kramer, Stavroula Kontoe, Jozef Kristek, Giuseppe Lanzo, Annamaria Di Lernia, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Marianne Marot, Graeme Mcallister, E. Diego Mercerat, Silvana Montoya‐noguera, Peter Moczo, Michael Musgrove, Alex Nieto‐ferro, Alessandro Pagliaroli, Federico Passeri, Aneta Richterova, Suwal Sajana, Maria Paola Santisi D’avila, Jian Shi, Francesco Silvestri, Mahdi Taiebat, Giuseppe Tropeano, Didrik Vandeputte, Luca Verrucci. PRENOLIN: International benchmark on 1D nonlinear site‐response analysis—Validation phase exercise, 2018-01-16. (https://hal.science/hal-01693214v1)
- F Gatti, Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, D. Clouteau, V Alves Fernandes, M. Kham, F. Voldoire. Broad-band 3-D earthquake simulation at nuclear site by an all-embracing source-to-structure approach, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01859717v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Christina Khalil. Vulnerability assessment for earthquake-liquefaction-induced settlements of an embankment using gaussian processes, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01618529v1)
- Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Didier Clouteau, Roberto Paolucci. On the effect of the 3-D regional geology on the seismic design of critical structures: the case of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01691235v1)
- Bernardo Caicedo, Cristhian Mendoza, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arcesio Lizcano. Behavior of diatomaceous soil in lacustrine deposits of Bogotá, Colombia, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01715172v1)
- Silvana Montoya Noguera, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Effect of coupling excess pore pressure and soil deformation on nonlinear SSI in liquefiable soil deposits, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01576000v1)
- Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Roberto Paolucci, Didier Clouteau. Near-source effects and non-linear Site Response at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, in the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake: evidence from surface and downhole records and 1D numerical simulations, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01624887v1)
- Ioanna Rapti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, Alexandre Foucault, François Voldoire. Liquefaction analysis and damage evaluation of embankment-type structures, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01690340v1)
- Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Modeling added spatial variability due to soil improvement: Coupling FEM with binary random fields for seismic risk analysis, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01617887v1)
- Maria Paola Santisi d'Avila, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Analysis of nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction effects: 3D frame structure and 1-Directional propagation of a 3-Component seismic wave, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01708082v1)
- Elisa Ferrario, Nicola Pedroni, Enrico Zio, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Bootstrapped artificial neural networks for the seismic analysis of structural systems, 2017. (https://hal.science/hal-01494366v1)
- Angkeara Svay, Vincent Perron, Afifa Imtiaz, Zentner Irmela, Régis Cottereau, Didier Clouteau, Pierre Yves Bard, F. Hollender, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Spatial coherency analysis of seismic ground motions from a rock site dense array implemented during the Kefalonia 2014 aftershock sequence, 2017. (https://hal.science/hal-01476656v1)
- Luis Fabian Bonilla, Philippe Gueguen, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Diego Mercerat, Céline Gélis. Prediction of non-linear site response using downhole array data and numerical modeling: The Belleplaine (Guadeloupe) case study, 2017. (https://hal.science/hal-01484277v1)
- Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Effect of coupling excess pore pressure and deformation on nonlinear seismic soil response, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01071881v1)
- Rui Carrilho Gomes, Jaime A. Santos, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Validation of a Strategy to Predict Secant Shear Modulus and Damping of Soils with an Elastoplastic Model, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01176523v1)
- Ioanna Rapti, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, Alexandre Foucault, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, François Voldoire. Coupled S-P wave propagation in nonlinear regularized micromorphic media, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01306011v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, Constantine A. Stamatopoulos. Numerical Evaluation of Earthquake Settlements of Road Embankments and Its Mitigation by Preloading, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01186317v1)
- Julie Regnier, Luis Fabian Bonilla, Pierre Yves Bard, Etienne Bertrand, F. Hollender, Hiroshi Kawase, Déborah Sicilia, Pedro Arduino, Angelo Amorosi, Domniki Asimaki, Daniela Boldini, Long Chen, Anna Chiaradonna, Florent de Martin, Marco Ebrille, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, C. Gélis, Evelyne Foerster. International Benchmark on Numerical Simulations for 1D, Nonlinear Site Response (PRENOLIN): Verification Phase Based on Canonical Cases, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01383223v1)
- Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Numerical Modeling of Discrete Spatial Heterogeneity in Seismic Risk Analysis : Application to Treated Ground Soil Foundation, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01163083v1)
- Constantine A. Stamatopoulos, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi. The effect of preloading on the liquefaction cyclic strength of mixtures of sand and silt, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01191533v1)
- Vinicius Alves-Fernandes, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Sofia Costa d'Aguiar. Probabilistic analysis of numerical simulated railway track global stiffness, 2014. (https://hal.science/hal-00869179v1)
- Ana Gaspar, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, A. Gomes Correia. Methodology for a probabilistic analysis of an RCC gravity dam construction. Modelling of temperature, hydration degree and ageing degree fields, 2014. (https://hal.science/hal-00941432v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. Numerical simulation of mitigation of liquefaction seismic risk by preloading and its effects on the performance of structures, 2013. (https://hal.science/hal-00787006v1)
- Esteban Saez, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. Inelastic dynamic soil-structure interaction effects on moment-resisting frame buildings, 2013. (https://hal.science/hal-00779860v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi. Apport de la modélisation numérique dans l'analyse des risques sismiques liés à la liquéfaction, 2012. (https://hal.science/hal-00957539v1)
- Sofia Costa d'Aguiar, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, Jaime dos Santos, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Piles under cyclic axial loading : study of the friction fatigue and its importance in pile behavior, 2011. (https://hal.science/hal-00715364v1)
- Sofia Costa d'Aguiar, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, Jaime Alberto dos Santos, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Elastoplastic constitutive modelling of soil-structure interfaces under monotonic and cyclic loading, 2011. (https://hal.science/hal-00715377v1)
- Esteban Saez, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. Effect of the inelastic dynamic soil-structure interaction on the seismic vulnerability assessment, 2011. (https://hal.science/hal-00715381v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. Assessment of variability and uncertainties effects on the seismic response of a liquefiable soil profile, 2010. (https://hal.science/hal-00715383v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arezou Modaressi. Numerical simulation of liquefaction effects on seismic SSI, 2008. (https://hal.science/hal-00265121v1)
- Esteban Saez, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. Effects of non-linear soil behaviour on the seismic performance evaluation of structures, 2008. (https://hal.science/hal-00766486v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, Hormoz Modaressi. Nonlinear numerical method for earthquake site response analysis I — elastoplastic cyclic model and parameter identification strategy, 2007-07-17. (https://hal.science/hal-00179375v1)
- Constantine A. Stamatopoulos, Eleni G. Velgaki, Arezou Modaressi, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Seismic displacement of gravity walls by a two-body model, 2006. (https://hal.science/hal-00097698v1)
- Communication dans un congrès - 83 documents
- Julian Daza, Andrea Riaño, Valeria Paz Soto Moncada, Juan Carlos Reyes, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Características de las ondas de superficie en la cuenca de Bogotá, 2024-11-06. (https://hal.science/hal-04722086v1)
- Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Daniel Ruiz, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Acoplamiento termo-hidro-mecánico en el análisis de deslizamientos detonados por sismos, 2024-11-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04773289v1)
- Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti. Evaluación numérica de la amenaza sísmica de deslizamientos en los Andes Colombianos a escala regional, 2024-11-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04773219v1)
- Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Daniel Ruiz, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Umbrales de lluvia probabilistas a partir de modelos de base física para el análisis de ocurrencia de deslizamientos, 2024-11-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04773260v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Valeria Paz Soto Moncada. Assessment of the attenuation of 3D basin ground motions by a Rigid Inclusion System, 2024-09-11. (https://hal.science/hal-04740456v1)
- Clotilde Chambreuil, Cédric Giry, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. FAILURE RISK EVALUATION OF A MASONRY BRIDGE UNDER SEISMIC LOADINGS, 2024-07-01. (https://hal.science/hal-04638746v1)
- Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Silvana Montoya-Noguera. Using fragility curves in the probabilistic spatial assessment of permanent displacements of slopes, 2024-06-30. (https://hal.science/hal-04637462v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Valeria Soto Moncada. Effect of rigid inclusions on the attenuation of basin induced seismic surface waves, 2024-06-30. (https://hal.science/hal-04637445v1)
- Exneyder Montoya-Araque, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Silvana Montoya-Noguera. Evaluación de deslizamientos sísmicos mediante el cálculo de desplazamientos permanentes considerando los efectos topográficos en la propagación de onda, 2024-05-20. (https://hal.science/hal-04587171v1)
- Valeria Soto Moncada, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Coupled approach for the assessment of basin effects on the seismic demand of nonlinear structures, 2024-05-07. (https://hal.science/hal-04574722v1)
- Michail Korres, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Zentner Irmela, François Voldoire, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Simulation 3D basée sur la physique pour la réponse sismique « de la faille à la structure », 2023-11-07. (https://hal.science/hal-04290296v1)
- Michail Korres, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Zentner Irmela, Nicolas Tardieu, François Voldoire, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. A SEM/FEM weak coupling for a more accurate definition of seismic input excitation in soil-structure interaction studies: An adaptation for a massively parallel FEM resolution, 2023-07-02. (https://hal.science/hal-04290266v1)
- Valeria Soto Moncada, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Basin effects on the seismic response of a nonlinear structure, 2023-07-02. (https://hal.science/hal-04153677v1)
- Amar Alyaman, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Daniel Dias, Hussein Mroueh, Marwan Sadek, Eric Antoinet. Effect of the soil pile structure interaction in a dynamic analysis considering a linear behavior, 2023-06-12. (https://hal.science/hal-04382877v1)
- Christina Khalil, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Les effets des répliques sismiques sur le cycle de vie d'un remblai et sa fondation liquéfiable, 2023-05-23. (https://hal.science/hal-04154250v1)
- Valeria Soto, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Quantification of source- and basin-induced surface waves effects on the seismic performance of nonlinear structures, 2023-04-24. (https://hal.science/hal-04085172v1)
- Christina Khalil, Julie Régnier, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. LICORNE a benchmark on numerical method for non-linear site response analysis involving pore water pressure, 2022-09-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04519219v1)
- Christina Khalil, Julie Régnier, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Vinicius Alves-Fernandes, Anna Chiaradonna, Reine Fares, Evelyne Foerster, Stefania Gobbi, Cyril Gomes, Emmanuel Javelaud, Ziad Kteich, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Elif Oral, Maria-Paola Santisi D’avila. LICORNE a benchmark on numerical method for non-linear site response analysis involving pore water pressure, 2022-09-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04154220v1)
- Valeria Soto Moncada, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Evaluation of Source and Basin-induced Surface Waves on Seismic Performance of Non Linear Structures, 2022-04-23. (https://hal.science/hal-03817713v1)
- Valeria Soto Moncada, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Evaluation of Source and Basin-induced Surface Waves on Seismic Performance of Large Scale Structures, 2021-09. (https://hal.science/hal-03817726v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Sara Touhami. Numerical simulation of wave propagation in realistic 3D basin models, 2021. (https://hal.science/hal-02968542v1)
- Nagham Abdelrahman Alhajj Chehade, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, François Hamon, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Modélisation d'essai de liquéfaction de fondation superficielle sur table vibrante avec code_aster, 2020-11-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03767290v1)
- Michail Korres, Filippo Gatti, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, F Lopez-Caballero, Irmela Zentner, François Voldoire. A Methodology For 3d Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Using The Domain Reduction Method, 2020-09-13. (https://hal.science/hal-04680636v1)
- David Castro-Cruz, F Lopez-Caballero, Filippo Gatti. Seismic hazard analysis of complex faults using Spectral element and empirical Green's function methods, 2020-09-13. (https://hal.science/hal-04680642v1)
- Z. Zhu, M. Kham, V. Alves Fernandes, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Dynamic Response of a Central Clay Core Dam Under Two-Component Seismic Loading, 2020-06-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04488063v1)
- Michaël Darche, Bing Tie, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Adrien Renaud, Denis Aubry. Analyse modale des bandes interdites en fréquence pour la propagation des ondes dans un milieu périodique borné, 2020-01-29. (https://hal.science/hal-04534717v1)
- Cristhian Mendoza, Bernardo Caicedo, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Geotechnical behavior of Bogotá lacustrine soil through its geological history, 2019-09-01. (https://hal.science/hal-04488129v1)
- Korres Michail, F Gatti, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Zentner Irmela, François Voldoire. Impact of 3D seismic input motion definition from physics-based simulations for soil-structure interaction studies, 2019-06-24. (https://hal.science/hal-02395379v1)
- Michaël Darche, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, D. Aubry, B. Tie, B. Caicedo, F.J. Monroy Mendoza. Efficiency of a reduced model of seismic metamaterials, 2019-06-17. (https://hal.science/hal-02405115v1)
- Christina Khalil, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Effect of natural and anthropogenic soil heterogeneities on the liquefaction-induced damage of a levee, 2019-06-17. (https://hal.science/hal-02178781v1)
- Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Didier Clouteau. Numerical analysis of local geology effects on ground motion prediction, 2019-05-26. (https://hal.science/hal-03427401v1)
- Martin Colvez, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, F Gatti, Régis Cottereau. Assessing the influence of around-source deep crustal heterogeneities on the seismic wave propagation by 3-D broad-band numerical modelling, 2019-05-26. (https://hal.science/hal-02142977v1)
- Christina Khalil, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Effect of synthetic ground motions on the liquefaction induced settlements, 2019-05-26. (https://hal.science/hal-02142979v1)
- F Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Predicting short-period spectral ordinates of hybrid ground shaking prediction tools: a comparative benchmark, 2019-05-26. (https://hal.science/hal-02142978v1)
- Claudia Aristizabal, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Comparison Between Two Surrogate Models for Embankment Earthquake-Liquefaction-Induced Settlements Prediction, 2019-05-26. (https://hal.science/hal-03678986v1)
- Martin Colvez, Régis Cottereau, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Influence sur les ondes sismiques des hétérogénéités en champ proche de la source et sur le chemin de propagation, 2019-05-13. (https://hal.science/hal-04824635v1)
- Christina Khalil, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. The effect of liquefaction-induced damage on an embankment: “virtual” laboratory tests, 2019-05-06. (https://hal.science/hal-02177243v1)
- Kristel Carolina Meza Fajardo, Apostolos S Papageorgiou, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Charisis Chatzigogos, Jean-François Semblat, Hideo Aochi. MODULATE: ANR project for the modeling of long period ground motions and the assessment of their effects on large-scale infrastructures, 2019-04-07. (https://brgm.hal.science/hal-01958095v1)
- Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Silvana Montoya-Noguera, Evelyne Foerster, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Jacquet Mathieu, Didrik Vandeputte. Epistemic uncertainty quantification for 1d ground response analysis using fully nonlinear models, 2019-01-17. (https://hal.science/hal-04494719v1)
- Martin Colvez, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Filippo Gatti, Régis Cottereau. On the effect of around-source crustal heterogeneities on 3-d regional seismic wave field, 2019-01-17. (https://hal.science/hal-04494730v1)
- M. Darche, D. Aubry, B. Tie, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Scattering at an Interface Using Bloch Wave Theory: Application to Seismic Metamaterials, 2018-07-22. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01847453v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Numerical evaluation of fragility curves for earthquake liquefaction induced settlements of a levee using Gaussian Processes, 2018-06-25. (https://hal.science/hal-01851762v1)
- Filippo Gatti, Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Dimitris Pitilakis. 3-D source-to-site numerical investigation on the earthquake ground motion coherency in heterogeneous soil deposits, 2018-06-25. (https://hal.science/hal-01851736v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, E. Diego Mercerat. Damage Evaluation Of RC Building With Soil-Structure Interaction By Seismic Interferometry: A Numerical Case Study, 2018-06-18. (https://hal.science/hal-01851758v1)
- Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Didier Clouteau. Numerical analysis of the effects of regional and local geology on ground motion prediction, 2018-06-18. (https://hal.science/hal-01851753v1)
- Stefania Gobbi, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Davide Forcellini. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS ON THE EFFECT OF LIQUEFACTION ON STRUCTURES, 2018-06-18. (https://hal.science/hal-01851750v1)
- Elif Oral, Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. 3D Spectral Element Modeling of Near Source Effects Including Kinematic Rupture and Finite-Fault Effects, 2018-06-18. (https://hal.science/hal-01851739v1)
- Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, D. Clouteau, Roberto Paolucci, Lúcio de Abreu Corrêa. Broad-band 3-D physics-based simulation of earthquake-induced wave-field at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (Japan): an all-embracing source-to-site approach, 2018-06-18. (https://hal.science/hal-01851734v1)
- E. El Haber, Cécile Cornou, D. Youssef Abdelmassih, Denis Jongmans, T. Al-Bittar, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Effect of the 2D Spatial Variability of Linear Soil Properties on the Variability of Surface Ground Motion Coherency, 2018-06-10. (https://hal.science/hal-04488185v1)
- E. Youssef, E. El Haber, D. Abdel Massih, C. Cornou, T. Al Bitar, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Selection of Physical 2D Probabilistic Realizations of Shear Wave Velocity Random Field Based on Dispersion Curves Derived from MASW Numerical Experiment, 2018-06-10. (https://hal.science/hal-04494705v1)
- Sara Touhami, F Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Fabrice Hollender, Edward Marc Cushing. Argostoli site, from site test to numerical model: a holistic approach, 2018-05. (https://hal.science/hal-01851742v1)
- F Gatti, Luciano de Carvalho Paludo, Angkeara Svay, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Régis Cottereau, Didier Clouteau. Investigation of the earthquake ground motion coherence in heterogeneous non-linear soil deposits, 2017-09-10. (https://hal.science/hal-01586963v1)
- Sara Touhami, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Structure-soil-structure interaction analysis of NUPEC test cases, 2017-06-15. (https://hal.science/hal-03144472v1)
- Stefania Gobbi, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Davide Forcellini. Numerical analysis of soil liquefaction induced failure of embankments, 2017-06-15. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02457302v1)
- F Gatti, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Lúcio de Abreu Corrêa, D Clouteau, R Paolucci. PHYSICS-BASED SCENARIO OF THE 2007 CHUETSU-OKI EARTHQUAKE, 2017-06-14. (https://hal.science/hal-01546804v1)
- Christina Khalil, Ioanna Rapti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Numerical Evaluation of Fragility Curves for Earthquake-Liquefaction-Induced Settlements of an Embankment, 2017. (https://hal.science/hal-01851764v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Fabian Bonilla, Sofia Costa d'Aguiar, C. Voivret. Evaluation of the dynamic behaviour of railway soil foundations using in-situ buried instrumentation, 2016-04-05. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02457303v1)
- Fabrice Hollender, Vincent Perron, Afifa Imtiaz, Angkeara Svay, Armand Mariscal, Pierre-Yves Bard, Régis Cottereau, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Marc Cushing, Nikos Theodoulidis, Denis Moiriat. Close to the lair of Odysseus Cyclops: the SINAPS@ post- seismic campaign and accelerometric network installation on Kefalonia island, 2015-11-30. (https://insu.hal.science/insu-01742635v1)
- Catherine Berge-Thierry, Pierre-Yves Bard, Thomas Chartier, Régis Cottereau, Etienne Bertrand, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Didier Clouteau, Stéphane Grange, Silvano Erlicher, Fabrice Hollender, Panagiotis Kotronis, Maria Lancieri, Aurore Laurendeau, Alain Le Maoult, Nadim Moussallam, Marc Nicolas, Frédéric Ragueneau, Jean-François Semblat, François Voldoire. Le projet SINAPS@: vers une évaluation intégrée du risque sismique pour la sûreté nucléaire, 2015-11-30. (https://insu.hal.science/insu-01742674v1)
- Ana Pimentel T. Gaspar, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi, A. Gomes Correia. Probabilistic numerical modeling of an RCC dam during construction, 2015-09-13. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02458668v1)
- Elisa Ferrario, Nicola Pedroni, Enrico Zio, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Application of metamodel-based techniques for the efficient seismic analysis of structural systems, 2015-09-07. (https://hal.science/hal-01270627v1)
- Filippo Gatti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Didier Clouteau. One-dimensional seismic soil response at the nuclear power plant of kashiwazaki-kariwa during the 2007 niigata-chuetsu-oki earthquake, 2015-09-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02455818v1)
- Maria Paola Santisi d'Avila, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. Analysis of Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on the response of Three-Dimensional Frame Structures using a One-Direction Three-ComponentWave Propagation Model, 2015-09-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01238283v1)
- Ioanna Rapti, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, A. Foucault, F. Voldoire. Seismic evaluation of embankment-type structures with coupled hydro-mechanical model, 2015-05-25. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02457304v1)
- Ioanna Rapti, A. Foucault, F. Voldoire, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi. Strain localization of a soil column due to seismic loading, 2014-09-22. (https://hal.science/hal-02457305v1)
- Ana Patricia Pimentel Torres Gaspar, Antonio Gomes Correia, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi. Efeito de incertezas na modelação numérica da construção de uma barragem em BCC, 2014-04-06. (https://hal.science/hal-04770169v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, Maryam Tabbakhha. Effects of soil foundation on the performance of masonry buildings, 2011-07-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04603193v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Ana Patricia Pimentel Torres Gaspar, António Gomes-Correia. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of FWD test, 2011-06-09. (https://hal.science/hal-03857304v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of laboratory test simulations using an elastoplastic model, 2010-06-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03112810v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Esteban Saez, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi. Evaluation of liquefaction countermeasure effects on the performance of structures, 2009. (https://hal.science/hal-02971080v1)
- Esteban Saez, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi. Effet du comportement non-linéaire du sol sur les méthodes de dimensionnement en déplacement, 2007-07-04. (https://hal.science/hal-00272669v1)
- Esteban Saez, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi. NON-LINEAR SSI EFFECTS ON THE SEISMIC PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, 2007-06-25. (https://hal.science/hal-00272627v1)
- Esteban Saez, Dimitris Pitilakis, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. EVALUATION OF NON LINEAR SSI EFFECTS FOLLOWING AN EQUIVALENT LINEAER APPROACH, 2007-05-21. (https://hal.science/hal-00272631v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi. Influence de la variabilité des données géotechniques sur la réponse sismique des sols – Cas de la liquéfaction, 2007. (https://hal.science/hal-00272671v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi. Prise en compte des effets de la liquéfaction du sol sur la réponse d'une structure, 2007. (https://hal.science/hal-00272668v1)
- Sofia Costa-d'Aguiar, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi, Jaime Santos. Implication of soil behavior in load transfer mechanisms of axially loaded single piles, 2007. (https://hal.science/hal-00270249v1)
- Esteban Saez, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi. EFFECTS OF SSI ON THE CAPACITY SPECTRUM METHOD, 2006-09-01. (https://hal.science/hal-00272663v1)
- Dimitris Pitilakis, Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arézou Modaressi, Didier Clouteau. Soil-structure interaction: linear, equivalent linear and nonlinear approximation for the soil behavior modeling; a comparative study, 2006-04-18. (https://hal.science/hal-04722009v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Pauline Souloumiac, Arézou Modaressi. Influence of variability of geotechnical data on the seismic ground response, 2006. (https://hal.science/hal-00272664v1)
- Sofia Costa-d'Aguiar, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi, Jaime Santos. Influence of the soil behaviour in the bearing capacity and load settlement response of a single pile, 2006. (https://hal.science/hal-00270243v1)
- Dimitris Pitilakis, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi, Didier Clouteau. Effects of the soil non-linearity on the soil-foundation-structure interaction, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-00273025v1)
- Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arézou Modaressi. Modélisation numérique des inclusions rigides comme solution aux problèmes de liquéfaction, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-00270257v1)
- Dimitris Pitilakis, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Didier Clouteau, Arézou Modaressi. Soil-Structure Interaction analysis using an equivalent linear model for the soil - a real case application, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-00270253v1)
- POSTER - 2 documents
- Mouhammed Achhab, Emmanuelle Baudry, Didier Clouteau, R El Mesri, Amélie Fau, Hugo Gabrielidis, Filippo Gatti, Fabrice Gatuingt, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Cédric Giry, Céline Hudelot, Pierre Jehel, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, É Massoulié, Gianluca Quercini, Emmanuel Vazquez, Frédéric Ragueneau, Stéphane Vialle. MINERVE - Un jumeau numérique pour gérer l'infrastructure ferroviaire, 2023-02-09. (https://hal.science/hal-03999654v1)
- Edward Marc Cushing, Sara Touhami, Fabrice Hollender, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Denis Moiriat, Cédric Guyonnet-Benaize, Nikolaos Theodoulidis, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Sophie Sepulcre, Pierre-Yves Bard, Cécile Cornou, Aline Dechamp, Armand Marsical, Zafeiria Roumelioti. Building a Three Dimensional Model of Plio-Quaternary Basin of Argostoli (Cephalonia Island, Greece) From an Integrated Geophysical and Geological Approach to Perform Numerical Simulations of Seismic Motion, 2019-04-23. (https://hal.science/hal-04095339v1)
- Chapitre d'ouvrage - 3 documents
- Christian Noubissi, Reza Taherzadeh, Guillaume Puel, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Parameters for Tunneling in Urban Area, 2021-01-15. (https://hal.science/hal-03227607v1)
- Fernando Lopez‐caballero, Arezou Modaressi. Uncoupled elasto plastic dynamic response of dams, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-02396697v1)
- Jean Biarez, Antonio Gomes-Correia, Fernando Lopez-Caballero. From very small strains to failure, 2005. (https://hal.science/hal-00270233v1)
- Rapport - 1 document
- Filippo Gatti, David Alejandro Castro Cruz, Fernando Lopez‐caballero. SEM3D-High-resolution seismic wave propagation modelling from the fault to the structure for realistic earthquake scenarios. GENCI Allocation A0080410444, 2021. (https://hal.science/hal-04450043v1)
- Pré-publication, Document de travail - 1 document
- F Gatti, Sara Touhami, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Roberto Paolucci, D. Clouteau, Vinicius Alves Fernandes, M. Kham, F. Voldoire. Broad-band 3-D earthquake simulation at nuclear site by an all-embracing source-to-structure approach, 2018-08-23. (https://hal.science/hal-01860115v1)